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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Archbishop Apuron Welcomes Bishop Byrnes

It was on October 24th when I announced in my blog that we are getting a new Bishop to replace Archbishop Hon.  Eight days later, the name of the new bishop hit the news.  Did you honestly think that it was only mere coincidence that I would make such an announcement and then eight days later, the announcement came true?  Once we learned the name of the new Bishop, the media was the FIRST one to announce his name because the information was given to them FIRST.  The information bypassed Archbishop Hon so he would NOT be the first one to announce it.  The next morning when Archbishop Hon learned about the new Bishop, he called for a press conference to announce his coming......too late! As a matter of fact, even Father Mike Crisostomo was surprised to hear about the new bishop from the media.  You can listen to Father Mike's interview with Patti Arroyo here.  

There are now rumors circulating in the jungle saying that Bishop Byrnes was chosen to replace Archbishop Apuron, which is further from the truth.  This is why we allowed the information to bypass Archbishop Hon and have the media announce the name of the new coadjutor bishop first. Had Hon announced it FIRST, many people would believe the false rumor that Bishop Byrnes was chosen to replace Archbishop Apuron.  My post on October 24th made it clear that it was Hon who was being replaced.  The seat of the Archdiocese of Agana was never vacant, and Apuron remains the Ordinary, the Archbishop of Agana. Nevertheless, we at least now know who our NEXT Archbishop of Agana would be in the future. According to PNC news:
One of the biggest issues is what's going to happen with Archbishop Anthony Apuron? Archbishop Byrnes says Archbishop Apuron will remain the archbishop until death or the mandatory age of retirement. 

"As far as I know, I mean that's my understanding. I know the difference here is that the holy father has removed his faculty to exercise pastoral care and assigned them to me for the time being,” said Byrnes. 

Archbishop Apuron has come out to congratulate Bishop Michael Byrnes. According to KUAM news:
In a statement to local press on Wednesday, Archbishop Anthony Apuron welcomes his successor to Guam as the new leader of the island's Catholic faithful. "It is with great joy that I welcome the news of the appointment of Bishop Michael J. Byrnes as coadjutor archbishop of Agana by the Holy Father," Apuon wrote. 
Apuron's last known location was in Rome, as captured in a video statement after allegations of child molestation surfaced against him. Although he doesn't specify, Apuron states he remains on retreat "working with the authorities in the Vatican to establish my innocence." 
As we've been reporting, Apuron stands accused of sexually assaulting Roy Quintanilla, Walter Denton, Roland Sondia, and the late Joseph "Sonny" Quinata - all from Agat and all former altar servers at Mount Carmel Parish in the southern village where Apuron was a priest decades ago. In later months, Ramon Afaisen DePlata also publicly accused Apuron, stating he had witnessed the priest engaging in sexual affairs with an altar boy in the 1960s. 
Apuron will have the opportunity to clear his name in a canonical trial to be held in the Vatican. Limited information has been made available on when that trial will take place. 
Meanwhile, here at home Apuron faces a $2 million defamation suit and most recently a civil case for child sex abuse, which was filed at the Superior Court of Guam on Tuesday. "Despite my necessary absence," Apuron wrote, "I offer my heartfelt thanks to the Archbishop Designate Byrnes for accepting this appointment. I commend him to the hearts and prayers of all the people of Guam, whom I know will give the warmest of welcomes." 
Also extending a Hafa Adai welcome to Bishop Byrnes is the newly-formed organization Catholic Families for Apuron. Led by Dr. Ricardo Eusebio, they welcome the new bishop, stating, "We applaud the Vatican's move and look forward to the arrival of Bishop Byrne. We thank God for answering our prayers and continuing to pray for the vindication of Archbishop Apuron, the Archbishop of Agana." 
With a new bishop on board, it's not known what would happen should Apuron clear his name. Bishop Byrnes could only say this during an interview with KUAM News on Tuesday: "That's a question I don't know the answer to - that would be a question I should have asked I had a chance to meet the Holy Father last Friday. I honestly don't know the answer to that question."
Bishop Byrnes, who is lives in Detroit, is anticipated to visit the island late November and make the permanent move to Guam in January. 


  1. I am placing the comment made under the last OP also under this OP: According to the anonymous poster:

    AnonymousNovember 2, 2016 at 7:00 PM
    Fact - Hon failed to remove apuron.
    Fact - Hon is and was removed in disgrace.
    Fact - Hon was not informed by way of official channels of the appointment of Byreans.
    Fact - Byreans appointment was effective immediately when it was announced.
    Fact - neither was Krebs informed, or else news would have reached HON's ears in a matter of seconds.

    So Hon and Krebs were intentionally left in the dark by the powers that be in the Vatican.
    Not only were Krebs and Hon left in the dark, they were completely caught off guard by their superiors in Rome. This information was intentionally withheld from them.

    1. JW doesn't understand that by choosing a coadjutor bishop, we made sure that Mon. James or whoever JW endorses will never be the next Archbishop.

