Blog Song

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Day To Day Operation In RMS

According to KUAM news:
"While the governance has changed the administration and the day-to-day operation has not changed," said Father San Nicolas.
But while the church says for now RMS will continue as it has, critics of Apuron and the NCW say the seminary has been used for the formation of off-island priests, not local priests which they believe it was intended for.
Members of the NCW continue to maintain the upkeep of the RM seminary, and we do it without costing the seminary anything.  Our services are free.  The day to day operation of the RMS continues as always despite that the two boards have been removed.  The seminarians continue their studies according to the format of the Lateran University in Rome.  The seminarians are being trained not only as diocesan priests, but also as priests who will be sent out on missions.  The seminarians continue to be in community with us with the celebration of the word and the Eucharist.  They not only stay in RMS, but also interact with the people of Guam.   

The critics of Archbishop Apuron do not tell the whole story.  Yes, we have priests in other countries.  Father Jason, for example, is in Saipan serving our sister island due to a lack of priests there.  Father Santiago is on mission in Japan together with a mission family.  What our critics left out is the fact that we have RMS priests also serving Guam's parishes. 

Nevertheless, now that Archbishop Byrnes is the Sole Director of RMS, he makes the decision from now on.  Of course, with the deed restriction removed, the critics of Apuron will now pressure Archbishop Byrnes to close down the seminary and sell the property.  In fact, the jungle have already said that their next agenda is to close down the seminary.

However, there is GOOD NEWS COMING!!!!!  So, brothers in the Way....continue to pray and praise God.  :-)  
Big Dancing Banana



  1. Archbishop Byrnes has removed the words "following the life and itinerary of the Neocatechumenal Way as a way of formation . . ." from the Articles of Incorporation for the RMS.

    This was no small or minor edit. It significantly changes things.

    Everything you stated in this post is not in dispute. You are distracting from the truth of what Archbishop has erased as a means of formation at RMS.

    Again, utilize some integrity and give credence to your posts with your name.

    1. Dear Jose,

      The life and itinerary of the NCW can be found in the Catholic Church regarding the new evangelization which all Catholics are called to follow. So, nothing has changed. We will be meeting with Archbishop Barnes when he settles himself into Guam.

    2. The real toxic people are at JW, CCOG and LFM! Tim Rohr, Frank Blas, Bob and Lou Klietzkie and the rest. Atty David Lujan included!

  2. The appointment of Archbishop Byrnes was instigated by the Apostolic Delegate because the person who could have rescinded the deed restriction refused to do so. RMS became the focal point of restlessness and disunity in the Church of Guam. Diana, why don't you recognize the RMS as a point of disagreement between parties? It is just natural that seminary education will be handled according to the instruction of the Catholic Church and its supreme local church leader, the Archbishop.

    The lottery system of assigning seminarians into seminaries around the world, considered controversial if not outright superstitious will be abolished on Guam. Don't you think, Diana, that the lottery system paints the movement with unfavorable colors? These kinds of questionable practices are not necessarily maintained under a highly educated and deeply committed Archbishop.

    NCW has to decide if it submits itself to the authoritative leader appointed by Pope Francis or openly turns against the Catholic Church and its authority. Do you chose the Pope, Diana? There is no middle ground. It is time for NCW leaders to distance themselves from the fiasco. All you need to do, dear Diana, is to admit that this fiasco could have been avoided by obedience to the Holy See. Do you admit that, Diana?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:51 pm,

      Archbishop Hon did not even know there was a new bishop appointed to Guam until he woke that morning and opened the newspaper. πŸ˜€

    2. I can imagine Hon ranting and raving, foaming at the mouth after looking at the newspaper. LOL!!!!

    3. Is Hon some kind of slow, or what?! Cannot he just understand from the good word? Lol! He is not representing anyone. Vatican? He is nobody in Vatican. Everyone is laughing because he had no clue pf the news report. Hello, how ridiculous is that?!

      He was in shambles and foaming because of the news that hit him. Nobody told you in advance? C-c-c, what a shame. Ha-ha... Perfect surprise for the uninitiated! The devil tricked you Hon, why do you serve him foolishly, rather than the Pope?!

    4. Obviously, Diana, you have no understanding of Asian culture. What matters is the objective was reach, that is to replace AAA. Whether, he knew a minute late as to who is going to be appointed to replace AAA is not important. The goal was to replace him. He did it in a fashion that nobody anticipated. He got rid of the 'toxic' unceremoniously.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 8:39 pm,

      Archbishop Apuron still retains his title. If he is found not guilty in the canonical trial, he will return as the Ordinary of the Archdiocese of Agana. Archbishop Byrnes will stay on and assist him until he retires.

