Blog Song

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Misleading The Public Again

In Rohr's new post, he is claiming that I support CCOG.  And then he quotes God is One's comment.  The comment made by God is one is also not claiming any support of CCOG.  CCOG claimed that Archbishop Apuron's title should be removed so that Coadjuator Archbishop Byrnes will take Apuron's title as "Archbishop of Agana."  No where in my post or comment did God is one or I stated that CCOG is correct. Again, Rohr's post is misleading the public.  

I was actually laughing as I listened to David Sablan on K57.  He complained that the Board in Kamalen Karidot cannot be dissolved because the organization is not under the umbrella of the Archdiocese of Agana (UNLIKE RMS).  The fact that Archbishop Byrnes was able to dissolve the Board of Directors and the Board of Guarantors of RMS is proof that RMS had always been under the Archdiocese.  Archbishop Apuron never gave the seminary away.  Again, I will say this:  We have been saying all along that ONLY the Archbishop of Agana or his successor has full control and authority of RMS.  The fact that Archbishop Byrnes easily dissolved the Board of Directors and Board of Guarantors as well as rescind the deed restriction only proves that we are right and the Junglewatch Nation was WRONG......plain and simple.  This only goes to show that the jungle misled people.  It had always been the jungle who claimed that the Board of Directors of RMS had authority, when in fact they did not.  According to Rohr:
So while Pius lies to us and tells us that the archbishop "has all the power", Guam law tells us that it is the Directors who have all the power to exercise and control the business of a corporation. Apuron is one of the Directors, but as per the RMS annual report for 2014, he is only one of five votes. 
You now know for certain that Rohr was WRONG.  The Board of Directors of RMS had no power at all.  We have been saying all along that ONLY the Archbishop of Agana or his successor have the power and authority  That power and authority was demonstrated when Archbishop Byrnes rescinded the deed restriction and dissolved the Board of Directors and Board of Guarantors.  He did it without even informing the boards.  

Now take a look at Kamalen Karidot.  How ironic that David Sablan said that "UNLIKE RMS, the bylaws of Kamalen Karidot gave powers to the Board of Directors."  The Board whom Archbishop Byrnes appointed to KK is illegitimate.  Therefore, he intends to call a meeting in January to correct the problem. David Sablan sees, but is still blind.  

Father Mike Crisostomo came out to the radio talk show, insinuating negative things about Deacon Tenorio before the investigation was complete.  After Department of Revenue and Taxation revealed their findings, he changed his stand.  According to the Pacific Daily News: 
Crisostomo said he'd like to emphasize that Deacon Frank Tenorio and his wife, Tita, worked hard to help the poor and homeless for decades under Kamalen Karidat. But the accounting and recording process may have been an issue.
There were almost $200,000 in the account of Kamalen Karidot left by Deacon Tenorio so that his successor can continue to operate the program to help the poor and homeless. 


  1. When will Tim understand that all the problems he is facing in life are of his 'own' making? He is fighting God himself and his pride refuses to acknowledge it, while his loved ones are being dragged through hell... and he then blame and hate us the more.

    May God have mercy on him and his family in this most joyous and peaceful season.

    1. He is fighting God.
      His pride refuses to acknowledge it.

  2. I remember meeting and sharing a cab with Deacon Tenorio and his wife Tita during a trip to PI. It was a shopping day for my wife and I but we asked Deacon...where are you going? God's work was in short his answer; I need to buy rosaries beads for the hungry back on Guam. As we left the hotel; Tita asked in Chamorro if wife and I, to include the taxi driver would mind if we prayed the rosary in route to our destination? and so we prayed....we prayed.
    Having reached a strip of four...five blocks lined on both sides of religious oriented shops; Deacon jumped out of the taxi and disappeared. My wife looked at me and asked..what are your waiting for? GO WITH DEACON!!!
    As the taxi continued to go in circles around the strip; I went into every store looking for DEACON....HE HAD DISAPPEARED into the shops.
    We finally found Deacon about forty five minutes later walking with a big happy smile in his face. Tita of course was concerned and asked where have you been? Deacon's response; I found the rosary beads that cost twenty cents and I was trying to buy it for ten cents. GOD intervened and the shop owner and I agreed on fourteen cents.
    Lesson's Learned? If you ever share a cab with Deacon and Tita; be prepared to say the rosary. Be prepared to see the SPIRIT of GOD in action.
    hummmmm? wonder how much rohr charged for a rosary bead? wonder how many rosary beads crisostomo has blessed.

