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Friday, June 15, 2018

Aviso in Umatuna

Father Efren goes to Toto Church.
Father Jonathan Alvarez is assigned to Asan Church.
Monsignor James is indeed back to being the pastor of Agana Cathedra.
Father Nino is assigned to Ordot Church.
Father Romeo becomes the Rector of the Cathedral.
Father Mike Crisostomo is assigned to the Tamuning parish.
Father Joel becomes the pastor of Barrigada Church.
Father Danilo Ferrandez is assigned to the  Yigo parish.
Father Gerardo is assigned to Malojojo. 
Father Krzysztof is assigned to Santa Bernadita parish.
Father Danilo Trajano is assigned to Piti.
Father Mel is assigned to Santa Rita parish.
Father Michael Junctun is assigned as Parochial Vicar of the Dededo parish.
Father Val is assigned Parochial Vicar at the Agana Cathedral.
Father Francisco and Father Edwin are assigned as Chaplains of the Chaplaincy Corp. Father Francisco will reside in the Dededo parish and Father Edwin will reside in the Tamuning parish.

These are the Aviso printed in the Umatuna.  By the way, what happened to Father Paul Gofigan? The Aviso says that Father Danilo Ferrandez is the pastor of the Yigo parish.


  1. More to come....

    -Jokers Wild

    1. Dear Jokers Wild, 

      I actually find the assignment rather interesting. Monsignor James is pastor of the Cathedral, but Father Romeo is the Rector and Father Val is the Parochial Vicar of the Cathedral. Quite frankly, it does not bother me that there are no RMS priests at the Cathedral. I think it is actually a blessing, especially at this time.

  2. @ Jokers Wild. Yes, there is more to come with the shuffling of priests, but I think it will be next year or so. Possibly.

    Diana, I have known all three priests that are assigned to Cathedral. I knew Monsignor James will go back to Cathedral, maybe to clean his mess he made or he has a different agenda.
    Father Romeo is a good and kind priests. He was incardinated into the Archdiocese by Archbishop Apuron. I believe he will do great there but it saddens me that he is leaving his post in malojloj.
    I believe Father Val is a great priest and I think he and Romeo is willing to accommodate the brothers and sisters in the NCW.
    As to the position, I too am confused with the title. Why is Monsignor James Pastor? I thought the Archbishop is the local pastor of the Cathedral because it is the seat of the Archbishop called Cathedra. So how did this position come about to give Monsignor James?

    Your thoughts

    1. Dear Guamboy,

      This is why it does not bother me that there are no RMS priests in the Cathedral. Some of those priests assigned to the cathedral are already supportive of the Way. However, Monsignor James is given too many positions at the Cathedral and therefore too much control, which is not a good thing in my opinion. For Monsignor James to have that many positions in the Archdiocese is going to backfire on Archbishop Byrnes. He may be the Archbishop, but Monsignor James has much influence and control. After all, was it not Monsignor James who threatened Archbishop Apuron and Monsignor David? And look at where they are now.

  3. Monsignor James is the Vicar for Church Patrimony. He is also a member of the College of Consultors, a member of the Presbyteral Council, and a member of the Finance Council. Now he is the Pastor of the Agana Cathedral (a confusing position since only the Archbishop has been known to hold that position here).

    As for Father Paul, he is no longer the Rector of the Agana Cathedral and the Vicar of Clergy. His position as Vicar of Clergy was given to Father Mike Crisostomo. Correct me if I am wrong, but something appears amiss with this situation with Father Paul. It appears that the people who once supported him has ousted him out.

    1. Fr. Paul is not against the Way. When he was rector of the cathedral, he got along with the brothers. He never said he was against the Way. Fr. Mike Crisostomo is against the Way. He was the one who suggested putting a moratorium on the Way.

      Tim said he was called to a secret meeting after Fr. Paul was removed. This is my personal opinion, but I don't think Fr. Paul was involved in that meeting. He had gotten a canon lawyer and brought his case against Apuron to Rome, so I don't see why he would be involved in a secret meeting to oust Apuron.

    2. Dear Jane Doe,

      I remember about that secret meeting that Rohr mentioned in his blog. According to Rohr:

      Fast forward to 2013. I was invited to a secret meeting.

      "I was told no one was to know who was at the meeting. I was told that there never was a meeting. It was July, 2013. I was shown a letter from Apuron to Fr. Gofigan."

      He never revealed who was at that secret meeting, but he did say he was told not to mention any names and that there was no meeting. All I can say is that whoever organized that secret meeting, their motivation behind it is to GAIN much after the Archbishop is ousted from his position.

    3. That is a very interesting point you make Diana. Rohr says that he took up the sword to get Fr. Paul made a pastor again. To do that he had to attack Apuron. To attack Apuron he chose to attack the ncw. So where is Fr. Paul now? This whole mess happened to get him back his parish. Right?

      Or maybe not.

      How’s this other version. People have been stealing money in the archdiocese for years. This include best buddies Rohr and benavente. They thought, “ how do we cover our misdeeds?” And lo and behold, there is the beautiful yona property. In order to sell the property and make money we have to get rid of The ncw. How do we do that? Get rid of Apuron. How do we do that? Enter Fr. Paul. He was the just a pawn in their plan and now that they have succeeded they can drop him like a bad penny.

      Now here is Byrnes, who gives Fr. Paul no new assignment. Why? Could it be that Apuron was right in removing him in the first place? And what was the result of Fr. Paul’s appeal to Rome?

