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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Grateful for the NCW

I, for one, am very grateful for this charism, the NCW.  How can one be so ungrateful especially after seeing the fruits from first hand experience?  Many thanks to RMS priests such as Father Alberto, Father Nino, Father Santiago, Father Edivaldo, Father Krysztof and other priests and deacons who encouraged people like us to join the Way.  How grateful they would be to see us continuing our walk and bearing fruits.  Some of the fruits of the Way include:

1.  Families who are open to life. 
2.  Mission families who are willing to leave everything behind to evangelize. 
3.  Celibacy among single people.
4.  Itinerants who are willing to evangelize in other countries.  
5.  Community members who forgive others and ask forgiveness from those whom they have wronged. 
6.  The faith being transmitted in the family from parents to children.
7.  The calling of members into the priesthood or the monastery.
8.  Marriages were saved.

Of course, we are no better than our brothers who are not walking in the Way.  We all face the same problems and struggles.  From time to time, even we fall into sin.  But the most important thing is that Christ is there to help us get up so that we can continue our walk. After all, salvation is a process, a journey toward holiness.  I, for one, am very grateful that God was able to help me and my family through this charism.  I am most especially grateful to the RMS priest who encouraged us to attend the first catechesis. The happiness of a priest would be to bring his sheep to God for that is his role.     

The NCW is not for everyone, but God allowed so many different charisms in the Catholic Church to meet the unique needs of His people.  I, for one, am grateful for this charism.        


  1. In 2006 Pope Benedict wrote Kiko that obedience to the Pope in regards to their Mass alterations would make the NCW "more effective." (Approval for alterations in Mass are not in the approved statutes of 2008 - check footnote 49, nor the Directories approved in 2010, nor any Dubia, Indult, etc. The expected approval for these additions and deletions in the NCW Mass did not happen in January 2012 at the Vatican when thousands went to see the Pope. Strange that this expected approval was even needed when the NCW leaders claim that it is in their Statutes.) The many good traits of the NCW are diminished by the NCW's disobedience. Hopefully, there will be many NCW members that will encourage their leaders to be faithful so that their evangelization can be "more effective"as per Pope Benedict XVI's wishes in 2006. One can also read in the special re-release of his book "Spirit of the Liturgy" in 2018 his wishes have not changed from those in the past.
    In St. John Paul II's Eucharistic Encyclical in 2004 and followup instruction Sacramentum Redemptionis that he mandated Cardinal Arinze to write on his behalf, he says in SR (183) "in an altogether particular manner, let everyone do all that is in their power to ensure that the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist will be protected from any and every irreverence or distortion and that all abuses be thoroughly corrected. This is a most serious duty incumbent upon each and every one, and all are bound to carry it out without any favouritism."
    The liturgical abuses in the NCW Mass have been curtailed in Guam by the Archbishop, but unfortunately remain in most NCW communities throughout the world.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:37 pm, 

      More effective you say? I have news for you. As I pointed out in the OP, those are some of the fruits produced by the NCW. Now YOU, who practiced the most perfect form of the Mass, what fruits did you produce before the NCW came to Guam??? You couldn't even produce 17 priests for the Archdiocese. How many Guam youth did you send on pilgrimages before the NCW came here? None!

    2. Dear Anonymous at 1:37 pm,

      Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) and Saint Pope John Paul II have celebrated the Eucharist with the brothers of the Way. I am sure someone will post pictorial evidence of these events.


    3. The issue here is that you are making the statement that the NEOCAT way of celebrating the eucharist is somehow in conflict with the Roman. The vatican has not produced any documental evidence because it does not need it.
      The vatican has basically allowed the Eucharist to continue, (with some minor changes) as a way of saying that we are celebrating the Eucharist as the Roman Missal dictates. Maybe even more faithful, since the Roman missal states that the sign is made better with an actual unleavened bread where most Church use what seems like a piece of paper.

