Blog Song

Monday, November 28, 2016

My Good News

I have been holding back on my good news.  Now that it has been made public in the news, I can revealed it.  After the deed restriction was rescinded by Archbishop Byrnes, Archbishop Apuron met with him, and they had a good long talk.  Since that good long talk, Archbishop Byrnes was a little bit more aware and informed of things from our side.  Now that he is here on Guam, he will listen to all sides just as he said in his interview.  According to the Associated Press (the bold is mine):

HAGATNA, Guam (AP) — The new leader of the Catholic church in Guam will meet with his brother priests as his first order of business on Monday as he attempts to heal this U.S. territory rocked by allegations of sexual abuse at the hands of clergy, even the current archbishop.
"I have been praying for those who have brought forward the allegations, who brought forward their own experience. I have great compassion for that," Archbishop Michael Byrnes, 58, of Detroit told The Associated Press in a phone interview. "I've been praying for them."
Byrnes has been sent by the Vatican to replace current Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron on an administrative basis. Apuron, 71, has been Guam's highest Catholic leader for 30 years but faces a church trial over multiple allegations of sex abuse of altar boys in the 1970s. He denies the charges, and has not been criminally charged.
Byrnes said he had a conversation with Apuron and knows he is somewhere in the United States. "The tribunal investigation and trial of the archbishop has already begun," Byrnes said.
Byrnes will have the right to succeed Apuron if he resigns, retires or is removed. Byrnes was auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Detroit before Pope Francis appointed him to the Guam post.
While Apuron remains the archbishop in title, Byrnes said he has already been exercising pastoral responsibility for the archdiocese, and that he will continue to include Apuron in his Eucharistic prayers.
"Irrespective of guilt or innocence, we should always pray for each other, especially in difficult times," Byrnes said.
Several civil lawsuits have been filed against the church after the governor this year signed a bill lifting the statute of limitations to sue alleged abusers and institutions that supported them.
Byrnes wants to reach out to as many parishioners as possible in heavily Catholic Guam, located about 3,700 miles southwest of Honolulu. About 80 percent of the western Pacific island's 160,000 residents are Catholic.
"I want to hear from the people of God on the island, what are their concerns, what are their hopes. In a time when there has been a kind of polarization because of the archbishop, then it becomes difficult for people because you have to choose," he said.
"It's not like a panacea or a quick fix but unless we bring all this to Jesus then we're going to just be left to ourselves," he said.
It will be a steep learning curve all around for Byrnes. He had never met anyone from Guam before being named to lead the Catholic church here, and the only thing he knew about the place was gleaned from World War II history books.
Byrnes will travel 15 time zones from Detroit to arrive on Guam on Monday, when he will participate in a day of recollection with Guam's clergy.
Two liturgical celebrations are planned on Wednesday, including when he takes his oath of fidelity. Later that day, he will join parishioners as they begin nine days of masses honoring Guam's patron saint, Santa Marian Kamalen, also known as Our Lady of Camarin.


  1. WELCOME Archbishop Byrnes, ''Bien binidu''

    1. Welcome Archbishop Michael Jude Byrnes! You arrival starts a new chapter in the life of Guam Catholics. Our fellow Jungle Watch people will be surprised. Now, that they run out of all actionable items from their to-do list, they are loosing steam and direction. The group will split, dwindle and disappear from the scene. Godspeed, CCoG, LFM and other satellites. Your time has come to go.

      CCoG vied for
      1. restoration of Fr. Paul and Msgr. James (done),
      2. retribution of pedophilia victims (lawsuits are on the way),
      3. suspension or Archbishop Apuron (he is facing canonical trial now),
      4. appointment of new church leader (welcome Archbishop Michael!),
      5. clarification of the status of the RMS (deed restriction was lifted).

      So what's up, CCoG? Whatever could have been done, CCoG has done it already. Whatever else they still wanna do is out of their reach and cannot be done! So that is all about it! Stop any further silliness:

      1. Defrocking the Archbishop: it is up to Rome, picketing and plotting has no impact on this anymore!
      2. Closing the seminary: this is ridiculous and won't ever happen.
      3. Banning the NeoCathechumenal Way: the most futile delusion of all! Rome loves the Way and will protect it by all means. The Constitution also bans any adverse action. Don't you still understand?

