Blog Song

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Cost Of Standing With The Persecutors

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me.

-Martin Niemoller

Father Jeff San Nicolas was one of the priests who stood together with the Junglewatch Nation.  He led a group of LFM ladies to tour RMS and to view certain documents.  However, he and LFM were refused entry into the seminary.  Father Jeff then called a press conference in which he criticized the NCW.  You can read about it in the Pacific Daily News.  LFM is a group under the Junglewatch Nation and their visit to the seminary came with malicious intent, which is the reason why they were refused entry into the seminary.

Father Jeff also released a biased report against the seminary without even providing a copy of that report to the seminary nor the opportunity to discuss with them what was on the report.  Dr. Ric Eusebio responded to that bias report, and his responses can be found herehere, and here.    

Today, Father Jeff has become a target by the jungle. The Junglewatch Nation is now starting to rally their forces against Father Jeff and possibly against other local priests.  According to Frenchie who posted in the jungle dated February 12, 2018 (the bold is mine):
Tim, myself and several others pointed out that thirty years of corruption, poor management and a lack of involvement by the local clergy, were at the root of the crisis we were finding ourselves into.
Therefore we surmised that the challenge we were facing would be huge and would need the participation of many of the people that had done nothing prior to this........
As we had reluctantly guessed, many of the major hurdles  facing our reconstruction phase, are none of the above, but rather certain actors within the Chancery, and at the parishes level, who have put their personal interest and career path ahead of the well being of the Archdiocese. 
This is a target against certain local priests.  Whoever they are, they were not named. Frenchie then goes on to target Father Jeff:  
In fact many wondered why Archbishop Hon had selected someone like Jeff to fulfill such an important role. Many even wonder why Archbishop Byrnes has not yet handled the bull by the horns, and give Jeff a mission more in tune with his limited capacities, and not lead him into the temptation of power, which obviously he has an unsurmountable attraction for............
 People in general like Jeff, his wide smile is communicative, but behind that smile there is an ambitious career priest, who is way over his head as the delegate to the Archbishop. He is becoming vindictive, bossy and is not giving the knowledge necessary for Abp Byrnes to take difficult decisions............
It is time, Jeff  becomes a priest, rather than a career politician. If things are not happening soon to correct this wrong, Jeff will undoubtely become a new Cristobal, and the Archdiocese will suffer because of it.
Frenchie compared Father Jeff to Father Adrian, and we all know how the jungle treated Father Adrian. It appears that the Junglewatch Nation has become both a law-enforcer and the authority to reorganize the Archdiocese of Agana.  Who does the jungle want to replace Father Jeff with?  Who do they really want as their Bishop of Agana?  We already know from David Lujan (an uncle of Monsignor James) that he was not thrilled to hear that Archbishop Byrnes was chosen to be the Coadjutor Archbishop of Agana.  According to news report:
“I wonder about the prudence of Rome when I heard about this. It goes to show that the people that are advising Pope Francis just have absolutely no idea about Guam,” said Attorney David Lujan. 
Lujan is representing alleged victims of clergy sex abuse including those filing lawsuits against the church and Archbishop Anthony Apuron. 
“I think it’s offensive that Rome selects someone from Detroit of all places, and a white person at that, to send that person to Guam, really, to sort of shepherd us when we got numerous brown priests that were born here, that grew up here, that know the people of Guam and are part of the people of Guam, whether they’re Chamorros or Filipinos…” 
“We have more than enough qualified leadership in the local clergy who Rome should have contemplated. So that’s my reaction to this coadjutor. I can’t wait to see him served,” Lujan said. 
Martin Luther King Jr. never stood on the side of the persecutors.  As a leader of the Civil Rights Movement, he always stood beside his brothers who were persecuted.  He was persecuted along with them.  The question is what about our leader and the rest of our local clergy? You have already seen the cost of standing with the persecutors.  They ended up targeting you next.       


