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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Jungle Blogger Accused By Wife

Now that the tables have been turned, Tim Rohr can experience a little bit of what Archbishop Apuron went through. His ex-wife have gone public and accused Tim Rohr of physically abusing one of his sons and sexually abusing some of his daughters. Perhaps now, he can start to understand the importance of a person's right of due process of law.  Interesting......I do not believe in Karma, but I guess the saying is true - What goes around comes around. According to KUAM news:

JungleWatch blogger accused by wife

Millions from around the world have watched Guam's clergy sexual abuse cases and other church controversies unravel through the blog, JungleWatch. Now, founder and writer, Tim Rohr, is under fire for allegations of sexual abuse himself.
The accusations came to light through court documents as Rohr and his wife, Leone Williams-Rohr, fight for custody of their minor children after Rohr filed for divorce late last year. According to her declaration, Leone moved back to the Virgin Islands to see her father, who suffers from cancer. The trip was also to take one of their sons to see a medical specialist not available on Guam.
She maintains she is the "best and safest parent" for their minor children, noting Rohr hasn't provided financial support and ignores his children.
Leone further alleges Rohr has bullied her through emails, texts, calls and voicemails for the past ten months and that his "constant attacks" have forced her to file police reports and seek help from the Women's Coalition.
Most shocking, Leone alleges Rohr physically abused one of his sons and sexually abused some of his daughters.
Before he get access to his children, Leone requests a home study be done and Rohr undergo a psychological evaluation.
The couple have been married for over thirty years and have 11 children together.


  1. If, after listening to these 'allegations', Bishop Byrnes doesn't treat Rohr as he treated Apuron, we will clearly see the hypocrisy of Byrnes in full display.

    However, Byrnes will have to reckon THE FACT that if Tim Rohr is indeed found guilty of these crimes, that Byrnes BELIEVED a pedophile/wife/child-abuser more readily than his own brother Bishop.

    Oh the irony!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:17 am,

      Archbishop Byrnes has much to reflect on. The people he has been listening to had an agenda and obviously hate Archbishop Apuron. He is surrounded by a disbarred lawyer, a CCOG President indicted for conspiracy, a man now accused of physical and sexual abuse on his children, members of LFM, a priest accused of financial mismanagement, a priest and Deacon who supported LFM, and other priests who publicly supported the bill, lifting the statutes of limitations. These are the people who surround Archbishop Byrnes.

      I understand that Archbishop Byrnes does not want to appear uncaring to the victims of sexual abuse. The problem with taking this kind of stand is that the rule of law is ignored - a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Archbishop Byrnes needs to reflect as to why many Filipino priests wish to return to their diocese in the Philippines and why many others no longer want to be a part of the Archdiocese of Agana and are looking for another Bishop to take them in. What priest in the Philippines would want to come to Guam? This is now a place where any priest can be accused of child sexual abuse, and it does not matter if he is innocent. Why? Because in Guam, a priest or bishop accused of child sexual abuse is already labeled guilty without due process of a trial.

      The parishioners of Detroit and the people of Guam need to pray for this Archbishop. He is being misled by people with certain agendas, just like the manakos who protested in front of the cathedral.

      Rohr and his family also needs prayers, especially the children.

    2. Dear Diana, please do not forget that many complaints were not related to Tim Rohr. Rohr represented a few priests who were critical of Archbishop Apuron. His personal trouble or even demise would not have any impact on their opposition. In fact, even a fall-out for Rohr would not change anything.

      Archbishop Byrnes made the archdiocese transparent and decentralized. Financial revenues and obligations are duly published and made available for the public. This is a plus. Also, there are several boards and bodies composed of Catholic priests and lay persons that make the governance of the archdiocese decentralized. Power is not restricted to a few chosen but the whole priesthood is included. This is also a great plus. All these positive changes have nothing to do with Rohr or CCOG.

      The outcome of the tribunal cannot be changed or modified. It is very little chance that Archbishop Apuron, Fr. Edivaldo or Fr. Adrian would ever return to Guam. Even if Rohr would end up in prison, where he won't, this cannot be undone.

