Blog Song

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Make Your Vote Count

Today is election day.  I had already voted during my lunch time.  The two senators responsible for Bill 326 were Senator Frank Blas Jr. and Senator Frank Aguon Jr.  The bill was passed unanimously.  There were about 5000 signatures on the petition submitted to Governor Calvo, requesting that he veto the bill.  It is time for a change.  While we support the victims of child abusers by bringing their perpetrators to justice, we do not support the destruction of our Catholic Church and the further suffering of more innocent people.   

Also, remember that the majority of the incumbent senators voted to keep their pay raises.  It is time to get rid of the incumbent senators who have made their positions into a career for themselves rather than becoming servants for the people of Guam.  It is time to give the new ones a chance.  It is time to bring in new ideas.  Make your vote count.  


  1. You do NOT need to use all 15 of your votes.

    Sometimes it is better not to. What if your vote #13 edges out your number 1 preference?

    I know someone who will vote for only two Senators:

    Telena Nelson & Fred Bordallo.

  2. Maybe the FBI needs to look in to those two so-called Senators Frank and Frank Juniors???????????????????

    1. May they got pay off just like the alleged victims who went to get pay to conspiracy to tear down the Church,Tim rohr, property,Casino,massage parlors,prostitution more bars,sales of more properties,they act like the bishop already guilty,what a joke!!and they call themselves concerned Catholics of Guam, destroying their own Church, Crazy.

    2. A niemand like Tim Rohr cannot make any influence on the election of Senators. People don't care about the incoherent ramblings and rantings of JW and CCOG!

    3. Junglewatch is a powerful influence over our political life. Senators listen to crazy priests telling them crazy information.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 9:29 am,

      That powerful influence just diminished with the removal of Frank Blas Jr.

    5. Dear NCW anon at 6.19. Did you just call Diana "May"?

    6. Dear Anonymous at 10:47 am,

      No, he/she did not call me "May." The person meant "Maybe." "Maybe they got pay off like the alleged victims......"

  3. Frank Blas Jr., the senator who authored and introduced the sexual allegation law to destroy our Catholic Church and cause more suffering of innocent people is out. The people have spoken. I believe that child abusers should be punished, but not at the expense of destroying our Catholic Church and causing more innocent people to suffer.

    1. Excellent! Frank Blas did not deserve a seat in the legislature. It is also a strong message to Frank Aguon to return to the Catholic church if he cares about his future career.

    2. If Tim Rohr run for Senator, he would score at the last spot among the candidates, even worse than incumbent Brant McCreadie! Lol.

    3. Timmy, where is your sting? Where is your victory? Ha-ha.

  4. JW published Rory Respicio's letter to Rohr in support of the anti-Catholic bill. Rory told Rohr how proud he was that he could co-author the bill together with Frank Blas. Now, Rory is out of the legislature! Goodbye Rory, we are not sorry about you.

    The moral is that if you are a career politician, your association with JW, Tim Rohr and CCOG will harm you and destroy you beyond recognition.

  5. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hallelujah <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

  6. Your theory of the ousting of Blas Jr. fails in light that Aguon Jr. is still in and received the most votes of all the candidates. What is disturbing is how you are trying to frame this as a message against a law that protects children from sexual predators like your brother Tony Apuron by lifting a statue of limitations on civil litigation.

    Shame on this blog. May God have mercy on your souls. The most innocent of us all, the children, are not safe in the NCW.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:10 am,

      Frank Blas Jr. was the author of the bill. The bill was sent to Frank Aguon's committee for revision.

      What is disturbing is how you twist what we say making it appear that any opposition to the bill means supporting child abusers when that was never the case.

    2. Anon. 11:10, Frank Aguon never came out in support of JW. Only Frank Blas & Roby Respicio came out in public in support of Tim Rohr. Both of them are out.

    3. At 11:10 AM have they proven that bishop Apuron guilty?? NO, he is presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had the guarantees necessary for his defenes,and who are you to judge him, his accusers are only doing for the money!! and Shame on them and you, 4 years and nothing and now ????? he's INNOCENT

    4. Archbishop Apuron and the victims are risking their souls. Which of the two has a better understanding of the weight of that risk?

      For an Archbishop to come out saying that he is innocent, he would definitely know the eternal consequences of that statement. If he lied...he lied to God and scandalized the entire island, the people God entrusted to him. That is the weight Archbishop Apuron bears.

      On the other hand, the victims put that weight on the bishop because they put him up to God to be tested. Or perhaps they are testing God? Either way, that's the weight they bear.

      In either case, God is in charge and the only thing we can do is be patient and wait because the process to prove his guilt or innocence is already in motion. Gossip and speculation are nothing but distractions that create division.


  8. Pope Francis' exhortation for peace inside the church:

    If there is a problem, at the very least settle your differences so that war doesn’t break out.’ This (is) the healthy realism of Catholicism. It is not Catholic (to say) ‘either this or nothing:’ This is not Catholic, this is heretical.

    Allow me to use this word that seems a bit strange: it’s the tiny sanctity of negotiations. ‘So, I can’t do everything but I want to do everything, therefore I reach an agreement with you, at least we don’t trade insults, we don’t wage a war and we can all live in peace.’

    Jesus is a great person! He frees us from all our miseries and also from that idealism which is not Catholic. Let us implore our Lord to teach us, first to escape from all rigidity but also to go out beyond ourselves, so we can adore and praise God who teaches us to be reconciled amongst ourselves and who also teaches us to reach an agreement up to the point that we are able to do so.

  9. CCOG and LFM only want things their way. They haven't stopped protesting. They haven't stopped their lawsuits. They are moving forward like a bull that only sees a target...Archbishop Apuron, NCW, RMS, and anyone who stands in their way. Unless all three are removed, they will not stop...even up to the point of telling people not to trust the Pope!
