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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Time Table Of Actual Facts

On September 8, 2011, Richard Untalan wrote to Father Pablo saying that the matter of the TRANSFER of the title involves "alienation." It was Richard Untalan who used the word "transfer", which of course would be objectionable to the legal counsel.   

On November 16, 2011, the Archbishop wrote to Richard Untalan telling him that there is no "alienation" because it would be an "assigning" rather than a "transfer."  In that same letter, the Archbishop also stated that the seminary would be a "corporation sole." 

On November 27, 2011, Attorney Ed Terlaje emailed Richard Untalan and the Finance Council with the following statement (the bold is mine): 
Read your letter and that of the Archbishop.  As you well know, "alienation" and "assignment" are words of distinction without a difference.  Any documents containing these words would place a huge cloud on title to real property which would result in a protracted litigation and prohibitive cost to remove such cloud.  Do you really want to risk title to the property conservatively valued at 75 million dollars?  I have other serious concerns raised in the letter, and if you wish, I would like to discuss in private with you and other members of the finance council. 

You can find the full letters of Richard Untalan and the Archbishop in the jungle.
I placed in bold "protracted litigation".   In his email, Ed Terlaje appeared concern that there may be a protracted litigation (lawsuit or legal action), and his letter was addressing Richard Untalan and the Finance Counsel, NOT the Archbishop.  

Then today, we find Mr. Genranni stating the following in PNC news:
Gennarini denied any involvement in drafting of the papers and told Patti that the deed restriction was created at the suggestion of former Archdiocese of Agana legal counsel, Attorney Ed Terlaje. 
"He was asking the seminary and the archbishop that in order to protect the estate of the diocese in case there is lawsuit ... this was five, seven years ago, six or seven years ago. In order to protect the estate, it was better to do what they do in many diocese of America, which is somehow to assign the property to the different corporation of the diocese," explained Gennarini. 
Attorney Terlaje, however, tells PNC that he had objected to the transfer of the RMS property and he says he had already conveyed this message in a letter he wrote to the archdiocesan finance council. 
According to Mr. Genarinni, he had no involvement with the Declaration of Deed Restriction.  The Declaration of Deed Restriction was created at the suggestion of the Archdiocesan legal counsel Attorney Ed Terlaje in case there is a lawsuit.......the same Ed Terjale who emailed Richard Untalan warning him of a possible protracted litigation.  I also placed in bold what Ed Terlaje said to PNC news, which was NOT a contradiction to Mr. Geraninni's statement.  Attorney Ed Terlaje did write a letter to the Archdiocesan finance council addressing his concerns. 

In his email to Richard Untalan, Ed Terlaje concluded: 
Do you really want to risk title to the property conservatively valued at 75 million dollars?  I have other serious concerns raised in the letter, and if you wish, I would like to discuss in private with you and other members of the finance council.    


  1. Diana, what about the minutes that Tim published in his blog?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:29 pm,

      What about it???? It did not contradict what Mr. Genarinni said to PNC news. According to the minutes of September 7, 2011, it stated:

      "Recently, our legal counsel, Ed Terlaje, has reviewed the legal structure of significant assets to assure they are set up as separate legal entities within the Archdiocese. The Redemptoris Mater Seminary ("RMS") is an asset Ed is currently working on."

      "Separate legal entities WITHIN the Archdiocese." Sounds like it is still under the Archdiocese but a "corporation sole" of its own.

    2. By the way, 11:29 pm,

      Those were not the actual minutes of September 7, 2011 that Tim Rohr published in his blog. That was the proposed agenda that was sent out to the Archdiocese by the Finance Council.

  2. Unbelievable! More lies. refer to the rest of the minutes, why don't you?

    "However, in the current Articles and By-laws of the RMS, the Archbishop is a member of the Board, but does not have the same ultimate powers. He is just one of six votes. This situation, should the Archdiocese transfer the property and buildings and facilities in Yona to RMS, could appear to make the transfer an alienation of property because the Archbishop relinquishes ultimate control of the asset. In order to keep it an Archdiocesan asset, Ed has recommended that the RMS Articles and By-laws would need to be amended to allow the Archbishop ultimate control of RMS and its assets. However, after several meetings, the RMS incorporators are hesitant to do so, but have asked that the assets be deeded to RMS without modification. "

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:54 pm,

      Let us look at some facts that have already come to light. The minutes says that the Articles and Bylaws have to be amended? Well, did we not learn today in the Patty Arroyo talk show that Mr. Genarinni has an amended Articles of Incorporation that is different from the document that Bob Klitzkie was holding????? So, what is wrong with this picture? If they were hesitant in making the change, then why is it that they have the amended version and you guys still have the old documents?

