Blog Song

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


I understand that many of you prefer to remain anonymous when making comments in my blog.  That is not a problem with me as I am also anonymous.  I also do not wish to reveal my identity especially during this time of white persecution.  Many prefer to remain anonymous to protect their jobs and families.  

However, you can still be anonymous by choosing a username, which is not your real name.  "Guamboy", "Jokers Wild", and "God is one" have chosen usernames so that everyone know the comments they made.  Before making a comment, you can click on the box that says "Comment as _____", then click on "name" and type a username you want to use as your own.  If that is too complicated for you, you can also type your username after each comment as Jokers Wild had done.  An example is:  
I think the deacon did his job at Kamalen Karidat.
The username above is "Islander".  Having a username distinguishes the anonymous person who made the comment.  When people use only one name  (anonymous), it becomes difficult to determine who made which comment.  I hope this helps. 


  1. White persecutions meaning?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:45 pm, 

      Is it really that difficult to create a username? A white persecution is a persecution without bloodshed.

  2. Internet trolls will cruelly savage those who truly post with their real names. Is it worth it?
    -Local Brother

    1. No, they cannot. Trolls can be very annoying with their immature comments when published, but cannot harm you. It is a cheap excuse for anonymous guys to get away with cowardice. But people at the Facebook, for one, are not anonymous and not savaged.

    2. 12:52 PM or Joanne put your picture up and email!! Anonymous ''JOE''

    3. Actually, it is the anonymous commenters who are the trolls! ;)

  3. That is why Tim Rohr wants you to write him via email... that way he gets meta-data info on you and can retaliate... however, he truly believes people are that dumb so as to write to him... with his volatile character.

  4. This is really funny almost sad.

    The day will come when we will all stand in front of the Saints; Jesus and God.

    Our name in the book of life will not contain or reference how we lived our lives as anonymous; Joanne; jokers wild; Joe or any other pretense of identity.

    The Saints hid from persecution; YES but in the end and in Spirit all died.

    Was Stephen afraid to be stoned to death?

    Why are we afraid to embrace the NCW?

    Why do we abandon a church without air conditioning?

    Why are we afraid of tim rohr?

    Why is it that we cannot accept the truth that only ten percent of so called Catholics on Guam are Christians?

    1. Dear J. Bautista,

      It takes the grace of God to become martyrs.

    2. Dear J Bautista,

      you ask "Why are we afraid to embrace the NCW?' and then seemingly without noticing, answer that same question.

      this is why:

      "Why is it that we cannot accept the truth that only ten percent of so called Catholics on Guam are Christians?"

      because the NCW relies on this "fact", and not only that, but you think you a re in a position to judge which ones are "Christian" and which ones are not. Do you think the NCW would adjust or change its catechesis simply because one of the attendees is "Christian", or belongs in your ten percent group?

      No, the NCW wold treat that person exactly the same as the pagan that just emerged from the forest having sacrificed their first born to a demonic god. The NCW makes NO DISTINCTION in its catechesis between the baptised and the unbaptised - or between the "Christian" that truly follows Christ and tries to imitate in him their life, and the "Christian" in name only.

      While I take you point about anonymity, you end up being just another merciless, arrogant NCW member who thinks they know the hearts of others.

      That's why we don't "embrace" the NCW. Not that we are afraid to, but because it distorts the teaching of the Church , encourages arrogance of its members and divides where ever it goes.

    3. "No, the NCW would treat that person exactly the same as the pagan that just emerged from the forest having sacrificed their first born to a demonic god."

      Ha-ha, I don't think so! But I do think that anybody who was baptized and holds to the Confession of Faith is a Christian! Be it a Baptist, a Presbyterian, a Catholic or a Pentecostal, a Lutheran, a Calvinist, an Orthodox or a Methodist, it does not matter. We are all Christians, the followers of Jesus Christ. Even the Mormons and the Witnesses of Jehova believe in Jesus as the Son of God! We who attend Catholic mass do so by convenience because we love the Mother Mary.

      America is a Christian country and Guam is a Christian island. We are the same. Thanks God for being born and living in a Christian country!

    4. Dear Joanne, 

      One of the tenets of Christianity is to believe that Jesus Christ is God. The Jehovah Witness and Mormons do not meet that requirement; Therefore, they cannot be be called Christians.

