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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Reviewing The Facts

If one is going to make accusations against someone, especially if it is the Pope, he/she should at least provide some substantial evidence.  That is the problem with the Vigano letter.  There was no evidence attached to it.  Keep in mind these simple facts.  

Archbishop Vigano claimed that Pope Benedict XVI sanctioned Cardinal McCarrick in 2009; however, he provided no document of that sanction.  Instead, he claimed that the sanctions were "private."  Life Site News reported:
“I could not say, “What are you doing here?” he said. “Can you imagine? Nobody knows (about the sanctions), it was a private meeting (when they were levied by Benedict). So this video didn’t prove anything.”
Because Archbishop Vigano claimed that the sanctions were "private" then naturally, he could not bring forth any written documents on it.  Nevermind the fact, that he also never explained how he came to know about a "private" sanction that was levied by the Pope on McCarrick in a "private" meeting.  

At any rate, Archbishop Vigano also did not produce any documents showing that Pope Francis lifted the sanctions.  So, where is the written document saying that Pope Francis lifted the "private" sanctions?  Or was the lifting of the sanctions by Pope Francis also supposed to be a "private" affair?  

 On the other side, the media was able to compile photographs and video clippings of Cardinal McCarrick celebrating Mass, ordaining priests, and participating in many ceremonies during the time Vigano claimed he was supposed to be under sanctions.  Some of these photographs and video clippings include Archbishop Vigano and Pope Benedict XVI participating in the same ceremony as Cardinal McCarrick.  We also have Archbishop Georg Ganswein, the personal aide of Pope emeritus Benedict XVI coming forward with testimony saying that Vigano's letter was rubbish.

Cardinal Donald Wuerl, who was also named in the Vigano letter, also came forward.  In a press release, he stated that he and the Archdiocese of Washington never received any information or document regarding Cardinal McCarrick's behavior.

These are the facts.  Pope Francis told journalists to study the Vigano letter because it reveals itself for what it really is. The news media who studied it carefully have found that the letter had very little to do with the sex abuse scandal.  

The good thing that came out of the Vigano letter is that the Church is now questioning the accusation made by Archbishop Vigano.  The Church is now in a position to question all accusations rather than believe all accusations to be true. According to Catholic News Agency:

“The questions raised deserve answers that are conclusive and based on evidence. Without those answers, innocent men may be tainted by false accusation and the guilty may be left to repeat sins of the past,” wrote DiNardo.
There were many falsely accused priests such as Father Joseph Jiang and Father Kevin Reynolds who were ignored by their bishops.  Even Father Gordon MacRae continues to fight for justice without any support from his own bishop. It took an accusation against the Pope by a prominent bishop for the Church to finally question allegations.   


  1. Yes, thanks to the media that they've done their homework quite well. Those photos and videos would never have been gathered as evidence if the pope had spoken up. It would be word against word. The photos and videos speaks as evidence.

    1. Dead Anonymous at 6:43 pm,

      Not only will it be word against word. The pope will also be called a liar and they will still demand his resignation. The pope followed in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi. The only way to bring reforms to the Church is to live out the Gospel.

    2. The evidence speaks for itself.

  2. Dear Diana, it is important that Cardinal DiNardo calls attention to the falsely accused like Father Joseph Jiang, Father Kevin Reynolds and Father Gordon MacRae. We all know what the extreme conservatives are capable of doing. They can incite charges that appear to be untrue. They are worse than the extreme liberals because they stand against the reforms of Pope Francis. We need reforms to clean up the plastic trash from the oceans. Guam people are especially sensitive to green issues of the oceans. Pope Francis has better business to do than infighting, as he has the mission of reforms of green issues and immigration.

    We know that false accusations were leveled on Guam, as well. Extreme paleo-conservatives are destroying the trust and openness of people toward the world. Child abuse was charged for Archbishop Apuron, but Vatican said no, this is all fake news! He got minor sanction only, disproving the gravity of charges. We are waiting now for the verdict of the appeal. In the end, many accusations will be proven false or fake news. Still, the Umatuna claims it is no time to tell the bad apples from the good ones. Archbishop Byrnes should have an urgent meeting with Archbishop Apuron the clear up their disagreements for the better of the church. He has to protect his predecessor based on Catholic brotherhood. I don't see any reason why they cannot talk as one brother to the other brother! We need peace and serenity to fight back against the false accusations as Cardinal DiNardo, president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, told in the news.

    Pray for Cardinal DiNardo and the falsely accused who were wronged by extreme conservatives, pray for peace and serenity, pray for a spirit of reforms in Christ, for Archbishop Apuron and Pope Francis that they may complete their mission for the Kingdom of God.

  3. Investigations are needed. Question is who's going to do it? Hopefully not the bishops who covered it up.
