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Monday, July 3, 2017

The Accusers Of Cardinal Pell

Damian Dignan : Cardinal Pell : Lyndon Monument

It is not everyday when the media would do some investigative reporting to find out certain facts.  However, the Media Report was able to dig up some facts about those accusing Cardinal Pell.  They have found that the accusers Damian Dignan and Lyndon Monumen were known criminals and involved in drugs. What easy way to get money than to accuse a priest so that the Church can settle out of court without investigating any of them.  According to the Media Report:

The media is having a field day reporting that Australia's Cardinal George Pell has been accused of child abuse. From the way the media is telling it, one would think that this abuse was something that happened somewhat recently, and the acts of abuse have been well established.  
But here are the facts the media is burying and as we know them so far: 
1. The accusations date back four decades ago, to the late 1970s.
2. The alleged "abuse" so far does not maintain any explicit sexual acts. After an investigation that went on for nearly two years, two men so far accuse Cardinal Pell of touching them "inappropriately" while splashing and playing games in a swimming pool 40 years ago. 
3. One of the accusers, Lyndon Monument, is an admitted drug addict and has served almost a year in prison for violently assaulting a man and a woman over a drug debt. Monument has also accused a boyhood teacher of forcing him to perform sex acts. What an unlucky guy.
4. The other accuser, Damian Dignan, also has a criminal history for assault and drunk driving. He has also accused a female teacher of beating him during class when he was a youth. He says he lives alone, suffers from leukemia, and has "lost everything" due to alcohol abuse. In other words, this dude has nothing to lose at all. 
5. Back in 2002, Cardinal Pell faced an abuse accusation dating back to 1962. The accuser was "a career criminal. He had been convicted of drug dealing and involved in illegal gambling, tax evasion and organized crime in a labor union." He also had an impressive 39 court convictions under his belt at the time. A real winner, indeed. A judge cleared Pell after an inquiry. 
It is very likely – in fact, it is almost certain – that other shifty blokes will climb out of the gutter to "substantiate" the ridiculous accusations against Pell and accuse him of other salacious acts. 
We're not buying any of this. We pray that justice will be served, but we doubt it. has been observing the climate against the Catholic Church in Australia for some time now, and we have never seen anything like it. Imagine the hatred against the Church of the Boston Globe and the New York Times combined and spread out over an entire country. The climate is truly insane. 
Australian law enforcement is claiming that Pell's case is being treated like any other historical offense. No, it isn't. Police do not give a rip about someone coming forward to claim someone touched them over their bathing suit 40 years ago. But this is a Catholic priest, and a high-ranking one at that. This is a big fish in the eyes of law enforcement. 
Will another innocent cleric be dragged off to prison for crimes he never committed? We believe so, but we hope we're wrong. 
The only thing for certain is that the haters of the Church will enjoy every moment of this.


  1. When my last days comes, I would be afraid if I went against God and his church for money!!I wonder if Tim and his fake victims, will be afraid

  2. Timmy thinks that Diana is May. He's delusional. May isn't in Guam. She's in California.

    1. I know May personally. Were first cousins. Her MySpace was set up in 1997, the same year her godmother died. When she set up Myspace, she used her godmother's name Diana as a remembrance cuz she was close to her and she died the same year. And yea, she's in California but she uses Facebook rather than MySpace. May doesn't know Diana the blogger, and she has denied that she's Diana.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 5:28 pm,

      My husband and I would get a good laugh every time Tim Rohr accuses me of being someone I am not. He has accused me of being Jackie Terlaje, Holly, Father Edivaldo, Father Adrian, Father Pius, Susanna, and now May. In fact, I have also received some comments recently accusing me of being Dr. Ric Eusebio. 😀

    3. Ror also believes me to be Fr. Adrian.
      That's like me thinking Frenchie the history buff is actually Rev. Eric Forbes, wait! Could it be? Haha.
      I was once told by a friar that Forbes has more than one blog. Made me suspicious. I also find it odd that for the most part, no one is advising Ror about the damage he is doing to his soul through his unchristian blog.

      -Jokers Wild

    4. Yes, except we know the truth don't we Diana? We know how the myspace page in question was suddenly taken down when a comment was made about it a couple of years ago. A comment that wasn't published! Just like this one won't be!

    5. Dear Anonymous at 2:09 am,

      I do not know anything about that. I do not have a MySpace account.

  3. Diana a poster on the jungle is now attacking me for telling you what Timmy is a saying on the jungle how puffectic those people are in telling you what he said

    1. Dear God is one,

      I am aware of what the jungle is saying so it is not necessary for you to constantly tell me what is going on there. It does not bother me what they say about me because all of it is false. Do not worry what they say. After all, they are already spreading rumors about Father Luis and Archbishop Apuron and they have produced no pictures to substantiate what they say. Therefore, they are rumors.

    2. The most dangerous part of about gossip is that it steals another person's reputation, with all gossip, there's no way of knowing is truth or lies,like what the jungle is doing, Tim loves to spread rumors, don't spread rumors with your mouth, what your eyes didn't see Jungle folks!!