    2. So Anon @ 7:26 PM, you're finally admitting there's truth to the JW rumors that the NCW controls what goes on in Rome. That's why it only took 1 month of complaints from the Neos for action to be taken. Thanks for your honesty.

    3. In fact, Hon and Krebs are sore losers. Hon failed in everything. He is a Chinaman from Hong Kong who came to Guam to teach us a lesson. Really?! Well, now he leaves in shambles after he had to take a lesson from us! Ha-ha.

      Dear Archbishop Hon, you were not informed before Diana, because you are not favored. Diana and we in the Way are the favored ones! Lol. Haven't you got it yet? Well, it's just too bad for everyone who thought otherwise. But you'll eventually understand that even if you are an Archbishop and we are just people walking, we are the ones who have the Holy Spirit and the holy channel to Vatican. Yeah!

      You lost it because you were disobedient to the order of Pope Francis not to judge Archbishop Apuron! You cannot judge a protected person, who is protected under canonical law and trial! You failed as everybody will fail who is against the Holy Spirit and Archbishop Apuron! We are those who see the Holy Spirit. RMS is the work of the Holy Spirit! The rector of RMS was appointed by the Holy Spirit. Now you had to learn what happens to those who sin against the Holy Spirit!

      Even a Chinaman from Hong Kong can be a good Catholic. I heard there are many. But you were not one of those. It is true that without you trip to Rome Archbishop Byrnes would not have been appointed coadjutor Archbishop of Agana. At least not now. But this was not your success! Not at all. You cannot succeed against the Holy Spirit. It was actually your failure. We are one ones who walk in the Way who made the difference for you! Now, you may go in peace. Please, do not grind your teeth. Lol!

    4. Dear Anon at 10:18 pm, Rome is controlled by the Holy Spirit. Now, who is at fault if the Neocatechumenal Way follows the Holy Spirit and therefore, Rome cannot ignore what we say? It is coming from the source of the true charism of the Way, that is the Holy Spirit.

      I am glad today you learned something new, my friend.

    5. Dear anon at 10:57 and 11:02 pm, JW features your comments on their front page. Was this your purpose? Are you truly walking? Diana has never put it that way as you did! Your mocking and scoffing is over the line! I have never heard anyone in the communities to talk like this.

      We do believe that the Holy Spirit guides us in our daily lives. But only if we are humble enough to listen to him.

    6. Dear Anonymous 7:19 AM,I don't see anything wrong with the comments. What is your problem? JW took it and placed in their blog because they are extremely irritated. Irritated by the truth!

    7. Dear Anonymous at 9:11 am,

      I do not agree with those comments. There are comments I have published that I do not agree with, but I publish them only because I believe in freedom of expression. The problem I see with those statements is "pride." To say that the NCW is the one who has the Holy Spirit and the holy channel to the Vatican shows a lot of pride and no humility. The truth is.....the Vatican listened to us and responded within only a month because they saw our plight. Many of the brothers spoke of how the Way brought them closer to Christ.

  2. monsignor james will still be made Archbishop. Bishop Byrnes is 58. in 17 years he be 75. Monsignor James is 50. 17 years he be 68. bishops retire 75. James will have 7 years as bishop.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:02 pm,

      You speak as though you know what the future holds. For all we know, Monsignor James may be indicted for misappropriation of funds, and there goes his future.

    2. How can a corrupt Msgr who stole monies from the cemetery and cathedral (this is all verified and substantiated by Deloitte and Touche) be made archbishop? This is the perpetual dream of Richard Untalan and Nino David Lujan. Benavente is a crook! He has a history in the bars and night clubs of Manila! You really want him to be the archbishop? Are you out of your your mind?

    3. yes, Richard Untalan was working to make Monsignor James Bishop of Guam. Heard he was the one financing Monsignor James.

    4. Holy Father appointed Archbishop Byrnes. At this time all Episcopal Positions on Guam have been filled. No local priest will be appointed a bishop for at least ten years. so lets all move on and welcome Archbishop Byrnes.

  3. Life is short. Five children perished in a house fire in Yigo. Pedestrian died after being struck by a car in Mangilao. Airman drowned at a Naval Base Guam beach. Local man dead after weekend fight in Tumon. And so on. Did any of them know they would die so quickly? Young, old, healthy, sick, rich, poor. Death has no favorites.

    I appreciate life more these days as I approach my 58th birthday. God has blessed me with my wife, two sons, a faith community, wonderful friends and a great job. Walking in the Way helps me to get my priorities straight – God, wife, children, then everything else. Without the love and mercy of God I would have nothing.

    However, my pride still hinders me from being able to truly love. Little by little, my pride and stony heart is being broken down and I am learning to love. “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35.

    I look at our local Catholic Church and desire we overcome the disagreements we have with each other. “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust.” Matthew 5:43-45.

    After all, we are children of God, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. Let’s realize the real enemy here – Satan, the evil one. His time is short in continuing to instigate us to turn against each other. “…for the Devil has come down to you in great fury, for he knows he has but a short time.” Revelation 12:12.

