Blog Song

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Dear readers,

One line insults will not be published.  Please stick to the topic of discussion.  Try not to deviate from the OP. 

Thank you,


  1. For the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world.

  2. Dear Mae, I do not post one line insults. In fact, I have submitted several questions that are void of insults. Even at that, you do not post.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:20 pm,

      First of all, my name is not Mae. And your questions must be within the topic of discussion.


  3. I have submitted a number of questions that are not one liners. I do not post insults Diana.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:01 pm,

      I apologize if I must have misread your comments. However, if your questions are about the liturgy, I will not publish it. That has already been settled with a long time ago.

  4. Diana im very uncomfortable with you telling us not to deviate from your topic. This is our blog we come to this blog because it is our fundemental God given right to air our views on this blog. You telling us what we can and cannot do is unacceptable to those who come here to write our thoughts.
    Should we desire to com.ent on topics other than what you propose you should accept our views.
    Im beciming very concerned about your attitude Diana. Residents tell us you are MAE NOT DIANA but i cintinue to defend you. In return i ask you allow us to ask our cincerns on this blog.
    Should you fail to respect our wishes their will be consequences for you.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:46 pm,

      This is not your blog. And you are not in control of this blog.

  5. You can say that again, Diana (at 9:54 p.m.).

    I have made over a dozen short, polite comments or questions over the past weeks, none of which have been published.

    I understand this is your blog, and is of course pro-NCW as indicated by its very title.

    Do you have an ISP blacklist or other criteria to determine what gets posted?

    Am I being TOO polite? I see you publish some pretty challenging and provocative posts sometimes.

    If I have to make the same comments in JW, I will not get the same NCW perspective, except by negative implication.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:00 am,

      I determine what gets publish. For example, if you were the one who made the comment at May 24th at 9:46 pm, the last sentence is a threat. I only publish it to say that this blog belongs to no one but me, and I determine what should be published.

      If your intention is to learn about the NCW, the best way to hold a dialogue is to ask questions about it rather than make negative comments to start with.

  6. Anonymous at 8:00 AMMay 25, 2016 at 10:40 AM

    No, that was not me. Note the completely different writing style.

    So do you have an ISP blacklist?

    Or certain proscribed user names?

    Or is the focus on content?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:40 am,

      I go by what is written and also whether it is within the topic of discussion. Ultimately, the decision is mine.

  7. Why are the presbyters and leaders of the communities silent on this sexual misconduct issues?
    The silence of the the leaders are too incriminating.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:57 am,

      Could it be because whatever they say will be twisted around? Perhaps, it is also because no matter what they say they will be labeled a liar. I am sure that they have their reasons.

  8. If it is the Truth, no one can twist it, no need to be cautious, no need to be Afraid.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:23 pm,

      The truth can always be twisted. The Bible says that even the devil knows scripture. And scripture is the word of God. But when the devil uses scripture, he twists it. This is why the Bible also says to discern because Satan comes as an angel of light to deceive.

    2. Truth cannot be twisted, sorry to say. You can prop it up, dress it up, but at its very core...It is still the Truth.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 8:08 am,

      Propping it up and dressing it up is actually how you twist it. :-)

  9. I might not agree with "Diana" on most things, but I have to agree with here on this. It IS her blog. She is under no obligation to publish comments from anyone. As the owner of the blog, she has the right to pick and choose what gets posted. If you don't like it, then go make your own blog. I have to say that every single time I have commented here, it has been published.
