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Sunday, October 23, 2016

An Honest Mistake

An anonymous commenter made the following comment, which can be found here.  According to his/her comment: 
AnonymousOctober 23, 2016 at 10:18 PM  
Diana, Timmy isn't refuting Dr. Eusebio's response. He's only going after the little errors like the date. I think Dr. Eusebio may have gotten the date wrong. If he got the date wrong, that is not a lie. That's an honest mistake. From Junglewatch: 
"1. Tricky Dick says: "To form presbyters of the “New Evangelization” is not a characteristic of the Neocatechumenal Way, as is made clear by the St. Pope John Paul II’s Ad Limina message to CEPAC (Dec. 5, 1999)." 
This is seriously funny. The problem for Tricky Dick is...well, me. I actually look things up. Tricky Dick, like a trained parrot, just repeats what he's told. The Kiko's love to throw "the pope said this, the pope said that" around. And the reference to "St. Pope John Paul II’s Ad Limina message to CEPAC (Dec. 5, 1999)" is another attempt by Tricky Dick and his kiko-brains to shut down mere peasants like ourselves."

For those who have been reading the jungle, Tim has been nit-picking Dr. Eusebio's response on little things like the date, grammatical errors, not being able to see the full report of the Denver law firm, etc.  Anonymous at 10:18 pm made a correct assumption.  Dr. Eusebio made an honest error on the date.  

Dr. Eusebio cited St. Pope John Paul II's Ad Limina message to CEPAC on December 5, 1999.  Tim stated that there was no meeting of CEPAC on December 5, 1999. The reason being is because Dr. Eusebio made an error in the year.  There was a meeting of CEPAC on December 5, 1998.  You can read St. Pope John Paul II's address to CEPAC dated Decmber 5, 1998 here.  

Therefore, Dr. Eusebio was not lying.  He was telling the truth, but simply wrote the incorrect year, which is an honest mistake that can happen to anyone.  An error on the year is not a deliberate lie.  The truth is....there was a meeting with St. Pope John Paul II with CEPAC on December 5, 1998.  

Furthermore, I would also like to point out that in any debate or discussion, the one who starts attacking the person through name-calling rather than the issue already lost the debate.  


  1. So where is the full report of the Denver-based law office on RMS Guam? Show the documents the it will be well.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:44 am,

      Bring on your lawsuit, then you will see the entire document. CCOG's lawyer already saw it. He simply cannot make xerox copies or photograph it. The fact that it was already seen by CCOG's lawyer shows that the document exists. The document exists and that is all that matters. So go ahead and bring on your lawsuit, and we will resolve it in court.

    2. Diana, why can't you just show us the document. Everything will be well once you show us the document.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 7:31 am,

      You want us to show you the document even after the Bronze lawyer can verify its existence? Just take the matter to court. Many people are tired of showing documents only for the jungle to nit-pick on the grammatical errors.

  2. Tim is now saying that Dr. Eusebio got the content of the letter wrong.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:41 am,

      As I said, Tim Rohr is only nit-picking. I guess someone must have finally told him that he did not look hard enough. If he did,he would have realized that Dr. Eusebio wrote the incorrect year. Now someone among the junglefolks need to go back and tell Tim that the subject of the sentence was not the Neocatechumenal Way. The subject of Dr. Eusebio's sentence was the "new evangelization", which he placed in quotation marks. As St. Pope John Paul II pointed out to CEPAC, evangelization is the job for the entire Church especially the Bishops. In other words, Dr. Eusebio was correct in stating that forming priests for the "new evangelization" is not only the job of the Way. It is the job for the entire Church. Tim Rohr knows that what Dr. Eusebio said about evangelization is the truth, but he nit-picks on the date only to discredit Dr. Eusebio and call him a liar.

  3. God had answered our prayers; Monsignor James and Father Efren are shepherding the way against the NCW liturgy abuses in Saint Anthony. God is Great!

    1. Dear A only opus at 11:16 am,

      Yes, Monsignor James and Father Efren is against the Way. Father Mike and Father Jeff are also against the Way. But they will not succeed in destroying the Way.
