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Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Appeal Was Approved

These are FACTUAL DATA that can be verified.  According to Tim Rohr:
Let's make this very clear. An appeal is not an appeal when it is filed. An appeal is an appeal when the appellate court agrees to hear it. Said court may also refuse to hear it. In either case, just as with the sentence, the Vatican will announce it via the same sort of Bulletin.
First of all, this is the same man who manipulated people into believing that there was no canonical trial.  In his blog, Rohr wrote:
TimDecember 26, 2016 at 7:44 AM 
He's in the area. I have "hard copy" evidence. He's not in Rome defending himself at his canonical trial because there's isn't one.
The only who said that there was a canonical trial was Archbishop Apuron.  Today, Rohr is saying that there is no appeal. He believes that the Vatican must publish that there is an appeal.  Did the Vatican ever publish that there was a canonical trial? Today, we know for a FACT that there was a canonical trial.  Today, we know for a FACT that Rohr was incorrect when he said there was no canonical trial.  The evidence and facts presented speaks for itself. 

Today, Rohr says that there is no appeal because the CDF did not accept it; yet, he showed absolutely no evidence that the CDF did not accept it.  It is the same with the canonical trial.  He said there was no canonical trial; yet, he showed no evidence that there was no canonical trial.  Rather, he called Archbishop Apuron a liar.  Today, we now know that there was a canonical trial, and this truth came from Archbishop Apuron.  While Rohr continues to say that there is no appeal, this is what the CDF stated according to Catholic News Agency:
Until appeals are resolved, “the imposed penalties are suspended until the final resolution” of the trial, according to the CDF.    
Until appeals are resolved, the imposed penalties are suspended....ACCORDING TO THE CDF.  The CDF says the sentence is suspended and Rohr says that it is not suspended.  So, who should you believe????  The answer should have been obvious.  Again the truth was found with Archbishop Apuron who stated that he had already filed an appeal.  

This news report came in on Friday, March 16th.  Coadjutor Archbishop Byrnes addressed the media on Monday, March 19th and declared himself Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Agana three days after the CDF already stated that the imposed penalties are suspended until the final resolution of the trial. Again, the evidence and facts presented speaks for itself. 

Furthermore, Rohr stated in his blog (Capitalization and bold is mine):
 "The canonical process in relation to the accusations, INCLUDING those of child sexual abuse, charged against the Reverend Anthony Sablan Apuron, OFM Cap., Archbishop of Agaña, Guam, has concluded." The Italian translation leaves no question as to what Apuron was tried for and found guilty of.]
Rohr deliberately misinterpreted the translation.  The word "including" is used to include the child sexual abuse charges.  This means that there were other charges.  "The canonical process in relation to the accusations, INCLUDING those of child abuse...."  The Vatican never stated what the charges were that Archbishop Apuron was found guilty of and of which he is now in appeals.  

If the guilty charges were child sexual abuse, then why didn't the Vatican tell Archbishop Apuron to stay away from children??????  Why a much lesser sentence?  As the article pointed out, if the guilty charge was child sexual abuse, it did not match the sentence.  

And Coadjutor Archbishop Michael Byrnes judged Archbishop Apuron guilty of child sex abuse without actually knowing what he was found guilty of.  Because the Vatican never publicized the charges he was found guilty of, the Coadjutor Bishop should have refrained from judging a brother bishop. Instead, he should have turned to Jesus Christ who said, "Do not judge, and you will not be judged."


  1. Will one of you junglefolks email this post to Timmy? And while you're at it, tell Timmy to tell the truth about what Diana said regarding the battle plans Oh, by the way, also email this post to COADJUTOR bishop Byrnes. He owes AB Apuron an apology for stealing his title.

    1. Taking Apuron’s title for himself was Byrnes’ mistake. The least he could have done was call the Vatican for clarification rather than assume the title was his for the taking. So, what is he to do now?

