Blog Song

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Post From Alexander Chen

The following is a comment from Alexander Chen.  It was posted in the Guam Daily Post:

Alexander Chen · 
The impartial smearing campaign levied the media in Guam (led by Tim Rohr) on Archbishop Apuron has been unprecedented, unjust and perverse, especially given that no empirical or direct evidence of any kind showed that Bishop Apuron was indeed guilty of any of the ‘alleged’ accusations. What Apuron has had to endure throughout this ordeal has been, in my opinion, as far removed from due process as you could ever expect in an American territory. Mr. Rohr is proud to wipe his hands and to justify all his vitriolic vulgar hate on the sole ‘opinion’ of a civil servant.

From day one, I have believed in Apuron and given him my unwavering support in his pursuit to rightfully clear his name of any wrongdoing. That support extends throughout the Church as it ought to be and has only grown more steadfast as the vitriolic attacks have become more vulgar and puerile in tone. Signs which indicate, to me, a personal vendetta or misguided hatred towards the person of Apuron than from good will.

This entire process of demonization of Apuron has indelibly taken a toll on the Catholic Church in Guam, the faithful and most importantly, Bishop Apuron. The Bishop’s embrace of exile from the land where his family reside, where he grew up, where God called Him to follow Him, his decision to pursue a ‘fair and unbiased’ trial at the Vatican while at the same time not to pursue further actions in Guam against his invested enemies, is what Apuron feels is best for the faithful in Guam and the entire Church.

To devoted Catholics of Guam, their unwavering support for Apuron and the Church have only reinforced our longstanding belief that, as Christians, we are called to condemn all kind of injustice and that we treat all victims with equal credibility and await with patience the justice, not from our own hands, but from the Lord. Together, we will continue to unequivocally support Apuron and the Catholic Church and its process against the forces of hatred and greed that are the usual suspect when you hear the stirrings of dissent and division and I know that faithful Christians will rally around Apuron and the rest of the Church as never before.

As for the enemies of the Church... we pray... "Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do."


  1. what about due process Apuron denied so many in 30 years. I'm sorry Diana he deserves everything he gets. He abused his position fof 30 years. what is happening is Karma.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:36 pm,

      30 years?????? 30 years ago, there were no protests, Father Paul and Monsignor James were also not removed 30 years ago.

    2. Anon at 8:36 pm
      More false facts that have been fed to you and you have eaten.

  2. It is not about NCW Diana.
    It is about Apuron.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:01 pm,

      I heard Tim Rohr and David Sablan say they want to shut down the seminary and get rid of the NCW. So, this is not just about Apuron.


    2. Neither you nor your seminary hurt me so i have no reason to hurt you.

    3. That is a very Christian sentiment. Hurt those who hurt you and love those who love you.


  3. At what point does a person think to himself. What if I am wrong? What if I've been lied to and he is indeed innocent? Do these thoughts not linger or make their way to the minds of Rohr's followers. Do they understand that if he is indeed innocent they not only have been persecuting a human being and attempting to destroy his life, but a human being who has been elected by God to follow him. In other words they are persecuting Christ himself.
    It is just so sad that a person does not have the wisdom to step back and give equal rights but can act on bias emotion with no hard evidence and move forward to destroy a person.

    1. You are right, dear anon, the thinking of Rohr's followers is very much limited and truncated. They only see what they want. But they are not free. They took on voluntarily the straight jacket Rohr gave on them and now they cannot think anything apart from Rohr.

      What hurts them and makes them to jump on their sisters and brother is that we are free of that straight jacket! For people who enslave themselves to false ideologies, there is nothing more frightening than freedom! We are the freedom! Those who are in bondage to Rohr's schemes know that they are not free. Therefore they want to eliminate freedom as such! We are the free, so they want to eliminate us.

      Our very existence as free Catholic citizens scares them. They want us to wear the same straight jacket they wear. But we refuse! This is how their clowning around with posters and placards becomes meaningless. They won't ever forgive us that we chose freedom over slavery of the mind and by Jesus our Lord we are determined to remain free!

    2. to Anonymous February 2, 2017 at 9:38 AM
      You are right, dear anon, the thinking of ncw followers is very much limited and truncated.
      They only see what they want.
      But they are not free.
      They took on voluntarily the straight jacket ncw gave on them and now they cannot think anything apart from ncw.

