Blog Song

Saturday, September 22, 2018

My Response

This post is in response to the following comment: 
AnonymousSeptember 22, 2018 at 11:39 AM 
I find that hard to believe that through all the court filings, lawyers and the mediation process that the church will sit back and pay every victim without checking the validity of the accusations. And please don't blame JW,CCOG or LFM. Blame the past Bishops who knew about the abuse and did not do nothing. To some people the church is their sanctuary, it is unfortunate that some of these abuses occurred in the church. With some Dioceses in the States and elsewhere being exposed on sex abuse, I think the Catholic faith as a whole is being examined under a microscope.
I am not blaming JW, CCOG and LFM for the child sexual abuse of the past.  The clergy members who sexually abused the kids and covered it up are certainly the ones responsible.  JW, CCOG, and LFM had nothing to do with that.  

On the other hand, JW, CCOG, and LFM are responsible for the endless lawsuits, the shutting down of the parishes and Catholic schools along with Catholic services, and the loss of all Church assets. Of course, the Church is going to pay every alleged victim without checking the validity of their accusations because they have already made its position very clear.  According to
Settlement” is just a term for formal resolution of a legal dispute without the matter being decided by a court judgment (jury verdict or judge's ruling). Usually that means the defendant offers a certain sum of money to the plaintiff in exchange for the plaintiff's signing a release of the defendant's liability in connection with the underlying incident or transaction. This can happen at any point in a civil lawsuit. It can even occur before the plaintiff files a lawsuit at all, if the parties can come together a reach a fair agreement soon after the dispute arises, and both sides are motivated to do so.  
The idea is to offer money to the accusers and in return they will drop their lawsuit against the Church.  The reason the Archdiocese of Boston still receives sex abuse allegations even after 15 years is because the Church does not do any investigations and scammers are aware of this.  See the story here.  Even Tim Rohr was aware of that fact when he stated in his 2010 letter (the bold is mine): 
This is not alarm-ism. This is not exaggeration. This is a pattern. Moral entrepreneurs like SNAP, under the guise of protecting children, attack a diocese with allegations knowing that, even if they are unfounded, the seriousness of the allegations will precipitate a "hanging before the trial." 
Tim Rohr opposed the lifting of the statutes of limitation because he felt that B.J. Cruz only introduced the laws in retaliation against the Catholic Church and Archbishop Apuron.  According to Tim Rohr in his letter dated February 23, 2011:

However, there are a couple things that you should know about Bill 34. First, Bill 34 and its predecessor, Bill 334 in the last legislature, despite what Senator B.J. Cruz continues to publicly disclaim, IS AIMED at the Catholic Church in general and the Archbishop in particular.
Bill 34 is Senator Cruz's personal act of retaliation against the Archbishop for opposing Bill 185 which would have legalized same-sex unions.  
However, when it was Tim Rohr himself who retaliates against the Archbishop, it was okay for him to lift the statutes of limitation.  It was not okay for B.J. Cruz to retaliate against Archbishop Apuron by lifting the statutes of limitation.  But it was okay for Rohr to retaliate against the Archbishop by lifting the statutes of limitation.  The bill was aimed at Archbishop Apuron just as Rohr admitted in his blog:
More SMH and LOL. The words "Catholic Church" NEVER appeared in the bill. Neither its author nor the legislature as a whole ever brought up the words "Catholic Church." Not even the victims who publicly testified in support of the bill used the words "Catholic Church" other than to say they still love and do not blame the Church. 
No, the words which were brought up over and over again were not the words "Catholic Church!" but the two words and one initial which is what Eusebio is really upset about: ANTHONY S. APURON.   
The bill that JW, CCOG, and LFM introduced and worked for its passage was aimed at Archbishop Apuron.  It was in retaliation against Archbishop Apuron just as Rohr admitted.  Although their intention was aimed at only one man, no one can excuse them for not knowing about the endless lawsuits that would come after the bill was passed into law.  Thus, JW, CCOG, and LFM are responsible for the endless lawsuits that will be coming in the years to come, the shutting down of any parishes and Catholic schools, and the loss of any Church assets in Guam.  And once we start seeing the shutting down of our parishes and schools, they will be responsible for the victimization of the thousands of innocent Catholics who will end up paying for the settlements.   


