Blog Song

Monday, December 26, 2016

This is not Christianity

The following comments came through my blog, which I did not publish due to the sheer hatred found in them.  This sheer hatred is not Christianity.  Whoever made these comments are clearly NOT Christians. 

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Merry Christmas!": 

Apuron we want you dead. 

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Sex Abuse Policy": 

praying for the death of Apuron to happen soon.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Sex Abuse Policy": 

God willing Apuron will have major heart attack die. praying for his end. 

These comments above and others like it are being kept in a single folder.  These comments are death wishes.  To the person/persons who made these comments, death wishes can backfire.  A person who wishes for the death of another is only inviting the Angel of Death who shows no favoritism to anyone.

These comments are very unchristian.  It is even difficult (and most likely an insult to non-Christians) to call them "non-Christian" because even the non-Christians have the laws of God written in their hearts.  In fact, an atheist I know have even shown more compassion to others despite her denial of God's existence.  These comments show the darkness of the person's/persons' heart and soul......a soul in such desperate need of reconciliation with God.  The person/persons who made such comments above probably consider themselves "Christians" and may even receive Holy Communion without any problems.  If such is the case, then more evangelization is needed so that Catholics can know the true meaning of Christianity.


  1. You're right. The pagans behave better than that. Those kind of comments comes only from the devil.


  2. pray for person who wrote such comments.
    Hard to believe.
    person or persons full of hate towards Archbishop Anthony.

    1. The language established and practiced at JW by Rohr, Frenchie, Klitzkie and their ilk is the language of verbal abuse and violence. They spew hatred and bully people into blind obedience in the hope that someone will buy their cheap rhetoric and, eventually, will kill.

    2. 3:11pm: So what are you going to do about it?


  3. Archbishop Anthony come home.
    Guam loves you.

  4. Trolls operate hourly Jungle nation. Paid Trolls.

  5. I know you are but who am I?

  6. seems majority of Guam population no longer accept Bishop Apuron as spiritual leader.
    To comment on death is wrong. Reality is majority of our people no longer recognize Bishop Apuron as a leader. He is no longer bishop of Guam.
    Those I meet believe he abused his position. He used his position to gain personal wealth. To wosh him dead. No. Wish him to retire leave Guam. Yes.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:46 pm,

      On the contrary. I do not see a majority of people at the picket line. At the most, there are about 70 people in the picket line, and most of them are elderly. There were 5000 signatures submitted to Governor Calvo. And even now, the Archdiocese is looking for a way to get the law declared unconstitutional. Folks are now seeing that the people who worked to pass this law was only seeking the destruction of the Church. People are starting to see the true colors of Tim Rohr as he continue to discuss the selling of the seminary or converting it into a money making business venture. People now remember the words of Archbishop Apuron when he claimed that there was a conspiracy to sell the seminary, which was the reason for the deed restriction.

    2. FYI Diana @ 10:16 PM, the "70 people in the picket line" are just the tip of the iceberg. You know that most of an iceberg is under the water right? Most people (like me) don't want to get involved and be seen in public but we support the picketers 100%.

    3. Dear Diana @ 10:16--
      I think anon 9:46 may have a point. Many do believe that Apuron cannot return as Archbishop because he lost credibility. Just look at how people are returning to the Cathedral for Mass after Archbishop Byrnes was assigned here. It was so empty before!
      (And might I add, just because you don't see the numbers at the picketing lines, it doesn't mean they don't exist. There are many who do not want to join them.)

      As for your post, I think you have a Troll working to get a reaction---and it worked! If I am wrong, then that person will see his just rewards in the afterlife. Indeed, a sick mind and very un-Christian.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 1:30 pm,

      The truth is......the vast majority of people can actually get along with the NCW. There are many people who do not walk in the Way, but they do not support the tactics of the jungle. In fact, Tim Rohr has admitted that he has lost friends. The petition with 5000 signatures submitted to Governor Calvin requesting that he veto the bill lifting the statutes of limitation includes more people who were not in the NCW.

    5. You are correct in that the vast majority of people can actually get along with the NCW. But that wasn't the point of his and my comments.
      The focus of the 9:46pm comment was on Apuron. The poster said that most people don't want Apuron to return--they don't accept him as their spiritual leader anymore.
      The 5,000 signatures represents that people (Walkers and non-Walkers) don't want their Church to go through all the lawsuits. But I don't think it represents those that want Apuron to come back.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 7:38 pm,

      And how would you know that they do not want him to return? The only ones who have been calling for his removal are the jungle. There are also people who believe that he is innocent while others are not sure. In time, we will know for certain whether he is guilty of those sexual allegations or not.

