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Thursday, November 8, 2018

More On Judge Kavanaugh

A Kavanaugh accuser came out and admitted that she lied about being raped by Judge Kavanaugh.  According to news report:
One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.
Sen. Charles E. Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee revealed the fraud in a letter to the FBI and Justice Department Friday, asking them to prosecute Judy Munro-Leighton for lying to and obstructing Congress........
She admitted to the false allegation, and said she has actually never met Justice Kavanaugh.
Ms. Judy Munro-Leighton lied about being raped because she did not want Judge Kavanaugh to be confirmed to the Supreme Court.  By bringing a false allegation of rape, she had hoped to derail his confirmation.  She had an agenda.  To bring a false accusation against a person is heinous for two reasons.: 1) it sought to destroy the person's name and reputation and 2) it undermines the REAL victims who were raped and abused.  




  1. JW also had an agenda to remove AB Apuron.

    1. Dear Jane Doe,

      The interesting thing about that is that Tim Rohr demanded Archbishop Apuron to resign BEFORE any sexual allegations were made against him. Again as I said, it started with the removal of Father Paul. Rohr demanded the Archbishop's resignation after the removal of Father Paul and Monsignor James. See the weblink below:

    2. Tim also admitted that he was called to a secret meeting about Fr. Paul being removed. Definitely sounds like an agenda to me.

    3. The Jungle and CCOG have been in the forefront of destroying our Catholic Church in Guam. Many of their followers swallowed everything spewing from their mouths as the truth and beyond reproach. Tim and David hounded the Legislature to draft a bill to lift the statute of limitations on sexual abuse which has become law. Tim and David rallied their followers to get rid of the RMS Seminary and the Neocatechumenal Way in the parishes. They were successful in getting Bishop Byrnes to close the Seminary. Tim, David and their followers have bullied our local church leaders to make our Archdiocese of Agana to be in accordance to what they want it to be.

      Where is the Jungle now? Where is CCOG now? Where is Tim Rohr and David Sablan now?

      Tim Rohr’s wife has filed for divorce because of domestic abuse and sexual molestation of at least one of his daughters.

      David Sablan is awaiting trial for charges of official misconduct, conspiracy and violating the Open Government Law. This was as his role as chairman of the GHURA board of commissioners when they held secret meetings.

      Great model citizens, great model Christians. Ha!

      I am so disgusted with Tim Rohr and David Sablan for their role in the great mess our Catholic Church is in now.

    4. Really. What are the Jungle and CCOG doing these days? I think JW has lost any credibility with Tim Rohr's family situation of domestic and sexual abuse. CCOG must think their mission was accomplished when the Yona semi ary was shut down.

    5. The jungle is counting their miserable failures these days. Whatever they did revealed their internal disturbances if not outright mental illness. All things they touched are collapsing and falling apart. We see families and persons in great disturbances despite the abundance of money they distorted from others.

      This is all because these people sold their souls to invisible dark powers who hide in the background and dictate the world what to do. The jungle became an arm for earthly power detached from and turning against the living Body of Christ. They are no more than willing puppets of the puppet-masters hiding in the dark. But these days they are seeing themselves miserable and badly defeated. Frank Blas disappeared from the front line of politics 2 years ago. Now, Frank Aguon is following him in going down to obscurity. Tim Rohr is a bachelor again with 11 kids to count and Bob Klitzkie became the voice of the freak howling in the wilderness. Their blog is advocating lost causes. Better to say, whatever they advocate turns into an irredeemably lost cause.

      Now, we see the waves turning! Pope Francis is coming out as one of the strongest and most determined pontiff who is taking up the helm against worldly powers. He is like the just servant, the Vicar of Christ, who defeats Tiamat the ancient serpent of demise and confusion. The victory of Supreme Judge Kavanaugh against his accusers is a turning point in the war against the enemies of the Catholic Church. Pope Francis is vindicated and he will vindicate the righteous!

      We'll see in the coming days the exoneration of our Archbishop from all unjust accusations and the reestablishment of the church on Guam. We'll see the saving of the abandoned Yona property from the rats and spiders, a renovation of not only the walls and roof but the very spirit of the RMS. Vindication and celebration is coming back to Guam! The laugh of new seminarians will fill the space all around a rejuvenated building shining with new lights.

      Pray for Pope Francis that his victory and the victory of the church over the background powers of this world will be manifested on our little island in these coming days.

  2. I couldn't resist commenting. Perfectly written!

  3. I second That 4:13 PM

  4. Frenchie is practically carrying JW at this point.But hey gotta give him some credit.I wouldn't have the balls to write such exaggerated and ridiculous rhetoric while still expecting people to take me seriously.
