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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Catholic Church Dragged Through The Mud

The following was published in The Pacific Daily News and written by Pat Oliva.  Mr. Oliva is not a member of the Way nor a member of CCOG, LFM or any affiliation of the Junglewatch Nation.  After protesting every week, one would think that the Junglewatch Nation have already gotten their message across even to Rome that Vatican investigators were already sent to Guam.    

Each time I see the Laity Forward Movement and the Concerned Catholics of Guam organizations in the news, they remind me I should feel shame and disgrace for our church. Moreover, they tell everyone (including Protestant church members) that our church has no dignity. They claim membership of the Catholic community, which is easily misconstrued as representation for all Catholics on Guam.
I want to say they do not represent me, a proud Chamorro Catholic.
 I understand members of both esteemed organizations want retribution for those who may have done wrong. But do they realize that each time they picket and each time they speak up in the media or are seen out in public as a group, they are nourishing that same division in our church that they themselves are praying to heal? They drag the face of our Catholic Church — the whole church — in the mud in the eyes of everyone, even in front of the Protestant churches and their members.
It says, “Take a look at how bad our church is,” and they say it over and over and over again. Is that really what they are trying to accomplish, and deliberately so? Do they realize this is the image they are conveying, or perhaps they do realize it and just don’t care? Well, whether they realize it or not, it is what it is.
As a child, when one of my siblings got in trouble, I didn’t have to be told that I better get out of the room and be quiet, or else. We were also taught that no matter what, we respect our elders, most especially those in authority. All living beings deserve respect from everyone. That is what being Chamorro means to me.
As they say, “Påkaka’ ya un intrega hulo’ as Yu’us ya guiya hu arekla todu ni i malago’ña” (Be quiet and offer it up to God and he will fix it all according to his will). We already know that all those who may have done wrong will be dealt with accordingly by our Lord. This is our faith, and this is our culture. Respect our church by letting it go already and trust in the Lord.
So, with all due respect to these fine organizations, I say enough already!
Pat Oliva is a resident of Chalan Pago.


  1. Agree with Mr.Oliva.
    Writings in JW bring shame to Catholic Church.
    Greater damage to the Church is priests bishops nuns who openly turn to blogs to communicate negative comments about brother priests. In Particular a certain priest openly commenting badly on his bishop in JW conveys bad internal image of our Church.
    Internal situations cause tension in our parishes.Such priests Nuns enjoy saying " look take a look how bad our church is."


    1. Are there priests Nuns Bishops
      " commenting badly " Junglewatch?
      All Fake news.

  2. Sadly true.
    Friends in St.John's Episcopal Church share with me Catholic church here in Guam lacks dignity . Issue leadership might want to address. Internal mud spreading turns good catholics away from their religion to St.John's as well as Victory Chapel.

    1. Let's not forgot New Covenant where Governor Felix Camacho went long before JW.
      And don't forget there's also Life in the Son where many former Catholics went to long before JW.
      And there are many more non-denominational groups that came about long before JW.
      But do you know what was around during those times?
      The NeoCatechumenal Way.
      Instead of going to bring the lost sheep back from the non-Catholic churches, the NCW came into the Masses to try to get new members.
      All done with the blessing of Archbishop Apuron.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 10:57 pm,

      That is incorrect. The Way evangelized outside the Church in two by twos or in the Great Mission. Those who came to listen to us came on their own free will.

    3. Your facts seem right all up until you inadvertently or maybe purposely criticized the NCW. You are right that the NCW did go to the Masses but what you did not know was that way before hand the NCW went out, door to door. Not solely to seek the lost but to simply announce the kerygma.
      Did you know that a lot of those who are attending mass are suffering? Did you know that may of those who are at mass are sacramentalized but have never been evangelized? What are sacraments to those who do not have faith?
      It is very much possible that many of those who left the Catholic Church have a more mature faith than those of us still in the church.
      You may want to read up on why the second Vatican council came to promote the new evangelization. Don't rely on the statistics that jw promotes. Not saying that the numbers are wrong but jw only presents half truths. The other statistical numbers show why the response of Vatican 2 was needed. JW does not want you to know that they do not acknowledge the Church structure from Vatican 2 to present. This is why they despise the NCW, a fruit of Vatican 2, worthy for our society and times.