      The RMS deal also seems to be final. Financial obligations will impede the life of the church for the next 10-15 years. We are not talking about a few months or 1-2 years. We are talking about decades. As soon as payments will be due by court order or settlement, the possibility of a devastating bankruptcy will be hanging over Byrnes.

      So, I would not dismiss the courage of taking up the helms of challenge and standing in the storm. Rohr will be long gone and his CCOG will be history when Archbishop Byrnes will be standing tall and still fighting for the survival of the Catholic faith and life style on our island.


    3. Dear Grow up,

      I beg to differ. Under Archbishop Apuron, the Archdiocese came out and claimed that there was a conspiracy to remove the Archbishop, and it goes back to the RMS property. This revelation coming from Leone Rohr can give people some pause to question all of Tim’s allegation on the Archbishop and the RMS property.

      I heard Tim Rohr on K57. Already, Tim is blaming the NCW and Father Adrian for the accusation against him. Obviously, Tim is delusional. The NCW and Father Adrian never accused him of child sexual abuse. It was his wife who accused him. We have nothing to do with it.

    4. Dear Diana, I don't see your point of disagreement. Do you beg to differ in what exactly? Why do you think the RMS deal has anything to do with Rohr? It was Archbishop Hon, coming as one of the Apostolic Visitors in 2015, who insisted on the repossession of the RMS by the archdiocese. He gave direct instruction to Archbishop Byrnes to sign the deal with no litigation. Rohr did not like Archbishop Hon at all, he mocked him in his blog. I reckon the dislike was mutual. Archbishop Hon strongly opposed the lifting of the statute of limitation.

      Archbishop Byrnes has known from making his very first step on island that Tim Rohr was a liability rather than an asset for serious Catholics in normalizing church life on Guam. Why do you think he would have any reason to change now? I believe Byrnes will take it with a sense of relief when Rohr is sidelined by his on junglenation crowd as a nuisance.

      Tim Rohr's delusion could be a sign of serious mental condition. He is a person badly needing help. He probably would need medical treatment. Did you read Leone saying Rohr needs psychological evaluation? What Leone says is very serious because she used to live with the man for 30 years, giving births to his 11 children.

    5. Dear Grow up,

      You wrote that the complaints were not related to Tim Rohr. That is what I responded to. Rohr was the one who accused the RMS Seminary of money laundering. I agree that Rohr needs help and we pray for him. Since you agree that he may most likely be delusional, this alone is reason enough for people to start questioning all of Tim’s allegations against Archbishop Apuron, RMS, and the NCW.

    6. I will not pray for that man if you want to call him a man


    7. That is your choice. My family and I pray for Rohr and his family. No one wants to see a broken marriage and children suffering

    8. Tim reaped what he sowed. But we cannot stoop to his level for it would only make us as he is.

    9. Tim didn't mind breaking down the Archbishop fake victims and all the lies to try to destroy a good man a man of God and now the tables are turned being accused of what he accused the Archbishop the worst part is his own kids I'll pray for the Archbishop but not Tim and now he's trying to bring down..NCW but I guess that's my choice

    10. Check you facts, please. Tim Rohr does not have a law suit against him. He won't be tried. Nobody has ever filed charges against him. This is a misconception. The divorce settlement is not the same as a criminal trial. He has never been convicted as guilty. Clear? He lost custody for some kids but he still has custody for other kids.

    11. Anon @609pm

      What matters is that the issue is now a public one, the accusations are now known, personal affidavits from the children are in the hands of the court.
      Knowing this, the Archdiocese has a ZERO tolerance policy and should request that Tim remove himself from all lay ministries he is involved in. This includes the Saint Anthony catechesis that he supposedly conducts and because of this cloud looming over him, he should also not be allowed on KOLG radio station. This should remain in place until his reputation is cleared Publicly.

      Those who are contributing financially should cease their contributions to these programs until all suspicions and accusations are cleared.