  1. The junglefolks were tricked into believing that the law was meant to help victims of child abuse, but in reality its purpose was to destroy AB Apuron.

    1. Dear Jane Doe,

      Exactly. The intent of that bill was specifically to destroy one man....Archbishop Apuron. In all the testimonies in favor of the bill (except one) the name of Archbishop Apuron is mentioned more than 50 times.

  2. Can someone please explain, actually, when claims against the Archdiocese, I interpret that to mean "an institution" when the victims file a suit, within that filing are the words " knowingly, knew, covered up etc etc., which in practically all the claims reference that Archbishop Apuron KNEW that (the deceased priests like Father Cruz, Bishkop Camacho, Father Jack, Father Ray Techaira, Monsignor Leon Guerrero, et al) all raped, abused, molested their altar servers?? Did Archbishop Apuron cover up those things, assuming that all of those people are telling the truth? Unless they were all either suspended, or stripped of their priestly duties, I can't see how a cover up ever existed.. Or am I reading too much into those lawsuits stating that the Archdioces covered up something... Im pretty sure that if in fact those rapes occured, they had to have said something for the Archdiocese to be found guilty of "covering up and or continuing to employ the abuser..

    anyway, it seems that there were a lot of altar servers doing boy scouting... there must be some historical records or photos to prove that all those claimants were in the boy scouts... let alone an altar server...

    Since you mention that parishes may close as a result of these payouts, do you know if there is a way for village parishioners to sorta block any sale of their village church?? im thinking more in line with a community effort since the collections in our village paid off the mortgage over the past 50 years??? there has got to be some sort of intervention to SAVE our parish church from the snares of the Satan and all those blind souls that are doing the devils bidding... May choirs of satans devils meet the souls of all members of Junglewitch, LFM CCog and their offspring for generations to come.. and drag them down into the pits to rot and burn in the eternal fire of damnation.. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen..


    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:53 pm,

      According to Tim Rohr, the bill was originally supposed to target only Archbishop Apuron. Later, the jungle included the institution in the bill in retaliation against Archbishop Hon. According to Tim Rohr:

      “But Hon's real downfall came when he publicly mocked the bill lifting the statute of limitations. Initially the bill only targeted individuals, not institutions. However, Hon's mockery of the effort led to an angry public hearing and the modification of the bill to hold institutions accountable - since it became evident that doing so would be the only thing which might make Hon finally cast off his Filoni-provided script and face the truth about Apuron and the Gennarini agenda.”

      In other words, they showed no evidence that Archbishop Apuron knew of these allegations. “Institutions” was placed in the bill only in retaliation against Archbishop Hon because they did not like what he said......just as Rohr admitted in his blog.

      The parishes are owned by the Archdiocese of Agana. They can be closed down and sold off. That is what happened in the U.S. Archbishop Byrnes is trying to keep the parishes and schools open by selling only non-essential assets. He is hoping that the accusers would accept a global settlement, in which everyone gets the same amount. However, they are unable to close mediation because some of the accusers do not want to receive the same amount as others. Some felt they deserve more money than others.

    2. Dear Diana, you should not believe any word the jungle tells you. They are shameless liars.

      It was their plan from the very beginning that institutions will be held liable for monetary compensation. They wanted to include the Catholic Church into the payments because it is the only way the statute of limitations can be lifted! The SNAP president explained this to Tim Rohr very clearly. It has been the SNAP's strategy everywhere on the mainland to create laws that will rip off the church from its assets. When the bill was accepted, the jungle was in complete agreement with SNAP officials. They broke off only much later over disputes about the lawyers who would get the loot. SNAP wanted to insert its own lawyers into the complaints but the jungle already had a list of friendly anti-Catholic attorneys who showed themselves ready to pass a certain % of net gains into the hands of the initiators of the bill.

