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Friday, May 25, 2018

News Update

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio has canonically erected the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Brooklyn on Pentecost Vigil, May 19, 2018.  Bishop DiMarzio has also appointed Father Julio Cesar as Rector and Father Miguel Angel as Spiritual Director.  As you know, Father Julio was Rector of the seminary in Guam when it was closed down.  Father Miguel Angel has a doctorate in Sacred Theology 'summa cum laude.'  

Below is a photo of Bishop DiMarzio: 

Furthermore, Victor Vitug II was ordained a deacon on April 14, 2018. As you know, Victor was a former seminarian of Guam.  Congratulations to Victor.  Below is a card of Victor's diaconate ordination.  


  1. Brooklin gains, Guam looses!

    1. "For to him who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away." (Mt.13:12 RSV)

      Byrnes Loss is DiMarzio's gain... Byrnes name will go down in history in shame. I hope he converts before it is too late.

  2. No probeplem Bishop of Brooklyn want a seminary. But why didn’t these presbyters of Guam take their assignments in good faith first. Just simple question.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:13 pm,

      Which assignment was that? They were already told that he did not want those TYPE of priests. They got the hint.

  3. Surprise, Surprise! :)
    U r out of the loop:)
    U should ask fr. Jeff not Diana. Father Jeff knows it :)

  4. Diana, I just got this idea of saving the RMS seminary by purchasing back on its nominal price. We people of Guam would fund raise the money, about 20 million, at least. I mean we could do it through involving a world wide network of NCW communities that demonstrated their big power and number in Rome just in early May.

    I don't know if it can be done but imagine, Diana, the 200 thousand people who were at the Tor Ver Gata gate, just everybody would donate $100 or euro, we would be fine. People received Guam well in Rome because of the solidarity and persecution we have to go through. Perhaps they would respond to fundraising for Guam RMS.

    Diana, just imagine the face of Byrnes when we place $20M, the nominal price we have fund raised, on his desk! He would not be able to say a word... For sure, we would show him we are sustainable and leave him in shame. I just got this idea. Perhaps I am too optimistic or naive. But I think this could be a demonstration of the Holy Spirit working though charism. It would go down in church history as a big victory of Catholic faith in Guam. Just imagine...


    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:36 pm,

      RMS cannot be sold without the approval of the Holy See and because there is a stipulation on that property. Why do you think he was so quick to publicly announce the sale of the chancery. Archbishop Byrnes does not need the approval of the Holy See to sell the chancery.

      However, I am sure Archbishop Byrnes will come to realize (if he hasn’t already) that Guam’s public law forbids the sale of any historic building. And the chancery is deemed historic due to the fact that St. Pope John Paul II stayed there. The fact that a saint have stayed there makes it a historic building.

      RMS is already an unkempt site filled with overgrown weeds and jungle matter. They closed down a property they think they can sell, and now the property depreciates in value due to the Archdiocese lack of maintenance on the property. That unsightly mess is now Archbishop Byrnes legacy. Let it be so people can see his legacy. This is what happens when he listens to CCOG and the jungle.

      If he cannot sell RMS or the chancery, what is next on the chopping block?

    2. Well Bishop Byrnes sell the Friary.

  5. If Byrnes didn’t want seminary then he should return the money to person who paid for it. Only makes sense. Will he do it? Hmmm.

  6. Looks like the RMS is literally in the jungle...maybe rats, snakes & pest take over building.....
    What a waste.....