  1. See... this is an Archdiocese run by CCOG and LFM, Tim Rohr and Chuck White. So it will be called CCOG Archdiocese of Guam. Does anyone here want that??? This organization is like a Bull mastiff or a American pit-bull that can turn on you while you feed them with information, if not to their liking your despicable human being to their eye.

    So really, only the Pope can resurrect these trolls to revive the faithful on this island.

    Luis L. Carino ======> Espana

  2. I have no words. This is terrifying.

  3. it is ironic how we can point towards a person or priest and put blame.

    it is is inconceivable how we do not point inwards at ourselves.

    a priest; if he is to be a messenger needs scrutiny...yes but in my opinion...God speaks to a person first.

    instead of speaking of the actions of a priest; we tend to forget that we ought to listen and follow God first.

    stop blaming priest...the archbishop....everything between heaven and earth for our weakness.

    ccog; rohr; white exist because we do not listen or attempt to listen to God first.

    it is easier to follow the rohr...white...ccog....priest because following God....well.... it is easier than following GOD.

  4. Well, JB God is speaking now and is telling priests that they should be accountable to their actions. Prophets continue to speak out and call out people about their actions. I see nothing wrong with prophets calling out people who have been given authority and reminding them in strong words about who and what they are called to do for God's people.... prophet

  5. As I said in a message before... these are all symptoms of island's-powers driving the politics as despots, everyone has to believe in what they believe, everyone has to toe the line, even the Catholic Church... Guam looks more like China than a genuinely free nation. Soon, CCoG will be interviewing priests to see if they 'say' what they want them to say, 'believe' what they want them to believe, 'act' as they want them to act or else... well, you see what is happening to NCW priests and seminarians... can you spell d-i-s-c-r-i-m-i-n-a-t-i-o-n??? bigoted? narrow minded? umbrella-not-big-enough? intolerant? It is a shame that this is the first island in the pacific where the lay govern the Church... at least in the US the Church still have some autonomy and the Pope is well respected. Shame on Guam and on those shallow minded followers of these divisive and hateful powerful-minorities.

  6. The Church which is the People of God and not only the ordained ministry, together have discern that RMS is not sustainable in the island. The RMS seminarians can be sent to the local diocese and be trained to be priest. The real reason for RMS is for NCC to have presbyters in the team and mission families.........God has spoken.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:43 am, has spoken. The Holy See has the final say in selling the seminary, and they have not given their approval. A letter has been sent and personally delivered to Pope Francis regarding Archbishop Byrnes actions.

    2. What is wrong with Archbishop Byrnes' actions? Pope Francis appointed him with full authority and autonomy to act on behalf of the Archdiocese of Agana. When appointed, he was tasked by Apostolic Delegate Archbishop Hon to resolve the seminary controversy according to the best interest and inspired principles of the Catholic Church. He is doing just like that!

      Pope Francis and Archbishop Hon are taking sides with their appointee, Archbishop Byrnes for a reason. The mess on Guam has to be cleaned.

    3. To all those who believe the BS that the seminary was not sustainable. To all those who do not understand the cataclysmic proportion of Byrnes action or just its plain simple stupidity,allow me to elucidate 3 points.

      1. There is a shortage of priests around the world. Guam has 17 priests educated on island for the island, ordained from RMS. It would have ordained countless more. The seminary would have guaranteed that Guam would not have suffered the problems facing every single diocese in the world EXCEPT those with an RMS seminary.

      2. These priests would have begun to help all the islands in the pacific. Guam would have become a center for evangelization for all those islands that have been forgotten by everyone and that are now losing their priests. Imagine: masses, sacraments, spiritual direction, etc. Now the Pacific has no source of priests. What priest is willing to go and bury himself on an atoll with no running water? Well, that’s what RMS priests are willing to do and have done. Congratulations Guam. You would have been the center for missionary activity in the pacific and now you go back to being nothing more than a military base. Bravo Byrnes. Unless of course, Sablan te all manage to import casinos which means that you will be the Las Vegas ofthe pacific. Good job. Drugs, crime, foreign criminal organization, prostitutes. That is the future for your children.

