Blog Song

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Pray For Those Who Persecute Us

Someone pointed out that all the Archbishop had to do was come out to meet them and address their concerns.  However, their concerns have already been addressed.  It is not the Archbishop's problem that they chose to believe Tim Rohr over the Archdiocese.  

This is something one should seriously consider.  They say they want the RMS property back in the Archdiocese.  Yet, when the Certificate of Titles were corrected with the proper memorial in place and naming the Archbishop as the legal owner, they complained.  One would think that they would find it a relief that the RMS property is still under the Archdiocese of Agana even with the Declaration of Deed Restriction in the memorial.  But instead of being relieved, they express outrage.  In fact, they demanded that the Certificate of Titles name the "Redemptoris Mater Corp." as the legal owner.  And these are the people who say they want the RMS property returned to the Archdiocese of Agana??? 

Their real agenda is to publicly humiliate the Archbishop and remove him.  Tim Rohr was never concern about the RMS property, Father Paul, or Monsignor James.  This is a personal matter with him.  Two years ago, Tim Rohr stated the following in my blog.  His written comments can be found here and here.

March 12, 2014 at 5:00 PM
Yes, there is a history between the Archbishop and myself. I have gone to battle for him when no one else would. Back when no one would come forward to stand up against BJ Cruz and his same-sex bill, it was me the Archbishop turned to. I asked him if he could find someone else. I didn't feel equipped. I asked him if there was anyone in the Neocatechumenal Way, lawyers who knew much more than me who would stand up to BJ Cruz, an attorney, a senator, and a former Supreme Court Chief Justice. The Archbishop said, no. There was no one. Ask him. 

It took me 9 months of fighting against this bill on the radio, on TV, in the newspaper, 9 months of my life when I was struggling financially due to enormous medical bills related to the birth of one of my children, 9 months of being called a bigot and a homophobe and mocked. 

And it was my idea to put together a symposium to go the churches and speak about this bill and what its effects would be. It was I who asked the Archbishop to ask Edward Garcia and Ric Eusebio to join me in this crusade. It was I who stood side by side with them night after night in parish after parish. Ask him.

And then when BJ went after the Archbishop personally with a bill that would have put him behind bars for not reporting known sex abuse cases (AND THERE WERE KNOWN SEX ABUSE CASES), it was I who went to bat for him, it was I who fought BJ tooth and nail in the media, it was I who the Archbishop's legal counsel called when they needed somebody to go after SNAP. Ask him.

It was I who fought to limit BJ Cruz's "window legislation" so that the archdiocese couldn't be sued as other dioceses in the states have been sued. It was my face which was the hated face in the media. It was I who was called the "bishop's boy", the bishop's lackey", the "bishop's dog." Ask him. Ask BJ Cruz. 

And it was I who worked to get the first significant legislation introduced to battle the abortionists who had free rein on this island for 30 years. It was I who stood in front of the legislature at public hearings and battled against senators who mocked, ridiculed and even yelled at me. I did it so the Archbishop wouldn't have to and so that I could save him stain of abortion blood on an island that is mostly Catholic and under his control for three decades but kills a child every day, 2/3 of whom are of his own blood. Ask him. 

And it is I who go on the radio, on TV, into the newspaper overtime our Catholic Faith is mocked or challenged. It is I whose family had to suffer and do without while we sank every available dollar and available minute of our lives in starting a Catholic bookstore so that Catholics could learn about their faith and because no one else would do it. It was I who got my children up at 4am on Sunday mornings so we could load up our car with tables and books so that we could be at the 6am Mass somewhere and sell books after Masses standing in the rain and the sun when other families were enjoying brunch, and doing it even though I could have been making much more money doing something else.
And it was I who cleaned up the mess after his meeting with the legislature and where at he was accused of wanting to kill homosexuals because of a letter released in his name that he didn't write. I was I who called up Travis Coffman when he was reading the letter in disbelief on the radio that afternoon and fought to protect the bishop's name, making sure that everyone knew that the archbishop didn't write it even though it was on his letterhead. Ask him. 