      -Jokers Wild

    12. Okay, Jokers, I dare you to do anything, I repeat anything whatsoever, to reduce the influence of this one person on the Catholic public opinion on Guam. You won't be able to. What is your hope? There is an issue among divorce settlement papers that nobody is interested in. Why? Because it is a non-issue. The case was closed, the court won't act. It is over. What do you really want to do? Go with FOIA? Try it, I dare you. The crap you may dig up won't have any market value. Just do it and see for yourself.

    13. There's no bulletin board advertising about Tim sexual harass anybody else not yet if he did it to his own kids who else is out there come out sounds familiar that's what he did to the Archbishop maybe the victim should come out ccog where's your picket signs shameful

    14. @2pm
      You can always tell a disciple of Timmy by his anger and vulgarity.

      Facts remain:
      1. Supposedly catholic Timmy filed for divorce from his wife
      2. He is involved in a very unchristian public fight with the person closest to him
      3. His wife and his children accuse him of violence
      4. His wife and his children accuse him of sexual abuse
      5. His wife accuses him of being a porn addict
      6. His wife and children accuse him of negligence at best, child abuse at worst

      Maybe some on island will continue to listen to this man. I hope not because boy does that make us look stupid. But no one else will. Imagine googling him and seeing the accusations against him, not of things that happened 40 years ago but of things he is doing today. Any thinking person, who hasn’t dismissed him already, will dismiss him as a violent foul mouthed creep who can’t keep his pants on. Once you read what his wife says, it doesn’t really matter what Timmy has to say on anything else. All you can think of is “this guy regularly exposes himself to his daughters!”
      Same with Byrnes. He better distance himself before the bad rep rubs off on him.

    15. Anonymous @ 1:22 AM/AKA -Jokers Wild: Please rest your weary mind.
      First, Tim Rohr is no longer on KOLG's "Why Do Catholics Do That?"
      Second, Tim Rohr is no longer holding his Adult Study Group at the St. Anthony Spiritual Center.

      As far as I can tell Tim Rohr was not involved in any "lay ministries" as you claim. He was not a lector or EMHC at any parish. His study groups have been held over the years at different places and not all were held on Church property. Tim Rohr never pretended that he was having the study groups in conjunction with a parish or a lay group. The group was Tim and his friends and anyone who wanted to drop in. There was no commitment. There was no promise of a certificate at the end. It was just up to the person if he or she wanted to attend.
      I'm not sure if he is continuing (I think he will still continue). If he is still holding the study group he is doing so independently as before but I don't know where (maybe at a restaurant or maybe someone is hosting the group).

      Also as far as I can tell Tim Rohr has removed himself from anything public to do with the Church. He is continuing on with his life and he is not running away (even though people on this blog would like to run him out of Guam). The one thing I can see (or hear) is that he is following the advice of his lawyer and is not discussing the accusations in the media. He is not denying or confirming. He made one reference to Fr. Adrian Cristobal and the NCW while on K57 but he hasn't said anything after that.

      Rest easy and know that God is in charge of all things.

  2. Well now we need to pray for him too.......

    God is not sleeping.

  3. Ouch, I don't boast for this sad news for his family but at the same time I pray for him. When family is shattered is a difficult thing. I feel for the children specially.

  4. Can anyone explain the embargo that PDN put on this news?!

  5. Ti Mamaigu si Yu'us.

  6. and Tim still believes Im Fr. Adrian. far off! DELUSIONAL!

    -Jokers Wild

    1. Noooo he think I'm Fr. Adrian! Lol

    2. I thought I was Fr. Adrian's.... conscience... :)
      I wonder if all the deliberate evil Rohr has done give him nightmares?

    3. He used to think I was father Rudy with all that negative writing about father Rudy, delusional Yes he still is you hear that CCOG you brought down your own church what a shame what a shame for the people of Guam

    4. Tim said I was Fr. Adrian.

    5. Tim also accused me of being Father Adrian. 🙄


  8. I don't listen to KOLG when Tim Rohr is the guest speaker. He always seemed to bash the NCW in the main topic of the day. The other hosts do not stop him to get back to subject. Pending this physical and sexual abuse allegations by his wife and daughter, ABYRNES should not allow Rohr as a guest or host or have anything to do w the Church communication program. If this doesn't happen, this is another solid proof of ABYRNES alliance with the enemy.

