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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Message From Father John Wadeson

Dear Brothers,
Today, June 14th is the anniversary of the death of GK Chesterton. A man who wrote powerfully in defense of the truth, yet always respected those with whom he disagreed. If he is a saint, then I pray through his intercession that our controversies in Guam be conducted with the same charity, and defense of the truth.You might enjoy this short biography. 
G.K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936) On this day, 14 June, in 1936 died G.K. Chesterton, writer and journalist. His writings – stories, essays, poems, books, journalism – are infused with an unequalled joy and love of truth. In youth, he went through a crisis of nihilistic pessimism and it was his recovery from this that led him to God and ultimately to conversion. “The Devil made me a Catholic,” he said – meaning that it was the experience of evil and nothingness that convinced him of the goodness and sanity of the world and his creator. His poem “The Ballade of a Suicide” celebrates the salvific value of ordinary things; his novel, “The Man who was Thursday,” narrates the fight for sanity in an insane world and ponders the paradox of God; and “Orthodoxy”, written long before he became a Catholic, highlights orthodoxy not as a dead and static thing but as the only possible point of equilibrium between crazy heresies any one of which would drive us mad. He took part in all the major controversies of his age, and was a lifelong adversary and friend of socialists and atheists such as George Bernard Shaw. These controversies were conducted with passion but with unfailing charity: he never sought to defeat his opponents, only to defeat their ideas. He would never cheat to score a point: and his love for the people he fought against is something that all controversialists should imitate, however hard it may be.
God bless you all.
With you in the struggle,
“When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”                                                                     G. K. Chesterton


  1. Yikes Diana. While I have always appreciated him for his impact on my faith do you really think he is the appropriate messenger right now?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:52 pm,

      Of all people, he is a priest who understands most what it feels like to be accused of sexual abuse. Those allegations appeared out of nowhere. Father John was never indicted nor convicted because the accusers never came forward. Father John Wadeson was exonerated from all allegations of sexual abuse.

      Remember, that Jesus sat with sinners and came to save sinners. We are all sinners. Christ told us not to judge because we are incapable of judging due to our sins. Christ, who has no sin, is the only one who can judge. He is the only one who can clean the temple. Father John wrote to encourage us. So courage! And continue to pray!

    2. SERIOUSLY Diana?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 8:44 pm,

      Was there something wrong with what I said?

  2. Where is Fr Wadeson at the moment? Is he on island?

    1. You mean the other child molester is here on the island?

  3. Junglewatch sent out a message. Something is happening tomorrow at 10:00 am.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:38 pm,

      It is comments like those that makes the Chancery already aware that Tim Rohr is behind the conspiracy to topple the Archbishop at any cost...just to remove him. After all, how would he know what is going to happen tomorrow at 10:00 am if he did not planned it himself?

  4. Sorry but I'm just not buying that conspiracy stuff. Anyone who knows anything about the controversy in this church knows that Tim Rohr has a lot of knowledge on these matters right or wrong. Of course people will turn to him to hell get the word out on matters they want the public to know about.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:21 am,

      The Church does have evidence of the conspiracy, but they have not shown the public yet. As for Tim Rohr, he enjoys theatrics and sensationalism. And he loves attention. Archbishop Hon already said that he will move some priests around. So, I would not be surprised if Monsignor David and Father Adrian are no longer at the chancery. Who knows? He might even move an RMS priest into Santa Barbara Church in Dededo. That would even be wonderful.

    2. Yes, he said he would move some priests around. I don't think Rohr would be happy if an RMS priest was assigned to Dededo.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:44 am,

      I agree. However, it would be interesting if Archbishop Hon decides to move Father Adrian to the Dededo parish, knowing how much Tim hates Father Adrian.

    4. Dededo would have a field day with Adrian!! Would love to see him assigned there.

    5. Why do you keep calling them RMS priests? Aren't they taught in the beliefs of the neocatechumenal way?

    6. Dear Anonymous at 10:54 pm,

      They are RMS priests because they were formed in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary. They were taught Catholic beliefs.

    7. That's not what the statutes say.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 11:25 pm,

      The Bible does say anything about the assumption of Mary or the immaculate conception, but I still believe in those. The Statutes may not say RMS priests, but I do know that they were formed in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary and not at St. John's Seminary.

  5. How come you never post my rebuttal statements regarding the RMS priests and their loyalty to the NCW? This blogsite is so one-sided.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:50 pm,

      How are they loyal only to the NCW when they also minister to non-NCW members in the parish?

  6. Diana, does your catechist know that you have this blog? Are they ok with it? The only reason why I am asking is, The NEO Catechumenal Way is being watched.... There are other who aren't necessarily in the way nor are they part of CCOG who come on and share their views and their ideas. There are also brothers who are in the way and are posting things that makes 1 (who isn't walking) question. Fr. Pius once stated, when hate is being activated, we must de-activate it with love. I'm afraid that others who come to your site, think that you represent the rest of the brothers who are walking. With all that's going on in the church, don't you think we should remain silent like the Mother Mary and to just pray?
    I don't think it is necessary to share that Tim Rohr paid all these victims and what not. Others may think that this is what The Way believes and is teaching its catechumens. Let us be silent and continue in our prayers. God will see it through

    1. Anon at 2:13am-
      One could also look at it this way: Being exposed to different points of view helps to make an informed decision--if you evaluate all the sources, too. Perhaps Fr. Pius just wants you to hear only what he wants you to hear, doesn't want you to question his teachings or his instructions. Are you willing to just take his word for it? Wouldn't you want to know other sides?
      At least Diana hears the other point of view and works to counter it.

    2. Anonymous 9:44- Mercy has 2 legs. One, is to keep an open heart. When you keep an open heart you must keep an open ear. There are many who are suffering within our church. All these victims are suffering, Archbishop Apuron is suffering, and many others. We should listen to what they say, in that way, we may be able to pray for them, for the pain that they endure. The other leg, is forgiveness. Diana has much strength to hear what others say (negative comments) about the way and still respond with kindness majority of the time! :) I just felt it wasn't right to throw accusations that Mr.Rohr paid these alleged victims. I didn't want others to believe that this is what Fr.Pius, Monsignor David, and Fr. Adrian were telling the communities. Forgive me if I have over-stepped. Have a blessed day!