    7. The fact that they're calling for Apuron's death shows that they fear his return. The majority are not the junglefolks, and they're the ones who can live side by side with folks in the Way. Those who walk in the Way and those who don't walk was able to work together in getting those 5000 signatures.

      JW is showing their true colors when they make plans on selling the seminary and getting rid of the NCW from the parishes. Many folks don't mind having the Way in the parish cuz they see them cleaning the church and doing other volunteer work in the parish. The media have also asked Archbishop Byrnes if he intends to put a moratorium on the NCW. His answer to them was NO. It will be a matter of time when JW will also turn against Archbishop Byrnes.

    8. They're already attacking Byrnes. This comment came from JW:

      AnonymousDecember 24, 2016 at 10:50 AM
      My gut tells me Byrnes is just another grinning Vatican puppet. Continue to withhold funds from the Archdiocese until he cleans up his act

    9. When Jesus saw Satan advancing, he engaged him to reveal his shallowness. Then Jesus looked in the eye of Satan and commanded him to leave! Satan did not have much choice, he had to run with his cunning deception.

      Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” (Matthew 4:10)

      We have to follow the Lord Jesus in handling the approaches of the devil. We have to expose his shallow spirit, look into his eyes and command to leave. The haters won't have any other choice but run!

    10. Psalm 36:10

      Maintain your steadfast love to those who acknowledge you and your saving justice to the clean of heart.

  7. This article is offending communties who respect Archbishop Anthony as Archbishop of Agana.
    kindly can we remove this article on wishing another dead. upset Archbishop's family friends.
    Maria Santos.

    1. Dear Maria,

      This post was not meant to hurt the Archbishop and his family. It is to show the desperation and degree of frustration of those who oppose the Archbishop. This is to show the truth of who they are. They hate simply because they are unable to get what they want despite their so-called minor victories.

      Father Paul and Monsignor James were restored. Monsignor David was removed as Vicar General. Father Adrian wad removed as Chancellor. Father Pius was removed as Rector. Father Edivaldo was removed from Chalan Pago. Deacon Larry was removed as SARC. The deed restriction was rescinded. The two boards of RMS were removed. Yet, all these things changed nothing in the RMS Seminary and the NCW. RMS continues to be operational, and the NCW continues to hold their celebrations.

      These hateful comments say more about THEM that it does the Archbishop, and most people do not sympathize with anyone who wishes death on others.

    2. Maria Santos? Think not.


  8. Thank you Maria.

    Diana showing us there is much evangelization mission to bring Jesus Christ to our community. Those who preach hate in our parishes are in dire need to be evangelized.
    For example. Toto parish experiences absence of God because no mission evangelization took place. Until we communicate Jesus parishes die. priests of Guam lack oxygen to their brains. The way breaths life into community. The Mission of the way is to evangelize. To bring Jesus to those who hate.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:41 pm,

      We'll said. The person/persons who wrote those hateful comments probably attend Mass every Sunday, but they are not Christian. They do not know Jesus Christ.

    2. Name one Catholic Parish that preaches hate. Name just one. I'm waiting......

    3. Dear Mr. Terlaje,

      I never said that those comments came from a parish.

    4. Diana, You agreed with Anonymous @ 10:41 PM when he/she said that those who preach hate in our parishes are in dire need of evangelization. You said "Well said. The person/persons who wrote those hateful comments probably attend Mass every Sunday, but they are not Christian. They do not know Jesus Christ". Name one parish that preaches hate.

    5. Dear Mr. Terlaje,

      I interpreted Anonymous at 10:41 pm as referring not to the Parish or parish priest, but to the parishioners. I stated that the person/persons who made the hate comments probably attend church (the parish). So, if the person/persons who made these hate comments do attend a parish, they certainly need to be evangelize.

    6. Diana, So now you're saying that Catholics that attend Mass every Sunday do not know Jesus Christ? Back your statement up with facts. Show me something of substance and not an interpretation How did you come to the conclusion that they don't know Jesus Christ? A wild guess is not factual.

    7. Dear Mr. Terlaje,

      Please put on your glasses so you can read better. I said that THE PERSON/PERSONS who made those hateful comments probably go to Mass and have no problems receiving Holy Communion. I NEVER said anything about "all" Catholics.

    8. Mr. Terlaje, have you heard that Jesus our Lord was risen?! Oh yeah, halleluia! What does this mean to you, Mr. Terlaje? Does this mean that Jesus is alive? That he is acting in and through His own Church? Our Church, the One and Holy Catholic Mother Church? Well, you bet, Mr. Terlaje, He is!