    2. Dear Anonymous at 9:24 am,

      We all make mistakes. One thing I learned in the Way is to forgive. My mentality has changed. I used to think that I was better than everyone; therefore, I could not accept correction from the brothers. Now that my eyes are opened, I realized that I also have wronged others. It took time for me to ask forgiveness from those I wronged because of my pride. But when I finally asked for forgivessness, I actually felt better as though a burden was lifted off my shoulder. Today, when a brother corrects me, I understand that it is done out of love. We help each other in building up our faith. When we correct our brothers in the community, we do it with love and gentleness. Unfortunately, there are times I can be harsh in correcting others. Even my husband and children has pointed out this character in me......a character that needs to die.

  2. Where is the official document from the Holy See declaring that Michael Jude Byrnes is now the Archbishop of Agana? The Chancery Office was able to produce the document from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith indicating the results from the Apostolic Tribunal. "In the case of an appeal, the imposed penalties are suspended until final resolution." An appeal has been filed. Did the Apostolic Tribunal hear the appeal and give a final resolution already? The Chancery Office then should produce the document of "final resolution" from the Apostolic Tribunal that declares that Michael Jude Byrnes is now officially Archbishop of Agana, and no longer Coadjutor. Or has Tim Rohr conveniently disposed of such document which is not in agreement with his biased views. Who really is the head of the Archdiocese of Agana? Until we see official documents, His Excellency Anthony Sablan Apuron is still Archbishop of Agana.

  3. Why doesn't the Chancery move their offices to the large and empty building in Ylig (Yona), vacated by the RMS Seminary by the order of Archbishop Byrnes? Byrnes can't sell the property anyway without the formal approval of the Vatican so why not occupy and maintain it like the Seminarians did for more than 15 years. If his intent is to sell it, then occupy the building and take good care of it instead of allowing the grass to grow and mold to build up which might decrease the market value of the building.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:20 pm, 

      Perhaps, it is because they do not have the manpower nor the money to cut the grass, clean the place up, and maintain it. Before it was shut down, the seminarians and the NCW maintained the place without any cost. We did it for FREE. We did it out of love.

      You need a lot of people to maintain that place and the Archdiocese do not have the money to do it. Where is the Archdiocese going to find the people to clean the place up for free?

      The market value of the Yona property is decreasing because of the mold build up, the growth of weeds, and the lack of maintenance.

    2. Ummm the seminarians technically weren't doing it for free if the archdiocese was housing them. So it's safe to say that the seminarians had no choice but to cut grass and do the maintenance at RMS while they were being housed there.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 5:30 pm,

      They had a choice. They did not have to cut the grass. They could always leave, but they chose to stay. They were never forced to attend the seminary, which is what the jungle claimed. They attended a missionary seminary because they wanted to, and they were not paid any money for the work they did as they maintained the seminary. After all, these men were in the NCW themselves and learned to do voluntary work without pay. These seminarians walked in the NCW and they learned to do work with love rather than with money.

      The NCW also did not have to maintain the seminary. They volunteered themselves to do it for free. Now, that the grass is overgrown and most likely littered with snakes, the Archdiocese can cut the grass themselves. Anyone there want to volunteer their service for free? Now that the pool is filled with tadpoles and debris, anyone in the Archdiocese want to clean it up for free? If not, then the Archdiocese will have to hire someone to do it for them.

    4. Oh and not even think of asking the NCW to clean it for you.

    5. That would be hilarious if the archdiocese asked the NCW to clean up the seminary. I would fall to the floor laughing. LOL!!!

    6. Dear Anonymous at 6:03 pm,

      Actually, some of the brothers who used to help maintain the seminary were asked to do so about a month after the seminary was closed. The brothers declined since it was no longer a seminary. The archdiocese making a big announcement that the seminary was at the top of the list of properties offered for sale did not help in convincing these brothers to pick up from where they left off in the maintenance.

      The NCW brothers sustained the mission of the RMS for the love of God in helping in whatever way they could in the formation of future priests. The brothers were not going to help in the love of money in the sale of the former seminary property. Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."