  3. But Diana Byrnes is calling the current board in which he cannot do and is illegal because he’s not the chairman of that board because in the bylaws of the current board archbishop of agana is the chairman and who is that Anthony Sablan apuron so he can’t call that

  4. Pale Mike changed his stand cuz people were calling in K57 supporting Deacon Tenorio. CCOG and Pale Mike tried to portray Deacon Tenorio as someone who spent the donations for his personal use rather than on the poor.

  5. Pope Francis warned journalists about committing the "very serious sin" of sensationalizing the news and providing one-sided reports, per AP:

    "You shouldn't fall into the 'sins of communication:' disinformation, or giving just one side, calumny that is sensationalized, or defamation, looking for things that are old news and have been dealt with and bringing them to light today."

    Why it matters: The Pope is planning to dedicate his annual communications message to "fake news," the AP reports. This is one of several instances of Trump's "fake news" message making its impact around the globe.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:46 pm, 

      Old news? It was never brought to light about the ownership of RMS. Even after Archbishop Byrnes rescinded the deed restriction, CCOG makes it a point that RMS was returned to the Archdiocese, when in fact RMS never left the Archdiocese. Archbishop Apuron never gave the seminary away.

      I quoted Tim Rohr when he called Father Pius a liar. Father Pius stated that the Archbishop has full authority, not the Board of Directors of RMS. Archbishop Byrnes proved that Father Pius was correct with a just the sweep of his pen.

      Furthermore, Rohr is spreading false information, claiming that I support CCOG. I never made such claim.

  6. Unless benefactors were donating large sums of cash rather than checks, then the Bank should have records of where monies came from and where it went. Get those records and then confront the donors if they feel in any way that they were betrayed. If they aren't, then what is the problem? Ask the families/businesses that are contributing to the dinner meals, how do they feel? Do they feel lied to? If not, do we have an issue?
    The Kusina was formed in 1994, the organization probably as many others also do, especially on those days, they probably just took someone else's by-laws, articles of incorporation, copied it and slapped their organization name on it. How many others have been doing this? Many.
    Its one thing if indeed that's what Kamalen has been doing, but they havnt. If anything substantial was ever spent, it was probably the construction of the current kitchen.
    Father Mike Crisostomo recently also shared that Deacon Tenorio, did what he could, when he could and the beat he could. He also said that when he confronted tenorio about the tax filing, the deacon was under the impression that Kamalen didn't have to. It was his understanding, do we blame him?
    Also, if they are alleging that the monies acted as a slush fund for Archbishop Anthony, the bank records would show it. It doesn't matter if the organization itself didn't keep records, the bank does.
    Rev & tax would also have record of properties and vehicles owned by Kamalen.
    David sablan is insinuating a lot of trash and the poor Archbishop is listening. What a mess?
    I could name a few false statements from that group...
    1. RMS not controlled by Archbishop of Agana
    2. Santa Rita Statue OLOG missing.
    3. Santa Rita Parish Funds missing.
    4. Seminarians poorly formed
    5. Kamalen Karidat not controlled by Archbishop.

    List can go and on....I'll save some for later.
    CCOG is like the Enquirer of Guam.

    -Jokers Wild

    1. With all these accusations why not ask Jesse Lujan or K57 to appear on their program and refute all of what Tim Rohr and David Lujan is stating. As far as Deacon Tenorio being under the impression that he did not have to file, I find that hard to believe because on the Board of Directors, I see two attorneys name and some prominent names on the list. Are they there to advise Deacon Tenorio? As far as taking some organizations by-laws and putting your organizations name, I find that really stupid. I think that the old board of KK better check with the two attorneys and find out what laws were violated and mitigate the situation. We have to set the record straight.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 7:18 pm, 

      The record has been straightened. Archbishop Byrnes was able to rescind the deed restriction and dissolve the two boards of RMS because RMS has always been under the control of the Archbishop of Agana or his successor. End of story.

      As for KK not knowing that they were supposed to file.....Deacon Tenorio already gave you an answer. The fact that they never filed since the beginning is evidence that he was telling the truth. It would be questionable had they actually filed and then stopped. Also, attorneys are human and can be in error. After all, just look at your Bronze attorney!

