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Friday, August 10, 2018

New allegation surfaces against Archbishop Anthony Apuron

This post is in response to a question made by an anonymous poster.   According to his/her comment: 
AnonymousAugust 10, 2018 at 2:14 PMDiana, how would you know that this new allegation is related to JW's doing?
First of all, the document shown in the jungle was a document stamped "filed August 8, 2018 at 2:45 p.m." by the clerk court.  Nowhere in that document does it show that it was stamped "Received."  See Rohr's blog

The document was not stamped "received" until 3:30 p.m.  This is the document that KUAM showed in its news report.  As you can see, the document used in the news report and made public was stamped "received August 8, 2018 at 3:30 p.m." by the Office of John Terlaje. See the news report below: 

So, what does this mean?  It means that Tim Rohr obtained a document filed by D.M. BEFORE it was stamped "Received at 3:30 p.m” by the Office of John Terlaje. Who gave him this document?  Would the court of Guam give him a copy of the document?  Surely, it would be against the ethics of any lawyer to give a document to someone who is not his client. Only his client should have that document.    

Nevertheless, it seemed that Tim had a copy of the filed document.  He simply published it even before the news media did.  In fact, Tim published that post about 3:00 A.M.  Yes, he stayed up very late in the wee hours of the morning to publish his post.  A friend of mine emailed this screenshot below taken from Rohr's Facebook page.  Noticed the time he posted it.  He posted the new allegation against Archbishop Apuron on his Facebook on August 9th at 3:37 a.m. before any news media reported it.  

Therefore, it would not be surprising if Tim Rohr already knew the identity of D.M.  One may even question how did he obtain a copy of the filed lawsuit?  The fact that he knew the filing of a new allegation BEFORE it transpired makes it suspect. Tim may change his stories, but his character remains the same.  After all, he also knew that some accusers against Archbishop Apuron would say they confided in Father Jack.  He knew this information 9 months before they came out in public with their accusations.   See the story here.


  1. Read closely the time. It was filed at 2:45p.m. in court. At 3:30 p.m., it was stamped and received by John Terlaje's office, the attorney for the Archdiocese.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:37 pm,

      I stand corrected. Thank you for the correction. I doubt that the Archdiocese would give Tim a copy of the document. Apparently, Tim had the copy before it came into John Terlaje’s office. The question is how did he obtain the document.

    2. That’s consistent with Rohr. Private letters, personal emails, and recordings of closed meetings somehow get into the JW blog. Even the bishop’s flight itinerary gets on his blog, and these things are confidential.

    3. Copies were also sent to Jackie Terlaje cuz she’s Apuron’s lawyer and to FD Memorial School, but we don’t know what time they received it. But a copy should never be sent to Tim. The court will also not give a copy of the document to him. They’re not in the practice of distributing documents to anyone. A person would have to request a document from the court. And in order for Tim to make such request would only indicate that he knew about the filing of the lawsuit beforehand. It appears that D.M. is affiliated with Junglewatch and was probably the person who gave him the copy.

    4. Exactly. What business does Tim have getting a copy before the lawyers do? He should include D.M. in the orchestrated series of his blog.

  2. He posted at 3:37 am? No wonder why his marriage fell apart. 🙄 I would have been asleep in bed at that time with my hubby next to me.

  3. Dear readers,

    I have edited the original post to reflect the correction.

  4. The burning question is HOW did Timmy get a copy of the document and WHO gave it to him.

  5. I need to pray for more humility in my heart, so that I can take the daily scourges of persecution. I wonder if I am humble enough for a Christian? What is true humbleness? Shall I accept what happened way before the first community was ever born on Guam? Am I responsible for the sins of clergy coming out in the press? Some sexual abuses are proven true. I am sad. I pray for victims and perpetrators alike. We are sinners. I am no different. There is nothing good in me. I badly need the Lord every day in my life to make any sense of me. Is the NCW responsible for the turmoil? No way! How could we be responsible if we haven't even existed on the island that time? I ask everybody to cut back the insults. Don't charge us! NCW cannot even be related to the accusations we read.

    I need more humility. I acknowledge the jungle fever, anger and fury over church matters. But I cannot care about church matters while I am walking the tripod. The tripod is the Bible, the Liturgy and my Community. None of these are related or depended on internal church fights and animosity. Please, give me the grace, Lord, to stay away from church politics. I also acknowledge Rohr's suffering. His wife left him. Catholics are not divorcing! We stay together in good times and in bad times. I think his wife is not Catholic. She run away grabbing the kids with her. Is this Christian? We have to see and acknowledge a suffering man who is vilified. I have to learn humility to face the truth of a suffering man.

    Without accepting me as a sinner I cannot make any sense of the world. Those who operated the RMS and my catechists told me we are all sinners. The price of sin is dead. The RMS of Guam is dead but we heard the RMS of New York City was born! Yes! A big victory for the NCW. Which one is better, which one is more sustainable? A seminary on Guam or in the Big Apple of America? You know the answer. Our loss is a gain for mainland Catholics. So why quarrel? I have to force myself to praise God for His plan for all people. I have to humble myself and be silent in face of persecution. Do I have enough humility in my heart to do so?

    Do I have enough humility not to protest and murmur behind the back of the church? I know I am weak. I have to pray every day. Carrying the cross is not fun, not enjoyment, not vindication. It is a burden we take on for the Lord Jesus. I am crying out, how long my Lord...?! He smiles one with assurance: I am with you forever! I know He is telling the truth. So I am not in dismay. We should never be in dismay fighting back with bitter words as long as the Lord Jesus is with us.

    1. Dear Faithfully yours, 

      I do not know the circumstances surrounding Rohr's marriage. I will not judge his ex-wife to be unchristian because she left the marriage. After all, which one of us is a real Christian? Even Rohr, who did not leave his marriage, is very far from being a Christian.

  6. I don’t know how Tim Rohr got it, but I think that once the lawsuit was filed in Court it became a public document.

    Maybe he has connections at the Court like Jackie Terlaje did at Land Management during the changing of RMS documents several years ago. Only in this case Rohr is getting information but with Jackie there was some funny stuff happening with the RMS land docs.

    The lawsuit was stamped “Received” by Terlaje’s office 45 minutes later but that doesn’t really make a difference because it was already a public document.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:21 pm, 

      How long does it take a document to be made public? It is very obvious that Tim obtained that document on the same day it was filed. He received it sometime on August 8th after it was filed in court. He published it on August 9th at 3:37 am, which was very early in the morning.

      Jackie Terlaje did everything by the book. The Attorney General and Land Management did the same. The issue Klitzkie raised is the ownership of the title. When the Deed Restriction was finally recorded on the document, he disapproved of the fact that the ownership of the title listed the Archdiocese of Agana. Klitzkie wanted the title to name the Redemptoris Mater Seminary as the owner. He was not happy that the Yona property was owned by the Archdiocese of Agana, which I find as very odd behavior.

    2. Not all court documents are made public. I think there are certain procedures in place to determine whether a court document should be made public. With the court constantly busy, I don't see how this document was made public in just a few hours. The document KUAM obtained was not from the courts. It came from the Archdiocese.


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