      Then, there is the matter of the Archbishop firing the former finance council. The jungle claims it is because they refuse to "transfer" (the word Richard Untalan used) the property to RMS. On the other side, the Archdiocese have come out and said that the former finance counsel wanted to sell the property.

    2. So if that is so, why is the amended Articles hidden? It should have been brought to light so as to dispel any suspicions.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 8:50 am,

      Dispel any suspicions??? What about the false information that have been spreading around to create the division between Catholics? All this started when Father Paul was removed from Santa Barbara Church. But the NCW was not brought into the picture until someone spread the false rumor that Father Paul was removed because the Archbishop wanted to put the NCW in the Dededo parish. And it was your side who spread that false rumor.

    4. Anon. 9:18. All the false information has been coming from the jungle. Gennarini came out to dispel those false information. Tell me, who started the rumor that the NCW was going around from house to house asking people to give them their land and money? That came from the jungle blog. We go out in two by twos, knocking on people's door evangelizing, not asking for anything.

  3. 11:54,

    You're being fed more lies. "Unbelievable! More lies" is correct.

  4. Now, Timmy is spreading another false information. He thinks Diana was bashing Ed Terlaje. From JW:

    And now that The Diana is vehemently and publicly bashing Terlaje and making him the scapegoat on her Pius-backed blog, Mr. Terlaje has, with each mention of his name, ever more right, and ever more reason, to go public with absolutely EVERY detail, INCLUDING the reason he was setting up separate legal entities within the archdiocese in the first place.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:35 am,

      I am not surprised. Anyone who read my post on Ed Terlaje's email knows that I was pointing out the fact that his email was addressed to Richard Untalan and the Finance Counsel. It was never addressed to the Archbishop as Tim Rohr misled everyone to believe.

  5. Dear 6:09 am
    You and your followers are all are blind and deaf, you have closed your hearts and minds to the truth. You don't want to listen. All the falsehoods and hate have been propagated by Satan to divide the Catholic Church on Guam. Guiseppe did an excellent job of explaining what was going on .
    The RMS seminary has been ablessing on Guam as well as John Paul the Great.If you had not noticed Our whole world and faith is being destroyed , we have suicide a week on Guam, abortions ,euthanasia will be next . How many families and children destroyed by divorce and drugs? Our children are not getting married in the Churchl many live together , don't go to church anymore ,How many parents send their church for CCD ? go to church weekly or just holidays ,children are
    not being baptized,, their parents don't know their faith, they listen to the world?
    Our church must go out to meet these needs , The neocatechuminal Way is one way that helps, It is not the Only Way.What else is out there to help here on Guam. Even with some children attending Catholic school. Leave the church
    This is common knowledge this is not a surprise to any on e.

    I know from personal experience it has happened in my family. There has been suffering tears and sadness, but The Way helped me find Jesus Christ after many years of searching using Renewal , and other programs
    There were 1200 people inside that Church last Saturday night. It was beautiful a ablessing , joyful , there were none of the Eucharist dropped on the ground Tim . It was a banquet,
    The protesters sat outside in the dark I had hoped they had come into listen and share with us. We are Catholic approved by 4 Popes and recognized as Catholic by the cChurch stop looking at the false web sites and the the great deception by .Satan. . He is the enemy of all of us. We are all Cathilic even if some of us disagree with how we worship , I grew up on the Latin mass but am glad for the changes of Vatican ll . I loved the Reneal and Charismatc movement but I love the Way and have found my Home there and I am going to stay there

    1. "It was a banquet"

      The Mass is a sacrifice. The NCW has failed to form you properly in respect of the Mass.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 1:36 pm,

      The Mass is BOTH a banquet and a sacrifice. Please look it up. It is in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

    3. The Anon at 11.22 made no mention of sacrifice. Tell it to her then. When the NCW speak of the Mass, they say "Eucharist". When they speak of the Mass, they say "banquet".

      No sense of sacrifice. We know why. The Catechism is correct, of course, but the NCW would prefer it left out the bit about sacrifice.

    4. And, by the way, there could be no "banquet" without the sacrifice., but there could be a sacrifice without the "banquet", because the banquet is merely a foretaste of the heavenly banquet to come.