      3. Has anyone asked how many of the RMS priests have had their salaries and health insurance suspended in the past year? Ask the question. Ask how much the diocese has paid for the work they do. Not sustainable? Most RMS operare on charity. RMS Guam could have been the same but Byrnes did not want to get FREE priests. He wants to pacify the evil.

      The mess on Guam are a group of lay ignorant and short-sighted fanatics who have strong armed the church hierarchy into their agenda by sheer tactics of intimidation and outright violence. Byrnes has chosen to side with the bullies and they will turn against him. Are you sure you want to side with them too? And the fact that you choose to speak out against the oppressed in favor of those who bully everyone else into following their orders baffles me. You want to defend ccog and their virulent, violent, hateful, tactics? You want to be ruled by thugs and bullies? That’s what you got. Priests for pay from the Philippines and bullies forcing the hierarchy into submission. Good night and good luck.

      And just a last little parting shot: did you see how the pope welcomed AAA? Why do you think he is defending the Chilean bishop? He knows the verdict. He is seeing that his bishops and cardinals are being persecuted. Apuron, Pell, the guy in Chile. See a pattern? I bet Francis does.


    4. Anon 6:35 Can you account for all NCW priests that are ordained in this Archdiocese? Are some on mission? Where? Guam being a small island,can we really afford to run a seminary to produce priests that will go on missions worldwide? Where are the seminarians that are ready to be ordained and why can't Archbishop Byrnes ordain them?

    5. Bravo !!!!....6:35 PM-NB

    6. 11:29 PM exactly. Why Byrnes can ordain these RMS seminarian? Evidently appears he is siding with CCOG. RMS was funded not with archdiocese of Agana but sustainable by itself. Byrnes threw the NCW under the bus and advocate by Rohr and CCOG. God forgive, I feel the Pope had ignored us, because Guam is a small Population.

      Gino Sinajana

    7. Dear Gino,

      Have faith. God has a plan.

  7. @annon 7:43AM. Remember the source of how this island received the Catholic religion....not necessarily their faith.. It was from a missionary jesuit priest from Spain to announce the gospel. MISSIONARY....otherwise we wouldn't be dialogging on this blog...
    The work of missionaries.....

    Leroy Brown

    1. Missionaries were liars, killers and murderers who created colonies and subjugation for Spanish world power.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 10:37 am,

      Do not confuse the missionaries with the soldiers. They are not the same.

    3. Dear anon @ 10:37 am
      That is historically incorrect. You have just fallen victim into what is called the black legend in which Protestants spread false information to exaggeratedly smear Catholic evangelization. Any real historian who looks at traditions and what has actually happened in different countries will know that.
      Yes many spanish officials used their power in very corrupt and evil ways. However the fact remains that the most economically well off countries in south america are the ones that the spanish inhabited. This is thanks to the missionaries who created schools, educated the inhabitants etc. The spanish also saved many of the inhabitants from becoming sacrifices. Specifically the 100s of smaller tribes. Mistreating the indigenous people was also punishable and resulted in jail time. All this is documented. They even implemented laws to defend slaves and their families in a world where slavery was largely accepted.
      If you look at everything that happened in the context in which is happened it is not as black and white as your narrative indicates. Just look at the difference between brazil and the countries where the spanish inhabited in terms of poverty. This is thanks to the missions. Protestants and other political agendas would like you to believe other things.
      Please do some research on the black legend.
      Thanks to the spanish and jesuit priests there is no longer human sacrifices at the expense of the more oppressed.

    4. Yes, Anon 1:43, you are still perpetuating the abuse of the missionaries who brought the faith with the sword to the islands. The eradication of the cultures and destruction of peoples where both done systematically the the Crown and the Church. If you survey the countries in which the Catholic Faith was imposed on the peoples are the Poorest of the poorest.
      How many human sacrifices can you count as against the slaughter of peoples and cultures.

      God is Speaking

    5. Dear Anonymous at 3:41 am,

      Anonymous 1:43 am provided a source to support what he said while you provided none. Therefore, he/she has is correct about the black legend.