      The text of the bill was written by SNAP and the jungle only volunteered to push it through an inept Guam legislature. All local senators at the time and the governor also share grave responsibility in getting this ugly bill passed and used against our faith! The role of Frank Blas, Frank Aguon, Rory Respicio, BJ Cruz and Eddy Calvo should be emphasized who all conspired against the Catholic Church to vote and sign the bill into law. Without them the jungle would have remained a pack of helplessly angry dogs barking in the night. As you'll see in November, these senators won't find their places in the new legislature no more.

      Pray that a new batch of lawmakers will bring relief to all Catholics on our island.

    3. Dear Anonymous, you say: "May choirs of satans devils meet the souls of all members of Junglewitch, LFM CCog and their offspring for generations to come.. and drag them down into the pits to rot and burn in the eternal fire of damnation.. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen."

      Honestly, I don't see your point. You cannot ask anything like that in the name of Christ! This is not any bit what our catechists told us and what Jesus has taught to His followers. Pray that the love of the Lord brings peace and serenity to your heart.

  3. I am really bothered by the allegations of sexual assault that happened decades ago only now being brought up. I have done some stupid things when I was a teenager, just as other teenage boys, seeing how far you can get with a girl. There is even terminology for this '1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, all the way to home plate'.

    There may thousands, millions of men, like me, who tried. Now we fear that these attempts may come back to haunt us. Even though these things happened in our youth many decades ago, what is stop these women from stepping up and cashing in?

    I am not saying what we did as young boys back then was right. I just don't know what to make of this situation. I just hope women realize our hormones got the best of us at that time. Girls could have said no, and that would have been the end of it. And some were consensual.

    How does this affect flirting, courtships these days? Guys may fear to even look at a woman and be accused of sexual assault.

    1. Dear Anonymous, by canon law regulation the Catholic church keeps internal record of misdeeds of its clergy forever. In case of a lawsuit these records can be subpoenaed by the court. This makes the church vulnerable to charges and prompts out of court settlements in order to avoid subpoena. You, however, probably don't keep a record of your past adventures so I don't think you would be in danger of being sued.

      The deeper problem behind the allegations is a male dominant culture where the "crown of creation" the man is not only superior over the woman but even supreme and dominating in every aspect. All these priests, bishops and cardinals in the scandals that we read about are enamored by male power and live out their male supremacy by unnaturally chasing after other males or children. These sinners make the Catholic clergy a place of male dominance over the Holy Mother Church.

      In truth, the woman is a ruler of the world just as the man. God made the Virgin Mary Queen of Heaven to give her power and dominion. When we offer something to the care of our Heavenly Mother, we free it from under male dominance and place it at the feet of the Virgin to shine in the light of Her motherly love.

      Pray that the sinner may find repentance and recompense in the love of the Virgin Mary.

    2. "I just hope women realize our hormones got the best of us at that time."

      That just sounds like an excuse to justify your actions. Did you or did you not force yourself on someone? It's a yes or no answer.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 7:45 pm,

      That is what is happening in the Me Too movement. A lot of men in Hollywood and the business world are losing their jobs and careers because women are coming out claiming sexual abuse or harassment that are in the past. It becomes the woman's word against the man's word. When one takes away the statutes of limitations on sexual crimes, they take away justice. The statutes of limitations were there to ensure that justice takes place.

    4. Dear faithfully yours
      I believe you have good intentions. God made man and women different but equal. Neither is ruler over the other each has his role which is fulfilled in serving the other as Christ intended. The bible has strong females just as it has strong men. Debora/Ruth/Virgin Mary etc. Joseph/ David/ etc.
      As for Mary forgiving sins. It is not within her power to do that. She can intercede for us in front of her son Christ who died to forgive our sins if we repent.

    5. Dear Anonymous, thanks, I also believe you have good intention. You are right in saying that the Holy Mary does not forgive sins. I did not say she would.

      But if sinners like Cardinal McCarrick and the other cardinals, archbishops, bishops and priests have aridity in their heart and are unable to repent the sexual abuses and cover-ups they had committed, then running to the loving arms of our Heavenly Mother could help them to induce contrition of conscience and lead them to repentance and conversion of heart.

