Blog Song

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Ups And Downs Of Hon Ta- Fai

Someone sent me this serious humorous piece, which I will post:  

               From Hong Kong To Rome To Athens, Passing Through Guam.
                                    The Ups And Downs of Hon Tai-Fai

There was moaning there was groaning and we knew all help was gone
When word went out from Roma that they’d send Archbishop Hon.
But we waited and we wondered, if we really should be sad
That his visit to our island would, turn out to be so bad.

Hon landed, he was smiling, he seemed happy as could be
So eager and delighted, and exuding grinning glee.
But we’d surely been misguided by that look upon his face
For in wreaking the destruction he quickened up the pace.

He got rid of Father Adrian ere two ticks from the clock
And then Monsignor David’s head was laid upon the block.
But Father Paul, and Pale’ Mike, he quickly reinstated,
Monsignor James was next to rise, which makes it all R-Rated.

And neither for our Rector, was there set a welcome wagon
For Pius suffered too the blaze, o’this fiery Chinese Dragon
Hon banished him from Guahan’s isle so far across the seas
Despite our earnest prayers and hopes, and many anguished pleas.

Then on our mission seminary, he turned his dreadful gaze
For there his fury, wrath and rage, became a mighty blaze.
“We have to close it! Tear it down! Throw all those young men out!”
“I’ll rid this island of them all, of this there is no doubt!”

So thus he did continue, to slash and burn and raze
The Neocatechumenate to him, was just a craze.
But most of all he seemed to hate our Archishop Apuron
And so on him, with viciousness, he truly set upon.

I sometimes wonder why it is that spiteful men go free
As though the Lord, our Holy God, their evil does not see.
Then justice fell upon poor Hon for telling wicked fibs:
He fell down in the shower stall and shattered some of his ribs.

But lo! I heard there’s been a change made by the Holy See
And though it’s not good news for Hon, it is for thee and me
For now that wolf once covered well, by white and wooly fleece
Must pack his bags and say hello to all the Turks in Greece!

On Richard Untalan and Rohr, Paul Gofigan and James
CCOG, and Dave Lujan and all you haughty dames
Who picket our Cathedral Mass, and shout against The Way
Please God have mercy on them all, forgive each one, we pray.

And when they fall, they surely will, in this we’ll take no pleasure
Lest the judgment we should make on them, we would receive in measure.
Take heed from these malicious men, like donkeys let them bray
For everything will come to light, thank God, on judgment day.

(By an anonymous author of the IV Century)


  1. Man, that's desperately sad. Out of all of this, the only thing you can rejoice in is Hon falling over. Even the fact that you keep focusing on Hon's (supposed) punishment is evidence that you don't have much. Sad.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:05 pm,

      It is a serious humorous piece. There are two things one can learn from this.

      1. Wickedness does not pay. It will come back to bring you down.
      2. The poem clearly stated that we are not to rejoice in the fall of wickedness. Rather, we are to pity these people and pray for God's mercy on them.

    2. This "this serious humorous piece" is just fantastic....

    3. "2. The poem clearly stated that we are not to rejoice in the fall of wickedness."

      And yet, that is exactly the purpose of the poem, and exactly what the poem does. Rather ironic, wouldn't you say?

      "1. Wickedness does not pay. It will come back to bring you down."

      Oh, I thought you didn't believe in Karma? Or, do you mean that all things will be judged in the end? In which case, Hon's fate in this temporal and passing world is hardly the point.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 10:44 am,

      Wickedness will pay has nothing to do with Karma because the wicked will always be punished. Remember the flood? Only 8 people were saved while the wicked perish.

    5. "the wicked will always be punished"

      That may be true, but you imply that the wicked will be punished in this world, and point to Hon's "ups and downs" as proof of this idea. Kindergarten theology at best.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 11:25 am,

      The wicked can be punished in this world. Who says they cannot? It is better that they are punished in this world because their suffering here can open their eyes to repent from their sins, saving them from Hell.

    7. Anon at 11:25
      Sins have consequences. Maybe punished is not the best term to use. However we know sin has an eternal punishment and consequences here and now. Christ paid for the eternal punishment however we have to suffer it's worldly consequences this is why we believe in purgatory.
      Ex: adultery = destruction of family hate from your children who might not forgive you etc.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 9:30 pm,

      You are correct. The better word is "consequences". Thank you for the correction.

  2. Kudos to the writer(s)!

  3. Diana, how difficult is it to have face time with Jesse Lujan like Tim Rohr did. You can have the NCW pick who will dispute everything that has happened on Guam. Discuss the persecutions the NCW has suffered and why RMS should stay open. Better yet, Now we can see who Diana is. I am betting that it is Ricky sleek the MD.

    1. Dear 5EE445,

      I am not Ric Eusebio, but he is a good candidate to speak about the RMS since he was in the Board of Directors of RMS. Ric and Father Pius has already spoken to the media. In fact, Ric even stated that the Lateran University is equal to Harvard. Tim Rohr stated on the Jesse Lujan show that it was more like a community college. However, the truth about the Lateran University is online. According to its website:

      "The Pontifical Lateran University is a prestigious university based in Rome in the extraterritorial area of ​​the Holy See in Lateran . Born from the heart of the Church and located in the center of Rome, frequented by saints and popes in its more than two centuries of history, the Pontifical Lateran University is nowadays a frontier of avant-garde in education and scientific research.
      The origin of the Pontifical Lateran University dates back to Pope Clement XIV, who gathered the Roman Seminary and the School of Theology of the Collegio Romano, entrusting it with the leadership of the secular clergy of the Diocese of Rome. This new "institution" (born under the Brief Commendatissimam of November 24, 1773) was under the Pope's immediate dependence, who called it "College, Seminary and University."
      Pope Leo XII, returning the Roman Collegiate to the Society of Jesus, with the Brief Recolentes of 10 April 1824 wanted the Schools and the Seminary to continue in the palace of St. Apollinare, which became the "Roman Seminary" (hence it was promulgated the Ordinatio Seminarii Romani ). Equipped with canonical independence, he had the power to confer the degree of Doctor in S. Theology. In 1828, the one in Philosophy was added."

      And Tim Rohr calls it a community college. For shame!

  4. Why are you dwelling on archbishop savio hon tai fai when his job here in Guam has been completed? Are we supposed to move backwards or forwards? Why should we concern ourselves with where Rome sends archbishop tai fai? I'm confused

  5. God Bless Cardinal Filoni.
    Future Pope.

    1. Future Pope? Seriously?

    2. If Cardinal Bergoglio can become Pope Francis NOTHING can stop Cardinal Filoni from becoming Pope. 👍🏼

  6. Hon Tai Fai will be forever remembered as the man who most resembled the infamous Choco during the time of San Vitores. Choco, a chinaman, like Hon, also wanted to destroy the mission of Blessed Diego. Hon wen about doing something similar to Choco by attempting to destroy the RMS seminary, defame archbishop Apuron, harass the priests faithful to Apuron and in the end we see ever so clearly the evil intention of Hon. Choco would have approved of everything Hon has done to destroy the evangelization of the Marianas.

    We need to learn the historical lesson of the evil acts of Hon or else we're bound to repeat it.

    Just as Choco forever remains as the enemy of San Vitores, so Savio Hon is to be forever remembered as the man who tried to destroy the mission of evangelization in Guam, the Marianas and the whole of Micronesia. A blight of shame for the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

  7. If HON most resembles CHOCO,

    then who most resembles MATAPANG?

    Should we open a discussion on this?

  8. Matapang is Father Jeff.... The big traitor

  9. If Father Jeff is the big traitor, then he must have walked. He denies it.