      So, please, pack up your stuff and go home in peace. Your time has come to shut the shop. If you continue, you will turn your virtual victories into very real defeat! I mean you'll lose the game. Gee, you won't believe me for your own peril. Just remember when you fail: see, I told you so.

    2. Can you elaborate on what you meant about the Constitution? Thanks

    3. Dear Anonymous at 5:59 PM, if you did not know, let me tell you now: in agreement with the U.S. Constitution, the Organic Act of Guam prohibits any discrimination based on religious views and practices!

      Please, educate yourself in the culture of the Constitution because what you propose at Jungle Watch on a daily basis is an outrage to all principles of constitutionality and a blatant insult to human intelligence! Are you still puzzled why many consider your group a pack of desperately angry people?!

  2. "Irrespective of guilt or innocence, we should always pray for each other, especially in difficult times," Byrnes said.

    Not once has brother tony said that he's prayed for the accusers. Instead he's threatened them with lawsuits. That's that difference between a true Catholic leader and one who is selfish.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:32 am,

      When Archbishop Apuron learned that Senator BJ Cruz was sexually molested by a priest when he was a child, he showed sympathy and compassion.

      The only reason he threatened lawsuit was because he was named as the alleged molester. He is going through a canonical trial to determine whether he is guilty of those allegations.

    2. How will the Vatican be able to determine his guilt in the sex abuse allegations? The trial must be geared more towards his administrative decisions following the sex abuse allegations and the previous controversies regarding the seminary property, the alleged influence the Neocatechumenal Way has had over him, etc. This trial is about his leadership. Any guilt or innocence of sex abuse determined by this tribunal would be meaningless.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:44 am,

      You are incorrect. The canonical trial is in regards to the sexual allegations. And this has been said even by news report. The canonical trial is based on the sex allegations because that is what resulted in his leave of absence.

      Archbishop Apuron said that there will be two trials, and our catechists have already confirmed this with all the communities. The first trial is already taking place. If he is found innocent, there will a second trial, which will take place in Guam. The second trial will involve a defamation and libel lawsuit against all his accusers.

    4. Okay, Diana. How do you suppose then that this Vatican body will be able to determine his guilt or innocence in an alleged crime that occurred decades ago in this far remote location called Guam? Has Apuron explained that to you people? Because apparently you guys (Neos) and him (Apuron) are in communication.

  3. Diana, my question is did the Pope ask Archbishop Apuron to rescind the deed restriction?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:16 am,

      No. The Pope never ask Archbishop Apuron to rescind the deed restriction.

    2. You have said that AB Hon was sent here by the Pope. You admonished JW folks for not being respectful to him when he first came, because he was representing the Holy Father.
      Hon requested that Apuron rescind the deed restriction. Wouldn't that the be same as the Pope asking him to do so?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:03 am,

      Archbishop Hon claimed that the Pope told Archbishop Apuron to rescind the deed restriction ON JANUARY 2015. The Archbishop never received any letter from the Pope telling him to rescind the deed restriction. The one who told him to rescind the deed restriction in January, 2015 was Archbishop Hon, and he was not representing the Pope at that time.

    4. Diana, how do you know he did not receive a letter from the Pope?

    5. Archbishop Apuron iS ''INNOCENT'' until proven guilty,Is seems HON throw bishop Apuron under the bus.he acts like he's already guilty?? who doses he think he is, Judge and would he feel if the tables was turned.that's is a bad bishop.

    6. Hon was representing the pope, BUT hon IS NOT the pope. This is the problem with Hon is that he thinks he IS the pope. Hon even thinks he can go above and beyond the law simply because he is acting in the name of the pope. This is what's called an abuse of power.

      Besides, the pope can speak directly to Apuron if he wants. Pope Francis has been known to make impromptu phone calls to unsuspecting people - he surely could have done so with one of his archbishops.