  9. Why is Tim continuing to preach on Catholic radio? He should back off .

    1. Someone NEEDS to put Byrnes on notice for giving a platform to some one ACCUSED of pedophilia and abuse in his 'catholic radio' program... and if I see Byrnes again next to Rohr, I will publicly denounce his cuddling with 'accused' criminals and his double standards when dismissing anyone accused of such crimes.

    2. FYI Anonymous @ 11:31 AM: Tim Rohr was not “preaching” on KOLG. He was only the guest host for Fr. Mike Crisostomo on “Why Do Catholics Do That?”

      ICYMI: There was NO WDCDT on Friday so you and Anonymous at 8:18 AM should feel comfortable about tuning in to KOLG again.

    3. Pale Mike and Pale Paul sidekick on Kolg no where to be found. WTH

    4. Maybe Tim needs to be banned from Guam

  10. Is it safe to say HYPOCRISY!

  11. Diana, the Daily Post is even more scathing and damaging for Rohr. It says Rohr is a porn addict who regularly exposed himself to his daughters. Why did he do that? "I didn't understand why my dad thought exposing his nakedness to us girls was funny. It was always disturbing." says one of the daughters.

    This kind of things actually have grave spiritual significance in the Bible.

    "Rohr has been a critic of the Catholic Church leadership under Archbishop Anthony Apuron and a key figure in helping expose the alleged clergy sexual abuse of children within Guam's Catholic Church. However, Leone Williams-Rohr, now residing in the Virgin Islands, and some of their children have raised their own accusations of sexual abuse against the blogger."

    Wow! We also had to learn that Tim Rohr file for divorce. Yes, the proud Catholic Rohr filed for divorce. Perhaps he has never heard that in the Catholic Church there is no divorce?

    1. Tim only filed for divorce because his lawyer told him that that was the only way for him to be able to petition the court for the custody of his 2 minor children who are still in the Virgin Islands. Tim does not want a divorce and prays to reconciled to his wife.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 7:35 am,

      Filing for divorce is not a way to reconcile. Refusing to sign the divorce papers and going through some sort of marriage counseling shows an attempt to reconcile. Once he and his wife reconcile, there is no need to fight for custody.

    3. Anonymous @ 7:35 AM are you sure Tim Rohr filed for divorce? I remember reading on this blog in November 2017 that his family had left him and he was served with divorce papers. Again I ask: Are you sure he filed for divorce? Or did he file a response?

      Diana @ 2:45 PM even if Rohr refuses to sign the papers the wife can get the divorce by default. Even if Tim Rohr is wiling to go for counseling while the wife refuses there is no guarantee that they will reconcile. The reality is when only one goes for counseling the couple will still divorce. The way I see it Tim Rohr has no other choice but to fight for custody of the minor children in court.

    4. Rohr should listen to a catechesis to possibly allow God to save his marriage..through this carism....
      He too is loved by God....prayers for him and his family...
      "If only he would listen today and not harden his heart"...

      If he would repent for his sins and change his ways, the wife might fall in love again with the man she married....rebuild their marriage centered in Christ. Nothing is impossible with God. Look at the marriages saved in the WAY.......

    5. Anon @4:19- I am not 100% sure if he did or not. I heard from a reliable source that he had filed for divorce (but then was maybe amended to be a separation). In any case, there was (is) limit on the number of months which his minor children could be out of the country for him to petition for their return and custody (and OF COURSE he had been trying to get his family back with out going to court prior to that ).

