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Saturday, August 5, 2017

Response From Jacque Terlaje

In response to the reports regarding Fr. Wachs and SNAP's demand for apology from Archbishop Byrnes, the following was made by Jacque Terlaje:
 As I understand the role of Fr. Justin Wachs, he is a notary.  A notary has no role in the decision making process of the canonical trials, but simply attests to the identity of the person, receives that person’s sworn statement to tell the truth, and acts as a recorder.  Have we sunk to such dismal levels on this island that every person accused of any wrongdoing is automatically a piranha in our island society? Attorney David Lujan’s attack on the integrity of a notary is appalling.  How can one judge Fr. Wachs’ “virtue and character” based on a news report of allegations made against him?  With a little due diligence, one would discover that Fr. Wach’s denied the allegations.  
This rush to judgment simply fits the consistent Modus Operandi I have been witness to on this island for the last year; demand beheading, rather than seek the truth through the judicial process.  This is yet another tactic to undermine the intensive and rigorous efforts that the Vatican has undertaken to determine the truth.  
Additionally, I am  not surprised that the anti-Catholic group, SNAP is demanding that Coadjutor Archbishop Byrnes issue an apology.  SNAP’s disdain for “a man with such a history” is an irrational assault on the Catholic Church, and immediately calls to mind the gospel of John 8:7, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”  From the behavior I have seen in the demands for public lynching, I am lead to the improbable and absurd conclusion that Guam is sin free!


  1. Diana you know I believe that Tim sent pdn to one of our Eucharist to spy on us how low is that

    1. Dear God is one,

      How do you know? Was there a reporter recording or video taping the Eucharist?

    2. Why would you need to spy on you all? Aren't your services open to the public?

    3. God is one, why would you say that PDN's presence at your Eucharist would be spying?
      Diana, what would be wrong with a reporter recording or video taping the NCW Eucharist?

      FYI: Reporters are welcome to record or video tape Catholic Masses all the time. Reporters are welcome to record Masses at all of the parishes. They're even welcome to record the Latin Mass at the Friary.
      As Anonymous @ 11:10 PM points out, there would be no need to "spy" if all services are open to the public as you claim.

      Could it be that the NCW Eucharist service is not Catholic after all?

  2. It must be heartbreaking for Archbishop Anthony to view the USA Today . It has gone out to millions of people. The news outlet doesn't say he has not completed his trial which he asked the Holy Father to undergo. So sad.

    1. Anonymous @ 10:37 PM Archbishop Anthony is a Big Boy. By now he should be used to all kinds of negative publicity. Just continue to pray for him.

    2. Anon at 10:37 PM Archbishop Apuron is no snowflake so please don't make is seem like he can't deal with this challenge. Anon at 2:55 PM is right. Pray for him.

  3. A problem with integrity of the information provided to the Vatican? Well, please read this from the Guam Daily Post on May 8, 2017:

    "After several hours, they each were provided a copy of their testimony to read and review to ensure that what was transcribed was their statements, providing assurance that their true testimony was taken back to the Vatican. The audio of the depositions was also recorded."