      -Jokers Wild

    4. Anonymous @ 11:32 PM/Jokers Wild I have studied Vatican 2 and recognize how much of what is done in the spirit of Vatican 2 are nothing but abuses. But that's beside the point.
      If the NCW had done the door to door evangelizing instead of fishing for new members at Mass they could have continued to fly under the radar. I really think the NCW could have grown slowly at the grassroots level without attracting much attention. And Apuron's removal of Gofigan definitely wouldn't have attracted the kind of attention it did.
      It was the intrusions at Mass that turned me and others off. The first time it happened I thought This sounds like a blessing but didn't feel called to join. When a friend asked me if she should join, I encouraged her to check it out, after all it was an INVITATION, not a commmitment (or so I thought). She did for awhile and then told me it felt strange. She couldn't explain exactly what it was that bothered her but she decided she didn't want to go back. I told her maybe it just takes time to get adjusted but she said it wasn't for her. So I let it go.
      When the intrusions at Mass continued to happen year after year I started to get annoyed and then angry. I didn't have the courage to walk out like some others did. I finally figured out which parishes had those Invitations and just stopped attending the Masses there.
      If you see this as a criticism of the NCW then too bad. I really think that a grassroots approach (the door to door) would have worked if the NCW really wanted to reach out to those who are suffering. Yes, there are people at Mass who are suffering but I know for a fact that the NCW testimonies turned them off. Some of them who have been suffering for years were among those who walked out. I think these same people would have responded better with a more personal approach.

      BTW: I did receive a visit once from the NCW. It was a group with the priest from Sta. Rita (I asked what parish he was from because I didn't recognize him). I told them Thanks but no thanks and closed the door. Let me tell you, I wasn't open to being ambushed by a group like that. The two-by-two approach used by the Legion of Mary would have worked for me. So that's another thing to consider.

    5. I am sorry to say, dear anon, but Vatican 2 was NOT and is NOT abuse. Not at all! You were misinformed by the agnostics who do not admit if Vatican 2 was from the Holy Spirit or not. Now, I tell you, my friend. If Vatican 2 would not have been from the Holy Spirit, it would be already dead. But it is not! It is more alive than ever. So it it truly the Holy Spirit that guided Vatican 2 into existence!

      I hope this helps. Please try to overcome your irresistible aversion from anything new. New things bring new experiences, shed new light on old truth. New things about Jesus can be told all the time! Your bitter opposition makes you look foolish, an enemy of all progress in the world in the footsteps of bishop Athanasius Schneider. Do you need that? Cannot you just be you, accepting and cherishing the truth? Please, try.

    6. Dear Joker,

      you say this:

      "Did you know that may of those who are at mass are sacramentalized but have never been evangelized? What are sacraments to those who do not have faith?"

      So your immediate implication is that many of those that attend mass "do not have faith".

      This is extremely judgmental and risky. It may be that they have little, undeveloped faith, but that's not what you said, is it?. And of course, for those with small, undeveloped faith, the sacraments are not ineffectual or inappropriate, although they may not immediately realize the benefits of grace.

      But you, and your kind, exaggerate and arrogantly judge these people into paganhood. It is the same through the catechesis. Baptism means nothing, the sacraments have not value - and the only good thing that one can do is accept the NCW.

      I don't buy it, and in fact these few words of yours reveal your real agenda and belief.

    7. Anonymous @ 1:22 PM, if you read the 9:10 AM comment it said that "much of what was done in the SPIRIT OF VATICAN 2 are nothing but abuses." The commenter did NOT say that Vatican 2 was abuse.

      BTW: What's your problem with Bishop Athanasius Schneider? I've seen him on EWTN and I'm reading his book "Dominus Est - It Is the Lord!" His teachings on EWTN and his writings have been a blessing to me. What's wrong with Bishop Schneider in your opinion?!?

    8. Bishop Athanasius Schneider? Are you kidding, man? Ha-ha... This must be a joke. Lol!

    9. Anonymous @ 6:20 PM sounds like you don't like Bishop Athanasius Schneider
      I'm guessing you won't like ST. ATHANASIUS who wrote "Even if Catholics FAITHFUL TO TRADITION are reduced to a handful, THEY are the ones who are the TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST."

    10. Are you a joker or what...? Bishop Schneider has nothing to do with St. Athanasius. We in the communities are the Tradition of the Catholic Church! We live the lives of the early catechumenate. If you like or not. Lol!

      The early Christians did not drag their own church to court! They did not cheer the advances of the enemy against the believer. They did not provide internal intelligence gathered from the communities to the anti-church Roman authorities for persecution, as you folks do at the JW.