      Now, try to imagine a living and loving Jesus. It does not matter if you attend the weekly mass in your parish, you attend Saturday night Eucharist Celebration with your community or perhaps you are sitting in a convent under heavy regula. The only thing that matters is if Jesus is alive for you and IN YOU?

      Those who replace our Lord in their hearts by forced uniformity imposed on them by misunderstood rules are throwing away the living Son of God from their lives. They are abandoning the risen Jesus for a mere feeling of satisfaction by rules. This is so superficial, Mr. Terlaje, don't you see it, oh pray?

      You don't know Jesus only if you choose not to know Him! He is showing Himself to you in millions and millions different ways. Why do you think He is dead? Why do you think He is just a bunch of paragraphs in your textbook? He is not, Mr. Terlaje! He is risen and alive, in a vibrant and spirited manner in millions and millions of souls who worship Him! Do you know, Mr. Terlaje, how to worship a living God? A person, who gave His life for you? Please, pay attention to His acting power in this very world. Then you will see Him alive. Then you will know Him as Christ!

      I pray that the New Year may bring you a better knowledge of Jesus Christ!

    9. Since you want to argue against Diana, why don't you prove they DO based on the comments she used in her original post.

      Emphasis: "Using the comments she used in her original post"

      For your convenience:

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Merry Christmas!":

      Apuron we want you dead.

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Sex Abuse Policy":

      praying for the death of Apuron to happen soon.

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Sex Abuse Policy":

      God willing Apuron will have major heart attack die. praying for his end.

      Please argue, based on these comments, that these people are CHRISTIANS.

    10. All due respect Mr. Terlaje;

      It is either the Spirit of Jesus Christ or the spirit of hate that we choose to follow.......every day struggle.

      It cannot be the Spirit of Jesus Christ on Sunday at 10 a.m and the spirit of hate at 11:00.

      Ask 45 thousand people in Dededo whether they know Jesus Christ; bet majority will say yes.

      Problem is only 3-5 thousand practice their faith by attending Mass or other services every Sunday

      Thank God if you and I have the Spirit to proclaim the Word to those 40 thousand to do not go to Sunday services. As Jesus Christ was missionary, so should we be also.

      And if we don't the Spirit of Jesus Christ; please don't ridicule those who have.

      Your brother in Christ


  9. person who composed those words of hate fails to know person of Jesus in his/her heart. They do not know Jesus Christ. A person who knows Jesus Christ doews not wish anogher dead.
    I know death comes to each of us. I want my friends to be with Jesus.I do not wish them to die to be with Jesus.
    Perhaps he/she who pen comments meana they wish Archbishop Anthony after he pass to be with Jesus. Unusal to say we wish our friends to be with Jesus after death. we do wish for this after they die not before. Not clear meaning of these comments. For all we know it could be a child with no faith understanding. ugly words. we should pray for them. They need Jesus. Could be those persons go to Eucharist in Friary sunday for years. still, they do not know Jesus Christ. They were never evangelized after ccd. No evangeluzation in parishes.All ritual . Evangelization leads to true conversiob to Jesus followed by mission. No mission until you know Jesus. Not knowing Jesus allows hate to reign in mind heart soul.
    Evangelization prayer mission path to love. Only Love kills hate.

  10. hateful comments show a heart far away from God. Tonight let us pray they turn to Jesus in remaining days of 2016 so by first hours of 2017 they walk with Jesus. Finding Jesus turn their hearts of stone into hearts of flesh.


  11. could be a Muslim
    Read Muslims wish death on others do they can marry virgins in heaven.
    Muslims here.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:00 am,

      I think you mean the terrorists. We have Muslims on Guam, and they are not terrorists. They have never given us any problems.

  12. There are clergy who do not say Archbishop Anthony's name during the consecration/anaphora (namely Msgr. James and Fr. Efren in Tamuning) It is extremely sad and shows still a lack if communion and obedience. I pray something breaks inside of them, this display of obstinence and discommunion with authority. This is the root if all the disunity in the church. May God give us humility! Much love and prayers for them, Archbishop Anthony and our Coadjutor Bishop Michael.

  13. Apuron is not in communion with the pope. His name must not be included in the Eucharistic Prayer. When a bishop has lost his moral authority to lead a diocese his name should be removed from the Mass before the pope removes him. priests will often know ahead of the pope when a bishop has lost his moral authority. I know a priest who removed his bishops name before bishop left. When it camevto his name in the Eucharistic prayer he would say " Francis our pope and the bishop of this diocese. He refused to say his name. I believe all parishes should remove Apuron from the Prayer.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:14 am,

      It is comments like yours that only shows that we must work hard in bringing Jesus Christ to people who hate. Christ instructed us not to judge because we are also sinners. Let he who have not sinned cast the first stone. He also said to love and pray for our enemies.