It was I who called his attention to the Archdiocese' paying for contraceptives and abortifacients because of the Obamacare mandate. It was I who was at the meeting with the Archbishop and his advisors: Deacon Kim, Msgr. David, Ed Terlaje. It was I who proposed a solution which has kept this Archdiocese, the only Archdiocese in the whole country, exempt from having to pay for baby killing drugs. Ask them. 

Yes, that is what is between the Archbishop and me. I have gone to bat for him again and again in the dirtiest of battles and when no one else would. Ask him. 

But if you don't want to meet with me, if only to fulfill the commandment of the Lord, so that you can rightfully shake the dust from your feet, then, well, at least you know the rest of the story.
As anyone can clearly see from Tim's own comments, this is a personal thing with him that has nothing to do with the RMS property, Father Paul, or Monsignor James.  He and the Archbishop has a history together that goes back before Father Paul was removed from the Dededo Parish.  Tim Rohr was never out to correct what he perceived to be a wrong.  He is out for revenge, to humiliate and mock the Archbishop just as he felt humiliated and mocked so many years ago in his battle against the same sex bill.  He held a grudge, which continues to consume him to this day.  He blamed the Archbishop for the humiliation and mockery he received as he fought against the same sex bill.  He cannot see that the fault was actually his.  After all, he had the freedom to say "no" to the Archbishop rather than take up the crusade against BJ Cruz.  The people who follow him are there either out of ignorance, envy, or malice of their own.  And so, we need to pray for them and for Tim who persecutes us and the Archbishop. 
Brothers and sisters in the Way, the hardest thing about being a Christian is to love the love those who persecute us.  But we are called to love all people, most especially the enemy and to pray for them.  There is much power in prayer, and miracles can happen through prayer.


  1. The man has a lot of HATE :(((

  2. Bunch of childish drama is all I see here. No wonder why religions fall cause of drama that you neos created. Guam was fine before you neos arrived. Ta'ya respetú todos ham'yús neos.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:22 am,

      What is childish is blaming the protestors' actions on the NCW, and all because you are too immature to take responsibility for your own behavior. Those protestors are adults and should be able to think on their own. It was their choice to do what they did.

  3. It is called righteous indignation. It is liken to Jesus driving out the money lenders at the Temple.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:24 am,

      According to the majority of Guam and the world, it is hatred. Even KUAM made the title of the incident at the airport as "Defenders of the faith?"...,,,,,with a question mark. The only one who showed any Christian behavior was Mr. Ginnarini.

    2. Would you classify Jesus' actions with the money-changers as "hatred"?

      If not, why not?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 2:40 pm,

      You are comparing the actions of the protestors to Jesus' chasing away the money changers in the temple??????????? The temple is used for prayer and worship; therefore, Jesus had every right to remove them because the temple was never a market place in the first place.

      Now, for the incident at the airport. The airport is used for traveling from one place to another. Mr. Ginnarini was not in violation of anything. As a visitor to our island, he was in the right place (the airport) to travel. The protesters had no right to harass him.

      Jesus' action had nothing to do with hate because he was correcting a wrong due to the fact that the temple is not a market place, but a house of worship. The action of the protestors were based on hatred. They targeted a man and his wife who was not doing anything wrong. Traveling through an airport is not a crime nor a sin.

    4. Correct. Jesus was expressing righteous indignation when he corrected the error of the money changers.

      You say: "a man and his wife who was (sic) not doing anything wrong".

      Incorrecy. They have perpetrated a great evil through the NCW, and the protestors were showing righteous indignation against their errors.

      The gennarinis' crimes are against the entire church, which as you point out, is not the airport, or in fact any building, but rather the people of God.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 6:31 pm,

      You say that they committed a great evil through the NCW without bringing in any specifics. You say they committed crimes against the entire Church, but give no evidence of it. I am an American citizen living on Guam....a place that believes a man to be innocent until proven to be guilty in a court of law. Where do you live, Anonymous that you have already pronounced a man guilty without a trial and without any evidence to show for it?

      What was done at the airport was not about justice. Justice takes place in a court system. What was done at the airport was hatred. The MAJORITY of the people of Guam and the MAJORITY of the entire world who watched the protest on video condemned this action. These are the sound voices of reason. Your voice only carries hatred.

