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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Message From Pope Francis

The following is a message from the Holy Father, Pope Francis and can be found here.  

Message of the Holy Father on the occasion of the concert of the Berlin Philharmonic for the 40th Anniversary of the Neocatechumenal Way, 10.06.2018

Celebrations are underway from 9 to 10 June for the fortieth anniversary of the Neocatechumenal Way in Berlin. Several events are planned, including: a Eucharistic celebration of thanksgiving, the presentation of the book “Annotations” from the initiator Kiko Argüello, and the Symphonic-Catechetic celebration The suffering of the Innocents by the Berlin Philharmonic, composed by Argüello himself, in which the victims of the Shoah are commemorated.

The following is the Holy Father Francis’ message, sent on his behalf by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin to the archbishop of Berlin, H.E. Msgr. Heiner Koch, on the occasion of the concert by the Berlin Philharmonic:


His Excellency Msgr. Heiner Koch
Archbishop of Berlin

Pope Francis has learned with joy of the performance of the symphony “The suffering of the innocent” by Kiko Argüello, which will be held in Berlin, and greets all those who are gathered for this event at the Berliner Philarmonie. Rooted in tradition and inspired by the biblical lamentations, this symphony commemorates the many victims of the Shoah. The memory of this atrocious violence, of the unspeakable pain and of the extermination of a people, must never fade. Rather, it is a constant warning to us all to be committed to reconciliation, to mutual understanding and to love towards our “elder brothers”, the Jews, and at the same time to a life dedicated to the suffering, the needy and all those who profoundly yearn for salvation. The Holy Father joins in this intention and heartily invokes God’s merciful blessing upon all those present.

With the best personal wishes.

Pietro Cardinal Parolin
Secretary of State of His Holiness


  1. Sorry it's not related to the OP but


  3. Apuron is the archbishop of Guam. Let it be known to Mr. Diaz. Elementary notions of canon law.

  4. The problem is the link to news report is so sided. Apply that to Archbishop Anthony and the same can be said about his situation...he's telling the truth..he's also the victim...
    False witness????
    PDN....fake news....

  5. My 5cents:

    The Vatican said in a statement that in the case of an appeal, "the imposed penalties are suspended until final."

    The penalties imposed on Apuron are privation of office and prohibition of residence in the archdiocese of Guam.

    It's not clear whether Apuron retains his title of archbishop while the appeal process is ongoing.

    (Paragraph earlier it’s said that all penalties are suspended if the appeal is filed. In this paragraph, PDN and Haidee says that “it’s not clear whether Apuron retains his title as archbishop...” I think there is a problem here PDN and Haidee. I will call it DECEPTION. )

    The archdiocese said it is still trying to get clarification on this and the length of the appeal process, Diaz said.

    The Vatican tribunal’s penalties against Apuron will be suspended until the appeal process is concluded, Giorgio Giovanelli, an expert on canonical law with Rome’s Pontifical Lateran University, has said.

    (Now this is FUNNY: we have the expert on canon law, [from Pontifical Lateran Univ. , which Blessed Diego Institute was affiliated], who says penalties against Apuron will be suspended until the appeal process is concluded and Archdiocese of Agana (btw. There are 5-8 canon lawyers who are helping diocese in canonical issues) still trying to get clarifications (LOL). Are those who are helping really canon lawyers? Because it is very clear for what prof. Giovanelli says.)

    And at the end:

    "This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more." - Morpheus (Matrix Movie)
