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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Congratulations to Jose Santos

Once again, a former RMS seminarian from Guam have been ordained into the priesthood. Father Jose Santos who worked in the Asan parish for a long time has been ordained a priest in Mexico.  Some of the brothers in the Asan community were present during his ordination.  Father Jose could have been ordained a priest in Guam for Guam, but this turns out to be another loss for Guam.  Congratulations to Father Jose Santos.  



  1. What a pity we lost him!

    Jose Santos was such a wonderful young man.... He was a man of prayer, full of zeal, very near the people, spoke English perfectly.... He would have been the kind of priest we need in Guam!

  2. 4 more former RMS Guam seminarians will be ordained transitional deacons in Newark, NJ this coming May. Then sometime next year they will be ordained priests. Congratulations to the many priests who first received their formation at the former RMS Guam. Now the facility is rotting away slowly. Wonder if Bishop Byrnes regrets his decision to close RMS Guam?

  3. It is so easy to destroy. So difficult to build. 'They' managed to destroy a seminary in Guam, the only seminary that we ever had. And in its place there is ... nothing.

  4. Wasn’t Jose (and others) given a chance to be a priest in Guam by going to St Pats like Junee and Ron?
