Blog Song

Monday, April 25, 2016

Airline Passenger Names

Under the thread of "A Majority of Guam Speaks" there has been a discussion as to whether the names of airline passengers are private or public.  According to the following website, the question was asked if the passenger list of a flight can be checked online: 

Can the passenger list of a flight be checked online?

No. Passenger information is private information. Only the airline and governments know the list of passengers on a flight.

A lot of care goes into keeping that information away from entities who have no business with it.

As a passenger on the flight, you can see your own information of course as long as you have the "keys" to access it. Such as your confirmation number, name and sometimes your frequent flyer information.

You can however see customers on a standby/upgrade list for the flight on several different airlines, but its only the first initial and the first three letters of their last name.
Typically in the event of an issue with the flight, all these sources of displaying customer information are shut down almost immediately to avoid the information becoming public and used nefariously.
In that website, nine answers were given and all of them said that passenger information flight is confidential and falls under privacy laws. It is not available to the public.  However, it is already known that Tim Rohr is able to get access not only to Mr. Gennarini's flight information, but also the Archbishop's flight information.  Now, the question is......where and what is the Transportation Security Administration doing about this? 
I find it ironic that the jungle accuses the NCW of taking over the Department of Land Management and the Attorney General's Office; yet, they show no evidence of it.  It is no wonder why the accuse the NCW of taking over those government agencies.  What they accuse the NCW of is actually what they are guilty of.  They were projecting their own crimes to others.  It appears that the jungle has access of ALL passenger names and information of a flight.  The fact that they show up protesting at the exact time that the Gennarinis were supposed to arrive is the evidence itself.  So, where and what is TSA going to do about this????  Where is KUAM????   


Below is a screen shot of Junglewatch showing that someone in the airlines supplied Tim Rohr with confidential information of the Archbishop's and Father Harold's flight itinerary.  It even has their seat numbers on it.  This information came off someone's computer screen in the airlines.  This is very serious because confidential information is being leaked by someone in the airlines or airport.



  1. The F B I should look into TIM Rohr, maybe the Attorney General needs to look in to this ??????

  2. Why were the communities not at the airport welcoming the Gennarini's? Why was it supposed to be kept secret? This is why you're really upset isn't it? No-one was supposed to know they were coming to wreak their own personal havoc, were they?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:22 pm,

      Please stick to the OP. The OP is about the confidentiality of the passenger list. It appears that someone in the airlines or airport is leaking out confidential information to the jungle. TSA should conduct an investigation.

    2. Who cares whether the information was leaked. Don;t you think it is reasonable that the local Church is informed of the involvement of these people who wield significant power? The real question, as I said, is why was it preferred that their visit remain secret? Can you answer that?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 6:13 pm,

      I am more concern that confidential information of passenger's itinerary and flight were leaked out and published on a blog as Tim had done. I took a screen shot of what Tim published on his blog. He published the Archbishop's and Father Harold's flight itinerary and it appears that the information was taken from a computer terminal at the airport. Whoever did it took a photo of the computer screen and leaked it to the jungle. See the update in the OP.

    4. 6:13,

      I'm in the NCW and didn't know of his visit. So what?! Who cares if they didn't tell us to go to the airport. So what?! They would have told us that we was here later, and that would have been fine too. So what?!

      STOP TRYING TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT. If this was your grandfather, what would you have wanted to know. If it were mine, I'd wanna know how these jungle folks knew! It's confidential. Leaks like this in other cases can lead to more trouble.


    5. The head catechists of Guam knows, the itinerants knows, Pius knows, all presbyters of NCW knows, RMS knows that Giuseppe and Team are coming. So do not tells us nobody knows.
      Definitely, AAA knows.

  3. Tim Rohr all who were in the Airport needs to be investigated on how do they know the flight Flight of the Genarrinis. This is an harsh act!