  4. Happy July 4th. Freedom Justice Democracy. We are a nation of Freedom. we demand same freedom of our nation be Freedom in Guam. Freedom in our Church We demand right to appoint our leaders. To those who throw out democracy we will remove you. Anti neo Democracy movements must go. Freedom to all those who call for island peace. To those who want war bring it on.

    1. "To those who want war bring it on."

  5. thank you Diana. You've inadvertently contrasted the accusers of Card.Pell against the accusers of AB Apuron. Seems Apurons' accusers are upstanding members of the island of Guam. Educated, gainfully employed, honorable military service, etc, seems they would have no ulterior motive as you assert the accusers of Card.Pell have. just an observation.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:23 am,

      How would anyone know for certain when there was no investigative reporting on them?

  6. Investigative reporting? not the issue...take too much time...not important.

    The Church needs to appease the sablans.....the ccg of guam....the so called abused.

    We need to appease the Sadducees and Pharisees...the maintain the status quo...that is the mission of the Church today.

    Never mind that children are abused their parents....not money there.

    Let us remove the men in black who represent the WORD of God by actions and deeds.

  7. during these decades with ABAA non-catholic religions rose, abortion rates, and divorce rates, rose on Guam.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:25 am,

      That is happening everywhere, not just on Guam. This is not the fault of one man.

    2. And plus we can't force them if they have them because it's not about us but to be the vessel that goes out to announce the good news that god loves them

    3. you say that the adversary of God is blameless for high abortion and divorce rates? time to change the light bulb.

    4. Dear J. Bautista,

      Indeed. This is the fault of Satan, the enemy of God and father of lies.

    5. well Ms. Diane; it appears that everyone is suing the church but...BUT no one is suing their parents or any one else in their families who was to protect their children; giving their so called love and guidance.

      Tell me boy if someone has hurt you.

      Where were they? Oops....sorry.....forgot!!! there is no money in this hypocritical mindset. 30.....40 years have passed and still the silence of those who by their moral responsibility was to protect their children have not been answered......not even questioned.

      ABAA may have not been a Saint but I believe he led by the Spirit.

      Which is more than I can say about those who find justice in money.

  8. Diana I think that hon is telling Timmy what's going on in Rome and spying on us back there because he keeps on saying a Vatican insider tells him things


  9. As previously stated Tims friend on 28th Floor creating trouble for Archdiocese.

  10. Diana this Sunday will be the last picket but Timmy said on a new article of the pdn he said that he knows Burke and the people besides him


  11. Not so 12.17pm. Last night unexpected turn of events in support of Way Organization. Led to plan change of Archbishop Byrnes 10am meeting.

    1. @1:31 pm, could you be more specific?


  12. X = 28 = Defected 12pm July 5th 2017. Supporting Archbishop Apuron. Tim lost influence.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:37 pm,

      I suspected that the main reason for their Wednesday meeting was due to a great decrease in their numbers at the picket line.

    2. They said the reason they are ending the picket is because they don't want to force Burke but I have a suspicion my suspicion is that Byrnes knows that all his things that he put in place was in support of Timmy and ccog and what he's doing to the church is attacking the church itself because a few weeks ago Timmy and Byrnes had a meeting together tell him that their plot is being found out and their butts are in big kimchee

    3. God in one. Timmy involved in verbal fight last night with snap members.

    4. Thursday July 6th 2017 " Joelle's problem is she takes her cues from a certain discredited priest."
      Believed discredited priest defended the way. Unexpected turn of events.


  13. 12 pm X withdrew support of Rohr.
    Picket line decreased numbers.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:27 pm,

      Who is X?

    2. Was only a matter of time when the negativity, obsession and delirium of tim caught up with the jungle. I myself noticed the avid jungle readers and followers of tim started to be quiet of their support. These are people I personally know of, who know that I walk in the Way. Their eyes have been opened by the contrast of the rabid hatred in the jungle and the humility of the brothers in the Way.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:33 pm,

      I listened to the press release of Archbishop Byrnes. He said there would be no peace if Archbishop Apuron were to return to the Archdiocese. He said it would be a disaster. I disagree with Archbishop Byrnes on this. If Archbishop Apuron is found not guilty and returns to the Archdiocese, the truth needs to be heard. The truth needs to be known. Whatever it is that the Vatican has discovered that led to his exoneration needs to be known and told.

    4. Interesting turn of events last night.
      Detractor of Archbishop Apuron saying Archbishop Apuron is a victim of a campaign against him.


    5. Notice past months regular JW
      names went quite. Followed by defections.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 4:11 pm,

      Whoever the defector is, let us hope that he does the right thing and announce it to the media especially if he has evidence of it.


  14. Verbal fight between Timmy & X.
    X defected supporting Archbishop Apuron.
    Unexpected turn of events supporting Way future leadership.
    Internal conflict jungle nation.

  15. picket line wish to finish.
    internal conflict after Wednesday meeting.
    Defections growing.