  12. I could not understand for a long time how Tim could think up the horrors he has invented against Apuron the NCW the RMS and people he has attacked. I could not understand where the foul language came from or how he could invent the the stories he has paid the “victims” to repeat.
    Now I do. It’s what he does. The horrible actions, the abuse, the money embezzlement and laundering, stealing, sexual immorality are the things that he lives in his life. He doesn’t have to invent anything. He has done all those things and uses his diabolical experience as a source book to destroy others.
    If his wife’s accusations do not bring him down, discredit him and remove all his power and credibility, then I think we really have to consider the possibility that he has made pacts with very sinister powers that are protecting him.


    1. "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them." (Mt7:18-20)

      "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil man out of his evil treasure brings forth evil. I tell you, on the day of judgment men will render account for every careless word they utter; for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Mt 12:34b-37)

    2. Right on !!!....NB

  13. In the middle of sad news (Rohr, key figure in persecuting Apuron, and his own scandal) we hear good news from the NCW...

    God continue to Bless Kiko for all he has done for the Church.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:10 pm,

      Thank you for this wonderful news. The NCW has inspired it's members to be priests and nuns. I will put this in a separate post soon.

  14. Rohr should listen to a catechesis to possibly allow God to save his marriage..through this carism....
    He too is loved by God....prayers for him and his family...
    "If only he would listen today and not harden his heart"...


    Here’s another one

  16. Brothers, the only thing you can and must do is to pray for this family. Even for Mr. Rohr, seriously and with the heart.

    Rather, I am appalled by a fact: 300 people have made 10,000 miles to come to Rome from the Pope (I only 100 miles), and not a word came from your bishop and your diocese. A shame, not to you pilgrims, but to the Pope and to the Universal Church, the Church of Rome "Caput Mundi".

    1. Dear Lou,

      On the contrary, the Pope addressed the entire NCW around the world who made the trip to Rome; therefore, Guam was included. Archbishop Apuron was on the stage with Pope Francis. And Guam was given a place inside the fence closest to the stage.

    2. Lou, if you don't believe that we were close to the stage. I can email you a photo.

    3. Being close to the stage was an honor of life time. Everything that happened was very easy to follow.

  17. What is Bishop Byrnes' decision regarding Catechesis and the formation of new communities?

    Deacon Steve Martinez was appointed Delegate to the Neocatechumenal Way. I have not seen him at any celebrations and announcements. What are his duties as Delegate?

    Also, Deacon Steve was to review the teachings of the Neocatechumenal Way. What are his findings? What authority does he have to review the Statutes and Catechetical Directories of the Way? These documents were approved by the Vatican.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:45 pm,

      According to news report, Deacon Steve already submitted his report to Archbishop Byrnes in March. That report has not been made public.

      I have no idea how Deacon Steve was able to submit a report without attending any of the NCW celebrations. Since Archbishop Byrnes placed a moratorium on the NCW, we did not have any catechesis. Therefore, there is absolutely no way Deacon Steve is able to determine whether the NCW is following the catechetical directory. Considering this fact, I have no idea what he was able to write in the report?

    2. I don't think Deacon Steve gave a good and accurate report. He is greatly influenced by Rohr, CCOG, Untalan and other advisors.

    3. Can we see the report someplace? I would like to know.

  18. Maybe with the Archbishop appeal the truth will come out the man who accused in is being accused himself all the corruption going on with ccog just bring our Archbishop Apuron back

  19. That's right bring bring back our beloved Archbishop Tony Apuron back where he belongs the true Archbishop of Guam with his people !!

    1. How is it possible to bring back Archbishop Tony Apuron if he was banned from returning and residing on Guam?

      Who are the flock of His people? We are His people, the sheep of His flock.

  20. to Anon 05/19/2018 at 1:53pm
    I have accepted, for now, till the appeal is complete, that AApuron won't be returning to Guam. Let's just pray for him and not keep wishing him back to Guam.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:17 am,

      Archbishop Apuron is a son of Guam. He has family and friends here. What kind of person would wish him exile especially if it comes out that he is innocent and his removal was a conspiracy?

    2. Diana, how would he be innocent when he had been convicted by the tribunal? Do you think Cardinal Burke and the other members of the tribunal conspired against Apuron?! Why? How?

