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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Archdiocese Given More Time

According to the Pacific Daily News, the Archdiocese of Agana was given up to March 10, 2017 to respond to the sexual allegations filed in federal court.  There are currently 17 lawsuits filed and each lawsuit demands a jury trial and 5 million dollars in damages.  That is a total cost of 85 million dollars. According to news report: 

Manibusan said the archdiocese may stagger its motion briefing into two rounds to potentially reduce costs and promote judicial efficiency and economy.
Manibusan said he first will address any arguments that challenge the validity of the law that lifted the statute of limitations for cases related to child sex abuse. The archdiocese has until March 10 to file motions related to that issue.
Should the court deny that motion to dismiss, the archdiocese will file a motion that addresses deficiencies in the lawsuits, Manibusan's order states. 

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