  16. X called Hon 2am July 6th.
    Reporting defection.
    Defected X reporting set up against Archbishop Apuron.

  17. Let us pray for peace in our Church.
    6pm there will be Eucharist for opening year of Peace Reparation. Let us Join Eucharist praying for unity healing.

  18. Ooohhhh....possible prison time for timmy and leaders of ccog & lfm for causing all this for money?
    You can't tell me that you walk free after all that was caused to an individuals life.....

    1. Prison time for Rohr, CCOG and LFM? On what charges?

  19. It really doesn't matter what X is reporting. Current Archbishop Byrnes said it himself, it not about the sexual abuse but the disarray the diocese is in due to AA leadership. Time to accept it your loss DIanas and join the rebuilding of our church.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:37 pm,

      Your rebuilding means the destruction of the NCW.

    2. Let me tell you something and I'm quoting pope Francis in which he said stop looking to the future look at the reality now not today not tomorrow not next year now because to see gods surprises that is happening is better than thinking of what's going to happen tomorrow

    3. Totally support 5:37 PM in rebuilding our church!!!

    4. Dear Anonymous at 9:03 pm,

      Christ was the one who built the Church. You cannot re-build what has already been built.

    5. Diana @ 9:19 PM: You told Anon @ 9:03 PM "You cannot re-build what has already been built" BUT earlier at 7:30 PM you told Anon @ 5:37 PM "Your rebuilding means the destruction of the NCW"

      First you say it's possible to rebuild and then you say re-building cannot be done. So which one is it?
      Rebuilding our local church means the destruction of the NCW? (Diana @ 7:30 PM)
      You cannot re-build what has already been built? (Diana @ 9:19 PM)

    6. Dear Anonymous at 10:14 am,

      It is both. You cannot rebuild what Christ Himself already built. But the church the jungle seeks to build is man-made....a church that does not look to Rome.


    7. Jungle moved away from Catholic truth to it's own brand of Catholic teaching. Cause of all division is JW.

  20. Diana did you hear what Byrnes said he said that he got the info a few weeks ago and he's telling us now that he got it and then he said that he wrote to the Vatican that it's not a good idea that he comes back and then the first word was not guilty I think that they had a verdict and he was found not guilty because he said that about archbishop because he sounds like hon last year when we had the Eucharist to remember carmen it looks like he's just trying to hold on to the archbishop all for himself because he knows that we in the way are big big supporter of the archbishop and he knows that his time here on Guam is up


  21. Rohr blasted members of CCOG wednesday night meeting. Members refused to follow his plan leading to internal conflict.

  22. LATEST:

    July 11, 2017
    Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the latest round of attacks on Cardinal George Pell:

    Cardinal George Pell has acquired the services of one of the most respected lawyers in Australia, Robert "The Red Baron" Richter. One prominent lawyer from Melbourne called him "the Rolls Royce of criminal defense lawyers." We are delighted to learn of this development, though many others are clearly chagrined.

    From reading the accounts of various professional victims' attorneys, it is clear that some believe Pell is guilty until proven innocent. Others think he does not deserve first-class defense lawyers, while others question the motive of Church officials who are coming to his defense, including Pope Francis.

    Due process and basic civil liberties are at stake, but given the hysteria in some quarters of the media, it is not surprising that Pell is being treated unfairly, to say the least. Moreover, some are using his case to make a larger point: The institutional Church is guilty as charged.

    Among the worst is Marci Hamilton, a professional victims' advocate who specializes in attacking the Catholic Church. She is busy lecturing the pope to "publicly discipline the cardinals and bishops who relentlessly take church funds and use them to pay lobbyists to continue the cover-up by fighting such reform."

    In other words, the Church—unlike all other institutions, religious and secular—should not defend itself. It should just lie down and allow rapacious lawyers to cannibalize it.

    Let me be very clear about this: Any bishop or cardinal who does not use Church funds to pay for top notch public relations firms, and blue chip defense lawyers, is doing a disservice to priests and the faithful. There is no cover-up involved when such services are acquired. On the contrary, the scandal is not buying the best that can be afforded.

    Cardinal Pell is being accused by ex-cons—both of whom have been arrested for violence—and who now claim that he inappropriately touched them while horsing around in a swimming poll. When did this happen? When John Travolta was rocking out to "Saturday Night Fever."

    Cardinal Pell deserves better and is entitled to the best defense in the land.

    Phone: 212-371-3191

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:41 am,

      Thank you for the information.

  23. Hi, why would you defend evil in the church? Failure of leadership and criminality in the church has ruined hundreds of thousands of lives. You are on the side of satan without knowing it.

    1. Dear Perth neocatechumen,

      Where in my post did I defend evil in the church? Re-read my post. I have laid out the facts. There are court records showing that the accusers were involved in drugs. Also, I have always said that the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. That is a democratic principle I have always advocated.

      Cardinal Pell has been found guilty of child sexual abuse in the first trial. However, I have heard that he plans to appeal the verdict. There is also a second trial coming up. Therefore, it is not over yet until after the second trial or after the appeals is completed. Both the US and Australia are democratic countries. Our country follows the rule of law in regards to all accused persons.
