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Monday, September 12, 2016

Defense Lawyers Ask Judge For Dismissal Of Lawsuit

According to KUAM news:

Defense in the $2 million libel and slander suit against Archbishop Anthony Apuron and the Archdiocese of Agana are asking the court to dismiss the complaint. In court filings made late Monday, defense calls the defamation suit "unusual", as it was sparked by paid ads by the Concerned Catholics of Guam. 
Defense states the archdiocese has publicly recanted and retracted Apuron's statements at issue and notes plaintiffs fail to plead special damages. 
The plaintiffs listed are Roy Quintanilla, Walter Denton, Roland Sondia, and Doris Concepcion on behalf of her son Joseph "Sonny" Quinata. Each of the plaintiffs alleges Apuron molested them decades ago. The suit follows press release and video statements from the archdiocese and Apuron, which defended Apuron's innocence and called his accusers liars who were out to destroy the church.The church is represented by local attorney Jeff Cook and Apuron represented by Attorney Jacque Terlaje.


  1. Doubt it'll get dismissed.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:26 am,

      Actually, there is a greater possibility that it will get dismissed because this whole thing was sparked by an ad paid by CCOG. The ad targeted Archbishop Apuron. And the Archbishop has a right to defend himself. It was the ad in the newspaper that FIRST made the accusation.

      If it was an ad calling for anyone who was sexually molested in general, that would have been okay because such as ad did not target anyone. However, the ad in the newspaper paid by CCOG made the Archbishop the personal target because it specified the exact dates and location where the Archbishop was serving as a priest.

    2. Didn't brother tony say he wanted to sue for defamation? Or was that just all talk? One would think brother tony would've counter sued.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 2:49 am,

      One thing at a time. The Archbishop said two things must happen. One of them is canonical and the other is civil. He is already going through a canonical trial, which is a good thing. There are some priests and bishops who have been accused of the same thing, but were never granted a canonical trial. Instead, they were removed. The fact that the Pope has granted him an canonical trial is a great thing. When that is done, he can move on to the civil one.

  2. Ramon Afaisen de plata, can't even read his script right what a joke!! that Tim Rohr is getting out of hand something needs to be done, file a lawsuit he writes in his blog that he started all this,damaging the bishop reputation.

    1. Really? Your thrashing mr. De Plata's speech? I know a lot of elderly folks that can't read as well. Their education was no where close to what it is today. But I'm sure if mr. De Plata spoke in Chamorro or whatever language he was most comfortable speaking in, you wouldn't joke so much.

    2. Really? 8:48 PM why does he have to read a script? if he knew what happened back then, no need to read a script, no joke!!

  3. Did you notice dear Diana, the timing of all these accusations against Apuron? Once the case went to court, immediately this other accusation of Ramon Afaisen De Plata goes public. Very very fishy. There are people orchestrating the whole show.

  4. "Apuron was a seminar at the time" - De Plata

    Maybe "seminarian" was too big of a word for him.

    1. C'mon, 7:26, is that what you got from his testimony? You ridicule him for a word usage??
      What about his testimony?? If you don't believe him, just say it.

  5. How does one orchestrate something 30-40 years ago, with multiple victims? Why would anyone admit to something so grotesque?

  6. Who is orchestrating all this? I don't believe Tim Rohr can do this alone. There is some ghost " in the know" behind the scene working this.

  7. Can there ever be a guilty Neo?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:01 am,

      Yes, we are all guilty of sin. The NCW also has brothers walking in the Way who are in jail because we also evangelize at the Department of Corrections. There is a community in the NCW at the Department of Corrections. Those who are not in jail are no better, which is why we go to confession.
