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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Secret Meetings?

This four year controversy started with the removal of Father Paul and Monsignor James.  Everyone can agree to that.  Archbishop Apuron has always declared his innocence.  In a public release statement, he claimed that he was innocent and did not sexually molest or abuse anyone.  Rather, he claimed that there was a conspiracy to remove him.  

Recently, the jungle claimed to have a secret meeting after the removal of Father Paul.  According to Tim Rohr:
Fast forward to 2013. I was invited to a secret meeting. 

I was told no one was to know who was at the meeting. I was told that there never was a meeting. It was July, 2013. I was shown a letter from Apuron to Fr. Gofigan. 
Below is a screen shot of the statement above made by Tim Rohr in his blog. 

This secret meeting, which took place after the removal of Father Paul, already implies that there was a conspiracy.  After all, why was the meeting a "secret"?  And why was Rohr told not to say who was at the meeting?  How many secret meetings were there?  And who was involved in these secret meetings?


  1. Did it ever occur to Tim that the only reason he was invited to this secret meeting was so they could use him as a pawn to remove AB Apuron? It cost him his marriage and family. He may have gotten himself into deeper trouble now cuz he wasn't supposed to reveal about this secret meeting.

  2. Tim don't care for his own sake even his soul is in jeopardy.


  3. Eternal salvation of his soul in danger.

  4. RMS remain open with international financial aid.
    To close seminary is to stop the work of Christ in pacific region.Archbishop Byrnes we appeal to leave seminary open.

  5. I couldn't believe that Tim was so gullible as to not know that all along he was being manipulated by his 'secret' friends. Now he risks losing his family and who will he blame? himself, his friends or the Way/Apuron?

    He calls the efforts of millions of Christians that want to help evangelize the Pacific, a Kiko mafia force... what more can you say? he is totally delusional.

    I believe we should just pray for him. May God forgive all the evil he has done to Apuron.

  6. The one thing that they(rohr, ccog,lfm etc) lack is COMMUNION not the sacrament but the reference to UNITY. All along it has been an attempt to prop themselves up on pedestals, in layman's terms, they needed attention.
    This has always been the issue. Since the beginning all they spoke of was jealousy. They didn't understand the Way and thought that all we wanted was full control of this diocese. Wrong! What we wanted was the support of the Bishop, pastors, practicing Catholics in our missionary zeal to announce the gospel to all. Especially those not already in the church and also those who already were but wanted a more intimate encounter with our Lord.
    Rohr is not to blame, we all know who the culprit is. satan!
    The damage is done but there is more to rejoice over than to grumble in pity.
    Many years of our own Seminary. Many priests ordained. Many young men discerning the call to the priesthood. Many young men abroad,a local priest ordained for Miami, a local boy being formed in Rome, another local boy being formed in Portugal. Many families in mission in other countries where the church is not present fully, offering their lives as a sign of Gods love. Many women have given up their lives to pray unceasingly for all of us. These are just a few of the concrete signs that we can always rejoice in.
    The seminary will close Dec. 15 but over 40 young men will continue their formation now in other areas of the world, carrying always in their hearts the prayers of this island. God has something great in his plans.
    The mission families sent here could have up and left since the start of this drama but they didn't. They stayed and now we see just how great of a love God had for us. That even in pain, trials and persecution he gives us a sign of hope, a sign of perseverance.
    We've been told many times by our catechists to not judge. Many of us have failed in our humanity but many of us have also come out to share the truth.
    And the truth is this, that God sent his Son out of love for us, to die for us, for our sins. Because of this love that the father has for us, many of our lives have been saved from the clutches of death and sin. Many of us now have a stronger appreciation for the church. Many of us have turned away from drugs and alcohol, from homosexuality, from divorce, from crime, all because of Gods love for us being present. Many of us now strive to share that same love, in the dimension of the cross, with others. All of this because of God choosing to act in the form of our catechists, priests and our beloved bishop.
    Will this stop? No. At least we pray it doesn't. All we can do now is hope that our leaders and those God has now entrusted with our care, that they also see the fruits.