    6. Dear God is Speaking,

      Yes, the countries where the church evangelized are the poorest. You want to know why? Because the church defends the weak and the poor. In the USA the weaker native Americans were slaughtered. Proof: very few are left. Proof that the church defends the native population? Wherever the church went the native population is still there. They ah e married and mixed with the European colonists but they are still the great overwhelming majority of the population. So just the population statistics prove your claims of “slaughter of peoples and cultures” as absolutely false.

    7. Dear Diana, is it not amazing that Chamorros on the neighboring islands have much darker skin than on Guam? What could be the reason?

      Have you heard about the uprisals against Spanish rule on Guam that usually ended with the decimation of males? What did your missionaries do during these times? Hiding and praying that the Spanish soldiers "clean up the mess"? How Christ-like was that?!

      As a consequence, the population of Guam is so cross-mixed now that it is hard to say who has the blood of the fathers from the old ages in them. These historical facts are well documented. Thank you.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 8:05 pm,

      What difference does the skin color make? In God’s kingdom, race and skin color will not matter. Perhaps, if man was more racially mixed, they would be blind to skin color and race and learn to see everyone as human beings created in God’s image and likeness.

    9. Dear God is Speaking,
      Again the only systematic sacrifices and killings happened under the indigenous people. The Spanish government had laws (laws that are documented and can be read and found) that defended the natives. The queen of Spain herself called the indigenous people her little ones and defended them.
      Any injustices that happened was not systematic it was at the local level, by the officials living in those countries. Many of whom where also indigenous. However according to documents, the law was in favor of the natives not against. So please stop being disingenuous.
      Not only that but the spanish fought so that the indigenous people would be considered people and have rights as free people.

  8. Diana look at this and Dave Sablan is continuing his going after the archbishop when he should just shut up because of his situation

  9. Diana, are you mocking Fr. Jeff?...?!

    1. Are you mocking this Blog Joanne

    2. I am not mocking anyone. This blog seems to be ruled by bias for men and male chauvinism. You basically have no female author. Diana has to act like a "brother" to be accepted. You guys in neo have no respect for women!

      By the way, Diana blamed Fr Jeff for opposing the seminary. Then she points finger at him saying it is time he goes down to the camp. But Fr. Jeff is not going down. He got a criticism, that's all. He is still Fr Jeff and he is an appointee of Abp Hon.

    3. Dear Joanne,

      It's amazing that you see nothing insulting about what Frenchie said about Father Jeff. The post I published is about the demeaning behavior of the jungle in how they treated Father Jeff.

    4. There is no cure for blindness even drinking a vile of poison even if you know it can harm you.... Sadly.

      Gino Sinajana

    5. Dear Joanna,

      Huh? Have you gone from advocating mother Mary to advocating feminism?

      I have found more respect for women in the NCW than anywhere else in the church. Tell me where in the church are there lay women who can go and announce the gospel, be free to be poor and yet speak freely to the pope, cardinals, bishops, priests and lay? Only in the NCW. Where in the world do you find any organization that treasures and respects the opinion of women even in the company of male church hierarchy? Where can any woman feel free to be a woman, have a role in the church and not feel the need to usurp the authority of the men? Only in the NCW.
      Oh, the only other example I have found outside the NCW is annalena tonelli. Google her you might learn something.

      I don’t know where you got your venom but this one is completely false.
      I am a woman.


    6. Dear NB
      Isn't that the richness of their hypocrisy. In the jungle they are smearing Carmen Hernandez saying she is patronizing clergy and here they come and spew that they believe in feminism and that the NCW is anti-feminist. They just don't know what to invent anymore.

    7. Dear Diana, Joanne tells me in her blog that she responded to NB but you ditched her comment. It would be beneficial if you could support an exchange of ideas without imposing.

    8. Dear NB, I am not feminist. But I demand respect for women! We should be living in a world free of imposition on your body by males. That is what you should pay for to the Queen of Heaven that she intercedes for your earthly frame that were given to us only once. Ask the prayers of the Virgin Mother that you be freely what you are in a male dominated world.