    6. I don't think that is how a canonical trial works. Documents are reviewed, facts are reviewed. If the evidence is strong against Apuron, he will simply be removed as the Archbishop of Agana. At this point, with Archbishop Byrnes being appointed with special faculties, by the Pope to do everything an archbishop of an archdiocese would and can do; and with the removal of Apuron's name as the incumbent archbishop of the corporation sole which controls the entire assets and operations of the Archdiocese of Agana, the only thing Apuron has now is the title Archbishop of Agana, which technically has no authority whatsoever. Apuron cannot tell Archbishop Byrnes what to do at all, as Byrnes has that authority directly from the Pope, with rights to succeed Apuron, and with that authority from the Pope, he removed Apuron from all civil and ecclesial authorities over the Archdiocese of Agana, which means at this point: Archbishop Byrnes will take Apuron's title as soon as that canonical trial is over. Removal of Apuron's title in front of his name is the last "nail in his coffin". He may be laicized as a result of the canonical trial, which means he will have no benefits which accrue to the clergy of the Archdiocese of Agana.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 11:26 pm,

      Archbishop Byrnes was given authority. Authority can also be removed and restored. Everything is dependent upon the outcome of the canonical trial. The fact that his title remains means that his authority can be restored. Everything is dependent upon the outcome of the canonical trial. The Vatican is willing to give Archbishop Apuron due process.

    8. Diana, why was Apuron's name as the incumbent archbishop of the corporation sole which controls the entire assets and operations of the Yona property, removed? Why was his name removed? I don't understand that part. If Pope Francis wanted Apuron to keep the control over the RMS, then why was his name replaced by the name of the new Archbishop?

  3. Diana,

    This may not be directly related to the RMS but it sort of is.

    I watched Mother Dawns, I hope that is the right way to address her, interview on line, and I could not help but notice some of the similarities, to the Way, in how she describes the Carmelite Order. For example, she calls the sisters who were on Guam as Communities (there were 21, small like the NCW communities). The Sisters she said were from Mexico, non from Guam...NCW brings to Guam Seminarians from all over the world to include Guam and Micronesia.

    As I listened to her I began to think, when was the last time you saw a Carmelite Nun at a Sunday mass...never I said to myself. And when have you ever been to a Carmelite Monastery...yes, that one time during world youth day in Poland but we were not allowed inside, only at the foyer...not sure what that area was called. It occurred to me that it is the same as for Seminaries. Although I have been in seminaries but only in the common areas.

    I also noted that she said the donation was to pay off the loan for a seminary building. She also said that there was some discussion between her and AB Apuron about the $15K month payment to BOG.

    We know that the BOG application for the loan indicated the reason for the loan was for the RM Seminary. The Donation to pay the loan came 2 years later. The RM Seminary already has been occupying that building for about 2 years. So, I'm trying to understand how she could have missed that one important piece of information. Then again it occurred to me that perhaps she never saw the Bank application, that she only knew that it was a seminary, that the money to pay the loan was transferred from the donor to BOG.


  4. Ooh what could that news be?? But in dealing with blind and deaf people these years(I didn't say bad people)because they just are deceived because they haven't been initiated into faith..even if Pope Francis himself came saying things contrary to themselves and their demands they will probably blame Kiko, Guisseppe, or Pius again. "The Pope is in their pocket"

    1. Dear Anonymous @ 3:03
      Are you inferring that if we are not Walking we "haven't been initiated into faith"? I take offence to that because I am not. And I am not a Jungle follower, nor do I believe all that they say.
      Your comment just adds credence to what has been said-- that you folks believe NCW is the only way.

    2. Anon @ 3:03 PM, Brother Tony will be home soon. 😊😊😊

  5. The idea that the Seminary was strictly for the NCW formation was lost n a lot of people because the Archbishop billed it to everyone as for Our Archdiocese. Why do you think so many millions support were donated by Guam faithful. ? Even now the report on RMS states it does not have strong Archdiocesan identity. I believe people were falsely led. What do you think Diana. Do you remember this time period? I know you're young.

  6. Why are we so stuck on this property? Why do we need suck an extravagant asset? With less than twenty seminarians, why do we need an entire hotel to house them? Why can't they move into ( let's say ) the former Carmelites monastery? This particular property/ asset needs to go! It has caused do much conflict. Like my mom told my brother when we fought over the same toy, "if we can't share,(she took it away) no one plays with it! Diana can you please share your thoughts on this?