      And no, we are different from our Christian brothers in the Protestant denomination in that the Catholic Church is the TRUE Church built by Christ. All Protestant churches (whether it be Baptist, Lutheran, etc.) are all man-made churches. How is it that you say it does not matter? If you are Catholic, you should have known that Christ created only ONE Church.....not 30,000 Christian churches.

    5. Dear Dianaismyrealname,

      You stated: "No, the NCW wold treat that person exactly the same as the pagan that just emerged from the forest having sacrificed their first born to a demonic god."

      Truly you exaggerate. If you are a Christian, you would have known that even the pagans are our brothers and sisters. Why? Because all mankind were created in the image and likeness of God. The Apostle Paul also called the pagans in Athens "brothers."

      The NCW evangelized everyone including the cradle Catholics.

    6. Diana, whatever you say, you cannot exclude my Baptists friends from heaven whom I'll meet there at the feet of Jesus! Yes, we are part of the same one and only Kingdom of God, Catholics, Baptists, other Christians. This is the Church of Jesus Christ! As I said I attend Catholic mass because of my love and devotion for Mother Mary. This is my reason.

    7. this is even more funnier.....equally sadder.

      I am a Christian because I follow a religious order.

      I am a Christian because Guam is a Christian island.

      I am a Christian because I say that I am.

      We cannot embrace the NCW because blah; blah; blah.

      Read the Sermon of the Mount; pray that you understand the Sermon of the Mount; pray harder to live in Spirit with the Sermon of the Mount.

      Comfortable Catholic's; comfortable Christian' wonder you need air conditioning.

    8. Dear Joanne,

      I never excluded the Baptists from Heaven. In fact, I never mentioned the word Heaven. I disagreed with you when you said that Catholics and Protestants are the same. They are not. Christ built only one Church, and that Church is the Catholic Church. It is only in the Catholic Church that you will find the fullness of truth. No other Church has the fullness of truth except the Catholic Church.

      Also, Christ is more important than his mother. We worship Christ, who is God. Mother Mary is to be honored or venerated, but not worshiped. Love of God comes first before anything and anyone.

    9. We are all from One Tree (Christ) and we are the different branches of this great Tree. I am from the Episcopal branch so are the Baptist, SDA, branches of the One Tree.

    10. Dear Anonymous at 1:32 am,

      Could you please create a username? We are all children of God. Because you are from the Episcopal branch and I am Catholic, you and I are brothers/sisters in Christ. I agree that you are a branch of the tree of Christianity and Christ. But we are not the same. A Catholic is not a Protestant and vice versa. Our doctrines are not the same as those of the Protestant denomination.

      In the Eucharist, Catholics LITERALLY become one with Christ because we believe in transubstantiation. In other words, the Blood of Christ LITERALLY flows in our veins when we eat His Body and drink His Blood. The Protestants do not believe in this.

    11. Dear Diana,

      Thankyou for proving my point. Instead of acknowledging that baptized people are ontologically and substantially different to the unbaptized, you argue that it is RIGHT to treat the baptized and unbaptized the same!

      Here's a bit from the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

      "Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: "Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word" CCC1213

      Sounds like something has changed, doesn't it?

      So when we hear the catechists saying "There is nothing good in you! Nothing - Only selfishness and sin!", we know they are wrong, as we have "put on Christ" through baptism, and bear Christ in our hearts.

      This is the main difference between the attitude of the NCW and the attitude of the Church. They are not the same.

      The NCW takes practicing Catholics from the pews - the same people who are reverent, formed by the sacraments, living in grace - and tells them that everything they knew about God was an error, and that they need to be "undone" by going back down into the font of baptism, where the "new man", in the image of Kiko's own existential moment, can be made.

      This is essentially a denial of Christ.

      By the way, do you remember the prayer for the dead in the Eucharistic prayer (III, I think)?

      "To our departed brothers and sisters
      and to all who were pleasing to you
      at their passing from this life,"

      Why would the Church say "our departed brothers and sisters" and then a separate reference to "who were pleasing to you at their passing from this life"?

      If even the pagans are our brothers and sisters, why the distinction?

      It is because the pagans are not "children of God", as we are, because they are not baptized. While they are certainly "creatures of God", they have not yet been adopted into his family.

