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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Six RMS Priests Will Be Ordain By Pope Francis

There are 16 deacons in Rome who will be ordained by Pope Francis on April 22nd.  Eleven priests will be for the Diocese of Rome.  Six of them came from the Redemptoris Mater Seminary.  You can find the story below here.


Pope Francis orders Sunday 16 priests, there is also a former lawyer

His name is Renato Tarantelli, 41, a relative of the economist killed by the Br in 85. Others come from Redemptoris Mater, Major Roman Seminary, Family of Disciples and Small Work of Divine Providence

There are 16 deacons who will be ordained priests in the Mass presided over by Pope Francis in St. Peter's Basilica on the 22nd of April, the fourth Sunday of Easter, also called "of the Good Shepherd". Of the new eleven priests will be for the diocese of Rome, as a note from the Vicariate informs. Six of them were trained at the Diocesan College Redemptoris Mater, five studied at the Roman Major Seminary, four belong to the Family of the Disciples and one to the Little Work of Divine Providence (Don Orione). 

They have origins, life experiences and different charisms. Among them is Renato Tarantelli Baccari, from the parish of San Giuseppe al Trionfale, 41 years old: he is the greatest of the five ordinands of the Romano Major Seminary, a former lawyer and also a relative of Ezio Tarantelli, the economist killed by the Red Brigades in 1985 "My late vocation - tells the diocesan weekly RomaSette- came after I had already marked my emotional and professional life as a professor of tax law "; nine years ago "a disruptive experience", such as the journey from Lourdes to Santiago, "made me realize that I wanted, and I was, something different". Even Gabriele Nasca, from the parish of Our Lady of Sorrows, 29, says he has heard "fall defenses and collapse fears in the face of the Lord's call"; as well as Emilio Cenani, 32, and deacons Massimo Cunsolo, 28, and Michele Ferrari, 26. 

"It is to say my" thank you "to God that I have chosen the path of the priesthood," says Thierry Randrianantenaina, 27, originally from Madagascar, "the marriage of my parents has indeed been saved by pure grace". The father has had a problem of alcoholism that has weighed on the family balance but "the accompaniment of the Church, in particular with the experience of the Neocatechumenal Way - he explains - has made us experience the mercy of God".  

Even the vocation of Juraj Baskovic, 37, Croatian, has matured within the Neocatechumenal Way along with that of four other ordinands: the thirty-seven Phaolo Do Van Tan, native of Vietnam, the same age Thein Lwin, of Myanmar, the Colombian Fabio Alejandro Perdomo Lizcano, born in 1982, and Moises Pineda Zacarias, born in San Salvador in 1990. 

In view of the papal mass, on Friday 20 April, at 7.30 pm, the vicar Angelo De Donatis will preside at the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary a prayer vigil for vocations. 


  1. Diana, is this good or bad? None of them are from Guam.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:02 am,

      Being ordained into the priesthood is a good thing. God does not care what country you are from.

  2. I saw pictures of 2 of our seminarians were ordained Deacons. They could have been our future Guam priests. God's will they are ordained, AByrnes will that they are not our priests.

  3. Byrnes is blinded by his self-image, his "career" (as opposed to his vocation). He clearly believes that temporal powers and money are the TRUE rulers in Guam, NOT Christ = the Truth. So he reverently bows in worship to these false idols and diligently offered the future vocations of Guam in sacrifice to appease them. Do not get me wrong. I do not feel I am better than Byrnes, we are all sinners, St. Paul persecuted the Church before his conversion, there is always hope. But we have yet to see Byrnes turn... until then, he is no better than the Bishops and priests that have sold the truth and betrayed their own calling for 30 pieces of silver.