    9. Dear Joanne
      I am. But without the hate that you have towards the males who dominate the world. So that I will never pray to be free in a male dominated world. In the first place I have no desire to dominate in their stead. In the second Jesus himself instituted the church male hierarchy. In the third the virgin was submissive to that hierarchy while on earth and she tells all her visionaries to obey their bishops and the pope. My prayer is rather that I be like her, meek and submissive while still free and fearless to say the truth. If I suffer injustices from the males who dominate the world I pray for them and myself that the humiliation bring me closer to Jesus. Perhaps you should pray for your enemies too. It really helps get rid of the bitterness.


      Ps. Have you read the letter Catherine deneuve wrote? Read it. Along with the letter to women by john paul II.

    10. That is nice. So why don't you submit yourself to the rightful authority of our Archbishop Michael Jude Byrnes?!

      Somehow I feel you don't live what you preach. You seem to be a little aggressive for that. This is disturbing. Pray to the Holy Virgin that she opens an eye in your heart to see the Lord Jesus as the patron of ladies, not only of gentlemen.

    11. Dear Joanne,

      The fact that you complain that this is a male dominated world shows that you are the one having a problem with the man being the head of the household. Do you want to take the man’s God-given title as head of the house?

    12. Joanne dear,
      You contradict yourself. You tell me to be free and then tell me I don’t obey the bishop if I tell him what I think. I am doing exactly what he has said to do, but I also have the freedom to tell him that he is wrong. See the difference is that I suffer the injustice of the man but I still respect his authority and so I obey him and do not resent him. Can you see the difference?
      Are you divorced? Why so much hate?

    13. God given...? Yuck, Diana! Please, explain.

    14. Dear Joanne,

      Didn’t you know that the Catholic Church has always taught that the husband is the head of the home and family? See the Catholic weblink below:

    15. Dear Joanne @ 3:30
      The hipocrasy is amazing. You disprove your own arguments.
      So one second you are a devotee of Mary, who by the way was submissive to her husband and is known for her quite humility. The next second your a 3rd wave feminist. The kind that believes equality for females means sexual freedom and walking around naked.
      The NCW defends the female body, and respect and holds to the same standards their intellect. Something feminism doesn't do. We celebrate the unique qualities that makes women different yet equal to men. This should be real feminism not the sexual freedom crap you are spewing. The same crap that has turned women into sexual objects in the world around us. Where christianity believes in marriage and defending women.
      My head hurts from the ironies. Please at least try to have some kind of non-contradicting moral code before spewing your ideas based solely on emotion and not reality.

    16. I just want to come out and say it. I don't think Joanne's posts should be published. Its not my decision to make but I will say my opinion. It seems Joanne is a troll. Nothing more, it is more then obvious there is no rhyme or reason to her comments. The only common thread is to spread discord and division and to smear the NCW. Since all her own comments seem to continually contradict herself. She just says whatever feels will damage the facts told on this blog, while dressing it up will religion with an attempt to make herself sound like the spiritual one. You know all that Mary mambo jumbo she seems to say yet obviously doesn't know a bit about Mary's life since she published comments that the Holy Virgin Mary herself would be upset about. Anyways that's my two cents on Joanne the troll.

    17. Dear Anonymous at 11:50 pm,

      Thank you for your input, and I totally agree.

    18. Dear Diana, I am sorry, I don't want to intrude, But I feel you aren't fair with Joanne. In her little world what you told her is insulting. I can tell you she feels pretty much offended, I saw her blog.

      She was called "a 3rd wave feminist, the kind that believes equality for females means sexual freedom and walking around naked". She was accused coming from the jungle. I tried to read whatever she said in you blog and could not find any reference to sexual freedom, walking around naked of the jungle. POn the contrary she denied that she would be a feminist. Perhaps you can help me to point out the place where she said these thing?