      Bishop Schneider is a taiga rouse preaching to the Moslem in Kazakh land. How did he become a bishop with his level of education? He does not even know the distinction between Jew and Protestant. Lol! A fitting leader for your lowly cause. Are you not ashamed?

    11. Dear Anon @ March 8 9:10am
      First of all it is not an intrusion, if the parish requests the presence of the NCW. It has been the Popes themselves who have said time and time again that the people within the Catholic Church need to be catechized. The reason is because they are not taught the doctrine and traditions of the church. This is part of the problem of secularization. The church is bleeding, people keep leaving but you choose to ignore the problem and blame groups like the NCW who are trying to mend and heal the problem.
      People leave because they don't have faith. Lets clear up the definition of faith.
      According to the catechism of the Catholic church the definition of faith is not given but instead we are given examples of figures in the bible who obey a message and promise that is given to them.
      Ex: Abraham is promised a son, Mary is announced a child.
      The NCW uses this exact example to announce the kerygma, the love of God and the power of it to help grow in us the image of our Creator and his son Jesus Christ, as he grew in Mary. This is done through the process of the NCW, based on baptism and fulfilling baptism to it's fullest. (in other words not just saying I believe but obeying the word of God and experiencing it) Hence through the word, community and eucharist while at the same time studying theological definitions of biblical words. Then studying the bible and the history of salvation as tradition of the Catholic Church etc
      This way the person goes from a selfish view of religion, where one tries to use God to do his own will and view of life, to the extreme opposite where one slowly becomes like Christ and is willing to suffer in order to love Christ and God. Becoming more and more life Christ.
      A very very high percentage of people inside the Catholic Church do not have this type of faith. The proof is that they leave the catholic church for any minor scandal they experience. To love Christ means to accept injustice, to allow humiliation, in short to love your enemy. If injustice creates scandal that makes you, either leave the Catholic Church, or seek the destruction of those who have done the injustice to you. Than you have no faith according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Church Doctrine. As St. Paul says, death still has power over you.
      How can a Catholic Church bring faith to those far away from the church, when those who are close to the church have no faith to bring to them? Hence the NCW is a tool that starts in the pastoral of the parish and eventually extends to those far from the Church through the signs of faith that parishioner with faith will potentially give. Because faith produces works, and those works attract people. If people are not being attracted to love Christ and instead are leaving, than those works simply don't exist.
      I leave you with this bible verse: James 2:18 --But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.

    12. God hates injustice because it perverts his world. God means for justice to reign in this world through the people made in his image. He calls people to care for others in love and to ease their suffering.

      In Scripture there is a constant call to seek justice. Jesus got upset at the Pharisees because they neglected the weightier matters of the law, which He defined as justice and the love of God . . . Isaiah 58 complains about the fact that while the people of God are praying and praying and praying, they are not doing anything about the injustice.

      In fact, the Bible mentions justice over 200 times — more than just about any other topic. The Bible asks us to do justice and to stand up to ANYONE — including the rich or powerful — who do injustice or oppress the people.

    13. Dear anon at 12:44 pm
      You need to go back and study theology. If you actually pay attention to what God calls justice, you will realize that justice is to love your enemy. Christ's justice was to die for those who wanted him dead. Christ is the ultimate justice of God. It is love for the enemy, offer your opposite cheek when someone strikes you etc. This does not deter from the truth. One must always speak the truth when something is wrong, but never seeking the destruction of others. Christ always denounced the pharisees, but when they didn't accept it he didn't fight them. Instead he allowed them to kill him to show God's justice. Which is mercy, and paying for all our injustices so we can have life with his own flesh and blood.
      The jewish people used to sacrifice a lamb, the purest of animals, to pay for the sins of the people. Christ is the true lamb who willingly gives his life for his enemies for the sins of all.
      That is why when the Gospels speak of the just, it is referring to those who have received baptism and love the enemy as Christ did. The problem is you are interpreting scripture as protestants do, without knowledge of Catholic Tradition, and without contextualizing. You can take just about any word in the bible that appears various times and come up with a definition that fits your personal subjective believes.

  3. It is sad when most Catholics seem to understand the damage being done to the Catholic Church but those picketing.

  4. Do you have to accept Prof Atienza as the Lead Catechist? Is it an eclesiastical appointment that you have to like obey? Thank you.

    1. Anonymous @ 3:36 PM, of course the Guam NCW have to accept Prof Atienza as the Lead Catechist!!

    2. Anonymous @ 3:36 PM just what makes you think that David Atienza is the head catechist?

      On Feb 26 I asked Diana if Fr. Pius was on Guam because the jungle said he had been removed as head catechist and sent off island. Diana said it was just wishful thinking by the jungle.

