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Monday, September 19, 2016

More Information On Bankruptcy

This is more information on what is happening to dioceses in the United States who filed for bankruptcy.   In Guam, the first ones that will be liquidated will be the parishes.  Why?  Because every village has a parish.  The reason there are parishes in every village was because a long time ago, a vast majority of the people walked.  Today, almost everyone has a car; therefore, it is easier and sensible to liquidate parishes.  Parishioners will simply drive to the nearest parish rather than their village parish. 

The junglefolks have always said that they should fight to save the Church.  So, where are they now? I have said time and time again...that they were the ones out to destroy the Church.  According to article (the bold is mine):

Bankruptcy Judge Rules Spokane Parish Assets Available To Victims

Sun | Local
SPOKANE A federal bankruptcy judge ruled Friday that all the parish churches, parochial schools and other property of the Catholic Diocese of Spokane can be liquidated to pay victims of sexual abuse by priests, a decision that may prompt other dioceses across the nation to avoid filing for Chapter 11 protection.
Spokane Bishop William Skylstad, who had argued that he did not control and could not sell individual parishes to pay victims, said he will appeal.
"We appeal this decision because we have a responsibility, not only to victims, but to the generations of parishioners ... who have given so generously of themselves in order to build up the work of the Catholic Church in Eastern Washington," said Skylstad, who is president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
"Let me assure everyone that ministry will continue in Eastern Washington," Skylstad said in a statement.
The Spokane Diocese serves about 90,000 Catholics in 13 Eastern Washington counties, from Metaline Falls on the Canadian border to Walla Walla on the Washington-Oregon line. It filed for Chapter 11 protection in December, listing assets of $11.1 million and liabilities of $81.3 million. Most of the liabilities are sexual abuse claims.
Skylstad has repeatedly apologized to victims of past sexual abuse by priests and said he wants to compensate them fairly but he has also insisted the Catholic Church must survive in Eastern Washington and continue its ministry.
David Clohessy of St. Louis Mo., national director of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said the decision should make other bishops think twice about trying to protect assets by filing for bankruptcy, as the Spokane, Tucson, Ariz., and Portland, Ore., dioceses have done.
"We applaud this decision and hope it speeds the day when hundreds of deeply wounded and still hurting abuse victims get some relief and healing," Clohessy said, adding he hoped "bishops will act more like caring shepherds and less like cold-hearted CEOs.
"The notion that somehow bishops don't control their parishes is ludicrous," he added.
With many Catholic dioceses across the nation facing lawsuits from victims of sex abuse, this decision was being closely watched.
Lawyers for the Spokane Diocese had argued that the bishop holds in trust legal title to individual parish churches and other Catholic assets, but does not actually control those assets and cannot sell them. They based their claim on church law.
Skylstad contended that only about $10 million in assets directly under his control was available to settle lawsuits brought by 58 victims of sexual abuse.
But attorneys for the victims argued that the bishop actually controls more than 82 parish churches, 16 parochial schools, Catholic cemeteries and other property. Victims contended the diocese's financial assets totaled more than $80 million, and that it should be treated like any other business.


  1. It would make far more sense to liquidate the RMS property in Yoña than any parish churches. What are the priorities of the Catholic Church on Guam?

    If the Archdiocese chooses to seek bankruptcy protection, it can make either argument. The judge would have the final word, under applicable law, precedent, and principles of equity.

    Case law resolved solely in the Eastern District of Washington, and not appealed to the Ninth Circuit, would not be binding on the District of Guam.

    1. Dear CNMI lawyer,

      Have you forgotten the donor? The donor paid 2 million dollars for a seminary. The Church is not going to disrespect the wishes of the donor. Also, the deed restriction protects the Yona property from being sold, so no lawsuit can touch it.

      It is much more sensible to shut down the parishes especially parishes that are close by such as Barrigade, Manigilao, Chalan Pago and Ordot.