      What hurts them and makes them to jump on their sisters and brother is that we are free of that straight jacket!
      For people who enslave themselves to false ideologies, there is nothing more frightening than freedom!
      We are the freedom!
      Those who are in bondage to ncw schemes know that they are not free.
      Therefore they want to eliminate freedom as such!
      We are the free, so they want to eliminate us.

      Our very existence as free Catholic citizens scares them.
      They want us to wear the same straight jacket they wear.
      But we refuse!
      This is how their clowning around with posters and placards becomes meaningless.
      They won't ever forgive us that we chose freedom over slavery of the mind and by Jesus our Lord we are determined to remain free!

    3. The only little problem with these funny parallels is that they are untrue!

      1. We in the NCW don't jump on our sisters and brothers. It is the Jungle that shakes fists and threatens everyone they dislike by lawsuits. They spend spies on people and drag them to court in order to destroy them. Why do you do that, my friend? We, on the contrary, kiss our sisters and brothers and invite them to walk on a path that leads to Jesus. Have you ever seen us to jump on you or each other?

      2. We don't follow any kind of ideology! It is Rohr and co. who creates vicious ideologies about bishops and popes to accuse them with all kinds of stupid things. Do you guys want to sue Pope Francis for covering sexual abuse? You are serving division and scandal. We, on the contrary, follow the Spirit who tells us to recognize the face of Jesus in the suffering, who tells us to listen to each other and ignore ideological overturns. Have you ever heard us babbling hatred and exclusion against anyone?

      3. We don't want to eliminate anyone! It is CCOG and LFM who threaten us by shutting down our gathering places and expelling us from our homes. It is them who call us cancer and vow to rid Guam of the communities. Why does it hurt you that we exist, my friend, why? We don't spread animosity as those in bondage to the devil. On the contrary, we embrace our sisters and brothers, because we know that our Bishop, our Pope and our Church is one, one with our Lord, Jesus Christ!

  4. The interest and entertainment level at JW is flagging for its elderly audience. They are bored to death because of lack of excitement. Rohr is challenged because his manamko supporters demand "circus and bread". Lol!

    Perhaps we should throw poor Jungle folks some rubber bones from time to time so they can chew on it endlessly and get some entertainment in their lives.

    1. to hint of sarcasm February 2, 2017 at 10:43 AM
      The interest and entertainment level at ncw is flagging for its elderly audience. They are bored to death because of lack of excitement. ncw is challenged because his manamko supporters demand "circus and bread". Lol!

      Perhaps we should throw poor ncw folks some rubber bones from time to time so they can chew on it endlessly and get some entertainment in their lives.

    2. We wish we could have more manamko in the NCW. But the fact is, most of people in the communities are young. Very young!

  5. Thank for Alex for standing up for the Truth!

  6. Yeah! Alex, right on man, you speak the Real Truth about the Rohr and his Jungle.

  7. Seems Bishop Byrnes not rock solid on future of RMS. Lots has to be evaluated,

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:31 pm,

      I am glad that he is not putting his trust on the ad hoc report. He prefers to see for himself.

  8. who exactly are Rohr's group?
    Archbishop Byrnes was asked about two camps Rohr's camp Diana camp dialogue together.
    How about round table talks between two camps?

    1. Round table? Excellent idea! I wish someone could organize and set up one. Perhaps Ab Byrnes himself?

      Of course, it could work only if Rohr is not allowed to sit there! He would blow up everything in smoke... Anyway, he probably would not even join a round table. His business would suffer big time if peace among Catholics breaks out.

    2. Rohr and round table? With his very edgy, cubic way of thinking?


    3. Having Rohr at a round table is never going to work. He doesn't know how to listen. Even in his bible study class, he did most of the talking and no listening.

    4. Oh, have you been at his Bible study class? I am surprised. One would think Rohr has respect for everything written. But now I believe he has no respect for the Bible. People who only talk but never listen cannot hear the true Word of God either!

    5. Can you imagine the language he would use? The Roy's table discussion would have to be beeped out.

  9. Diane... thanks for posting Alexander's post... it is on point, it is respectful and accurate. Bishop Byrnes ought to read it as he gets acquainted of the chaotic situation in Guam. For some reason, I don't think that Rohr cares about being right or wrong, he believes he has the moral high ground as he pontificates from his blog, and he believes he can bully, even the Pope.