      So, the NCW needs to understand that when they treat the baptized as if they are unbaptized, they deny Christ.

    12. Dear anonymous, I applaud what you say as a member of the Episcopalian church! There are more believers in the Episcopalian church in mainland America than Catholics.

      Diana is still saying that the Catholic Church is the ONLY true church! So all others are fake churches not leading to salvation. It is wrong! It is a highly exclusive opinion excluding all others who are not them from the benefits of being followers of Christ and being good Christians. It is so typical, thinking they are better than others.

      I am a Catholic but I loathe exclusivity. I have Baptist friends who are following Jesus and re just as good Christians and Diana is, if no better!

    13. Dear Dianaismyrealname,

      See my response in the following weblink:

  5. Tim only wants to know who you are so he can investigate your entire life and find one thing to prove you are a bad person. He will do anything.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:55 am,

      That is....if you go against him. By the way, can you create a username?

    2. Tell me just one name who was "persecuted" by these guys. You cannot! Why? Because there is none! You are only making up threat, so that you can cowardly hide in darkness and spit out your "alternative" truth.

    3. Dear Joanne, 

      Zoltan was threatened with his job and intimidated when speaking during the public hearings at the Guam Legislature. An ethics complaint was launched against Jackie Terlaje. Deacon Tenorio is being accused of using donations for his personal use without any substantial evidence. Monsignor David was called to step down from his position only because he walks in the Way. Some parishioners in Yona signed a petition to keep the NCW away from their parish because they believed we are not Catholics. Some of the NCW kids are being bullied in school. A brother in a community related to me that his son who goes to a Catholic School was being bullied by fellow classmates when they learned that his son was walking in the Way. He instructed his son to turn the other cheek and to pray for his bullies. Personally, I would bring the matter up to the teacher and principal. This is only a sample. There is much more.

    4. Like slicing The Bishop's tires???

    5. Like abusing old couple at airport???
      Like picketing?

    6. Diana, this Zoltan is still employed, isn't he? So what is the deal? You don't know what you are talking about when you say "persecution", do you?! Tell me one person who lost his/her job because of your blog! Can you??

    7. Like threatening archbishop that he would have a living hell until his last hair dropped

    8. Dear Joanne,

      I do not threatened anyone’s job. Archbishop Apuron, on the other hand, lost his position and the Junglewatch nation labeled him guilty without due process of a trial. Monsignor David was asked to step down from his position only to satisfy CCOG who demanded his removal.

    9. I did not say you threatened anyone, Diana. I was asking about anyone who lost his/her job because wrote here using a name rather than anonymous. If there is nobody, then there is no need for anyone to stay anonymous. It is you Diana, who should close the anonymous option in your blog!

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Dear Zoltan,

      A physical threat was made against you? So, it is not just your job that was threatened, but there was also a physical threat made against you. And they say the NCW is not being persecuted? The fact that physical threats were made against you is reason enough not to condemn as cowards those who chose to go anonymous. It is also unfair to say that their comments have zero weight and zero value. The anonymous folks have a right to protect themselves and their families the best way they know how even if they have to go anonymous. After all, who wants to be physically threatened?

      Also, the NCW always have an icon of Mary looking at her son Jesus. We do not have any icons of Abraham in any of our celebrations. In that icon Mary looks at her son. It is the same message she has been telling us all the time. Mary pointed to Jesus and said "Do as he tells you." (John 2:5). And Christ told us to love God with all our hearts, with all our minds, and with all our strengths. Mary is our mother. We pray to her and ask for her intercession. We honor her, but we worship God and God alone. It is Mary who leads us to Christ because God comes first before her. This is why she points to Him and leads us to Him. The focus at the Mass is always on Christ. Even in the icon that we have in every Eucharistic celebration, Mary was focused on Christ by looking at him.

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. Dear Zoltan,

      My response is in the following weblink:

  6. Diana I believe Byrnes is working with Timmy because look at what happened when we told them that father pius was still the catechist of Guam Timmy said that he will take care of it and now he’s posting the letter of Monsignor david from Byrnes so I believe that Byrnes is working with Timmy

  7. Wadeson, Cemetery employees were cut and missionary family that work at the Seminary. And many more.

