Blog Song

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Dear Junglefolks, 

The reason your comments are not published is because you are bashing the Way and Kiko Arguello.  If you wish to bash the NCW, please go to your blog, JungleWatch, and make your comments there.  This blog was not created for you to bash the NCW and degrade the RMS seminarians.  Thank you for your understanding.



  1. RIGHT ON! RIGHT ON!! RIGHT ON!!! "DIANA" Where is Tim Rohr ?? busy selling Church properties +

    1. Me thinks that Rohr is paying for what he’s done. He’s going through a crisis.

    2. Yeah what happened to Tim

    3. What's up nothing going on in the jungle

    4. Tim quit blogging after his daughter criticized his lies in one of her posts on Facebook. Let's pray for him and for healing in his marriage.

      -Jokers Wild

    5. Dear Jokers Wild,

      Yes, we should pray for Tim. Whatever crisis he is facing, I hope he finds healing.

    6. Pray for Rohr.

      He is under the awful spell of Satan!

      Satan wants to destroy Rohr's life and his family as well.

      A very sad state of affairs over which we should not gloat but to ask the Lord to have MERCY on Rohr. I feel that his life is teetering on a very serious fall.

    7. Tim Rohr makes his own choices and will suffer the consequences of them just like everyone else. How awesome a state he is in to be able to now PERSONALLY REALIZE the benefits if the NCW.

      Afterall, one of the fruits of the NCW is healing broken marriages and families.

      Might as well pray he has the HUMILITY to ask for your support in his time of need.

    8. 7:06pm: What's your concept of mercy regarding his situation?

    9. 11:37pm: That is both cruel and ignorant.

    10. Dear Anonymous at 11:37 pm,

      Tim Rohr is not the only one who suffers. His family also suffers. Tim is still our brother. And when one member of the body of Christ suffers, so does everyone else for all form one body. We pray that Rohr finds peace and healing because we are Christians. We are not like those of the world.

  2. diana you forgot archbishop anthony also to go to the jungle in bashing him

    1. Dear God is one,

      The comments that had been coming into my blog did not mention Archbishop Apuron, only the NCW, Kiko, and the RMS seminarians. Ever since Zoltan started defending the jungle, the insults from the jungle were coming in supporting Zoltan. Zoltan is unaware that he is now supporting the jungle and CCOG. But you are correct. Any insults toward Archbishop Apuron will not be published.

    2. Any word on Archbishop Apuron's vatican case?

  3. Zoltan is not on island so he has no idea that Byrnes has been influenced by CCOG.

  4. WOW Zoltan turning against NCW WHAT happen to do that looks like a two-face to me what a shame

  5. Diana Timmy said the reason he’s not posting at this time is he’s letting the courts do their job

    1. He also wrote that he is writing a book.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 2:34 pm,

      His book will be one-sided and not worth buying.

    3. I would not buy any of his books

    4. Book??? five easy way how to corrupt and defraud a Catholic Church for money

  6. Zoltan got blinded.

  7. Hafa Adai Diana,

    I was wondering about the posts on Junglewatch. It seems that it has been slow. But as I looked further why Tim Rohr has not been posting is because he is going through a dramatic change. I read on Facebook that his family has left him and he was served a divorce paper. I just thought you should know.
    God Bless.

    Guam Boy

    1. Dear Guam Boy,

      Jokers Wild already informed us. It is sad that he is going through such a tremendous crisis. Rohr is in our prayers. I hope he finds healing.

    2. Rohr going through tremendous family crisis. Pray he finds healing his wife family.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 5:02 pm,

      He and his family are in our prayers.

  8. I shiver thinking that Satan is destroying Timothy's family. Praying St. Michael will defend his marriage and heal his family.

  9. I'd ever seen Tim pray for the bishop or his jungle I guess karma works in it's weird way

  10. Like he said he work countless hours to destroy the bishop those countless hours I guess Karma works

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:16 pm,

      Karma is not a Catholic belief. There are consequences to all our actions...both good and bad. Tim spent countless hours on his blog that he even admitted that he wanted to quit so he can spend more time with his family.

      The devil attacks everyone. What may appear to be just and good at first may not be from God. We need to discern and be able to differentiate between God's will and our will. Sometimes, we think we are doing God's will when in fact we are doing our own will. Our catechists told us that if something takes us away from God or the Church, then it did not come from God. This is also true with family. If something takes you away from your spouse and children, it did not come from God. God desires husband and wife to be together because it was He who put them together through the sacrament of marriage.

  11. No one deserves to be attacked by the devil. We all need prayers during time of crisis. I don't think KARMA is a Catholic believe though.

    1. misspelled.... s/b belief not believe


  12. God is with us.
    God is leading us.
    Blessed Advent Diana
    pray pray pray.
