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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Archbishop Apuron Denies Sexual Abuse

As you know Tim Rohr is trying to convince people that Archbishop Apuron is guilty because he ran away.  Remember that this is the same man who fooled people into believing that there was no canonical trial.  Tim Rohr made the following comment on December 26, 2016 (the bold is mine).   
He's in the area. I have "hard copy" evidence. He's not in Rome defending himself at his canonical trial because there's isn't one.
Since the beginning, Archbishop Apuron claimed that he was going to seek a canonical trial.  Tim Rohr, on the other hand, stated that there was no canonical trial and that the Archbishop ran away. On May 13, 2016, Archbishop Apuron responded to a sex abuse ad that was placed in the newspaper by Tim Rohr and CCOG.  You can read the Archbishop's response here.  According to Archbishop Apuron: 
 .......the Archdiocese of Agana is in the process of taking canonical measures with the Sacra Rota - the competent canonical tribunal - and filing civil lawsuit against those perpetrating these malicious lies."
  1. The above statement was made BEFORE Archbishop Apuron left for Rome.  Therefore, he already told the people of Guam his intention of why he left the island.  In other words, he did not run away, but went to pursue a canonical trial in Rome.  On June 3, 2016, a press release from the Archdiocese of Agana also mentioned that Archbishop Apuron was taking steps to have a canonical trial and civil trial to clear his name.  
  2. On August 25, 2016, Archbishop Apuron came out in video and through the news media stated that Pope Francis has granted his request for a canonical trial.  So, since May 13, 2016, the Archbishop and the Archdiocese of Agana has made it clear to the public that Archbishop Apuron went to Rome to request a canonical trial to clear his name.  This was made public THREE TIMES!!!  It was made public on May 13th, June 3rd, and on August 25th that Archbishop Apuron intends to pursue a canonical trial in Rome to clear his name. 
  3. The truth is out.  Tim Rohr stated on December 2016 that there was no canonical trial. He was wrong.  Today, we know for a fact that there was a canonical trial contrary to what Rohr stated in December 2016. The Archbishop told the truth when he said he went to Rome to pursue a canonical trial.  Also remember that Tim Rohr has already admitted to participating in a secret meeting since 2013, involving the removal of Father Paul by the Archbishop.  This entire controversy started at that time with the removal of Father Paul.  
  4. According to The Guam Daily Post:
  1. Suspended Guam Archbishop Anthony Apuron this morning issued a statement denying all allegations of sexual abuse, including the most recent made by his nephew, Mark Apuron. 
    In an email statement sent Dr. Ricardo Eusebio to distribute to media, Apuron stated, "As I lay sick after another surgery and I face the final judgment approaching evermore close, having lost interest in this world, God is my witness: I deny all allegations of sexual abuse made against me, including this last one."
    Apuron said the allegations of sexual abuse are helping him direct his hope toward the "only righteous judge" and expressed sadness by the timing of the latest accusation that he said "alleges an act which supposedly happened in incredible circumstances and surroundings."
    The former head of the island's Catholic Church contends the allegations of sexual abuse against him have been "mentored and promoted by the same source," but the statement does not specify if that source is Attorney David Lujan, who represents the five clients who filed lawsuits against Apuron. 
    Roy Quintanilla, Roland Sondia, Walter Denton, the late Joseph "Sonny" Quinata, and Mark Apuron have alleged they were sexually abused by Anthony Apuron. 
    The statement by Archbishop Apuron said the most recent case, filed by his nephew who alleges he was raped by his uncle who was already archbishop at the Chancery, "seems particularly timed to influence the verdict of the Vatican trial conducted by the Holy See, as a last resort out of fear that I may be exonerated."
    Archbishop Apuron said the Catholic Church on Guam is being destroyed by people "who only have their power agenda at heart" and said he hopes God will have mercy and save the Church from the powers of darkness. 
    He concluded, "I pray that the truth may prevail; I pray for my accusers: fill them with what they desire; as for me, when I awake, I will be satisfied with Your face, oh Lord."
    Apuron was last seen in Fairfield, California last year, near San Francisco.  
It was Rohr who convinced people that there was no canonical trial and that the Archbishop ran away.  Therefore, it would not be surprising to find if Rohr had something to do with convincing Archbishop Byrnes to exile his brother bishop by declaring his return a disaster.  After all, Rohr already admitted to participating in a secret meeting.  How many secret meetings were held?   