    Will we let Satan win by destroying our local Catholic Church? Will we continue to be Satan’s accomplices in hurling lies and insults to each other because our Catholic Church is not what we would like it to be? Reconcile. Forgive. Love. Life is short.

    1. Dear Joe, I wish Tim Rohr and all members of his circles would take the time to read carefully and take it to their hearts what you say.

  4. Well whoopee Diana! Who the heck cares that you made the announcement first. What's the big deal?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:21 pm,

      The light of truth shines brightly. :-)

    2. The big deal is that Diana is implying that by knowing this first, the NCW is superior and more favored than the rest.

      What she doesn't understand is that it simply shows corruption.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 9:34 pm,

      On the contrary. It was done to keep Tim Rohr from spreading the fairy tale that Bishop Byrnes was chosen to remove Archbishop Apuron just as we predicted. It is to show how the jungle invents fairy tales.

    4. Are you saying Jungle invent stories. That is very unfair Diana. Past two days you invented stories telling us you announced the name of the new bishop. Do you think you are so close to the pope he told you first his name? Truth is diana i knew two weekks ago but unlike you i kept the pontifical secret. you blasted it in social media. Do you see the problem?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 10:31 pm,

      Of course, the jungle invented stories. Just recently, Tim invented the story that my blog stated that Father Miguel will be the new bishop. My friend, Tim Rohr did not even know the name of the bishop until he woke up that morning to see it in the newspaper.

    6. Lol! Tim, please check your sources. Ha-ha!

    7. Big deal? Master know it all Tim Rohr, didn't ''KNOW''

  5. Diana, this is what Tim says in his latest post about your victory celebrating:

    "What Apuron did not tell them is that the response from Pope Francis on September 30, was HELL NO. Specifically, Apuron was told that Pope Francis' appointment of Hon was "per mandatum speciale Summi Pontificus, and therefore in the name of the Holy Father, against Whose decision there is no recourse." In other words, Tony, SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN.

    Apuron's attempt to get rid of Hon appears to have sent Francis over the top because not only did he tell Tony to shut up and sit down, he underscored his intent to finally get rid of this pathetic pedophile (who he had already asked to resign on May 28) by appointing a bishop who not only now has the immediate right of succession to Apuron's episcopal seat (sorry Adrian), but was given special faculties by the pope himself to immediately administer all aspects of the diocese "without exception."

    So this is why Tricky Dick and Dingbat Diana are rushing to frame Byrne's appointment as a victory. They think Apuron's attempt at hierarchical recourse actually worked when the truth is that Apuron the Molester just got a major slap down that he didn't tell them about. (LOL Tricky Dick and Dingbat Diana!)"

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:22 am,

      Your comment deserves a post of its own.

    2. As the responsible party for financial matters, Archbishop Byrnes will take over the corporation soles of the archdiocese, as well. yes, this includes the RMS! Therefore, he'll have the right to rescind the deed restriction. This places a heavy burden on Apuron to disassociate himself from the Gennarini plot and act before Archbishop Byrnes has to.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 7:30 am,

      What makes you think Archbishop Byrnes will rescind the deed restriction?

    4. Anon @ 7:30 AM made a good observation. But I don't think Archbishop Byrnes will be able to take any action in the time remaining before the statute of limitations runs out. He said he needs to learn from both sides and there's not enough time to bring him up to date. He doesn't seem like the type to act without getting all the 411. And there's a lot to learn.
      So RMS will still belong to Kiko. No worries.

    5. The statute of limitation is immaterial when you, as the Archbishop of Agana with special powers, are in charge of the corporation sole. Gennarini is cringing right now!

    6. Dear Anonymous at 8:05 am,

      Really? I think you are cringing instead. :-)

    7. Diana, it is too bad you are so selective in what contributions you publish on your blog.

    8. ear Anonymous at 5:03 pm,

      I have to be selective because some people are making comments that are close to rumors and cannot be verified while others attack the poster rather than the topic of discussion. Many others are veering off the OP.

    9. my dear Diana at November 3, 2016 at 5:23 PM, your reply to Anonymous at 5:03 pm, differs from your Diana entry on November 4, 2016 at 10:23 AM, to Dear Anonymous at 9:11 am...

      wherein you state...
      I do not agree with those comments.
      There are comments I have published that I do not agree with, "but I publish them only because I believe in freedom of expression".

      so, which is it "freedom" or "rumors and cannot be verified", because earlier you also stated "no truth in blogs, just opinions"...

      my dear diana, I understand its your blog/your rules, but what is see is inconsistency to your blog rules...

      I hope this comment is NOT seen as an "attack" or being off "topic", we'll see if published or not.

      Thank You

    10. Dear Anonymous at 11:12 am,

      In my book, freedom of expression comes with responsibilities. Unfortunately, not everyone like to take responsibility of the things they write. I am not going to publish a comment saying that Archbishop Hon told Apuron to resign in 2015, four months after their visitation, especially when we already know that Archbishop Hon did not send any letter asking Apuron to resign until 2016. There are times I publish comments I do not agree with, but I publish them mainly for dialogue. And yes, it is my blog.