    4. Precisely the reason the NCW has all these fruits is because the liturgy is celebrated the way it is celebrated. Which is to help the brothers enter into reconciliation and into the liturgy itself. This is something the 2nd Vatican Council has been advocating. Which is the eucharist instituted by Christ as a gift to the people not the people as a gift to the Eucharist.
      This reminds me of the pharisees who where irrate at the disciples of Christ for breaking the sabbath and Christ has to tell the pharisees that the sabbath is for man, not man for the sabbath.
      The Eucharist is celebrated the same in hundreds of countries and thousands of dioceses by the NCW if it where a problem, (considering how overzealous we ALL are in following the Holy Seed, a characteristic many saints have had and been persecuted for by people in Church throughout history) it would have been stopped already.
      I've seen things change in the way at the blink of an eye because a bishop has requested it. We always strive for obedience something that ccog, or jungle could not claim.
      We fight for what God inspires us to be morally right, but we submit to what God speaks through the authority of the Holy Catholic Roman and Apostolic Church.

  2. Dear Diana, I hope I might say a few words after being silent for long. The commenter whose identity nevertheless remains hidden made a point of conformity to the Catholic Church. This is what members who attend a Neocatechumenal mass would like to see and experience that we belong to the Catholic Church. We don't want to convince other people, we would like to feel it by ourselves from inside.

    It is no secret that I oppose the echoes during mass. The echo in NCW is a very special kind of genre, also might be called a testimony. I think testimonies are very important part of our faith life but not necessarily duing holy mass. A session of individual talks would disrupt the flow of the holy mass, interfere with the transmission of grace and make it harder to keep our focus on the Holy Mystery that is at the center of the celebration.

    Of course, the fruits of the NCW speak for themselves. We also should know that many traditional Catholic families provide the same fruits by good education, even though it is not called "fruits". Ultimate authority of raising the kids, the next generation of Catholics duly lies with the family. Family is better controling the moral purity of the transmission of faith that any other institution.

    1. The Traditional Latin Mass Catholics provide the same fruits? Really?
      Having a good education is not called a fruit cuz it isn't a fruit. You don't even need to be a Christian to have a good education.

      Compare having a good education with a mission family who gave up everything to evangelize in a foreign country, and the mission family is the fruit. The mission family brings Jesus Christ to people, but the one who got a good education only helped himself. Getting a good education is a good thing, but it's only serves the person who earned the degree. The family in mission announcing Jesus Christ to the world serves God. As for the echoes, that's approved by the Vatican. Those echoes helped some of the brothers in the community.

    2. I agree. The traditional Latin mass is not the fruit. The fruit is coming from God and that is what is called fruit. Because God provides and brings good things to my life. God provides good things to the brothers. Bringing the Word of God to people is from God because mission is coming from God. How beautiful it is to bring the Kerygma to people. You just cannot do it unless God calls you for this particular fruit. How can traditional mass produce this kind of fruit, I beg?

      Traditional mass is overrated. It is self-serving to make you feel good beacuse you attended Sunday mass together with your folks. Good. But is this a true fruit? Will people embrace the Kerygma because of that and the cross of God that is a blessing? I am blessed by God who gave me my cross to carry, just as my brothers do. This is fruit! Those people run away from their cross because they run away from God. Perhaps, they haven't heard the Kerygma yet, that God sent His Son to redeem me and you. So go and tell them! Bring the Word of God to people.

      Attacking the echo is not right. Echoes help my brother to see how I carry my cross and bring the Word of God to people. It helps me that my brother speaks up his mind about how God touches his life every day. This gives courage. Courage is coming from God. My brother was touched by the Word of God and told me truly nice things. I was touched! This what true brothers do.

      Have you talked to your co-worker about God recently? Bring him the Kerygma and he will be blessed, as well. Families are united, marriages are saved, children are transmitted to faith. This is fruit, if you have not known before. This is what the communities are all about. We do this for God. God does this for me and for my brothers. If God wanted me to walk, then who am I to say no to my catechist?

    3. Dear anonymous, I did not say that. My point was that the love of God is poured out on everyone, no matter which denomination or direction you follow. We would like to identify with the Catholic Church in conformity.