    3. Can you please state what is the purpose of the KK Board? And what do you mean by "just look at your Bronze attorney". I am neither a NEO or a Rohr supporter. I just want to see all these problems that are affecting our Diocese rectified. In an honest and rightful way.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 8:46 pm, 

      If you want to see all these problems affecting our Diocese resolved, then why are you posting in this blog? The answer of why KK hasn't filed their taxes has already been given. And you think he is lying???? 

      Why is it that whatever answer the NCW and their supporters give are called liars? After all, that is what the jungle said about Father Pius and the NCW when we constantly stated that RMS is controlled by the Archbishop of Agana and not the Board of Directors. We gave an answer then, and we never changed our answer. Rohr, on the other hand, has been known to change his stories

      Why not go to Rohr's blog and ask him the questions? You can start by asking him where in my post or comments did I ever say I supported CCOG.

    5. Anon. 8:46, please ask Tim if he ever spoke to Fr. Jason since his latest blog post is making an accusation against Fr. Jason. It's always JW and CCOG who makes the accusation and who starts All the drama.

      All this issue with Kamalen Karidot started with CCOG accusing Deacon Tenorio and Archbishop Apuron of using donations to purchase cars and they allege that these cars are at RMS. David Sablan was asked on radio if he was able to CONFIRM his allegation, and he said no. He's working on it. If a person is going to make an accusation, he should at least have the paperwork done, not working on it.

    6. Dear anonymous 10:27

      Just don’t listen to them because like how Pope Francis said it nice and clear about media this even includes ccog and jungle because they always go to the one sided media about their publications because they are committing a mortal sin through the words of Pope Francis

  7. Joy to the world!
    Listen to the song singing in the soul tonight.
    The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.
    Mission entrusted to us is life giving and joyful. Joy in discovering,living and fulfilling mission is the core message of the Third Sunday of Advent.
    In the first official document, apostolic exhortation, "Evangelii Gaudium " Pope Francis presents a renewed vision of the Church. The Joy of the Gospel exhorts people to build joyful communities. We are the people of Joy tonight." My soul Rejoices in my God"
    Advent season brings joy to the world. The star will lead us to Him. He will empower us. Amen.

  8. Diana look at what Pope Francis is saying

  9. Diana father mike is on k57 right now and he’s saying that Byrnes is the chairman of kamalan karidat which he’s not because he is already calling Byrnes archbishop of agana

    1. Dear God is one,

      As the Coadjutor Bishop, he can take over while Archbishop Apuron is waiting for his canonical trial. I am sure Father Mike wishes that, but as long as Archbishop Apuron holds the title, Byrnes is a Coadjutor, nothing more, nothing less.

    2. I am sadden that Archbishop Byrnes is not instructing his priests in this Archdiocese to properly include Archbishop Apuron in the prayers and in all matters. I know that the Capuchin Priests and some Local Priests are omitting Archbishop Apuron's name and using Archbishop Byrnes.
      I know that Archbishop Byrnes still incorporates Archbishop Apuron in his Eucharistic Prayer. I know that my Filipino priest still uses his name in the mass. Example: "Anthony our Archbishop, Michael our Coadjutor bishop..."
      I am happy that my priest still incorporates his name because he is still the Archbishop of Agana.
      I think that Archbishop Byrnes should inform all other priests who omits Archbishop Apuron's name is illicit.


    3. Here are some priests that omits Archbishop Apuron's name in their masses.

      Msgr. James Benavente
      Fr. Michael Crisostomo
      Fr. Joseph English
      Fr. Andre Eduvala
      Fr. Gus Gumataotao
      Fr. Paul Gofigan
      Fr. Efren Adversario
      Fr. Eric Forbes
      Fr. Richard Kidd
      Fr. Felix Leon Guerrero
      Fr. Jeffery San Nicolas
      Fr. Jun Trenchera

      These are the some of the priests that omits Archbishop Apuron's name in the Eucharistic Prayer and the Universal Prayers. I have personally attended the masses of these priests and was sadden by how justice is not being done for Archbishop Apuron. Archbishop Apuron is still our Archbishop of Agana.


    4. Dear Guamboy,

      This needs to be brought to Archbishop Byrnes attention. Please bring it up to him since you are a witness and have heard it.