  4. The good news is that RMS was shut down. Soon apuRUN will be defrocked and the neos will be banned from this I island. Wait and see..... Soon Diana, soon....

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:24 am,

      OH dear...oh my....such hatred. 😲

    2. IN the Jungle!! they all seems to getting really upset???

  5. From the article, it seems as if the “meeting” between the two archbishops was more likely a telephone call.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:35 am,

      Actually, that is YOUR interpretation of what the article said. The article never said HOW they spoke.

    2. Just as it was your interpretation Diana about the "long" conversation they had when the news said it was just "A" talk. So which is it? And yes, it truly is up to everyone's interpretation till the actual facts are released.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:35 am,

      Do you remember that awhile ago, I said that I learned some good news and posted a dancing banana? The good news I received was that Archbishop Apuron met with Archbishop Byrnes after the deed restriction was rescinded.

    4. Okay, for everyone trying to dissect the meeting between Byrnes and Apuron, listen to KUAM's interview from this afternoon and you'll hear his words describing the meeting.

      I remain hopeful that he will truly find a way to bridge the gap, as Filoni has asked him to do, and in a way that will be acceptable to most. (Of course, not everyone will agree with whatever he ends up doing!)
      He seems to be very compassionate as well as pastoral---even acknowledging the sexual victims and what they have had to endure, saying he wants to meet with them at some point in time.

      So far so good.

  6. i think if the NCW follows its' approved Statutes everything will be hunky dory.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:15 pm,

      We already follow the approved statutes, and they still hate us. Their idea of peace is to destroy the NCW.

  7. Dear Diana, I read the paper today and I have to say Voice of Truth is 100% right. It is pure trash what PDN publishes every day, extremely biased and one-sided. Haidee Eugenio is really the rising star journalist of PDN celebrated by her long and even longer articles about the Archbishops and the NCW.

    But what the heck, this lady never justifies what she says. All her references she makes are for her previous articles. So once she lies, she can lie again, referring back to her previous lies. Very smart woman. She has no clue about decent, investigative journalism. She just declares whatever her masters at the JW give her to write about. They say Satan inspires his servants by giving them evil smarties, even devilish genius! What a deep darkness of utter moral depravity for a human being!

    Dear Diana, the biggest lie I read about in the newspapers is that there is a "disagreement" about Catholic teaching among the followers of the NCW and others. This is so untrue! We in the NCW follow the Catechism of the Catholic Church letter by letter. We explain the Bible in the villages when we go our two-by-two to the houses. People truly appreciate that! So where is the disagreement with other Catholics? Nowhere! This lady just lies and fills up her newspaper with all her lies.

    The only people who disagree with us are a few zealots of the jungle. These people are helpless. They cannot dialogue with us because the only thing they profess is blind hatred against their brothers! Yes, that is the only thing they have! Are they crazy or what? Have they never read the Bible? St. John says:

    7 Beloved, I am writing you no new commandment, but an old commandment that you have had from the beginning; the old commandment is the word that you have heard. 8 Yet I am writing you a new commandment that is true in him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining. 9 Whoever says, “I am in the light,” while hating a brother or sister, is still in the darkness. 10 Whoever loves a brother or sister lives in the light, and in such a person there is no cause for stumbling. 11 But whoever hates another believer is in the darkness, walks in the darkness, and does not know the way to go, because the darkness has brought on blindness. (1 John 2)

    1. Diana
      I want to know where Tims comment was published? I can't seem to find it his blog.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 9:43 pm,

      In due time, Archbishop Byrnes will find himself competing with the jungle for authority. Tim Rohr wants his way and only want his way and only his way. He has already told his followers not to listen to Rome. According to Tim:

      TimNovember 28, 2016 at 5:35 AM
      The key is that nothing changes. We no longer look to Rome and that means Byrnes. Truth and Justice are independent things. They stand alone. He will need to decide in which side he stands. But given his actions so far, I think we are on the right road. Meanwhile, we march.