      I am fine that neither of you reveal your identity. It is a common trait though with other Catholic blogs on Guam. Tim Rohr started anonymous comments on JungleWatch. I understand that people are in fear that their identity would be exposed. The Catholic Answer Forum, in contrast, does not permit anonymous comments. Still, is a very popular blog for the faithful Catholics.

      I did not attack the practice of echoing. It is about what God's Word speaks to one's life. It is proper outside of mass. However, echoing during mass has not been approved by Vatican. It is misconception, because it was not included in the approved Statutes. Please, check what I say, look up your Statutes and verify that it is the truth what I am saying.

      Dean anonymous, I did not talk about the catechists. I apologize if I caused confusion, it was not my intention. But why are you mentioning your catechist?

    4. Dear anon

      The traditional Latin mass was good for a certain type of christian who already held the values that you are referring to as fruits. Those values are good, but they are the same values that are produced by muslims, jewish people, even atheist produce those same good value. I personally do not consider them fruit.
      There is a reason why, during that time of the Church, there where so many controversial saints (for their time). Because the spirit of Christ, the adult christian has to be made present in every generation. However these saints where not a direct fruit of any type of education. Most of them had their own epiphany and taught themselves to have a relationship with Christ. Many times thanks to other priests who had contact with the word unlike the majority of people.
      The only fruits of Christianity is to love your enemy, and to enter into suffering willingly as Christ did. These are works of eternal life.
      The NCW attempts to produce those fruits by giving the knowledge of the saints, by encouraging an absolute abandonment into the the will of God (gradually). And by introducing them into the life of prayer of the church among other things. All this done in a real way with a need for eucheminism as the vatican puts it. Which is why it makes sense to have a more participant liturgy where the person is not just a spectator but a participant in the history of salvation of the church.

      Hence the echoes. Hence why the church has defended the way we do the liturgy in crucial moments. Many even within the church have wanted to introduce this to the church but has deemed it imprudent. They have allowed us to continue because we are in a context of education and formation. Hence why the whole initial catechesis has a strong class on the history of the Eucharist.
      It has all been thanks to the work of Fr Farnes, liturgist and theologist and has been approved by the prefect of the faith through the approval of not only the statues by the approval of the catechetical directory.

    5. Dear Zoltan, 

      The echoes were approved by the Vatican and are indirectly mentioned in the approved statutes under the footnote number 49. The footnote made reference to the letter by Cardinal Arinze, dated 2005, which stated:

      3. The homily, because of its nature and importance, is reserved to the priest or deacon (cf. Codex Iuris Canonici, can. 767 § 1). As for the occasional contribution of testimonies on the part of the lay faithful, the proper places and methods for these are indicated in the Interdicasterial Instruction “Ecclesiae de Mysterio,” which was approved “in specific form” by Pope John Paul II and published on August 15, 1997. In this document, sections 2 and 3 of article 3 read as follows: 

      §2 - “It is permitted to have a brief instruction that helps explain better the liturgy that is being celebrated, and even, in exceptional circumstances, a few testimonies, as long as these conform to the liturgical norms, are offered on the occasion of Eucharistic liturgies celebrated on particular days (for seminarians, the sick, etc.), and are thought truly helpful as an illustration of the regular homily delivered by the celebrating priest. These instructions and testimonies must not assume characteristics that might cause them to be confused with the homily.” 

    6. Dear Diana, I am sorry but I have to contradict. Ecclesiae de Mysterio is not about echoing during the mass proper. It says the following things, as you quoted, about permitted testimonies:

      1. it is only in exceptional circumstances,
      2. it s for liturgies celebrated on particular days, for example on a mass offered for the sick, for the deceased, etc.,
      3. it is done after the homily delivered by the celebrating priest.

      None of these applies to the echoes as performed in the Neocatechumenal Way during a Catholic mass. So one cannot say Vatican approved that. Testimonies at a regular mass are usually delivered at the time of announcements, after the Eucharist was consumed. So they do not interfere with the flow of grace from the Holy Mystery of Christ's Sacrifice during mass.

    7. Dear Zoltan, 

      I was not referring to "Ecclesiae de Mysterio". I was referring to Cardinal Arinze's letter. His letter stated that the "contribution of testimonies on the part of the lay faithful....was approved “in specific form” by Pope John Paul II...." The contribution of testimonies are the echoes, and these echoes should not be confused as a homiy.