  4. Holy Week begins this weekend with Palm Sunday. God has allowed Satan to wreak havoc with us Catholics here in Guam to judge one another and distract us from God's plan for each of us. Let us remind ourselves of the love and mercy of God. Jesus conquered death taking our sins with him on the glorious cross. We are all sinners, even the saints admit they are sinners in their writings. Somehow, God will turn this mess we find ourselves in here in Guam into a good. I look forward to this. Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me a sinner.

  5. As much as we wanted to see AB Apuron be vindicated with a not guilty decision, I might think that we should just pray harder and no longer defend the oppositions gloat and tyranny. Deep within our hearts we know AB Apuron is not guilty but it is what it is now. The fact has been given to us. I suggest we will just let them win silently by not entertaining whatever they say. May the Good Lord sustain AB Apuron in these battle, May the Good Lord let him live peacefully throughout. May the good lord sustain our walk. May the Leaders of our church be enlightened by the Holy Spirit to be able to judge what is right.

  6. For the record, the four local (Chamorro) seminarians who were formed at the RMS Seminary in Yona and graduated with bachelor degrees in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Lateran University (Pope's University) were all rejected by AB Byrnes because their formation was not equal to that of St. Patrick's Seminary in Menlo Park, CA. Guam lost its four Chamorro Seminarians who have already been accepted by other U.S. Archdioceses and will soon be ordained Deacons and subsequently Catholic Priests. Guam has lost these young Seminarians because AB Byrnes refused to ordain them as Priests under the Archdiocese of Agana because of their formation. Very Sad Indeed!

    1. The Archdiocese under Coadjutor Archbishop Byrnes should be transparent. Where is the transparency? Why was the Catholic faithful not told that four local Chamorro seminarians were rejected? These Chamorro seminarians who graduated with a Bachelor degrees in the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome are the "sons of Guam".

      Being formed in the RMS in Guam is not a valid reason for dismissal for two reasons: 1) The RMS in Guam was accredited by the Pontifical Lateran University (Pope's University), and 2) Pope Francis has ordained many priests formed in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Rome.

      Also, someone brought up the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal (or lack of it). This is the first time we have not had an AAA. The AAA report shows how much was collected, where the proceeds go, and what ministries and services receive the funds? So, what happened to the AAA? How do Catholic faithful know how much funds were collected and where the funds go? Where is the transparency? Most important of all, why is CCOG not demanding transparency from the Archdiocese? By the way, the Junglewatch Nation is now in control of the Archdiocese of Agana.

  7. Didn’t the four seminarians need Byrnes recommendation to transfer out of Archdiocese of Agana? Sounds odd. Just saying.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:35 pm,

      Why would they request a transfer out of the Archdiocese of Agana? With the seminary shutting down, was it not Byrnes' responsibility to enroll them in another seminary as he did with those who went to St. Patrick's seminary?

    2. Unless they requested to transfer, maybe you can ask the Vocations office about this? Shouldn’t be an issue to provide an answer

  8. CLARIFICATION: The four Chamorro Seminarians who graduated from the Yona Seminary were college students and because they were never ordained by AB Byrnes, they never officially belonged to the Archdiocese of Agana.

    In fact, here is Byrnes' statement from an October 4, 2017 article in the Guam PDN: "Archbishop Michael Jude Byrnes announced on Wednesday the Redemptoris Mater Seminary, which is controlled by the Neocatechumenal Way, will close by the end of the year because its model of priest formation is not sustainable for an island like Guam." (

    The four Chamorro Seminarians met one on one with AB Byrnes and it was his decision not to ordain them under the Archdiocese of Agana because he felt the RMS was not the acceptable model of priest formation for Guam. Guam has lost these four Chamorro Seminarians to U.S. mainland Archdioceses during a time when Guam really needed younger priests to begin replacing some of the aging and sickly priests on Guam. Sad, Sad Decision by AB Byrnes.

  9. Yes, 9:31 true they were not in orders; but a seminary is not ‘college’ where students enroll. A seminarian must be accepted into the seminary formation sponsored by his Ordinary. The Ordinary must be well aware of the seminarians spiritual and academic progress. Archbishop Byrnes has seminary experience. We trust he judged correctly according to grace of his office and experience.