  4. Dear Anonymous at 6:13pm,

    Following your logic, then you don't mind the whole world knowing about your travel details, if this info was really readily available? Your personal travel and my personal travel details are of concern to each of us. So you are saying it is ok for you to keep your travel details secret? What do you have to hide?


    1. What I'm saying is there is nothing secret in flight details. When I travel all my office staff know where I go and arrival times. I see nothing wrong with this. . Infact I would say Archbishops travel plans should always be released and made public in diocesan paper. When Archbishop leaves island early morning flight I often open the computer to see where he going. I been doing that for years. I check where every priest travels. It's normal to me. Like I check where governor travels. Guam is small I get board. So it fills in my day looking who goes where.

    2. AND.... Anonymous 11:45 PM what's your name???

    3. Okay now it's a matter of whether we like it or not.. If we don't like it, then we're hiding something?! Oh come on.

      I would always want to keep my travels comfidential.


  5. Diana even if this computer shot of a useless flight plan was taken at the airport.
    There are 2,000 employed men and women in Guam's international Airport.
    How will you possibly find the one who took that photo. Please use logic. The airport Janitors
    Could also have opened the computer and taken picture. Everyone carries a camera today to take photos. Should you car get hit by traffic you take a picture for insurance purpose. It is all the same. . No big deal today.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:42 pm,

      We live in the times of terrorism and Homeland Security. If a private citizen can obtain access to the flight information of a high ranking official as the Archbishop, how much more a terrorist obtaining the flight information of the President of the United States, the Vice President, or even the Secretary of State? I think the TSA would be interested in finding out the details to ensure the confidentiality and safety of other high ranking officials.

    2. All airport should be safe, No big deal 10:42 PM you have people slicing The Bishop's tires that's a big deal


  6. Diana TSA are concerned with baggage checking and body checks going through security. TSA are not concerned with any Tom dick or Harry who take photos at check in desks.
    President Obama flies on Airforce one. He does not have a Flite ticket when he boards Air Force One. So his Flite plan not on computer.
    Archbishop Apuron is not a high ranking official.At his most he is no more a middle manager like a Kmart branch manager. No one really cares if his Flite plan or Harold is found . If you go to airport so many people dump their air ticket boarding card in airport garbage. Archbishop I suspect dumped his used ticket into garbage and someone photo it.
    Regarding Thursday night. As another already said Fr. Pius and Archbishop informed their communities of the visitors. There was no leak of information.
    I asked FBI about this issue they have no concern over it. The same will hold true TSA.
    Archbishop Apuron assisted by Fr. Pius gave out Flite arrival date time last Thursday.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:37 pm,

      First of all, TSA is part of the Department of Homeland Security, and one of their duties is to assess intelligence and threats related to transportation security. I checked their website.

      Secondly, the President of the U.S. is only an example. The Governor of Guam and Lt. Governor do not have their own private planes. Neither do the senators and Congresswoman, and they are high ranking officials. The status of the Archbishop does not equate to the manager of Kmart.

      In the third place, the Archbishop did not dump his air ticketing boarding card in the trash. The screen shot that I took from the jungle is already evidence as to where Tim Rohr obtained the flight information of the Archbishop.

      Finally, Father Pius and the Archbishop did not inform the communities of the visitors. I am in the community and it was never announced to us.


    2. yeah right Tim 11:37 pm you're just a real estate man, no properties to sell Tim :(

    3. Lies. Archbishop Apuron was not on island prior to Gennarini's visit. He could not have said anything.


  7. Diana i dont have time to discuss trivia. I can assure you Fr pius announced this and the Archbishop two weeks to the arrival on Thursday night. I have evidence. I can even arrange to give you evidence.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:21 am,

      They did not announce it to the communities. You are not in the NCW. An NCW member would not be this desperate.

    2. Anon 12:21AM. No it was not mentioned. Diana I will call the feds and the Airlines and get to the bottom of this who gave Tim the information!