    8. I talked about my catechist because we are all made in the image of God. My catechist called me to be a fruit. I follow the image that is expressed by my catechist. God is love and it is the fruit of the Neocatechumenal Way that I know this love. This is something very special that we know the love of God in my community.

      Is this the latest that you attack echo? In the echo God talks pure love to my life. My brothers bring their mysery and place it in the hand of God. If this is not love then what is? The girl who is mistreated by her father, the brother who has a dying mother or someone made a claim on his house. I don't say more as whatever is said behing the doors remains behind the doors.

      I remain anonymous for protection because of the bullies who go after my family. Diana told about the professor who was threatened by his job because walking in the Neocatechumenal Way. Yes, I fear of them, because Satan wants to destroy. Who wants trouble for my family?

    9. Dear Diana, yes, the Arinze letter says that.

    10. Dear Zoltan, I don't understand why do you say echo is permitted only

      "1. in exceptional circumstances,
      2. for liturgies celebrated on particular days, for example on a mass offered for the sick, for the deceased, etc.,
      3. after the homily delivered by the celebrating priest."

      This does not make sense to me. Look, we celebrate echo at the Eucharist. Do you say it is wrong? Why? Eucharist is already exceptional, because it is on the Day of the Lord. For masses for the sick and the deceased, that is a different kind of mass I don't want to divulge into. I used to echo before the homily of the celebrating presbyter. There is nothing wrong with that. Our presbyters are highly educated consecrated people of God who know how to say a homily. If they say it is okay then who am I to say it is not okay?!

      I think you were misguided by jungle propaganda. They say all the bad things about the NCW liturgy because they hate us. Look where their hate led them? Collapsing families, lawsuits, discontent. That is where they ended up. Just the opposite of everything we offer in the NCW as a fruit, building families, saving marriages, making peace.

      So I think it would be better to talk to your catechist to ask spiritual guidance. You have to decide if you go with the haters or with the lovers. What you say is not true at all because it was approved by Vatican and by the Arinze letter as Diana and Jokers Wild explained it to you. Thank you.

    11. Dear Anonymous, you ask me:

      "I don't understand why do you say echo is permitted only

      1. in exceptional circumstances,
      2. for liturgies celebrated on particular days, for example on a mass offered for the sick, for the deceased, etc.,
      3. after the homily delivered by the celebrating priest."

      Well, because this is precisely what the Arinze letter says from 2006. The officially approved Statutes of the Neocatechumenal Way, released in 2008, does not give any permission to say echoes during a weekend mass.

    12. Dear Zoltan,

      You are incorrect. According to the 2008 approved Statutes under EUCHARIST Article 13 Section 3:

      "§ 3. For the celebration of the Eucharist in the small communities the approved liturgical books of the Roman Rite are followed, with the exception of the explicit concessions from the Holy See.49"

      Notice that the entire Article 13 is only about the EUCHARIST. Section 3 has a footnote.....49. According to the footnote #49:

      "49 See Benedict XVI, Speech to the Neocatechumenal Communities on January 12, 2006, in Notitiae 41 (2005), 554–556; CONGREGATION FOR DIVINE WORSHIP, Letter of December 1, 2005 in Notitiae 41 (2005), 563–565; “Notification of the Congregation for Divine Worship on celebrations in groups of the Neocatechumenal Way,” L’Osservatore Romano, December 24, 1988: “The Congregation consents that among the adaptations foreseen by the instruction “Actio Pastoralis”, nn. 6-11, the
      groups of the above-mentioned “Way” may receive communion under two species, always with unleavened bread, and transfer “ad experimentum” the Rite of Peace to after the Prayer of the Faithful.”

      First of all, Arinze's letter was written solely on the Eucharist. There were six things listed in Arinze's letter and ALL SIX was referring to the Holy Eucharist. In fact, this is how his letter started:

      "To the esteemed Mr. Kiko Argüello, Ms. Carmen Hernandez, and Rev. Father Mario Pezzi,

      Following the conversations with this Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments on the celebration of the Most Holy Eucharist in the communities of the Neocatechumenal Way, in keeping with the guidelines issued in the meeting with you on November 11 of this year, I am to inform you of the Holy Father’s decisions.