      Let us hope and pray that many of his followers ask themselves this important question: If they are not to look to Rome, then where else are they supposed to look? For someone who demands that the NCW should follow Rome, he turns around and tells his followers the opposite.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:20 pm,

      You can find his comment in the following weblink:

    4. Interesting that Tim says that truth and Justice stands alone. Truth and Justice always goes together. Justice needs truth to determine whether the accused is guilty or not otherwise an innocent person would be unjustly punished. Wonder why Tim separated the two? Could it be that he knows that AB Apuron is innocent?

    5. Um, I think you'll find he didn't separate the two. He said that "truth and justice are independent things", but not meaning fromeach other but from the varying opinion of individuals. Please don't jump to conclusions.

    6. I find it interesting that you all have comments and questions yet remain anonymous. How is anyone truly to answer your questions? I am open to dialogue on all the points Anon @ 9:43 PM lays out.

      You can contact me through the contact link in my user name. Will you have the courage? Will the authors of this blog have the courage to post this?

      -Jose Martinez

    7. Tim has a lot for the Bishop.

    8. Right on 9:43 PM...... PEACE

    9. Dear Jose,

      Dialogue???? There is no dialogue with a person who has already made up their mind on what they believe.

    10. Haidee Eugenio reports:

      Attorney David Lujan said more lawsuits will be filed in the weeks ahead, and the defendants include institutions other than the Catholic church.

      Of course and this is just the beginning! PDN overjoys to report that mainland law firms have discovered Guam as a goldmine for easy money. They will come to Guam and recruit "victims" by the hundreds along the guidelines provided by Junglewatch. Once you demonstrate that charges can be made freely and monetary damages can be demanded without any limitation, then those charges will be made and those monetary claims will be filed! This was exactly the whole purpose of the CCOG plot to push through Public Law 33-187 and the incessant campaigning of Junglewatch for more and more pedophilia accusations.

      Guam will become very soon a high profile target of white collar criminals, masquerading and pedophilia lawyers, who come here to rob this island from all its liquid monetary resources once and for all! Good job, Tim Rohr! You will be proud of what you did for Guam! When are you starting to build your luxurious mansion in the heart of Tumon? Or even better, perhaps, in San Diego? Just to make sure nobody will be able to question you.

    11. You should look in the mirror Diana about "a person who has already made up their mind on what they believe"...

    12. Hi anon 12:25 am, how are you doing?! I know only one fella who would start a sentence by a stupid "um". That person is you, Tim Rohr! We gotcha! Lol.

    13. Dear Anonymous at 6:33 am,

      I do not use threats, ridicule, and mockery nor impose my beliefs. A dialogue always consist of mutual respect for the other despite their beliefs. The goal of the dialogue is not to impose your belief but come to a better understanding so the two can abide in peace.

    14. Dear Anon @ 7:06AM--
      Umm...I have posted here with either "umm..." or even "uhh..." , and I assure you I am not he. And I rather like to preface my comments with them because it sort of takes the bite out of what I want to say. Personally,I don't think they are "stupid".
      Have a nice day!

    15. Ummm Diana, your entire blog is your belief, right? So how is that not imposing your belief again? This whole NCW issue started when the NCW imposed themselves into the Catholic Church and tried to take advantage of the people of guam. For YEARS, guams faithful has supported the archdiocese, not knowing that millions would be used to form RMS priests. You imposed your beliefs with fr. Gofigan and Monsignor Benevente and judged them with no chance for them to have a say. How were those not imposing your beliefs? Even though THEY were CLEARED, no apologies or anything was afforded to them by you or even the NCW.

    16. Dear Anonymous at 11:35 am,

      How is my blog imposing my belief on others? I never forced you to read my blog. Also, our belief is Catholic; therefore, there was no imposition. We are part of the Church.

  8. Finally, JW cannot hide its displeasure with Pope Francis. They show the white of their teeth by attacking the Pope claiming he harbored a pedophile bishop from Poland.

    AnonymousNovember 29, 2016 at 2:01 AM

    Francis gave satanic Wesolowski a Vatican funeral Mass with full episcopal honors, then shipped his remains back to Poland for burial. Poland buried that sewage with episcopal honors, despite his record of pedophilia there.

  9. The greater the repentant sinner, the greater God's mercy.