      The Queen of Heaven is the Virgin Mary enthroned on high by God the Father, her son Jesus Christ in communion with the Holy Spirit. Her loving heart knows that the grip of devil in us is through unrepented sins. She won't be shy to shed tears for the sinners to induce a conversion of heart. She prays and intercedes for us that we may get relief from the murder we committed against her Son and commit over and over again whenever we unscrupulously sin.

      Pray for the mercy of God for all Catholics, because unrepentant sinners of evil hearts tore apart our church at this very moment!

    6. dear faithfully years,
      I agree with what you said.
      However that is the problem with sin the larger the sin the more humiliation you must go through to repent and ask forgiveness. This is what protestants don't understand about Christ having forgiven all sins. It only helps you be forgiven if there is contrition and true repentance. But sin leads to more sin, which leads to larger sins. The deeper you go the more difficult repentance becomes and this is what it means to be in hell. Hell exists because God loves us so much that he allows us the freedom to sin, which results in us wanting to be away from God and others.
      That is why other Christian denominations are wrong when they say that saying Christ is your savior makes you saved. You still need repentance contrition and penance to make right the effects and consequences of your sins. This is why we believe in purgatory because although sins are forgiven the death and destruction they cause must be repaired and purified so we can enter into communion with God and the saints.

    7. Diana @ 7:32
      A lot of the cases are not even sexual abuse. My question is why didn't these women leave the industry as soon as they smelled the abuse. I believe that they thought the price to pay was worth the reward and now that they regret it they want to make justice. But their sin and love for fame is as bad as the sexual abuse.
      One of the first actresses to come out and claim abuse is now an abuser herself. Asia Argento is now accused of abusing a minor who was an actor and paying him off. Pictures have even been released.
      It is not as faithfully yours says that this is a male dominated world. Thats what liberals want you to think. The real problem is that we've lost all sexual value as a sacrament and we are now seeing the results. This is the result of society and even the Catholic Church rejecting humanae vitae and the holiness of sex in marriage and openness to life. Women have more rights then ever right now and yet they are more sexualized then ever.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 3:35 am,

      I think it has more to do with a lust for power. Not every allegations are true. The goal is to destroy men in top positions. When a man is accused of a sex crime, the offense sticks with him even when he is innocent.

  4. Yo Diana let me show you something and Byrnes is not going to like or the companion of the jungle because I just looked it up Can. 407 §1. In order to foster the present and future good of the diocese as much as possible, a diocesan bishop, a coadjutor, and the auxiliary mentioned in ⇒ can. 403, §2 are to consult one another on matters of major importance. so Byrnes has to consult archbishop Anthony so they are saying that the pope appointed Byrnes with special faculties let’s see how Byrnes can get away with this

  5. I wonder if the law would have passed if they knew that Tim Rohr was also a pedophile and wife-abuser.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:32 pm, 

      Correction....if they knew that Tim Rohr was charged with allegedly abusing his wife and children. Rohr is entitled to due process of the law.

    2. Allegedly??? accusations by his own wife and children??? In Tim's case, we need to use a more adequate word that better describes his misdeeds, allegedly doesn't quite fit the bill.

      Unlike Tim Rohr's sponsored so-called victims, that he flew to Guam to testify against Apuron, of crimes that happened 40+ years ago, or by relatives of deceased so called 'victims', 'allegedly' describes exactly what they did. Tim's situation is another case altogether.

  6. Dear Diana, Scott Hahn has a strong opinion about the crisis of abuse scandals:

    Hahn said to participants at the Napa Institute’s Authentic Catholic Reform Conference in Washington D.C. earlier this week that excommunication is a “hard medicine” that ultimately seeks the good of the one being punished. He also said that calls for the predatory ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick to be “reduced to the lay state” indicated contempt for the laity.

    What do people think about laity? That if you’re a prelate, and a predator, and a promoter, and a protector, and you’re caught... Boom! You can’t be clergy; you have to be at the level of the laity!”