      You did not receive the support of the majority. Then you turn around and blame the behavior of the protesters on the Archbishop as if these protesters have no mind of their own to think and no control of their actions.

  4. Although I bristle at Tim Rohr's sometimes very abusive language (cf. Ephesians 4: 29-32), I commend him here for his courageous and costly engagement on behalf of Catholic values.

    1. Dear Timothy,

      Tim Rohr was right in standing up against same sex marriage and abortion as these issues are against Catholic beliefs despite that he felt he did not want to at the time. He could have always said no, but he chose not to.

      On the other hand, he is wrong for holding a grudge against the Archbishop for a very long time. This is why Christ called us to forgive. Forgiveness is not for the other person. It is for our healing. However, knowing Tim's history makes it easier for many of us not to hate the man, but rather to feel pity for him.

    2. For a proud man makes his (Tim) inside and outside ugly. Pray for them.

    3. Dear Anonymous,
      As sinners, we all are ugly inside and outside. That's why we stand under the cross and let His blood and sighs pour over us. And yet, as Christians, we are also beautiful when we try and sometimes succeed in doing God's work. Tim Rohr is just a public, and therefore very
      conspicuous, image of us all. Look in the mirror and you may remember your name. Maybe it is also Tim, like mine.

    4. Then that being said by you... He cannot fight the will of God. The persecution just what happen in Thursday night is an honor! Christian are meant to be lower not on high. The WAY needs this to purge us but in humanity is difficult is best to be meek and love those who hates us.

  5. As in the readings for this Sunday...n
    I pray for Tim and all he has done for the church which is more than lifetime.. "He will wipe away all the tears from our eyes".... no more pain etc....when the day comes...if only we listen to Him today......
    What is all this fighting for? Hopefully to manifest His Glory....

  6. I choose to see the good in Tim which Christ through the Holy Spirit spirit shows.... all others is the battle of spirit within him.....

  7. Wow! Tim felt this way this whole time?

    In the NCW, we are encouraged to ask for forgiveness from the enemy. I seriously need to ask TR for forgiveness.

  8. Yes, I was touched when a brother in the NCW lifted a prayer for Tim and his family. If these two really forgive each other -- I will probably tear with joy.

    1. Prayer is great, of course, but you are complicit in the immoral activity if the NCW leadership if you stand by and simply watch the injustices occur, lapping up their pathetic excuses.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 6:34 pm,

      And what injustices would that be? Is it the ownership of the RMS property. The Archdiocese already stated many times that the property belongs to the Archbishop. If you do not believe him, then take it to court. That is your only course of action.


  9. Injustice human rights abuses of Guams Archbishop major concern to Catholics all over the world.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:31 pm,

      You still need to be more specific. The United Nations can do a better job than you in identifying the specific injustice such a starving to death, the deliberate genocide of Christians. When you accuse the Archbishop of human rights abuses.....exactly what human rights abuses are you referring to? And if you have evidence of it, why did you not turn it over to the police????

  10. Human rights abuses were submitted to Rome.They include forms of torture of victims.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:54 pm,

      And why did you NOT report it to the police?????? What exactly did you expect Vatican City to do??????


    2. 10.54pm. Please phone Guam abuse help line.
      Sense you are a victim of clergy abuse on Guam.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:17 am,

      You think he is a member of the clergy? And he is complaining about his monthly stipend???? Does a Catholic priest or a deacon actually think there is money to be made in being a Catholic priest or deacon?

      If a higher pay is what he wanted all along, perhaps, he should have considered being a doctor or a lawyer. As a matter of fact, perhaps, he should have considered being an TV evangelist like Joel Olsteen. I hear that he is a millionaire.

    4. Don't think it is a member of our clergy. It makes no sense for a clergy member to complain about a monthly stipend. This is not an issue that could be taken to labour.
      Priests who are without financial help should contact Archbishop directly. Canon law dictates that he must assist his priests.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 1:59 am,

      This sounds more like another person who was paid to come in here and make slanderous accusations against the Archbishop similar to the one who came in here making accusations of the NCW stealing money he still has in his wallet.


    6. Exactly how did Archbishop Apuron torture victims?
      Is there a torture chamber in his residence where he tortures priests?