      Diana wouldn't lie about Fr. Pius. David Atienza cannot be head catechist. Fr. Pius is the head catechist. If anything Atienza is his assistant but he's not the head.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:36 pm,

      Father Pius is the head catechist of the team. David Atienza, his wife, and one other person who is a cantor and a seminarian (if I am not mistaken) are a part of the team. I apologize for forgetting the cantor's name. He is Polish and I cannot pronounce or spell his name. Father Pius was not removed as the catechist for Guam and sent away.

    4. Mateusz is the name

    5. Father Pius is our Head Catechist. Prof. Atienza will assist Father Pius. Father Pius is helping opening a monastery for Carmelites and so as his work load increases he requires help prof Atienza.


    6. Fr.Pius head catechist. His workload increased he needs help. Mr.Atienza will offer support to the ministry of Fr.Pius. Fr.Pius continues head catechist.

  5. Even more mud by finance council saying that if they have to sell everything, thats what the church will do... handled by a 3rd party not even affiliated with the church. Who??? Its all really looking like a plot now..
    The future of the church for our children is looking council will save only certain churches enough to fit the very groups that take the church down...everyone else will be left out to seek their faith somewhere else in non-catholic
    religions. Its happening now....
    Its nice to know that the children of Neocatechuminal Way are tought to celebrate in small comnunities even in the homes outside the parish if there isn't any left....
    "Carmen 63" My doors are wide open....
    I'll go everywhere..

  6. Diana I heard something disturbing when I was listening to k57 Timmy who is sailing the monastery because patty asked him is the monastery part of the 132mill that's going to be given for victims he said no because we don't own it the people who owns it is the st.luis people not the church here on Guam

  7. conspiracy against Catholic Church. Finance Council plan to sell property.Bring back Archbishop Anthony.

    1. Finance Council plan, in lieu of payments a client can ear mark a parish asset as payment but in installments till all lawsuits are settled.


  8. persecuation of Father Edivaldo taking place. Let us pray for him. For all our brothers suffering persecuation. Let us pray brothers be given strength to carry their persecuation with Joy.

  9. Edivaldo in Denver for pilgrimage...why was it not made known so as to dispel talks

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:23 am,

      The jungle will continue to talk even when you tell them the truth that Father Edivaldo went to Denver for the pilgrimage. We know about the pilgrimage because some of the brothers are also there for the pilgrimage.

      After all, I am already called a liar because I mentioned that Archbishop Byrnes met with the Catechists team and suggested to consume the Body of Christ standing instead of sitting. This disturbed Tim Rohr so much that he is betting that I am lying about it. He's now making an accusation without even asking Archbishop Byrnes. So you see, the talks will continue even when you tell the truth.

    2. Yep. When Fr. Edivaldo left to Denver for the pilgrimage, JW already made up their own story that he was transferred or booted out. And all they had to do was ask why he went to Denver. Obviously, they were more interested in making up their story in a post rather than finding out the truth.

    3. I'm sure all will be explained when the USY features an article like they always do about pilgrimages that the presbyters and community members join. I remember the write up of the young people who went to the Philippines to meet Kiko Arguello several years ago. The USY also mentions when members attend WYD. So I'm sure we will get the story of Fr. Edivaldo's pilgrimage this weekend. No worries.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 9:21 am,

      The pilgrimage was already mentionef to the communities at the special meeting we had with Father Pius at the beginning of March.

    5. Really, Diana @ 10:34 AM? Just because the pilgrimage was already mentioned "to the communities" that doesn't support your 6:57 AM comment where you complain that "The Jungle will continue to talk even when you tell them the truth that Father Edivaldo went to Denver for the pilgrimage."

      Like Anonymous @ 9:21 AM (and others) I'm used to seeing coverage of NCW activities in the Umatuna. At least that's pretty much the only thing that the Umatuna published for several years. Usually there would have been the pre-pilgrimage announcement in the Umatuna about Fr. Edivaldo and others traveling to Denver. Since his departure was just recently I'm guessing that we will see pix of Fr. Edivaldo and his pilgrimage companions with Archbishop Byrnes in this weekend's Umatuna.

      Instead of thanking 9:21 AM for his reassurance that there's nothing to worry about your reply sounds like you're upset that he didn't know that Fr. Pius mentioned the pilgrimage.