    4. I have reason to speculate that there is conflict among our very own local priests, Benavente, SanNicolas, Crisostomo & Gofigan. More so between Crisostomo(KOLG? Paul used to co-host then poof, they both went off air) and SanNicolas(his approach on chancery taking up space at the cathedral) I hear that Gofigan was so disgusted with SanNicolas' handling of the Basilica Invasion that he(gofigan) wanted out ASAP.
      There was also a closed door meeting about two-three weeks ago, it involved Byrnes, Benavente, Crisostomo & SanNicolas(No Gofigan in sight).

      There are heavy pockets calling the shots in this diocese now. The recent change of posts among some parishes is a tell tell sign.

      More to come...

      -Jokers Wild

    5. Dear Jokers Wild,

      These three (Benavente, San Nicholas, and Crisostomo) have the most positions in the Cathedral. As I pointed out, Monsignor James holds 5 positions in the Cathedral. Father Jeff holds 4 positions in the Cathedral (Vicar General, College of the Consultors, Presbyterial Council, and Finance Council). Father Mike holds 3 positions in the Cathedral (Vicar for the Clergy, College of Consultors, and Presbyterial Council). In addition to those positions, he is also in charge of Kamalen Karidot and KOLG. These three priests are also supporters of the jungle. Because Monsignor James holds the most positions, there may even be a conflict of interest from one position to another.

      The fact that Father Paul wanted out of the Cathedral shows that it is indeed a blessing that the RMS priests are also out. With them out of the cathedral, it becomes clear where the division is. It began in the hearts of those who hunger for attention, power, status, and control.

    6. The division in the clergy under Byrnes is a lot worse than it was under Apuron. Under Apuron, the local priests and RMS priests were divided. But now with the RMS priests out of Agana Cathedral, you see a division in our own local priests. Their true colors are beginning to show. The relationship with the clergy has gotten worse under this present leadership that Fr. Paul wanted out of Agana. Well, he's out, but where is he assigned to?

  4. Under Apuron,there were neo and non-neo priests in the Cathedral. Under Byrnes, all the neo priests are gone. The people of Guam are not blind. We see and know corruption in our govt. and we can see that same corruption in the Church. Whenever a group gets rid of another group of priests, that in itself is already corrupt.

  5. correction is not persecution

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:05 pm, 

      Removing all priests from the Cathedral simply because they walk in the Way is persecution. It has nothing to do with correction.

  6. There should be another Aviso coming up. Probably Fathers Alberto, Julius, Vincenzo, Harold, Pedro, Msgr David Quitugua may be in the next Aviso. Fathers Miguel and Julio are at the new RMS in Brooklyn. And what about Fathers Jason, Aurelius, Luis, Edivaldo?

    1. I am curious, since the RMS priest were formed as Missionary Priests, and Byrnes has said this type of Priest formation is 'not a good model for Guam," why would any RMS Priest want to be in Guam, if it is not a missionary diocese.

      My opinion is that if I signed up to be a missionary priest in the diocese of Guam and that bishop of Guam does not want missionary priest then I would be looking to transfer to a diocese that is missionary.

      Could this be a legitimate concern, that perhaps the RMS Priests are all looking to get out of Guam?

      Catholic for Missionary Priests

    2. Dear Anonymous at 8:27AM,

      RMS priests are diocesan priests. They received their formation at the Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary in Guam. With this formation, they developed and nurtured a missionary spirit. They are willing to go wherever the Bishop sends him. At their ordination, they pledge obedience to the Bishop. Don't think all RMS priests are looking to get out of Guam.

    3. Not trying to beat this to death, but why does Byrnes not want diocesan priest formed in the RMS? It does not make any sense, or perhaps he just doesn't want a seminary in the diocese he works in. Why not I wonder?

  7. I think that is the intent.. to encourage RMS priests to leave Guam so there would no longer be Neos

  8. Wrong anon 11:45 AM.......Neos here to stay..... with or without priest from the WAY in the diocese.. would just ask them not to pass by without stopping...

  9. Anon @11:45 AM Kicking out priests just because they're in the Way isn't going to stop people from being Neos.In fact it's making the Neos stronger.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:22 am, 

      I agree. Just look at the last pilgrimage. There were 300 brothers who attended the pilgrimage. The brothers who attended the pilgrimage strengthen the brothers who were unable to attend.

      Those with arthritis and other ailments gave their testimony. They were able to walk up the incline in the Church of St. Francis of Assisi without any pain. It was a miracle. There were families who attended the pilgrimage. FAMILIES...and they felt no financial burden. There were the youth who left college to attend the pilgrimage. When they returned, they did not fail their classes despite that it was near the end of the school year. God provided. We gave seen the miracles. So we are prepared for the persecution. The persecution will only make us one with Christ.

  10. Good morning, I'm in Cairo Egypt, I'd like to ask you if you have any information about the NCW in churches here. Please let me know. Peace.

    1. Dear Lumen Pentium,

      This blog site is about the NCW in Guam. What exactly are your questions?

  11. Fake blogger. He is registered in Colombia, and he likes French films..... Egipt? Lol.

  12. Frenchie's back where's Tim Rohr

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:04 pm,

      It is difficult for Tim to come out and criticize Father Adrian and Archbishop Apuron because now he is in the same shoes as they are, being accused of child sexual abuse. To come out and criticize them would only make him look like a hypocrite.

    2. If I were Timmy, I would hire another lawyer. I wonder if Klitzkie even realize the kind of lawyer he's portraying to his client.

    3. I agree. Klitzkie is making fun of Father Adrian. What message is Klitzkie giving his client who is accused of the same offense? 🤔