    5. Diana Byrnes already knows about father Paul and he did nothing father Paul did it during mass and he didn’t say archbishops name and Byrnes was the one who said mass with father Paul

    6. Guamboy, I attend mass at Saint Francis and I hear Father Andre mention AB Apuron's name during mass.

    7. Guamboy @ 1:55 is WRONG!!
      I have attended Masses celebrated by Fathers Paul Gofigan, Eric Forbes, Jeff San Nicolas, and Michael Crisostomo and I heard them say "Anthony our Archbishop and Michael our Coadjutor Archbishop." Even Archbishop Byrnes says "Anthony my brother" when he says Mass.
      I haven't been to Masses by the other priests that Guamboy listed so I don't know if they say Archbishop Apuron's name or not.

    8. Dear God is one,

      Place your trust in God. He will take care of everything.

    9. Dear guamgirl

      When did you hear father Paul say it because that one mass when Byrnes was present he didn’t say archbishop Anthony he only said bishop but no name so reply back

    10. Dear God is one,

      If he only said bishop and not his name, then there is no reason for him to be disciplined. We all know who he was referring to. If Father Paul find it distasteful to say his name, that is his problem. We pray for Father Paul.

  10. Diana

    Guess who was on island yesterday Cardinal Tagle I bet that we are going back as it was before when philipino priest would be borrowed again because Cardinal Tagle met with Byrnes and Monsignor James

  11. God is one.
    Whenever Cardinal Tagle comes to Guam. I bet my money that Monsignor James will be there...


    1. Dear Guamboy,

      Monsignor James was there. Isn't it amazing that the Vatican Insider article was correct when they said that Cardinal Tagle was a good friend of Monsignor James.

    2. Tagle needs to stay clear of Benavente if he wants to be the next pope. Not good for the dear cardinal to be associated with corrupt priests.

    3. Dear Diana @ 4:10,

      What is amazing that the Vatican Insider article was correct about Cardinal Tagle being a good friend of Monsignor James???

      I remember that Cardinal Tagle came to Guam in 2014 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the priesthood of Monsignor James. That was the time to be amazed. Not now. Besides not long after that celebration Monsignor James was kicked out of the Cathedral.

      I'm sure Cardinal Tagle is happy that Monsignor James is back to doing good for the Church again.

    4. Don’t be fooled by the charm of Benavente. He’ll do anything, even he has to sell his soul for power and use Tagle to get it. Sad that Tagle is blind to the Benavente corruption.


  12. He's making it too obvious. There's no way Cardinal Tagle could visit Monsignor James incognito.

  13. I send this photo to vatican insider and Magister is a scoop

  14. Fr.Rudy icu heart attack.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:14 pm,

      So sorry to hear that. 🤤 He's in our prayers.


  15. Thank God for RMS clergy. Ironic as need for priests is great seminary closes. Archdiocese looks for PI priests.

    1. As long as the 'foreigner' priests, bishops, missionaries toe the line imposed by Rohr, CCoG, the family islands... I guess 'every-ting be Irie...

  16. Isn’t it interesting that CCOG always start their smear campaigns with accusations of money mishandling? Since they are so concerned about other people’s money management, could it be that they have had problems in that area and are trying to deflect attention from themselves To others? Remember it was Judas who held the purse. He is the one who thought it was a waste to perfume to feet of the lord. He was the one obsessed with money.

    1. You are most certainly right... but this goes down to the old Roman saying "who polices the police" in this island?... the guys involved with the CCoG, Rohr and friends, the Benaventes, etc. who will police them when they control the media, the judges, the smear machines?

      In situations like this God is the only one that can interfere and by what I have heard, He is already acting in 'the families' of those who are invested in stiffing the evangelization of Guam and the Pacific.

  17. Question: now that Benavente is in charge of the diocesan finances, is anyone monitoring the financial ins and outs of the money accounts at PIGO CEMETERY? After seeing the embezzlement he committed there, do we have any garantee that he’s not up to the same criminal acts he did in the past?

    1. What how is it that he’s in charge of diocesan finance I thought it was ms.josie that’s in charge

  18. I heard that there are some Chinese people are interested in the former RMS Seminary building. They are looking at forming a “school” for chinese from mainland China. This is very suspicious! Can someone do some investigating about this?

    1. They can’t sale the seminary because number 3 isn’t complete so the seminary is not for sale so if they sale they are defying a direct order in which they need approval from cardinal filoni

    2. Dear God is one,

      Even if Cardinal Filoni gives approval to sell the seminary, we still trust thst this is God's plan. Remember that the seminary is not our home. This world was never our home. Our home is in Heaven. We belong to God.