      You say you agree with banning Joanne from your blog. Well, she told me you don't allow her to defend herself against slander and she is not writing anymore because of Lent. Please, reconsider. She is not an enemy. But the way you treat her makes an impression that you take her as your enemy and the enemy of NCW. This is just too bad.

    19. Dear Grow up, 

      Joanne stated the following under this thread:

      "This blog seems to be ruled by bias for men and male chauvinism. You basically have no female author. Diana has to act like a "brother" to be accepted. You guys in neo have no respect for women!"

      Since this is how she feels about me and this blog, she does not need to make comments here especially since she has her own blog. My blog will not be used for her to post her propaganda.

    20. Diana, would you still treat an enemy like that? Is this a rivalry? Are you trying to compete with her? She talked about respect for women. There is nothing wrong with that. Even a woman who is a good mother with children can make a bright future and good income in any career.

      You should not dismiss anyone because of "man’s God-given title as head of the house". Actually, it is not even God-given! Only some of the 12 apostles said that who all were males for some reason... No wonder they interpreted the Lord's teaching for their own perceived benefit. Do you see the point? However, Jesus has never said anything like that in the Gospels.

      If you look around in the real world, the times are changing tremendously. In the governor race 2018 there are several women running for lieutenant governor! Would you have seen that coming? Would you vote for their ticket? We may also expect a woman to be elected as president of the United States in the very near future! Hillary Clinton? Oprah Winfred? Ivanka Trump? We don't know. The race is open. But the times are no doubt changing, Diana.

    21. Dear Grow up,

      She accused the Way of not respecting women and do not even realize that there is always a woman in the International Team Catechists. Carmen Hernandez stood alongside Kiko Arguello as a member of the Team Catechist. Now that she is gone, another woman was elected to succeed Carmen Hernandez. Joanne also made an accusation, not realizing there there are some women as Responsibles in the NCW. The Responsibles are not all men.

      The title "head of the house" is God-given. This is why in the Catholic Church, only men can be priests. Do you also not notice in the Bible that God and his angels only speak to the Heads of the family???

      The Angel Gabriel spoke to Mary only when she was single. After she married Joseph, the angel never spoke to her after that. He spoke only to Joseph because he was the head of the family. The angel also never spoke to Elizabeth regarding her pregnancy. He spoke only to Elizabeth's husband, Zachariah. God also never spoke to Sarah. He spoke only to Abraham because he was the head of the house. The only time God speaks to a woman is when she is single or after speakin to the husband in the case of Adam. He spoke to Adam first before he spoke to Eve.

      In the Garden of Eden, whom did Satan speak to???? He spoke to Eve first. Eve is not the head of the house. The devil will ignore the head of the house. God and His Angels, on the other hand, recognize who they are, and it is NOT the wife.

      You stated: "If you look around in the real world, the times are changing tremendously. In the governor race 2018 there are several women running for lieutenant governor! Would you have seen that coming? Would you vote for their ticket? We may also expect a woman to be elected as president of the United States in the very near future!"

      Are you saying that women should be priests????? The Church is not going to follow the world. The Church follows God.

    22. Diana, there are both patriarchal and matriarchal elements in the Bible. It is because of the corresponding cultures from where the Bible is coming. You are overemphasizing one side over the other.

      Jesus who is God was not a bigot while walking on earth. He talked to her mother, Mary Magdalena, Martha and her sister and many other women. He healed the hemorrhaging woman without asking her husband, He forgave the adulterous woman's sin. He even chatted with the Samaritan woman at the well. You see, we should never forget that Jesus is God.

      You say you respect Cardinal Ratzinger who became later Pope Benedict 16. The you should also respect his views on modern science and evolution.

      Evolution questions the story of Adam and Eve as physical-biological fact. It is interpreted as a symbolic narrative of innocence and falling into sin.

      By the way, who on earth said women should be priests? I cannot recall. Occasionally, what you say seems to be over the line.

