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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Vatican Investigators To Visit Guam

According to the Pacific Daily News, Archbishop Byrnes said that Vatican investigators will be arriving soon as part of the ongoing canonical trial of Archbishop Apuron.  Therefore, I assume that the canonical trial is at the discovery stage where depositions are gathered from the alleged victims.  The alleged victims will get to tell their stories again as they did to the media and in the hearing of the Guam Legislature.  According to PNC news:
Today, during a press conference held by Byrnes to discuss a new safe environment policy, he also answered questions about Apuron’s canonical trial.
"It’s just, it’s ongoing. Actually the contact I just had the other day is that it’s well underway, was the language used," said Byrnes.
Wall, who was a former priest and acted as an investigator at one point for Rome.
"It’s a paper trial; literally where the ordinary becomes aware of the problem so the local bishop or the pope becomes aware of the problem. They send an investigator, usually almost always is a priest," explains Wall. "The prosecutor, which the church calls a promoter of justice, then begins the formal canonical process of putting together all of the facts and then putting together charging papers against that particular priest or bishop." 
In fact, Wall says it could be years before the results of the trial are known. There are no benches and witness stands or defense tables for the parties to sit. There aren’t any pews for spectators to watch from the sidelines.
Hopefully, the trial will be done in a timely manner and not take several years. However, the fact that it is taking this long is good news.  Why?  Because it shows that the Vatican is more interested in facts and in the truth.  The fact that the Vatican investigators will be coming to Guam to obtain depositions from the alleged victims shows that the canonical trial is about the sexual allegations, and not about HOW Archbishop Apuron responded to the allegations. 

Recently, a priest from Boston tried to get deposition from three of the alleged victims, but their lawyer David Lujan stepped in and instructed his clients not to give any depositions.  If the Vatican investigators are here, would the alleged victims give them their depositions?  Will they answer the questions of the Vatican investigators themselves or allow their attorney David Lujan to speak for them?  I am certain that the Vatican investigators prefer to hear the testimonies from the alleged victims themselves.  I am sure that the Vatican will also be taking a deposition from Archbishop Apuron as well.   


  1. Rohr is desperately trying to insert himself into everything related to Archbishop Apuron. He wants the poison he cooked up at JW to be spread and given to the investigators. He is definitely scared that without his constant meddling those who'll make the decision might find out the truth. What is truth?

    The truth is that JW and CCOG are a bunch of liars. Rohr's empire is cracking because not everybody is happy to see the best thing they had in their lives, the Catholic Church of Guam, burning down in flames. This group of desperate radical arsonists and their shaky empire will collapse even before the canonical trial is over.

  2. The NCW is a man-made denomination disguised as a movement within the Catholic Church wihose only real purpose is to make money from the souls they claim to be saving. That's the truth and your brother tony is just one one the leaders that takes the $$ and spends it on his lavish lifestyle. Right now, he's using it to stay away from the island to avoid going to local court. If he's so innocent, then why is he on the run? Why not stay on the island, face his accusers and take them all to court so that we can all Get to the truth. Remember, only the TRUTH can set them free. Just saying........

    1. Pope Paul VI in 1977: "Saint Augustine says this: If we cannot have the catechumenate beforehand, we will carry it out afterwards. This is the secret of your formula, which provides religious assistance, a practical training in Christian faithfulness, and effectively integrates the baptized into the community of believers which is the Church. Many people are attracted to these Neocatechumenal Communities, because they see that there is a sincerity, a truth in them, something alive and authentic, Christ living in the world." (General Audience of January 12, 1977)

    2. Dear Anonymous at 9:44 pm,

      I have said this before and I will say it here again. There will be two trials. One is the canonical trial that is already underway. Archbishop Apuron swore before Pope Francis that he is innocent, and he wants to clear his name. When the canonical trial is over and if he is found innocent, Archbishop Apuron will return to Guam and then there will be a civil trial.

      He intends to file a lawsuit against ALL his accusers, and he will use the evidence the Vatican had collected in the canonical trial in the civil trial against his accusers. Archbishop Byrnes said that Vatican investigators will be coming to Guam to collect dispositions from the alleged victims. I am sure that they will also have Archbishop Apuron's testimony. The Archbishop is claiming that he is a target of a deliberate conspiracy campaign to remove him.

    3. Anonymous 10:08 pm. So what you're saying is that the Catholic Church doesn't teach Christ living in the world today and that one has to be in the neocatechumenal way communities to experience it? I am not in the neocatechumenal way but I know that Christ is alive and has always been in existence my entire Catholic life.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 10:42 pm,

      Actually, that is not what Anonymous 10:08 pm said. He quoted Pope Paul VI; therefore, it was what Pope Paul VI said. And Pope Paul VI was quoting St. Augustine.