      In the celebration of the Holy Mass, the Neocatechumenal Way shall accept and follow the liturgical books approved by the Church, without omitting or adding anything. Furthermore, in regard to some elements the guidelines and clarifications are emphasized as follows:......"

      It then goes on to list what those six items were, and ALL SIX was referring to the Eucharist. There was no mention of word celebration in his letter. Therefore, the NCW had permission from the Holy See to have echoes in the Eucharist before the homily.

    13. Dear Diana, in my community echoes are said during Holy Mass by community members before the homily of the priest. It is in direcy conflict with the instruction of the Arinze letter, quote "in exceptional circumstances, a few testimonies, as long as these conform to the liturgical norms, are offered (...) as an illustration of the regular homily delivered by the celebrating priest."

      You said this about a year ago: "It was no longer Arinze's letter that the NCW was told to follow. It was the instructions that Kiko received from Pope Benedict in that private meeting, which took place in 2007."

      So you know what I am talking about. Sr. Louise O’ Rourke, a canon lawyer for the Archdiocese of Dublin wrote a research paper at the Saint Paul University in Ottawa titled An exploration of the liturgical variations permitted for use by the Neo-Catechumenate Way.

      She states in her research paper: "The provisional Statutes [of the NCW] (2002) allowed that the readings from the liturgy of the Word be commented upon by the catechists of the group, who make lengthy 'admonitions' followed by 'resonances' [echoes] from many of those present (article 13). In the approved Statutes of 2008, there is no trace of the 'resonances' [echoes]. It is mentioned only in article 11, which concerns the weekday celebrations of the Word, which each community holds with its own catechists."

      She also states: [GIRM] "does make provision for lay people to preach if necessity requires or if seems advantageous in particular cases. However, it is not advocated as the norm. Redemptionis Sacramentum n.74 (RS) further elaborates:

      If the need arises for the gathered faithful to be given instruction or testimony by a layperson in a Church concerning the Christian life, it is altogether preferable that this be done outside Mass. [...] This should not become a regular practice, however. [... ] SC 28 further backs this up, 'In liturgical celebrations each person, minister or layman, who has an office to perform, should do all of, but only, those parts which pertain to his office by the nature of the rite and the principles of liturgy.'"

    14. Dear Zoltan,

      On the contrary. I was not referring to the echoes a year ago. I was referring to the way we received the Body of Christ. There was a meeting with Kiko and the Pope regarding holy communion, (not the echoes), and that is what should be followed rather than Arinze's letter.

      The only changes that Archbishop Byrnes made was to celebrate inside the Church building and to consume the Body of Christ standing up. The NCW followed his instructions. Notice that Archbishop Byrnes did not do away with the echoes? The NCW will follow what the Pope says and also what the Archbishop says. The NCW will not follow you because you are not the Pope or the Archbishop. And Archbishop Byrnes made no changes to the echoes.

    15. I think AB Byrnes was trying to appease the jungle when he made those changes. Byrnes knows that Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict celebrate the Eucharist the same way we do.

    16. Dear Anonymous at 1:18 pm,

      I agree. The main thing the jungle has been complaining about is how we receive the Body of Christ. The NCW used to receive it sitting down. That changed and we receive His Body standing up. But the jungle still complained. This time, they complained that we are not consuming the Body immediately. I also think Archbishop Byrnes instructed us to consume the Body of Christ immediately after receiving it to appease the jungle. However, they're still not satisfied. There are a few who are now complaining that we are not allowing anyone to receive the Body of Christ by tongue. There is no end to their complaints because what they really want is to have no NCW. One cannot compromise with those who only looks at the demise of the NCW.

      Furthermore, the jungle is trying to convince people that the NCW now controls the government. Sadly, there will be a few people who will fall for it. Lou and Josh won the election because they were voted in by a majority of those who are NOT walking on the Way.