    23. Dear Grow up,

      The hierarchy that God established is that men are the spiritual leaders of God's Church, not women. As the son of Mary, Jesus has every right to speak to his mother. Children are within their rights to speak to their mothers or fathers because they are under their parents.

      Mary Magdalena was single. Martha and her sister were also single. They lived together, and there was no mention of any men in the home except their brother Lazareth. There was no mention of the adulterous woman having a husband. She was a prostitute who had sexual relations with all men including married men. Single men or women who had sex with someone who is married are guilty of adultery (See CCC 2380). The Samaritan woman at the well also didn't have a husband. The man who was living with her was not her husband. According to the Bible:

      John 4:17-18 The woman answered and said, “I have no husband.” Jesus said to her, “You have well said, ‘I have no husband,’ “for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly.”

    24. Furthermore, the Holy Bible never mentions a matriarch. It only mentions a patriarch.

      Acts 7:8 And he gave him the covenant of circumcision: and so Abraham begat Isaac, and circumcised him the eighth day; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat the twelve patriarchs.

    25. Diana, please, read the story of Deborah in Judges 4-5. You will be surprised. Deborah was a mother in Israel and also a judge.

      "At that time Deborah, a prophetess, wife of Lappidoth, was judging Israel. She used to sit under the palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim; and the Israelites came up to her for judgment." (Judges 4: 4-6).

      If you want to read more of the story, I recommend

    26. Dear Grow up,

      Debora was a judge and a prophetess. She was given the gift of prophecy. God never spoke to her. You might find the following website about Deborra interesting. Some bishops say that she was a widow, but the Bible does not say that.

    27. Diana, how do you know that the adulterous woman was a prostitute? The Bible would not say so! Still, Jesus told her to sin no more. The Bible also would not say if the hemorrhaging woman was single. Still, Jesus healed her. Jesus healed women and men alike!

      The syrophoenician woman probably had a husband, the father of her daughter. Still, Jesus healed her daughter when the woman asked her, even as the woman was a pagan. Jesus invalidated to laws of the Old Testament for the Christian in order to start a new religion with a new set of rules.

  10. Diana I just heard there is one victory for archbishop Anthony in which the slander lawsuit was dismissed

    1. I also heard that Archbishop Anthony wants to come home and he should. There's nothing to keep him from coming back even though he won't be able to resume as archbishop unless Pope Francis restores his authority. Since he's so sick, it's best for him to just come home and not work. And he can come back to Guam. So we wait for his return.

      Waiting Patiently

    2. Abp Apuron will come back to Guam because he knows he is innocent and he has nothing to fear from on Guam.

    3. Let him come back to face his accusers and the court system.

      God is still speaking

    4. Dear God is still speaking,

      One at a time. Let us be patient and see what the verdict is in the canonical trial. After all, they had already done the investigations. It was Cardinal Burke and his team who took dispositions from the alleged victims and had conducted the investigation. Therefore, the canonical trial is valid because the leg work has already been done. It seems that even the judges are waiting for the verdict of the canonical trial. This verdict may have an impact on the civil trial here in Guam.

    5. That's true. It might also have an impact on the libel defamation lawsuit. If found innocent, Judge Bordallo may end up dismissing the libel lawsuit.

  11. The Canonical trial may go one way or the other. But he is still liable in the civil suits here in Guam.

    God is still speaking

    1. @ God is still speaking February 17, 2018 at 11:11 AM Are you banking on what Man's law is? God is stronger, I know you could not wait till they (CCOG,LFM, Rohr, Chucky White) bury the hatchet on Archbishop Anthony Apuron.

      God have mercy on your soul. Don't use this username (God is still speaking) if you heart is still harden because you use God's name in vain.

      Luis L. Carino ======> Espana

    2. Hi god is still speaking let me give you a saying that the pope just recently said Only those able to acknowledge their mistakes and ask pardon receive understanding and forgiveness from others. and do you want forgiveness or not so peace be with you

    3. I have to agree with Luis L. Carino on the username. Please use some common sense. Do not take our Lord's name in vain, and do not choose a username, implying that you are God speaking.