  11. Psychological imprisonment of victims of human rights abuse. Apuron imprisoned victims in psychological prison for decades causing mental suffering turning to self medication of victims.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:01 pm,

      You said he tortured victims. Why did you not give the evidence to the police???????

  12. Human rights abuses also include unfair pay. Violation of labour laws. Abuses going back years. Grave suffering caused.Mental trauma sufferung. Worse than genocide as pain lasted years. Genocide easy death no pain. Mental pain lingers causing vomiting headaches. Mental anguish.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:09 pm,

      Now, you are being very melodramatic. If it is unfair pay, you have a couple of options: 1) quit your job and get a higher paying job or 2) report it to the Civil Service Commission and Department of Labor.

      There are many people who do not like their job, but that is not human torture. If you did not like working under the Archbishop...then quit your job and look for another job. If you decide to stay in a job you do not like....why blame the employer?????? It was your decision to stay.

    2. This sounds like the Obesity lawsuit where a couple of folks brought McDonalds to court and sued the company for their weight problem, despite that those folks ate there almost everyday. McDonalds won that lawsuit.


    "See that you all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as you would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. Let that be deemed a proper Eucharist, which is [administered] either by the bishop, or by one to whom he has entrusted it. Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude [of the people] also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. It is not lawful without the bishop either to baptize or to celebrate a love-feast; but whatsoever he shall approve of, that is also pleasing to God, so that everything that is done may be secure and valid.

    Moreover, it is in accordance with reason that we should return to soberness [of conduct], and, while yet we have opportunity, exercise repentance towards God. It is well to reverence both God and the bishop. He who honours the bishop has been honoured by God; he who does anything without the knowledge of the bishop, does [in reality] serve the devil. Let all things, then, abound to you through grace, for you are worthy. You have refreshed me in all things, and Jesus Christ [shall refresh] you. You have loved me when absent as well as when present. May God recompense you, for whose sake, while you endure all things, you shall attain unto Him."

  14. Pray for those who persecuated us.
    What about those persecuated by Apuron and his team.
    What about the violence countless men women religious priests endured at the mercy less hands of a violent dangerous and malicious reckless callous bishop of Guam.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:19 am,

      Removing a priest from his Dededo parish is not violence. Consider the priest fortunate that he can still administer the sacraments. Transferring a priest from one parish to another due to financial mismanagement is also not violence. Consider the priest fortunate that the Archdiocese was merciful enough not to have him arrested for white collar crimes.

    2. There was no evidence of white collar crime. Do you honestly know the meaning of the term " white collar crime dianam? I get inpression you talk nonsense.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:49 am,

      The Internal Review report showed that while Monsignor Benavente was in charge of the Catholic Cemeteries, free plots were given to friends and family members in addition to using Archdiocesan credit cards to fund his ordination anniversary.

  15. Nice Antione...... thanks for sharing.

  16. Diana... "Christ is risen....Alleluia!!

  17. Diana instead of antaganizing junglefolk have you considered working with them to create peace unity in our island home? Your present system is not working it builds walls creating division. Have you considered reaching out building bridges. So many of your comments build hatred. Together let us build peace harmony. Thankyou.
    Miguel Hernandez.

    1. Dear Miguel,

      It takes two to build bridges, not one. The Archdiocese, for example, have already told the junglefolks that the RMS property still belongs to the Archdiocese of Agana, but they refuse to believe anything the Archdiocese says. The fact that they chose not to believe is not the problem of the Archdiocese. As I pointed out in my OP, they are not interested in the truth. Their intention is to remove the Archbishop no matter what the cost.

      The protesters are not angry because of three years of silence by the Archbishop. They are angry because of three years of their failure to remove the Archbishop.


  18. Ok Diana thankyou.
    Why do they desire to remove Archbishop Apuron.
    Miguel Hernandez.

    1. Dear Miguel,

      The answer to your question is in my OP. Please read the OP.

  19. something comes to mind when I think of the Concerned Catholics and Laity Forward groups, first of all they are asking for support more importantly monetary support. This is what bothers me, how can I support something that is not in communion with the church? I am better off supporting other causes or groups that remain in communion with the church. By donating or supporting these disconnected groups I am also supporting the destruction of the church. How can I have any part in that? Its ridiculous!