    17. Dear Diana, I am a liberal person. As for me, you do as you wish. But I would like to feel as a Catholic at Holy Mass. That is why conformity os important. Especially if there are written instructions.

    18. Diana, Zoltan's echoes in the community were more like a homily. I think he's complaining cuz he was was told a few times not to make a homily. He's probably not sure what an echo is.

    19. Dear Zoltan,

      According to Pope Francis:

      "The Holy Spirit continues to give Christians different gifts and to call them to share those gifts with each other in a community marked by forgiveness and "unity in diversity," Pope Francis said on Pentecost.....

      The other temptation, he said, is to seek unity without tolerating diversity. "Here, unity becomes uniformity, where everyone has to do everything together and in the same way, always thinking alike."

      The beauty about the Catholic Church is that there is unity in such richness of diversity. So, let us follow Pope Francis. The NCW is already over 50 years old. If we are doing something wrong, the Pope would have corrected us by now. Instead, all we hear are jungle complaints.

    20. Dear Anonymous at 4:32pm,

      I walk in the Chalan Pago Community. Practically all of Zoltan's echoes have been homilies. Presbyters have admonished him to share rather than give a homily. Our Presbyters and catechists continually remind us that our echoes are to be brief and related to the readings of the Celebration. From my experience of knowing Zoltan since he first started walking is that his echoes are long and more academic and interpretive of the celebration readings. Zoltan does not echo much anymore. We just pray that all our brothers receive a word from the celebrations.

    21. Dear Diana, you quote Pope Francis: "a community [is} marked by forgiveness and unity in diversity". I am happy that a diversity of opinions and approaches is tolerated and accepted in the Catholic Church. This is truly the work of the Spirit.

      Dear Anonymous, you say "I remain anonymous for protection because of the bullies who go after my family. Diana told about the professor who was threatened by his job because walking in the Neocatechumenal Way. Yes, I fear of them, because Satan wants to destroy. Who wants trouble for my family?"

      I understand your fear. Standing up and take responsibility for your opinion is risky business, indeed. Especially to give your name to what you say. It was Tim Rohr who started to employ a host of Anonymous comments to multiply his view. It just spread. Why don't you ask Diana who the professor was who was threatened by Junglewatch?

      All I can tell you take courage. A university professor might have had a heart attack and might have endured a multiple bypass surgery, but otherwise he is fine. God loves you. Take life seriously and trust your fate on the Lord.

    22. Dear Zoltan, I see your brothers from Chalan Pago say you might not say echo correctly. You could have the wrong idea of what echo is. Echo is God's Word speaking to my life. We celebrate the Word because God is holy and his Word is holy. In his love for me He speaks to my life through his Word. This is echo. You ought to listen.

      I don't know if this is in disobedience to the catechists, I rather think is it pride. Smart people are proud and approach God with their smart mind. Zoltan, you are a smart person. We have to take our pride to low burner because Satan is leading us astray by pride. When I am disobedient to my catechist, it is not just as to a lay person. He is a lay person, but the charism of the Way is expressed by the Holy Spirit through my catechist who was anointed. We are all anointed in some sense, as the believer is also priest, prophet and king.

      Therefore, I am obedient to my catechist and abandon my foolish ways especially my pride. My catechist told me to become a fruit. When I am proud, the fruit becomes sour by Satan. This is the price I pay for my pride. Then people spit out the sour fruit because who wants the sweet to be soured?

    23. Dear Anonymous at 10:11 AM,

      I don't think how Zoltan echoes is because of pride. I don't see Zoltan as a prideful person. I believe Zoltan echoes the way he does due to his training as a math professor. He can't help himself being analytical.

      Brothers in our Guam communities include lawyers, physicians, dentists, business and government leaders. Like Zoltan, I don't see any of them with pride going to their heads. Walking in the Way, we all come to know that we are weak and that God loves us as we are. AFter all, each of us are born naked and will die without whatever possessions we have.

    24. Dear anonymous 12:17 thanks for calling attention to the different background of people that cannot be uniformized. But I guess anonymous 10:11 has already made up her/his mind. I wonder if she/he would be willing to accept a different approach to walking or just close the door to shut out all challenges.