    5. Please answer this: Why is it that when I look up Pope Paul VI quotes, this one cannot be located? It is only found in Father Pius's website that has a link that leads to nowhere?

    6. Now why would Archbishop Apuron contemplate a conspiracy to send him away? What would Jungle gain by sending him away? Do you honestly believe the faith filled God Fearing Church devoted men women of Tbe Jungle would give their precious gift of time to ousting Archbishop Apuron? These men women all have full time jobs/ lives to live. They don't have time to concern over Archbishop Apuron.

    7. Pope John Paul II in 1980: "The catechumens of the first centuries were a very important reality in the Church: I believe that what they did for the faith in those days, the Neocatechumenal Communities are doing today." (During Pope John Paul's visit to the parish of St. Timothy, Rome, 10 February 1980)

    8. Dear Anonymous at 11:32 pm,

      The weblinks are not working for some reason. Try the Vatican website.

    9. Dear anon 11:36pm
      AAA allowed the NCW to use a building worth millions of dollars to use as a seminary for the formation of priests. Rohr works in real estate. Do the math it's not rocket science.

    10. Dear Anonymous at 11:32 pm,

      See my new post

      I provided you the entire speech of Pope Paul VI. The same quote found in Father Pius' webpage is also in the Pope's speech.

    11. in easily 40 million ''dollars'' 11:36 PM according to Tim Rohr, Maybe A Casino?????????????????????

  3. what will happen should the church trial find him not guilty but civil case he found guilty or other way round? who will we belive?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:16 pm,

      How can the civil court find the the Archbishop guilty when the burden of proof falls on the alleged victim's in THEIR lawsuit? All they have is their testimonies. On the other hand, when the Archbishop files for a libel and defamation lawsuit, he will have documents to support his claim.

    2. Dear Diana.

      It would not be Christian attitude of Archbishop Apuron to file defamation lawsuit against Catholic faithful of his own Archdiocese? Christ teaches forgiveness. Christ calls his followers to reconcile. you do not live laws of Jesus Christ. Law built on Love. Happy Valentines.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:13 am,

      I can say the same for the accusers. Nevertheless, if Archbishop Apuron is innocent and it was a conspiracy, the truth needs to come out even if it has to be through court.

    4. FYI: Civil trials are about liability and not about guilt/innocence. OJ Simpson was found NOT GUILTY of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman by a jury of his peers in 1995. But in 1997 in a wrongful death civil suit the same "Not Guilty" OJ Simpson was found liable for the deaths in the amount of $33.5 Million.
      So even if Apuron is found Not Guilty by the Vatican there is still a chance that he will be held liable in the civil lawsuits brought by the survivors of his sexual assault.

      PS: According to news reports, the case under investigation by Cardinal Burke goes all the way back to 2008 which is 8 years before the first public reveal by Roy Quintanilla in May 2016. So it doesn't look like this trial is the one requested by Apuron. Looks like this is a problem that has been brewing in Rome for almost 10 years. Why is it only now being investigated?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 5:20 am,

      First of all, the OJ Simpson civil trial was easy to determine liability because it did not take place 40 years ago and the witnesses were alive. So, in the civil court, the chances of Archbishop Apuron being found not liable is higher than OJ Simpson. And the burden of proof is on the accusers.

      The news report says that they are calling Roland Sondia; therefore, the investigation is about the sexual allegations. Therefore, it is a trial requested by Apuron.

      As for the 2008 file that the Vatican had, we do not know what it is.

  4. Anon@944pm "Just sayin"...thats one big problem with alot of individuals....they're "just sayin" what they hear, what they think and doing alot of damage! All of what I read you "just sayin" in your comment are all lies yet you demand truth from our Archbishop and have contempt in your accusations. Can you all please get facts....for your sake! For everything we say, we will have to account for good or bad. Let me "just say" for those who want to know for themselves, who seek the truth, who want to hear Good News instead of gossip and slander...."Come and See" for yourselves,right now in fact (in Hagatna, Agat and Malesso) You dont have to take someone else's garbage and run with it. You decide and if you hear the voice of the Good Shepherd calling you come, stay freely! If you do not like it freely go and peace be with you. Go where you are fed in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church....there are many charisms and the Neocatechumenal Way IS one...this is fact so I just had to say it. God bless us all!!!
