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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Putting Words In People's Mouths

The jungle is well known for putting words in people's mouth.  For example, Archbishop Apuron never said that no one can get him. That came from Tim Rohr himself. In fact, Rohr cannot even cite where and when Archbishop Apuron made such a statement.  The reason is because Archbishop Apuron never made that statement. 

Now, Rohr is trying to put words into Jacque Terlaje's mouth.  According to Tim Rohr:

It appears to me that the "trained lawyer" is admitting that her client is guilty......
 So the "trained lawyer's" statement tells us that she knows Apuron is guilty, guilty, guilty.
This is actually "wishful thinking" from Rohr.  The truth is Mrs. Terlaje NEVER said that her client was guilty.  In fact, there is a video of her clearly stating that she believes her client Archbishop Apuron is innocent.  You can listen to that video by clicking on the weblink below.

What you heard in the video came from Jacque Terlaje herself.  That is the truth.  So, the notion that Rohr is trying to sell you about what Mrs. Terlaje said is incorrect.

On May 13, 2016 Archbishop Apuron stated that he intended to seek a canonical trial and a civil trial.  The canonical trial came at the REQUEST of Archbishop Apuron, who maintained his innocence. He also swore before Pope Francis that he was innocent and did not sexually molest or abuse any child.  

On August 25, 2016, Archbishop Apuron stated that Pope Francis granted his request for a canonical trial.  If he was guilty, why would he pursue a canonical trial?  A canonical trial is the same as a criminal trial in which he can be found guilty. So, why pursue a canonical trial If he is guilty? Why did the Archbishop request for a canonical trial If he is guilty?  

The Junglewatch Nation, on the other hand, never had anything to do with the canonical trial.  In fact, they never requested for one.  Tim Rohr even stated that there was no canonical trial. 

Rather, the jungle sought a civil trial and judged him guilty without due process of a trial.  In other words, the Archbishop was already branded guilty by the jungle before he was even brought to trial.  

According to the Guam Daily Post:

At the status conference yesterday, Terlaje said mediation sessions with retired Judge Hogan would cost approximately $10,000 a day.
She also said it is not in her client's best interest to agree to settlement protocols. If mediation attempts are unfruitful in Hawaii, Terlaje will discuss options with Apuron for moving forward in court.


  1. The fact that Tim puts words in Jackie's mouth shows his desperation. Tim is putting too much of his own assumption into Jackie's statements.

  2. He fabricated account for deception financial gain power.
    Misrepresentation of truth.

  3. Rohr's writing on canonical trial were intended to discredit Pope Francis/Cardinal Filoni Curia.

  4. Why is AB Apuron going through a Canonical trail? Is it the sexual abuses cases or the mismanagement of the Archdiocese. I am always hearing and reading about the allege sexual abuse cases but not how he manage the resources of the churh. Can you please explain? Thank you in advance.

    1. Dear 5EE445,

      Because they summoned the 4 accusers, we can certainly conclude that the sexual allegation is the reason for the canonical trial. If there are other reasons in addition to the sexual allegations, the Vatican is not saying.

  5. Expensive $10,000 per day to pay Judge Hogan. How many days required for his service?

  6. Rohr can speak of such because he has dealt with reference to the term "trained" tje "trained accusers" who always need a paper or their lawyer around to know what, when and how to speak??? Just sayin'...all too familiar, all too fishy!