      I guess you're back to feeling persecuted again. You can't even recognize when someone is trying to help you out. Just saying..

    6. Dear Anonymous at 2:30 pm,

      You read too much into just one sentence I said. And already you arw inventing a story. I was not upset about anything. I was simply making a factual statement.....nothing more, nothing less.

    7. Dear anon, why don't you just stop being so obsessed with Fr. Edivaldo?! What on earth do you have to do with him? He is our priest not yours!

    8. Well Anonymous @ 7:26 PM thank you for making it clear that anyone from RMS is only meant to serve the NCW by telling the rest of us Non-NCWs He is our priest not yours.
      If Edivaldo is only YOUR priest then enjoy him in all his glory. LOL

    9. Anon @1:23am

      You made a very good point, in fact, let's require ALL priests to publish their travel plans so as to dispel all talk.
      Warning though, you're not going to enjoy what you find out. At least in regards to all your "people priests". I'll help you out a bit and just be honest about the RMS priests, if they do leave island, its either for a convivence(retreat), an audience with the Pope in Rome, helping temporarily in the missions, visiting their family or for those with residency issues, settling those renewals. I'd also like to add that most of the time these trips a paid for through providence and daily spending is almost zero. Now I'm sure you don't want to ask the spending history of your " peoples priests ".
      Now don't mistaken me for being biased, I'm not. I pray for all our priests. Its people like yourself who tend to place the division, whether you want to call the RMS priests, presbyter or some other title, these things don't matter for me, a radical neocat. These men are all holy and I pray always for their vocations to be sustained. You should do likewise.

      -Jokers Wild

    10. Many thanks to Anonymous @7:26 AM and to Anonymous @12:20 AM/Jokers Wild for proving that there really is a division in the Church: NCW v Non-NCW.
      7:26 AM claims "He is OUR priest NOT YOURS!" about Fr. Edivaldo.
      12:20 AM writes about YOUR "people priests." Only one priest has ever been referred to as the "people's priest": Msgr. James Benavente. And that title only came up after Apuron removed him from CB.
      There is definitely the Mine v Yours mentality. And it's not imagined as Diana has claimed. Nor is it caused by Tim Rohr.
      Right here in this thread we see that RMS/NCW product Fr. Edivaldo belongs exclusively to the NCW and is "OUR priest" (7:26 AM) while Non-RMS/Non-NCW product Msgr. Benavente (AKA people's priest) is "YOUR 'people priests'."

      BTW: 1:23 AM/Jokers Wild KUDOS to admitting that you are a radical Neocat because by doing so you just contradicted your claim "Now don't mistaken me for being biased, I'm not." You LIED when you claimed that you're not biased. But then again somehow I'm not surprised.


    11. Dear Anonymous at 9:03 am,

      You are biased. People like you do not even recognize Father Edivaldo as a diocesan priest. It was people like you who advocated for sending all priests formed at RMS away and to shut down the Seminary. ALL priests in Guam are definitely OUR priests.

    12. Anon @9:03am

      What I did was just a simple matter of flashing the bait for you to bite. I just extracted what was already in your heart.
      I never said that the RMS priests are mine. Rather I shared, that I pray for all OUR priests.
      When I used the phrase "people priests" I was referring to not only the Msgr. but to all the other clergy that decided in their heart that they knew better than the Archbishop. You know exactly whom I talk about.
      You are partially correct when you say there is division in the church. You are also correct in saying that this division was not caused by Tim Ror. This division was caused years ago by our own clergy, these "people priests".
      They created the division when all they did was complain out of jealousy. They caused the division when they didnt understand certain things and decided it was better to confide and gossip among themselves and their inner circle of lay people. This is how this all mess started and sadly what some see as the root of this division is actually a fruit of the Spirit, the NCW.
      They caused the division and now they should fix it. The least I can do is help them fix it by offering my prayers for all of them.
      With some sarcasm I said I was a radical neocat but in some sense it is true. I am radical enough to believe that there is a God, that he sent me(and you)Jesus Christ, his son, to die for my(and your) sins. I am radical to believe that despite my unworthiness, God loves me(and you) and provides for me(and you)unconditionally. I am radical to believe that all my ailments(and yours) are graces upon graces. I am radical to believe in my(and your) heart that what others see as trials is actually a Glorious Cross. I am radical enough to just ponder the thought of leaving everything to go and bring the good news to the lost, with nothing in my pocket. I am radical enough to trust that God will give me(and you) everything I(and you) need in His time.
      Now I am also taught by my catechists in the NCW that the Church is like a mother who cares for her child. The church knows what is best so when the church speaks, we are to listen. Now you are gonna say, "Well then, Listen!" and the truth is, we always have. It will be hard to believe me if you rely only on the news from JW.
      I usually dont go back and forth on this blog but to help you Ive decided to give you the Kerygma.