  14. whoever spreads hate and vitriol on social media are intolerable persons. They are trolls who found a way to weaponize the Archdiocese.

  15. Diane.

    Your comments have been sent to Archbishop Tai Fai Hon Secretary to the Congregation for Evangelization of Peoples.
    cc to Archbishop Martin Krebbs.
    cc Archbishop Michael Byrnes.

  16. Archbishop Tai Fai Hon will take discipline action against you. Diane Blog will be shut down upon orders of Holy Father Francis. you are declared anti catholic hate blog by Holy See.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:00 pm,

      Archbishop Hon has nothing to do with me.

    2. Anon @ 11:00 PM, what in the world have you been drinking (or smoking) that makes you think Archbishop Hon will do anything against Diana and her blog???

  17. Saw that comment you deleted.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:14 pm,

      That comment was accidentally published. Instead of pressing the delete button, I accidentally pressed the publish button, which was right next to it.

      As I said in my recent comment....ever since I published my post on "A Tree of Life" in response to Chuck White, I have been getting a lot of insults and derogatory language. I guess my last post got under their skin for some reason.

    2. Well, when the only response that one can make is to shake a fist and say those things, they can't deny what you said so they react with their emotions. Although, I can't speak for everyone, that seems like a very natural response...I've done it before. Hopefully, they have the courage to dig deep and find out what they're really angry about.

  18. Christ says, it is not what comes from outside that hurts man but comes from within. Because from within is born lust, hate, adultery etc.
    My brother was sexually abused by a boy when he was 10 years old. He began healing the minute he called this boy and HE (my brother) asked this boy for forgiveness for hating him for 15 years and telling him he forgives him for the abuse.
    My brother was able to do this thanks to the NCW, because of this he is a new person full of joy and happiness. Where his bitterness has been completely replaced with happiness and love for Christ.
    THAT is what it means to have eternal life and love your enemy. The product of this is more life. This boy who abused my brother is married and happy with Children dedicating his life to Christ.
    Anyone who desires for justice instead of mercy is not a follower of Christ. Barabbas wanted justice while Christ gave up his life for those who persecuted him. (And HE was actually innocent of ALL sin).
    That is why God allows a person who has been abused to become an abuser to help him forgive. IDK if you know but in psychology almost all who abuse have been abused themselves. Only Christ breaks this cycle, not justice not persecution or hate.
    Apart from the fact that Apuron is still going through a trial and is innocent until proven guilty.

    1. Is forgivess without Christ useless?

    2. Dear Anonymous at 7:34 am,

      Forgiveness is a grace that comes only from Christ.

      Forgiveness that comes from man is not true forgiveness. Why? Because man's so-called forgiveness are nothing but words that gets blown in the wind. Man says, "I forgive you, but I will not forget what you did."

      When God forgives our sins, He not only removes them, but He also forgets them. When we have this grace to forgive those who hurt us, we will be truly healed because we not only forgive but also forget. And when you forget what the person did, you no longer hurt. You are healed.

    3. It's not up to you or me or anyone but the victim to do any of this. Who are you to determine when they heal, how they heal, when they forgive or how they forgive? Your arrogance in judging the victims on this blog is unchristian and unconscionable.

      And don't you dare make excuses by pointing fingers.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 12:54 pm,

      Healing comes only from Christ. After all, he was able to raise the dead. Are you saying that Jesus does not have the power to heal them?

  19. Dear anon at 12:54 PM

    We are in no way pointing fingers we are merely stating a fact about Christianity. I understand how my previous comment may seem as pointing fingers. It was only intended to show that forgiving the abuser and asking forgiveness for one's own fault is the only true way to heal. This is a grace which only Christ can give as Diana explained. It is truly the victim's right to be enraged for such an incredible evil. However we are all capable of this evil.
    Hence the gospel where Christ says he who has no sin throw the first stone. Surely some of the pharisees had never committed adultery, but they understood if one commandment is not followed then it is the same as breaking all of them. This is because it means we have the capability to commit any sin if God does not protect us, because of our wounded nature (original) sin.
    Hence the Our father says forgive us as we forgive those who have offended us. This is to be christian. If we do not forgive, than we will be held accountable for all of our sins. If we forgive Christ will always show mercy towards us.
    Anyways it was just stating the fact that you only heal when you ask for forgiveness, because the true damage is caused by our own sins, even if they are consequence of what has been done to us.

    1. Love the sinner but hate the sin. In today's society you have to place them in jail to protect the abused.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 10:48 pm,

      In today's society, they would have to go through the due process of a trial first to determine if they are guilty or not guilty.
