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Friday, November 4, 2016

Lack Of Spiritual Guidance

Christ is the mediator between God and His Church.  And the Church is the mediator between Christ and the rest of the world.  Bishops and priests are to lead all people to Jesus Christ, which is the basic thing to do.  They are the spiritual leaders.  

The reason behind Archbishop Hon's failure to bring peace and unity is simply because he never addressed the REAL problem, which was "spiritual" rather than physical.  He thought that by changing the physical environment (changing priests around, establishing ad hoc committees, etc.) would resolve the issues and bring peace and unity. Recent events only shows that there was no resolution, no healing, and still no unity.  Instead, it has gotten worse that this time members of the NCW wrote letters to Rome.  

Listen carefully to the interview between Patti Arroyo, David Sablan, and Father Mike Crisostomo here.

According to that interview, Father Mike stated, "I was telling Archbishop Hon that they're (the protesters) already offering us solutions, the strategy and method of what needs to be done.  All we have to do is listen more carefully to what they're saying and if we just implement those, things will be a little bit more calm." 

Father Mike admitted in the radio talk show that the protesters offered them the solutions and he told Archbishop Hon to listen to them. Recent events already showed that implementing those things which the protesters asked for did not bring peace and unity.  Why?  Because the protesters simply asked for more things that needed to be done. 

The first picket sign that the Sunday protesters carried was "Defrock Apuron". And according to Father Mike, the first thing that Archbishop Hon did was write a letter to Archbishop Apuron asking for his resignation.  When he received no response, he had the Presbyterial Council voted to remove him. Then he went to Rome to convince Pope Francis to remove Archbishop Apuron. Archbishop Hon was a spiritual leader; yet, he failed to lead the Catholic faithful to the right path.  There was no spiritual guidance from him or the priests who followed him such as Father Mike and Father Jeff. The correct and proper way to peace and unity is to educate and teach the faith to Catholics (especially the protesters) that the way to Christ is NOT to condemn anyone.

Archbishop Apuron already left the island and went to Rome, where he is now facing a canonical trial.  His authority was already removed. These spiritual leaders failed to teach the moral lesson that Christ taught all His followers: Do not condemn and you will not be condemned (Luke 6:37). Rather than following Christ, these spiritual leaders have fallen because they also condemned Archbishop Apuron without the due process of a trial.  By their example and actions, these shepherds have only taught that it is okay to condemn another person even without a trial.   And this example and action is against the Catholic faith.  

As I said, the real problem was never addressed.  The real problem is a spiritual one rather than a physical one.     


  1. The real problem is that you have taken the RMS land to make it your own. RMS is no better than the colonizers of yesteryear's. They take what they want and how they want. You have confused the people with your unbending loyalty to your catechist more than the leadership of the Church. Your leader AAA is facing a material and physical accusation. That is not spiritual. That is very real. Please wake up. Do not make it a physical or spiritual problem. The church has dealt with this Dualism/heresy a long time ago. LOL.

    1. As anyone can see in the above comment.......the real problem is jealousy and hatred. Our enemy had always been a spiritual enemy.

  2. AB Hon, Fr. Mike, Deacon Steve, and all priests who judged and condemned AB Apuron should repent and go to confession.

  3. Diana, you also judge Archbishop Apuron. You judge him innocent. But how do you know that he is innocent? Your judgment could be wrong!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:15 pm,

      I follow the rule of law. The rule of law says that an accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. I do not live in communist China.

    2. No, Diana, you make assumption, not presumption. That is different. You take it for granted that Apuron will be found innocent. Based on what?

      You claimed that Apuron should return to Guam and file defamation lawsuit against his accusers. You also stated that he should not show mercy! But if Vatican won't clear him but finds the charges against him justified, then how could he file defamation lawsuits? This does not add up, Diana!

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:29 pm,

      I stated "IF Archbishop is found innocent, he will file a defamation lawsuit." Below is what I stated. Notice that I stated, the word "IF"?

      DianaNovember 2, 2016 at 2:46 PM
      Dear Anonymous at 1:50 pm,

      Read what Bishop Byrnes said to the media. He said that Apuron still remains the Archbishop and he was given governance FOR THE TIME BEING. archbishop Apuron is not interested in being a cardinal. Right now, he is fighting for his name and reputation. If Archbishop Apuron is found innocent in the canonical trial, he will return to Guam. Why? Because he needs to complete the second phase. Our catechists told us that there will be two trials.

      The first trial is a canonical trial, which deals with the sex abuse allegations. If Apuron is found innocent in this first trial, he will return to Guam for the second trial. The second trial is a defamation and libel lawsuit. Archbishop Apuron plans on bringing a defamation and libel lawsuit against ALL his accusers.

    4. Too soon to plan for that!

  4. The Real Problem...............IS............TIMOTHY J.ROHR ))))))

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:05 am,

      No. Look behind Tim. The person behind Tim is the problem. 😶

    2. Is it not possible that the person behind Tim is Truth?!

  5. Look behind Tim.
    Back stage actors cause.

  6. The lack of spiritual guidance started with AB Anthony Apuron. We're in the mess we're in because of his ineffective shepherding.

    1. What would be an effective shepherding?

    2. A true shepherd.

    3. A true shepherd is one who takes care of ALL his flock and not just a select few.