    2. Yet the deed restriction itself can be set aside in a lawsuit if it is determined to be a Fraudulent Conveyance, that is, one made with at least a partial intention to evade known or potential liability for claims against the Archdiocese.

    3. When parishes start closing down, you can blame JungleWatch, CCOG, LFM, and Silent No More. They are the reasons for your village parishes closing down. As for the RMS, it will continue to stand since the deed restriction protects it from being sold. In their desire to shutting down the seminary, they would only succeed in shutting down their village parish. The NCW will also continue on.

    4. Dear CNMI lawyer,

      Except that it is not fraudulent. And we have the paperwork to prove it. All CCOG has to do is take it court like they said they would. And we can settle it in court once and for all.

  2. Diana how dare you order the close down of our Parish Barrigade. Fr.Adrian will not allow our Parish to be closed down. Worrying you who we support should say you want to close parish down.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:18 pm,

      I am not in authority to order the closure of any parish. It may not only be your parish that may close down, but others that are nearby. They could close down Barrigada and parishioners of Barrigada, Ordot, and Chalan Pago would then attend attend Mass in Maniglao. They may also close down other parishes in the south so that the villagers in Merizo, Umatac, and Inarajan would all attend one parish together.

    2. I don't think Diana was serious about closing down Barrigada and your right Fr Adrian won't let the parish be shut down. I think she was just GIVING EXAMPLES about which parishes can be closed down.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 1:30 pm,

      Exactly. I was merely giving an example. If it comes to closing down parishes, the first ones would be those that are close in proximity. And the church would decide which parish would remain open to accommodate the nearby villages.

    4. Brigade parish we'll never be close down because it is our first parish that we obtained

  3. I don't get it. Why did Fr. Michael Junctun say that reading Hon's letter is bad news?

    F. Leon GuerreroSeptember 19, 2016 at 12:52 PM
    Hagatna, 7:00 pm mass: Father Michael Jucutan, the scrambler, announced: I have good news and I have bad news." The good news is that there won't be any reading of the jubilee prayer (silent laughter). The bad news was that he would be reading the letter from Archbishop Hon (insert muffled guffaws, here). So therefore, he adds, that his homily would be very short. Now I'm ROFLAO and dying to start the applause. What was even more shocking was that he barely mentions the petitions in the back of the church. Well done, Jucutan, well done!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:51 pm,

      Perhaps because his letter came too late. There were two public hearings on the bill and the only one who stood up against it was Zoltan. This is a huge embarrassment for Archbishop Hon and the Church.

    2. You know, I agree with you, Diana!!

    3. Tim Rohr, CCOG,LFM are the reason destroying the church!

  4. file for bankruptcy, liquidate the seminary..more than enough money to pay the victims and current debt. set aside money to settle for more legitimate victims of clergy abuse. buy a smaller and manageable properties that can be used as seminary and retreat center. Different communities can pay to use the retreat can be used to maintain both properties.

    1. That was the plan of the Rohr-Klitzkie mafia from the beginning! To force the church into bankruptcy so that the donated property that was freely obtained can be sold for horrendous extra-profit and you can lay a hand on that money.

      The contract with the alleged "victims" that Rohr-Klitzkie made with them when they wrote up their "testimonies" makes sure that this mafia will have its big chunk of the spoil. Sablan is just a sour outsider, a paid tongue, who pushes for admission into the mafia in hope of a crumble.

      Here we go, a white collar net of money hungry criminals who have the luxury to bend the law to accommodate their crime.

  5. Bankruptcies are federal filings that automatically freeze civil lawsuits until the bankruptcy is complete – which can take years – and bar any future lawsuits. Suits are frozen while the archdiocese inventories its assets and establishes a trust from which victims are then paid. Legally, a trial can continue after the bankruptcy is complete, but that is extremely rare.

    Declaring bankruptcy allows the church time to negotiate settlements with victims, organize its assets in a reorganization plan and ensure that victims get some sort of financial compensation for the alleged abuse.