  7. It's all about Tim Casino!!!!!!!

    1. Ai adai.....even Diana has moved on from that call, anon 4.16am.

  8. Not so fast, Rohr! You haven't won anything yet!

    1. Rohr, tell me pray where is Frank Blas?! I just cannot see him anymore around the Guam Legislature. What happened to him? Was he eaten by the wolves? Lol.

      People say he is not even a senator anymore. Because he proposed a bill to destroy the Catholic church. Yeah! THIS is your victory, man, just keep it in you mind! Lol!

    2. Did you eat Senator Frank Blas Jr? Did you know that he's Dakon Tenorio's nephew? Do you see what the NEO does to families? It tears them apart and does not unify them.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:06 pm,

      Frank Blas Jr. lost the election. Do not blame that on the NCW. The majority of people who are not in the Way voted him out.

    4. You don't get it. The NCW coerced his uncle to read a script under the direction of Edivaldo on local tv and his nephew authored a bill that basically said otherwise. That is all.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 8:29 pm,

      How was he forced? Father Edivaldo had nothing on him.

  9. Stop your song about the a casino. There is absolutely no truth in this statement. What is absolutely true is the Way is not good for Guam . To begin anew the seminary must be closed and the remaining candidates sent back to their countries. Those that are ordained must go for future training so they can conduct themselves like our diocesan priests in our true faith.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:07 am,

      The seminarians at RMS are being taught by professors approved by the Lateran University in Rome. They are diocesan priest's and some of them went on to get higher degrees.

    2. Anon. at 11:07 am, how will you and the diocesan priest "Go to announce to all corners of the earth" the Word of God. I'm guessing not ever, so that is what RMS does, it prepares mission priests who are willing to do it, and that is what NCW members are doing. So if you don't want to go and announce to the world the word of God then that is your choice. But it is every Christians duty to spread HIS Word, to announce His Word to all "corners of the earth," to evangelize.

      It is okay if you don't want to go and spread the Word of God, but if you are a christian than you must support those who are willing to it, otherwise you are hindering the spreading, and the announcing of Gods Word.


    3. Then leave GUAM and go on a mission. We've already been colonized and living the Faith life that the first missionaries taught us many, many years ago. The church on GUAM is doing just fine without the NCW.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 8:36 pm,

      If everything was so fine and dandy, then why did Guam go from 98% to 85% Catholic? Why are there more seasonal Catholics? The only time I see the Parish full is during Christmas, Easter, and Fiesta. Why are more Catholics living together rather than getting married in church? Why are Catholics committing suicide, getting divorce, and having abortion is everything was so fine and dandy?

    5. 8:36pm:

      Why do you care about what the NCW is doing? Just leave them alone and continue doing what was perfectly fine and dandy for you. Regardless of what you want other people to do, the NCW will still be supported because you cannot control what others do. The only person you can change is yourself.

      So ask yourself, why YOU hate the NCW so much that you want it out of Guam. What is the NCW doing to YOU that you have a problem with it because you have made it clear that it bothers YOU simply by the fact that you are posting on Diana's blog.

  10. Diana
    I'm interested in your reply to anonymous 8:21.... Why do they need a whole hotel for 15 people? Neos or not, it is not financially smart.

  11. But why does the Secretary (2nd in command) for the congregation for the evangelization of peoples work vigorously for the Eventual demise and closing of a seminary dedicated especially to the work of evangelization? HON's head needs to be examined! Hon has for all practical purposes effectively shut down the ability of the archdiocese to ordain priests trained for the evangelization of Guam and the Pacific.

  12. The good news is that Archbishop Apuron is returning to Guam soon. There, I beat you to it Diana.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:40 pm, That was not the news I was thinking of. I never said what the good news was, but you interpreted to mean that Archbishop Apuron was returning on December 8th.

    2. Diana Anon @ 8:40 PM only said that Archbishop Apuron is returning to Guam "soon" but you added the date of December 8th at 8:44 PM.

      THANK YOU!!!

    3. Dear Anonymous at 4:50 pm,

      There is a rumor going around in the jungle saying that Archbishop Apuron is returning on December 8th. In my blog, I simply stated that there is good news coming, but I never said what the good news was.

      Later, someone interpreted it to mean that Archbishop Apuron would be returning, but he/she never said when. I went ahead and published the comment.

      As a result, the jungle misinterpreted my good news to mean that he is returning on December 8th. It was the jungle that gave the date and circulated the rumor among the jungle watch nation.