  1. The timing of Mark Apuron coming out is suspicious. The circumstances surrounding Mark's accusation is also incredible as Apuron puts it. That only means that those people present at the party including his parents were witnesses. But these witnesses didn't hear anything or saw anything out of place with Mark when he returned after being raped and stayed with his parents.

    1. Why can't 'alleged' victims be cross-examined? What is so wrong about that? Can't we find out if their story is consistent? Why is that off-limits?

    2. Because that is what happens at a trial, which the cases have yet to get to because they are deciding on mediation and also because the constitutionality of the law needs to be determined.

  2. Timmy wouldn't want Apuron to return cuz he stands to lose everything. When the canonical trial exonerates Apuron, the archbishop intends to pursue a defamation lawsuit against Rohr and all the accusers. A criminal prosecution is also possible. This secret meeting Timmy was involved in implies a criminal conspiracy to defraud the church of millions of dollars.

  3. Prayers for our beloved AB Apuron, hope he gets better soon.

  4. Prayers for Archbishop Anthony as he recovers from surgery.

    "For you, I am your Bishop. With you, I am your Brother."
    -Archbishop Anthony, WYD Brazil 2013

    -Jokers Wild

    1. I remember him saying that. It was a great moment of humility I saw in him that day.

    2. In the beginning I tried not to judge and stayed away from drawing any conclusions whether the allegations of abuse were true or not. However, I could not forget my own experiences and of course what some were already gossiping about priests on this island. Things that have happened in the past. So in all honesty, I said maybe it could be true.
      This changed though at the 2015 Beginning of the Year Convivence. Not sure if anyone else caught it but I did and it was then that I saw the sincerity in the heart of Archbishop Anthony. It was a moment where Archbishop Anthony was sharing a personal experience and when he came to the point of mentioning the current attacks on him, he chocked up. I could tell that he had to gather himself just to continue. It was then that I said, this is not the man they speak so badly of. He must be innocent.
      I will never forget that moment. It brought me back to the moment in Brazil when he was sitting at the Presiders chair delivering his homily and as he removed his Mitre(bishops hat) he said the following, and I repeat,

      "For you, I am your Bishop. With you, I am your Brother."
      -Archbishop Anthony

      This is why, while many others have removed His name, we remember him still. This is why, every time an accusation arises against him, we receive it also
      This is why, I will never forget the Yes that he gave to bring the NCW into our lives.
      This is why.

      -Jokers Wild

  5. Dr Eusebio, how nice Archbishop contacted you.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:32 pm,

      Can you choose a username other than anonymous? And I am not Dr. Eusebio.

  6. My family and I are praying for you Archbishop Apuron. Praying that you recover from your surgery. God bless you always.

  7. God bless you Diana for being there for the bishop "+"

  8. So my question is, Why is it that has not come back yet?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:14 am,

      He is waiting for the verdict. The verdict determines whether he will return as the Archbishop of Agana or not.

  9. Diana look at what pope Francis said in Chile about sex-abuse

  10. We look at the established church after the days of San Vitorres who saw the pagan Chamorro's in need to of the WORD of God.

    Apuron saw the established church stagnant and brought in the NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY.

    WHY? The SPIRIT of the WORD was trivialized. Catholics were COMFORTABLE.

    Regardless of whether APURON is guilty or not; he saw the reality of the Church on Guam.

    You either accept this reality or you don't.

    Let us see on the day of JUDGEMENT who is truly guilty in front of the LORD.

  11. Just like the Kelsey case....The mother knew she murder her daughter despite she was not found guilty in court and probably moved to Canada. But in the next life, she'll answer to GOD, that is my take with CCOG, LFM and the rest of the conspirators that plotted this. Surprisingly I wonder how they all can sleep at night? Hmmmmmm

    Giovanni of Sinajana.

    1. Everyone who is angry with another person is a murderer and especially those who act on it.

    2. Murderer - your point is with calumnity club like CCOG??????

      Gino - Sinajana

    3. Sure. Even to the point of going beyond a blog and using the information found in comments and meta-data to harrass a person at their home, work, and other places they frequent because they disagree with you.

      - Jessica from Yona

    4. If you had a problem with me and f you knew me so well, why did you do what you did? What did I do to you that caused you to act in the way that you did?

      - Jessica from Yona