      In any case, it is the sacrifice which accomplishes the redemption, not the resurrection, not the banquet, not the celebration. It is fine to be joyful that you are redeemed, but not if that prevents you seeing that the sacrifice which accomplishes your salvation is happening on the altar (sorry, I know you'd rather I said banquet table) right in front of you. But you just carry on dancing around your table, without the slightest thought of the sacrifice that is occurring in front of you.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 1:48 pm,

      And when you speak of the Mass, you made no mention of "banquet".......does this mean that you are unaware that it is also a banquet? Does this mean that you prefer to leave out the bit about the banquet despite that BOTH are mentioned in the Catechism?

    6. "And when you speak of the Mass, you made no mention of "banquet".......does this mean that you are unaware that it is also a banquet? "

      No, because Anon already brought that up. And, as I have said, the Sacrifice of the Mass is the means of salvation. The banquet is an indulgence, or more accurately, a fruit of the sacrifice.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 1:55 pm,

      Why do you choose to argue over something in which you and Anonymous are correct? Why not simply say to Anonymous that you agree it is a banquet and a sacrifice? Why make it an issue where you accuse the NCW of not believing in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ?

    8. Because, Anon's comment was another carbon copy testimony - and in the middle of it, a reference to the Mass in an insufficient way. If she wants to mention the banquet, we must remind her that it is primarily the re-presentation of the sacrifice of Calvary.

      It is important. But the NCW think it is a pagan accretion and should be done away with - just like they say "we no longer speak of the mystery of Redemption"

    9. Dear Anonymous at 1:51 pm,

      You stated: "In any case, it is the sacrifice which accomplishes the redemption, not the resurrection, not the banquet, not the celebration. "

      Now, this is where you are in error. The resurrection of Christ is what brought redemption because through His resurrection, death has been conquered for us. Many people have died, but only one man was able to conquer death. That man was Jesus. We celebrate Easter because He rose from the dead. Death no longer has any hold on us, and we can have eternal life in Heaven. Through His death and resurrection, Christ opened the gates of Heaven for us where before it was closed to mankind.

    10. Dear Anonymous at 2:01 pm,

      I am in the NCW, and I knew that the Mass is both a banquet and a sacrifice. If you really want to know what the NCW teach, you would seek the answer from the NCW rather than the jungle.

    11. Dear anon 2:01 p.m. Are you insane, my friend? NCW does not "think" anything. We are people and we think, not "the" NCW. Or do you think NCW is a person? Lol!

      Hellooooo?! Did you get that? We are Catholic people and we take the mass as Catholic people take it. It is a Eucharistic celebration. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. What is "pagan accretion", my friend? Lol. Are you insane, my friend. Do you come here with fake theology? Who are you?

      What you say exists in your mind only, I tell you: in your mind. Not in the real world. Lol.

    12. "The resurrection of Christ is what brought redemption because through His resurrection, "

      And there is the central error. This is where you depart from the Church. The sacrifice is the means of redemption - the resurrection is the fruit of the obedience to death. Of course it is a single event - the life of suffering (the Passion), death and resurrection. But the Church clearly teaches that the death of Christ on the Cross of Calvary - represented for all ages in the sacrifice of the Mass - accomplishes our Redemption.

      It is important for you to learn about this, so I do hope and pray you will open your mind to this truth Diana.

  6. What in this statement you don't understand. (Read your letter and that of the Archbishop.) Meaning Mr. Untalan was writing the AAA a letter and the AAA responding.

  7. Diana dear, you sure know a lot for a young woman walking for 10 years and not a priest. How do you have time to care for your 'family'?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:50 pm,

      I have only been walking for 9 years. My husband provides a lot of help.

  8. Yes.... I think they protest for selfish reasons trying to deny catholics from deepening thier faith or to offer people a chance to discover the love Jesus Christ has for them....
    As if they havent experience a friend or relatve who suffers from suicide, divorce, rape and etc....
    So selfish....

  9. The Mass is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is not a celebration. Joy.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:35 pm,

      The Mass is a celebration. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Capitalization is mine) :

      "177 The Sunday CELEBRTION of the Lord's Day and his Eucharist is at the heart of the Church's life. "Sunday is the day on which the paschal mystery is CELEBRATED in light of the apostolic tradition and is to be observed as the foremost holy day of obligation in the universal Church."