    1. It is easy money robbing Catholic people from the assets of their own contributions, blood, sweat and tears, to accommodate a bunch of money-hungry people. Yeah, this is OUR blood, sweat and tears, that these churches were build. We do not give that away to anyone who is morally so deprived that wants our church money from the collection boxes.

      What do we have to do with whatever happened 40 and 60 years ago, who were not even born yet at that time? It is not our business! We demand justice for US! Who dares to punish us, who have nothing to do with the law suit? Why should we pay these people lavishly from our own church money? Why should we shoulder these old guys crying abuse after 40-60 years being silent?

  6. Diana...why didn't you stand up against this bill if you're opposed?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:27 pm,

      I think the important question is why Archbishop Hon did not stand up against it?

    2. Nobody stood up against it. Senator Frank Aguon organized the public hearing who is a good friend of Rohr and donation member of CCOG. Frank Aguon and his armed "helpers" made sure nobody could stand up against the bill.

    3. So not true, 9:15PM! Please don't try to make up stories to try and excuse the fact that only 1 person came to testify.

    4. God bless Zoltan he only one who talk against bill in senate. Where was Fr.Jeff that time senate hearing?

  7. Yeay!!! Go Doug Moylan.... tell David Sablan the truth of the consiquences the island faces with ccog lfm and others that try to bankrupt the church.. I hope the Government is ready to handle the results if Governor does not veto bill in question. David Sablan is delusional if he thinks the island catholic church can just rebound and start from scratch.... what a joke....

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:46 pm,

      This bill also affects government institutions. Recently, a young girl claimed sexual harassment against the Superintendent of Education. If this bill was passed, what is to stop her from suing the entire Guam Department of Education especially since the Education board supported the superintendent.

    2. Bingo, Diana! This is the avenue Rohr and his gang opened to bankrupt all of Guam.

    3. If it can be proven that the institution played a part in covering up the assaults, then yes they can also be sued. The Board's support of the Supt of Ed is not the same as the cover-ups that are being alleged in the church, tho.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 9:39 pm,

      By institution, you are involving people who have nothing to do with the coverup. There are many people who work under the institution of the Archdiocese and have no involvement.

  8. From my understanding...its written only for private sector...Gov guam excluded? Which points out what they intended due to cases involing the church? Against Archbishop Apuron...
    Bill is not fair and is partial....

  9. News flash

    Gov may not act at all....letting it lapse into law...then he will blame the legislature for cooking up this plan. He will wash his hands free from this.

  10. I would rather see a church that is poor but faithful to God's call for justice and righteousness.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:44 am,

      How blind you are. The Church is poor and has always been poor. You sound like the Protestants who always accuse the Catholic Church of being wealthy. Where did you think the Church got its money.....from a tree???? The money had always come from the people. It had always been our money and hard work that built up the Church's ministry and services.

    2. Yes diana money of the church comes from the people.
      Archbishop Hon created a confusion. I want Archbishop Anthony to come home. Church more peaceful when Archbishop Anthony in charge. Since Archbishop Hon came many problem.

    3. To Diana @ 8:08 AM -- So after saying what you just said, what's your problem with Bill 326 again?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 10:10 pm,

      Read the following weblink below:

  11. Situation never about NCW on Guam. I think NCW and the Church can work side by side. The disunity is caused by about five priests. Send them off Guam ( one not on Guam) peace will return to our island home.

  12. Who are these priests 10.12am? Archbishop Hon send these priests away.
    Guess Monsinieur/ Fr.Paul.Began with these two. Send them to California . Who are other two?

  13. Rohr's gang small in number but loud .
    They are causing trouble . Group is ten people including dysfunctional clergy supporting a hate campaign against Archbishop Anthony.

  14. There is a hate campaign against Archbishop Apuron. Made up of JW nation members. They constantly on line sending comments. Soon as you comment another comment arrives. like an organized ring.