    “So much for the universal call to holiness,” he exclaimed.

    Very interesting view! Pray that Pope Francis appreciates the views of all faithful who genuinely want to heal the church!

  7. So how about the similarities between the attacks against Kavanaugh and Apuron??? No evidence, no corroboration, just testimonies charged with feelings of hate??? I guess the democrats took a page from 'alleged' wife-abuser-and-pedophile, Tim Rohr huh??? They basically tried to do the same thing to fine individual, but the statute of limitation was not lifted, nor was it ever a thought in their minds to lift it. Both got their characters assassinated or tarred and feathered... yet, in the case of Apuron... NO ONE CAME TO HIS HELP, NO ONE WAS BEHIND HIM TO SUPPORT HIM, not the Vatican, not the Pope... Kavanaugh had Trump and his influence... (the GOP was tethering). Needless to say, Guam's history got tarnished by this injustice... I will never forget that a more credible criminal, or alleged wife abuser and pedophile, did all this and got away with it laughing about it still today.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:51 am,

      Someone came to his help, but you do not know it. As many canon lawyers pointed out, Archbishop Apuron could not have been found guilty of child sexual abuse because the punishment did not fit the offense. Archbishop Apuron was not sentenced to a life of penance and prayer the way Cardinal MacCarrick and Father Brouillard was when they were found guilty. As for Tim Rohr, he is already suffering as a result of what he did. He not only lost his credibility, but he lost his wife and family.

    2. I don't think Tim is laughing today. I see him as a sad lonely man worried that AB Apuron will be found innocent. As long as the Appeals trial is still ongoing, Tim still has this cloud hanging over his head. To this day he continues to degrade Apuron because there are many people now doubting Tim after his ex-wife and daughters came out with allegations of sexual and physical abuse.

    3. Is it too hard to ask for secular Justice, forget the Vatican, given the similarities to Kavanaugh's case? Make no mistake, what happened to Apuron IS an injustice. Why the double standard between Kavanaugh and Apuron? Why lift the statute of limitations for one and not for the other? Anyone, with any common sense, KNOWS that this is an INJUSTICE.

  8. The fact that people still believe that Tim has been "chosen by God" or see him as "the messenger" is horrifying.Chosen by "god" to destroy the church of Guam? An accuser that can't stand to be accused and continues to wear a mask.At this point I feel very sorry for him.Its even worse to see that he makes it worse for himself.When his followers realize the truth about him.It's not going to be pretty.

    We have seen the justice on the mainland where kavanaugh has been confirmed.I'm not sure what Apuron did and what he didn't do.But hopefully whatever the truth is,it comes out.The day it is confirmed will truly be full of many emotion.But what those emotions will be,we won't know till then.

  9. Kavanaugh and Apuron came out publicly and said they were innocent. But has anyone noticed that Rohr never said he was innocent of what his wife and daughters accused him of? Instead, he tells the public that his lawyer told him not to say anything about his case. Why don't Tim make a public statement, claiming he's innocent?

    1. Dear Jane Doe, 

      Well, first of all, look at who his accusers are. His accusers are not strangers. They are his wife and daughters....people who lived with him in the same household. His situation is much more painful and hits him straight in the heart. I feel sorry for Tim, especially for his young children.

  10. I don't feel sorry for Tim He trying to destroy a good man Be destroyed that church He damaged his own family Him and his Frenchie Are now trying to destroy NEO

  11. Tim is claiming that his family is being attacked. Who would attack his family? I say kudos to his wife and daughters for being brave enough to name their abuser.

  12. Dianne, I believe this news deserves its own blog-entry...

    Please make sure Tim and his followers know about this... they have done so much evil in Guam... I am still praying for them so that they may one day realize what they did before their final judgement where there will be no more time to repent and we'll be judge for our actions.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:43 pm,

      Thank you for the article. Yes, it does deserve its own entry post. I posted the video and provided the weblink to the article in the post in case anyone wants to read the transcript from the video.