      Notice what I capitalized in the Catechism, Anonymous???? Also see my post:

  10. Mass is a sacrifice Diana. You can call it whatever your church wants. Fact remains it is Christ dead on the cross for the salvation of the world.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:43 am,

      I never said that it was not a sacrifice. As I stated before, the Mass is Both a sacrifice and a banquet. It was never one or the other. The Catholic Church have always recognized it as both.

      However, someone under this thread stated:

      "And, by the way, there could be no "banquet" without the sacrifice., but there could be a sacrifice without the "banquet", because the banquet is merely a foretaste of the heavenly banquet to come."

      A sacrifice without the banquet? The whole purpose of the sacrifice was to bring together the whole people of God as a family in a banquet of communion between Christ and His Church.

    2. No, the whole purpose of the sacrifice was to make atonement for our sins. Once pur sins are forgiven we can enter into communion with him

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:57 pm,

      I agree, and communion with Him is supposed to be a life changing experience. The Church is like a hospital. It forgives sin, and Christ is the doctor who wants to do much more for you because of His love for you. He wants to be in communion with us not only in the Mass, but even outside the Mass in our daily life. The Mass is supposed to lead you closer to Christ.

    4. In the mass we stand at the foot of the cross and witness Christs sacrifice. Would you dance around the foot if the cross?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 3:10 pm,

      In the Mass, we stand at the foot of the crucifix and witness Christ's sacrifice. We do not dance around the foot of the cross. We dance around the table, where we receive holy communion....where we become one with Christ. He who eats my Body and drinks my Blood has eternal life and I abide in him and he in Me.

      The death and resurrection of Christ are one. They are not separated. As Timothy Guile pointed cannot resurrect from the dead. One has to die first. And death becomes useless if there is no resurrection. As St. Paul said, our preaching and our faith is in vain if Christ did not resurrect from the dead.

    6. "We dance around the table"

      There it is again. It is not a table, but rather an altar.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 4:21 pm,

      According to the Catechisms of the Catholic Church (Capitalization is mine):

      CCC 1182 The altar of the New Covenant is the Lord's Cross, from which the sacraments of the Paschal mystery flow. On the altar, which is the center of the church, the sacrifice of the Cross is made present under sacramental signs. THE ALTAR IS ALSO THE TABLE OF THE LORD, to which the People of God are invited. In certain Eastern liturgies, the altar is also the symbol of the tomb (Christ truly died and is truly risen).

      CCC 1346 The liturgy of the Eucharist unfolds according to a fundamental structure which has been preserved throughout the centuries down to our own day. It displays two great parts that form a fundamental unity:
      - the gathering, the liturgy of the Word, with readings, homily and general intercessions;
      - the liturgy of the Eucharist, with the presentation of the bread and wine, the consecratory thanksgiving, and communion.
      The liturgy of the Word and liturgy of the Eucharist together form "one single act of worship"; THE EUCHARISTIC TABLE SET FOR US IS THE TABLE BOTH OF THE WORD AND OF THE BODY OF THE LORD.

      CCC 1383 The altar, around which the Church is gathered in the celebration of the Eucharist, represents the two aspects of the same mystery: the altar of the sacrifice and the table of the Lord.......

      These are only a few samples. There are more. Are you going to tell me that the Catechisms of the Catholic Church is wrong especially CCC 1182, where it calls the altar a table?

    8. No, I'm not. I'm only going to point out that you only refer to the table and not the altar, and to remind you that Kiko teaches that there is no altar in Christianity, because sacrifice for sin atonement is a pagan notion.

    9. Dear anonymous at 6:45 pm,

      You obtained that information from an anti-Neo website.

    10. No, i read it in the catechetical directory, and i heard it at the catechesis.

      There are four eucharistic prayers inbthe Roman Missal. The only one that doesn't emphasize the sacrifice (ie that doesn't say the word "sacrifice") is the second, and this is the one used pretty much exclusively by the NCW

    11. Dear Anonymous at 9:32 pm,

      I have been to the Eucharist, and I have heard the word "sacrifice" being said. Are those four Eucharistic prayers in the Roman Missal approved by the Catholic Church?


  11. Joy Diana. Are you really happy Diana?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:45 am,

      It is only in Christ that I am truly happy. :-)

  12. Diabolical. This is the only way I can describe Tim Rohr’s writings and actions.
    Deception. This is the game he plays so skillfully.

    But God is destined to win. Let us make sure we are on His side.