      Dear anonymous 10:11, you invoke Satan as working behind the pride of people. But pride should never be confused with dignity. We have dignity because of our faith in Jesus Christ. I hardly ever talk about Satan, because he is dumb and
      a coward, so he would not come unless his name is invoked. The devil does not have the big picture of the whole creation, he is in the details only, but whenever you invoke his name, he will come out.

      You say I don't know echo correctly. What do you mean by a correct echo?

      Dear anonymous 12:50, you say "I remain anonymous for protection because of the bullies who go after my family. (...) Yes, I fear of them, because Satan wants to destroy. Who wants trouble for my family?"

      I understand you. But how do you know the difference between being anonymous to protect your family and to make vicious comments to attack your brother?

    25. Alright, but Zoltan said the echo is not approved in the Statutes. Whu not? He had to be corrected.

    26. Dear Anonymous at 10:32 am, 

      Sometimes, we need to look at a person's history to understand the real problem underneath. A brother I know stopped playing the drums after he was criticized for being a lousy drummer. He no longer pursued being a cantor because of that criticism. Although he never expressed that the music of the Way was wrong, I saw how that criticism have an impact on his behavior. 

      A sister in my community was also mocked and laughed at because of the way she echoed. Her echoes are not homilies at all, but I saw the damage it caused her. After that, I noticed she stopped echoing.

      They say that sticks and stones can break bones, but words can never hurt. This is false. Words can shatter a soul.

  3. I believe the communities to be very obedient to the Arinze Letter which is ultimately a letter from the Holy Father. This is why atleast, in the communities that I have celebrated with, there is extra care taken so that this allowance is never abused. On numerous occasions the Presider/Celebrant has interrupted an echo to remind the brother that the "preaching" is left for the priest and he alone. This is also why we do not refer to the echo as an experience or a testimony. It is solely an Echo, a reponse to the Word that was proclaimed. If care is not taken, then we will end up with a brother sharing his or her itinerary of the day and God knows what else.

    -Jokers Wild

  4. Since it seems this is a topic in the comment section.
    As a person who attends the Tridentine Mass almost daily,and has been to many NCW masses.I can say that if you are truly in a state of grace,you really aren't going to let yourself be distracted when receiving our Lord.You aren't going to get pissed or try to correct the things that happen before or after it happens.Personally I prefer the NCW mass more than Novus Ordo.Since the NCW one made me realize the true beauty of the Eucharist.But the truth is that all these masses are valid and the Eucharist in them is valid.Traditional catholics spend more time attacking Novus Ordo,the NCW mass,and charismatic renewal ones than teaching non catholics the beauty of the Eucharist.If more people were taught that our lord is truly present,we'd have more people in our churches regardless if it's Novus Ordo or some other form being celebrated.Because trust me,when we only had TLM many people didn't understand the Eucharist.St.Padre Pio was upset about it I believe.He hated how much people missed the point of mass and heck, he celebrated Tridentine ones.The problem isn't the form of mass.The problem is the lack of knowledge on the Eucharist in them.
    Look at the guy who ran into a mass on EWTN that Fr.Wade Menezes was celebrating one day.The guy DISRUPTED the Eucharist mumbling something like "bRiNg bAcK tHe LAtiN mAsS",people assumed he was going to martyr the priest.He disrupted the Eucharist.A VALID Eucharist.Out of protest for the form of mass.Stop focusing on the differences and start focusing on the one similarity,the Eucharist.

    -An anonymous Dominican

    1. Dear anon Domin

      Could not have been said better. Anytime I come to argue and defend the NCW eucharist it is not to take away from any other valid eucharist but because there are so many less knowledgeable people who might be starting the NCW, who's life could change completely thanks to the grace of God through the NCW and that grace is thrown out the window because attackers of the NCW attack it publicly and scandalize the weakest among us.

      What matters is to find Christ. The how is unimportant. It just so happens that the NCW is one of the more complete paths in the church to find, and know Christ and to love him fully.

      Why anyone would want to take away that opportunity from someone else is unbeknownst to me.