    1. Dear anonymous at 1:21

      What do you mean by having seminary experience because your just saying that he has experience being a seminarian so your saying that the people who studied at the seminary has seminary experience

    2. Byrnes was very involved in seminarians formation for Detroit. Is was administrator and formator. Clear?

    3. Do u know how many times he went to the RMS Seminary to be involved in formation of the seminarians? I bet you no more than once in the whole time being on Guam. Detroit was Detroit, he is on Guam now. Facts. Basta.

  10. 1:21, Remember AB Byrnes must live and ultimately answer for the decision he made to deny these four Chamorro Seminarians to serve as Disciples of Jesus Christ in their native island of Guam which is in real need of younger Catholic Priests. God Bless Him.

    1. Kicking out seminary students from their commitment for becoming a priest is just plain cruel. A pastor is not supposed to be cruel to the flock. It is either the pastor or the flock. Somebody is very wrong here!

  11. It does not mean that just because you went to seminary, you wil automatically be ordained. That is why you have formators and finally the local Ordinary discerns. If he discerned that they are not ready or suitable to be priest, it is the Spirit that discerns it for him.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:56,

      In this case, Coadjutor Archbishop Byrnes was NOT discerning whether they were ready or not. He was essentially saying that he does not need those kinds of diocesan priests, which is discriminatory.

    2. Just because you do not like his decision not ordain this young men does not mean he discriminates. He is the Head and he knows, with the Spirits discernment, that the young men are not qualified. It is his decision.
      It is like when Kiko says you cannot continue with seminary. Does it mean he discriminates?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:01 pm,

      Really? Well, I have news for you...those four Chamorro RMS seminarians graduated with a bachelor degrees in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Lateran University (Pope's University). So much for Archbishop Byrnes' discernment. Those four local seminarians proved him wrong, and they have a bachelor degree from the Pope's University to show for it.

    4. A Bachelors degree from whichever Pontifical university does not guarantee ordination. And minde you, you get ordained not after the Bachelor's degree but after a Masters of Divinity which is another 4 years after the Bachelors degree.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 10:41 pm,

      For your information,they are already on their way to being ordained a deacon.

    6. Yes, I know I am aware of that. I was invited to attend the diaconal ordination until all this blew up.

  12. The bottom line is THE AB rejected the four Chamorro Seminarians, who were formed and graduated from the Yona RMS Seminary, because the AB felt their formation was not good enough. It is Guam's loss because our four Chamorro Seminarians have been accepted by U.S. mainland Archbishops and their degrees accepted by U.S. accredited colleges. AB was just plainly discriminated against our four local Guam Seminarians who gave given up their lives to serve as disciples of Jesus Christ but we're told "You will not serve as priests here on Guam."

  13. The parishioners nof Guam will read about these four Chamorro Seminarians who were formed and graduated from the Yona RMS Seminary because they will be ordained and prove to be very respectful Disciples of Jesus Christ. They are all bright, respectful, educated and humble young men who just want to serve God but it is AB Byrnes who took away their chance to serve the people of Guam. Guam will only be able to read about their ordination in the media. Ti Mamaigu si Yu'us.

  14. And when the four Chamorro Seminarians are being ordained at the same time, the local media broadcasting the story and asking the mystery question. That question will be "Why did AB Byrnes reject these four Chamorro Seminarians for ordination and allow them to be accepted and ordained by another Archdiocese and Archbishop?". It appears their college degrees from the Pontifical Lateran University were seamlessly accepted and processed by the U.S. Mainland University.

  15. When the four Chamorro Seminarians are ordained together, the Guam media broadcasting the story and will ask the mysterious question. That question will be "Why did AB Byrnes reject these four Chamorro Seminarians for ordination on Guam and allow them to be accepted and ordained by another Archdiocese & Archbishop?". It appears their college degrees from the Pontifical Lateran University were seamlessly accepted and processed by a U.S. Mainland University so their formation at the Yona RMS Seminary was perfectly acceptable except for AB Byrnes.