    3. I hate conspirators because they don't have any concern for innocence and truth. It is said to see priests and bishops among them. Their only concern is to conspire and to destroy lives. You see them in church position even celebrating the Eucharist in mass. Conspirators are everywhere. The Lord Jesus said let your left hand don't know what your right hand is doing. Conspirators use both hands and they know exactly what they do: they conspire! That is why they won't have any excuse when the day of the Lord is coming.

    4. Diana, it is said he made a deal with them for this punishment that he would not be embarrassed back.

    5. Must be one of the ones that was picketing in front of the church you're not his people

  21. We just need to wait and see the outcome of his appeal. As much as I would like for him to be in Guam, reality is that it is possible he will return to visit and not take up residence.

  22. "That is your choice. My family and I pray for Rohr and his family. No one wants to see a broken marriage and children suffering" This was your response to some one who said that they refused to pray for Tim Rohr. I have to say that I think that this is the best post I have ever seen you write. It truly blessed me to see that after everything that has gone down, you are still willing to pray for him and his family. THAT is what a Christian does. Thank you for being bold enough to make this post!

  23. I'll pray for his family but I will not pray for him for what he done to his own family he did not pray for Archbishop Apuron when he was sick all he wanted to do used to destroy him he broken his on family I guess that's what, Karma does

  24. kar·ma
    noun: karma(in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.

    Anonymous@2:08, to whom are you praying? Diana has taken the more Christ-like path in praying for Tim Rohr. The Bible in Matthew 5:44 says, "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,"

  25. Why don't you tell Tim that :€

  26. No need to tell Tim....he's expiriencing it....

  27. Philippinans 1:9-11 9I pray that your love will keep on growing more and more, together with true knowledge and perfect judgment, 10so that you will be able to choose what is best. Then you will be free from all impurity and blame on the Day of Christ. 11Your lives will be filled with the truly good qualities which only Jesus Christ can produce, for the glory and praise of God.

    Diana has chosen the more excellent road in this ... praying for the man who has spoken against her repeatedly.

    There is way too much hate, vengeance, psycho-babble about "karma", etc going on here. Let us all look to God's Word about how to think and act.

  28. , you're right Diana chosen a more excellent Road never bad-mouth Tim for what Tim bad mouth her always stating the facts always answering even the jungle folks neighbor bad language what the jungle always did to her never wishing death to the Archbishop I'll give credit to her for always being there for the Archbishop because she knows he's innocent forever what she doing for NCW never putting anybody down like Tim Ror may God be with you Diana : ))))) "+"

  29. Is someone going to attempt to answer some basic questions regarding this mess? Such as, if Tim is such a good catholic, and I'm guessing so is his wife, how do they reconcile getting a divorce? Last I heard, the church isn't fond of marriage breakups. Seems as if all that doctrine didn't work in this case.

    Also, where did the resources come from that allowed these people to jet across the world? Having a brood of eleven kids doesn't leave much in the way of discretionary income. How did the adults support this lifestyle? Something is very wrong here, nothing is consistent or maintains an internal logic...

    1. Let me give you an attempt, dear serve&volley. The jungle became so brain dead, they are not able to talk about any relevant thing. They have nothing to say about Jesus, the Catholic faith, the church or the well-being of people. All their utterances are unreadable and boring to death.

      Their ridiculous political campaigning resulted in an overwhelming defeat of their candidate and in the victory of the first ever pro-abortion governor on Guam. These are the hard facts that cannot be contested! So what about their lifestyle? It is a self-destructive, self-defeating lifestyle, an alien mentality inserted to Guam from outside that people cannot identify with. The people of Guam hate them and laugh them off. The jungle caused great damage to themselves and to everyone who listens to them. I am so sorry for Senator Aguon who was beaten up twice in a row by Lou Leon Guerrero in the race for governor. He had to pay the price for being the jungle candidate.

      The Catholic Church was also greatly damaged according to the measure our church leaders listened to and followed instruction from the jungle. People do not want to see these self-righteous big mouths on the streets or in the journals shaking theirs fists at everything decent and reliable. Enough is enough!