    -Jokers Wild

    1. Jesus said it best:

      Matthew 7:1-5
      “Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove that splinter from your eye,’ while the wooden beam is in your eye? You hypocrite,* remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother’s eye.

      Matthew 7:15-20
      “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will know them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Just so, every good tree bears good fruit, and a rotten tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. So by their fruits you will know them.

      Archbishop Anthony Apuron was asked in the first years of NCW's presence in Guam about whether this was a good or bad thing. He said if it was not from the Holy Spirit, it will eventually disappear. NCW is a fruit of the Holy Spirit as mentioned in Joker's Wild post.

    2. Jungle, CCOG, LFM ... what are their fruits? Where are they now?

      NCW brothers continue their way of conversion by living the tripod - Word, Liturgy and Community. Living with a missionary zeal that has been misunderstood as pride and self-righteousness. Sharing their experiences and miracles with God. Proclaiming the Good News that Jesus loves you. What is so controversial about this? As was mentioned earlier, the true enemy is Satan.

      Once all the dust settles, I believe the NCW brothers will still be here proclaiming the Kerygma, the Good News. Identifying the enemy as Satan, we love our brothers as Jesus has commanded as to do. As Jesus loves us.

  7. Lol he's scared. He even stopped comments from entering his blog

    1. Laughing at the sufferring body of Christ?

    2. Praise God that all comments in JW has stopped. That’s a good thing. But Anon. 10:10 pm is right. Tim is still our brother. He is suffering tremendously, which is no laughing matter. We need to pray for him.

  8. And now he's helping his daughter defend a rapist????

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:49 am,

      Yes, it does appear that way. I do not understand that. They are saying that he was wrongly convicted because he was a man or because the victim was married. But he was convicted of sexual assault. They say there was no evidence, and it was a “he says, she says” kind of thing. But there was evidence. According to news report:

      “Cmdr. Laura McMullen, U.S. Naval Hospital Guam’s associate director for nursing services, also testified. McMullen is a sexual assault nurse examiner who examined Bezon’s accuser. The examination of the woman’s body was consistent with the sexual assault reported, McMullen said.”

      The evidence was the medical examiner’s testimony.

    2. Obviously, Rohr and his daughter didn't fully review the entire case.

    3. I think the victim is being discriminated because she's a lesbian. Tim wrote:

      "But also, Quinton just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time in our current cultural history: a time which marks a man guilty because he is a man...and the "woman" was the "husband" of another woman."

      The victim was a woman and "wife" of another woman. The question is not the gender. Was she sexually assaulted or not is the question. Tim and his daughter seems to ignore the testimony of the sexual assault nurse examiner who examined the victim. It doesn't matter if the victim is a lesbian. No person deserves to be sexually assaulted.

    4. Tim thinks he's a judge now thinks that the man is innocent just like the bishop says he's innocent funny

    5. This case is under appeal so maybe we should just wait and see, just like we're waiting for the word about Brother Tony who is probably appealing his verdict. For once I think Tim is right. He said that if Brother Tony had been found innocent we would have heard by now. So I think Brother Tony was found guilty or whatever term they use and now he's appealing.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 11:12 am,

      In Guam and America, a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. We have not yet heard the verdict, and already you and Tim Rohr have labeled him guilty even before the canonical trial started. The canonical trial is now over. We are simply waiting for the signatures of the judges. How many judges need to sign the papers....I do not know. But it is always best to follow the democratic principle of "innocent until proven guilty." After all, this is not North Korea. Also, one day you may even find yourself in trouble with the law just like David Sablan. David Sablan was accused of conspiracy and allegedly holding secret meetings (similar to what Rohr described in this post). I do not think Mr. Sablan would appreciate you or anyone finding him guilty before his trial even started. It is unfortunate that you and Mr. Sablan could not give the same courtesy to Archbishop Apuron.

  9. I am sure that in Athens and in Agana there are uncorking bottles of champagne to celebrate the closure of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Guam.

    This is a victory for Archbishop Hon, Father Jeff and Bishop Brynes. Congratulations!!!

    They have worked so hard to achieve their destructive goal. And they succeeded.

    And Guam grieves….
