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Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Special Mass With The Cardinal

The Mass last night was beautiful.  We arrived 45 minutes early, and the front rows were already taken.  There were so many people already there, and the church was filling up fast.  We quickly had to find a seat, but I did not like sitting in the way back.  We found a couple of brothers from our community we knew, and we squeezed into the pews with them.  The church was packed.  Although the Mass was opened to the public, I saw only the brothers in the Way.  

The Genarinnis and Father Mario were there, and they did the admonitions and the readings.  Father Julio sang the Gospel.  Because the crowd was too large, there were no echoes.  The NCW on Guam has approximately 1,200 brothers.  There were many people taking photos of the catechists of the U.S. and of the Cardinal.  At the end of the celebration after the priests have all walked off the altar, the brothers formed a circle and danced around the pews.   

One of the amazing things we learned that night was that Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes is NOT a "Neo Cardinal" as the jungle claimed.  He was never walking in the Way nor a member of the Neocatechumenal Way.  What a surprise!  And all along, the jungle claimed that he was a "Neo Cardinal."  The Cardinal was assigned by Pope John Paul II to follow and guide the Charismatic Catholic Renewal in 1985 and then to also follow and guide the Neocatechumenal Way in 1986.  He was only there to follow and guide us, but he was never a member of the Way. 

We celebrated the Eucharist the way we had always celebrated it with the  exception of the echoes......and lo and behold......this Cardinal who is NOT a "Neo" did not object to the way we celebrate it.  This Cardinal who was assigned to GUIDE the Neocatechumenal Way since 1986 did not say that we are committing liturgical abuse.  


  1. Yes it was a great Eucharist. In fact there were a number of people who are not in the Way. They celebrated with everyone else with dignity and respect. And afterwards, they were very happy. I spoke with them.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:52 am,

      I am glad to hear that there were some people who are not in the Way attended Mass with us. It is also great to hear that they were happy. :-)

    2. Yep, I also saw some people there who are not in the Way. I was sitting toward the back because the front seats were already filled. The people who were not in the Way were very mpressed. One of them made a positive comment on how the brothers and sisters were dressed. Most men wore a suit and tie or a nice shirt with a tie while the women and young girls dressed with modesty. After the Mass, I spoke with a couple, and they were happy they came.

  2. Now, the jungle is lying saying that the church wasn't packed. But those who were there knows the truth.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:54 am,

      That is correct. The people who were there know the truth, and the truth will be revealed very soon in the Umatuna (and probably even in the newspapers) with photos during the Mass. We were not able to sit toward the front because by the time we arrived, the front rows were already filled. Even the photo the jungle published showed that the pews were already filled up toward the front with a few empty pews in the back.

      They lied just as they lied about the protesters coming into RMS property only to have a nice chat with the Archbishop. The truth was finally revealed that they came demonstrating with their placards and signs in front of the seminary building.

    2. The jungle is infuriated because we had a beautiful and uplifting celebration with Cardinal Cordes. They just cannot go over it. We see their childish name calling reeking of jealousy, again. But hey, what is the point? Everyone was invited to a joyful celebration! Those who did not come in, chose to be out by their own will.

    3. Tim's intel about the Cardinal was plain wrong. What a frustration! Especially for a self-anointed opposition leader who is accustomed to it that his following believe him without doubting. The fact is that their beloved tayga bishop Athanasius Schneider does not come anywhere close to the moral stature, spiritual depth and highly respected influence of Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes.

      To cover up his failure, Tim now tries to bite back by making egregiously false accusations! He says crumbles of the Holy Bread, the Body of our Lord were left falling on the ground all around the cathedral. This is a big lie! I have never seen people to be so respectful toward the piece of Holy Host on their palms. Not any bit of it was lost! Tim, your leadership does not lead people anywhere. It is time to admit failure and retire from the limelight.

  3. Wow!!!! A great feeling of Joy last night to hear the homily from Cardinal Paul Cordes... It was a beautiful message for all Catholics on island.
    Im glad I was there to hear it straight from a Cardinal who is not the NCW. I know how his homily can be twisted in media and through second hand information..... Too bad for those who choose to stay outside because of being mislead even if being personally invited in by fellow catholics....
    Truely an invitation to joy that I want to continue to receive that money cannot buy.....Priceless....

  4. Wow!!!! A great feeling of Joy last night to hear the homily from Cardinal Paul Cordes... It was a beautiful message for all Catholics on island.
    Im glad I was there to hear it straight from a Cardinal who is not the NCW. I know how his homily can be twisted in media and through second hand information..... Too bad for those who choose to stay outside because of being mislead even if being personally invited in by fellow catholics....
    Truely an invitation to joy that I want to continue to receive that money cannot buy.....Priceless....

  5. Saw a lady from across the street enter the church like she was looking for someone in particular. She looked pissed. She looked very upset at the joy we received from the Eucharist. smh.

  6. Havnt you all realized that no matter what we say or do will change their thoughts. If the leader of their cult(jungleway) has had a problem with every single thing and that includes Rome and even his former dioceses, we cant change a narcissist. Only God can change his heart and maybe Department of Mental Health(forgot their new name).
    Hope those people who are doing his dirty work out in the sun and rain realize soon just who they are following.
    You dont see leaders of the NCW complaining of and ridiculing church hierarchy.

    -Jokers Wild

  7. I'm not sure why a cardinal presiding over liturgical abuse is something to feel good about. It doesn't matter whether its a parish priest, a Bishop or Cardinal, or even the Pope himself. If the liturgy is deformed and abused, we should all be rather upset.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:24 pm,

      I even if the Pope were to preside over our Mass, you would say that the Pope is wrong. Well, I have news for you. It is the Vatican and only the Vatican who is the only one who determines what is liturgical abuse. You are not the one who decides that. How we celebrate the Mass was never kept a secret. Rome had always been aware of how we celebrate the Mass. And whatever corrections that were needed were already done in 2008.