      PS- You may want to ask Deacon Stohr, what are the specifics of those abuse allegations he has recieved? Its been a little quiet up on the hill.

      -Jokers Wild

  10. Dear anon, please go back to Jungle Watch and tell them people over there that we truly appreciate their efforts to silence the accusers of Archbishop Apuron. They successfully blocked the testimonies of the misguided at the tribunal, thereby helping to end this unjust and outrageous persecution once and for all!

    There are news that Pope Francis considers the canonical trial effectively concluded. Because of lack of charges, the accused will be exonerated. Divine providence overrides the plotting minds of sinful men, alleluia! Thus gives them a second chance to repent. Would you, my friend?

    1. "The plans of the wicked will be thwarted!"


  11. The Accusers are given time to Repent of their sin against Archbishop Anthony to ask his forgiveness forgiveness of Church. They can still repent of their sin false accusations.

  12. Fr.Edivaldo left Priesthood until Oct 2017.

    The OFFICIAL AVISO from His Excellency, Most Reverend Michael J. Byrnes, Coadjutor Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Agana announces the following effective March 7, 2017: Fr. Edivaldo da Silva Oliveira GRANTED one year LEAVE OF ABSENCE until October 1, 2017.
    Given at Hagatna on March 3, 2017.

    Instead of making up the Song-and-Dance about a pilgrimage, convivence, audience with the Pope, helping on missions, yadda-yadda-yadda it's so much easier to tell the TRUTH.
    That wasn't hard was it?

    JOY! JOY!! JOY!!!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:25 pm and 5:28 pm,

      Actually, Father Edivaldo is on itineracy. The pilgrimage is part of that itineracy. During the Beginning of the Year Convivience last year, Father Edivaldo was one of the priests who stood up when Father Pius called on any priests who wanted to go on mission. Father Edivaldo asked Archbishop Byrnes to be on itineracy, and Archbishop Byrnes granted it to him. The pilgrimage is part of that itineracy. Furthermore, Father Edivaldo did not leave the priesthood.

      And as we have always been telling you. It does not cost the Archdiocese a single penny to send out the mission families or itinerants who are walking in the Way. Now that you heard it from Father Jeff, you believe him. Nevermind the fact that we have been saying all along, that the NCW has always been paying for the evangelization of the mission families and itinerants. It never came out of YOUR pockets. Now, you know the truth.....a truth that we have been saying all along.

  14. How can it be a year March to October is 8 months not 12 months. Archbishop Anthony be home late summer followed by Fr. Edivaldo October.

  15. ok Diana. Where is Waldos mission. Tell us where his mission is?
    Our priest told us Father Jeff lyed. Secret fund used to pay him.

  16. what about Peoples priest?
    Why can't he take a year leave of absence?

  17. Many of the alleged accusers are happy, because money is involved. They want money even if they lie. I know for a fact that several alleged victims are doing this for money. What a way to say your Catholic but you sue the church. I have had some talks with some people that state that some of the former altar boys who are accusing are not telling the truth but rather in it for the money. These people who I know personally are gearing up to testify that some alleged accusers are making false claim.

    1. At 11:11 PM Look at jungle Post: Two More Victims Michael Chargualaf account of his abuse he said, When he saw his cousin, Roy Quintanilla and nephew, Roland Sondia,come forward with allegations ''ARE THEY ALL RELATED'' Talk About A Conspiracy, they all ought to be Prosecuted starting with Tim Rhor

  18. Archbishop Anthony beloved Archbishop of Agana Son of our Island home Guam.Anthony you are Guam's native son. Destined by God from birth ordained to lead consecrated to empower enlighten to teach to serve our people.
    Anthony your persecuation is nearing its end. Saints of heaven protecting you through months of persecuation will lead you home to Guam to reclaim your episcopal chair by September 1st 2017.
    Anthony God has destined you to be our bishop in Guam God will lead you home to our people to your cathedral basilica. Those who protest your divine seat of authority will face mighty hand of God. Amen

  19. Anon 10:28 Why don't you call the Archdiocese yourself

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:46 pm,

      You did not know that Kiko is also doing a pilgrimage for about 7 months. His pilgrimage will start in the North America and end in South America.
