Blog Song

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Pray For Peace

Ask our Blessed Mother to intercede to Christ for us.  Let there be peace among the nations of North Korea and the United States.  May all our families be kept safe.  May the leaders of the nations work for a peaceful resolution. 

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  1. Our Lady Queen of Peace Protect Guam.
    Our Lady Queen of Peace Protect Archbisop Anthony from fake news.

  2. please bring back are Archbishop Anthony Apuron who is the real Archbishop of ''GUAM''

  3. We must pray for our enemies. The enemies in the church and the enemies in North Korea. Both enemies want to destroy the church: one through lies and the other by means of missiles.

    But we have Jesus Christ on our side. HE is like a mighty and valiant hero who is and will be forever VICTORIOUS!