  8. I grew up in a not very affluent neighborhood. Sunday mornings, after mass, we as kids used to go to an ice cream parlor to indulge in some sweet pleasure. Sometimes my grandma used to join us. Well, we just spent our pocket money in an after mass spirit, the spirit of joy and good will for everyone.

    There were always some hungry kids who stared inside the parlor through the shop window without ever stepping in. These kids, obviously, did not have pocket money from home, but would have been happy to get an ice cream, anyway. Once when a boy came close to the shop window of the place where we were sitting at a table, my grandma collected some change from her purse, gave it to me and said: "go kid, and invite him inside". She was all smiling on this boy. So I went out, gave the change to the boy and told him to come in and get some ice cream. The boy blushed, told something like that he should go home now and run away. In his embarrassment he was dropping most of the change I gave him.

    I felt utterly sorry for him. He could not believe that some ice cream was waiting for him! When I returned to our table, my grandma who saw everything told me, "don't worry kid, next time he will come in, just pray for him." I will never forget this. My grandma was a very good person.

    I had the same feeling last night when I saw protestors on the side of the road rolling sparkling lights around in their hands to chase away darkness, staring inside the cathedral and watching our celebration from outside through the window. It was obvious they wanted to be inside, they wanted to celebrate with us, but someone prevented them, someone prohibited them from experiencing the joy and mercy of our Lord exhibited at the Eucharistic celebration presided by Cardinal Josef Cordes. Why? Someone told this flock that the mass was illicit. Was it? Not at all! Not any bit of it! It is time for everyone to accept and embrace the truth.

    I wanted to invite these people inside, we could have squeezed some space for them in the crowded pews. Hey, come on in, what are you doing outside there? The House of the Lord is waiting for you. It is bad they would not have listened. The mass was open to the public, they could have come in if they wanted. But they refused. Well, it takes time for the truth to prevail. We need to keep offering our fellowship, anyway. As my grandma said "don't worry, next time they will come in". I'll pray for that to happen pone day!

  9. Dear Diana
    Re *and lo and behold......this Cardinal who is NOT a "Neo" did not object to the way we celebrate it. This Cardinal who was assigned to GUIDE the Neocatechumenal Way since 1986 did not say that we are committing liturgical abuse.*
    One must realize that this Cardinal also did not say - that the additions and deletions of this Mass were approved. Furthermore, just like Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger, he would not deny celebrating the Mass (on your turf - even with all your alterations) because that would be denying Jesus to those who truly love Him and are trying to serve Him as best they can. However, if the alterations were truly approved, would not the Pope celebrate your style of Mass at the Vatican when so many NCW members come from far and wide to have an audience with him. It is important to note that no Pope has done this for Kiko and the Way even though they commend the NCW for many other things such as evangelization and family.
    Archbishop Cordes will take his observations back to the Pope. The alterations in the NCW Mass still do not have Recognitio, indults, or permission in the approved 2008 Statutes. The Mass is supposed to be open to all, just like the Sunday Masses. Yet, those wishing to receive the Eucharist on the tongue to prevent Jesus (Fragments of Consecrated Bread, Visible and or invisible to the naked eye) from falling to the floor and being trampled, or wiped into clothing, books, pews, etc. Surely the members of the NCW would agree to protect Jesus from such physical abuse to His Body.

  10. Dear Diana, corrections to my posting
    Dear Diana
    Re *and lo and behold......this Cardinal who is NOT a "Neo" did not object to the way we celebrate it. This Cardinal who was assigned to GUIDE the Neocatechumenal Way since 1986 did not say that we are committing liturgical abuse.*
    One must realize that this Cardinal also did not say - that the additions and deletions of this Mass were approved. Furthermore, just like Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger, he would not deny celebrating the Mass (on your turf - even with all your alterations) because that would be denying Jesus to those who truly love Him and are trying to serve Him as best they can. However, if the alterations were truly approved, would not the Pope celebrate your style of Mass at the Vatican when so many NCW members come from far and wide to have an audience with him. It is important to note that no Pope has done this for Kiko and the Way even though they commend the NCW for many other things such as evangelization and family.
    CARDINAL Cordes will take his observations back to the Pope. The alterations in the NCW Mass still do not have Recognitio, indults, or permission in the approved 2008 Statutes. The Mass is supposed to be open to all, just like the Sunday Masses. Yet, those wishing to receive the Eucharist on the tongue to prevent Jesus (Fragments of Consecrated Bread, Visible and or invisible to the naked eye) from falling to the floor and being trampled, or wiped into clothing, books, pews, etc. ARE DENIED. Surely the members of the NCW would agree to protect Jesus from such physical abuse to His Body.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:36 pm,

      To receive the Body of Christ by tongue would be a very serious abuse because the presiding priest did not receive communion yet. We consume the Body of Christ together with the presiding priest.

      We ask that you respect the way we celebrate the Mass. If you cannot do that simple thing (respect), then please attend another Mass.

    2. Dear Diana,
      According to Redemptionis Sacramentum, it says that the priest must consume BOTH the Body of Christ and the Precious Blood from the Chalice BEFORE anyone else. Did Cardinal Cordes not do that.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:10 pm,

      No, he did not. As I said, we celebrated the Eucharist the way the NCW had always celebrated since 2008. The only difference was that there were no echoes that night due to the large crowd. We consumed the Body of Christ together with the Cardinal. However, the Cardinal and the priests drank the Blood of Christ before the assembly, which is the same way we had always done.