  8. Anyway Diana Archbishop or harold is not in dananger. Nor were the thursfay night visitors. No one was hurt. It was all good fun . The visitors enjoyed the singing of the protestors.

    1. Anonymous at 12:24
      Next time u fly please make sure ur flight info is made public so that I can organize a group of people to scream in ur face that u r Satan, u r not welcome here, go away, and to hem u in so close that u have difficulty pushing ur cart. No harm done, right? All in good fun, correct? And then I'll make sure ur good name is splattered all over the Internet and besmirched with lies and falsehoods. Let's see how u react, no-harm-done-all-in-good-fun. And I'm going to record the whole thing and have ur children and family watch while I tell them "don't worry. It's all in good fun. U see those ladies waving the signs and screaming angrily? Especially the ones inches from his face? Don't worry they don't mean any harm. They just want us to believe they r about to attack him. It's all in good fun"

      But again it's not the same bc u would be expecting it. Unfortunately if I ask an airline or an airport to alert me when u intend to travel, they will tell me they r not allowed to do that. I am also assuming that u r not an old man or woman who has just traveled for 24 hours.

      The police should be called on the airport and airline personnel. This is not the first time it happens. Enough!

  9. Let us imagine that Angelina Jolie decides to fly to Guam on vacation. She discovers on arrival that her travel information is leaked and she is met at the airport by throngs of adoring fans taking pictures and asking for autographs. What do you think she will do?

  10. To the person or persons who has been releasing flight information to the public:
    I will find out who you are and have you arrested.
    You may hide behind lies about Pius and the bishop. You may lie about the legality of what you are doing. But remember that people who gossip with you are just as likely to gossip against you. Your identity will not remain secret long. I will discover who you are and bring your name to the proper authorities.


    1. Arrested for what? fr.Pius & Archbishop informed their communties of the visit. I even suspect it was a seminarian who then used the information to obtain the flight record. He posted on his face book. Yes rms students have face book accounts.

    2. Wow! Aren't you desperate! Semis barely have Internet access. Show me the page. Take a screenshot of the page where they post the gennarinis travel info.

      You are scrambling trying to deflect attention. The more you people say there is no airport breach the more I become convinced that there is. Your tone is so unusually mild, your accusations so rational and not violent the way they usually are. I become more and more convinced that you know who the real breach is and are trying to defend him or her.

    3. Love and peace of Lord Jesus Christ son of our Mighty God Priince of everlasting peace.
      Brothers sisters. My church is New Covenant Guam. My brothers sisters friends Catholics. We work TSA.
      Writing to shares that our workers would never photo flight details of Archbishop Sablan Apuron.
      Supervisor would have placed such an incident in log book. Log book evaluated. Today. It was found to be clear .
      However an answer was found.
      On the morning of Archbishop Sablan Apurons departure from Guam the said person lost his ticket . Archbishop Sablan requested the airline to locate the ticket on the airport computer. The ticket was located. Archbishop assisted by his priest took the photo shot in order to remember their flight details. The shot was forwarded to Archbishop sablans computer and them re sent to family of Archbishop Sablan. Sablan family forwarded the ticket back to Archbishop for safe keeping.
      I assure clients of Guam airport personal flight manifestos never made public.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 11:33 pm,

      This only shows your desperation. You know that a crime has been committed, and you know who is involved.

  11. I heard that Deacon Martinez wife works at United....hhhmmmm??? Makes me wonder???


  12. I do not understand what all the fuss is about over the release of a flight plan. What is the problem? Flight plans are public knowledge once you purchase a ticket.
    At the same time the names of every individual entering Guam are entered into the computer. This listing is available to every government office.
    However, Guam resudents knew of the arrival of the neo leader because archbishop and pius announces their visit to the communties two weeks before.information was released by archbishop by pius not my flight plan.
    Air ticket not important here.


  13. No body released flight informations
    Please this is false.
    Anthony Apuron and Pius informed their communties of visitors to Guam.they made the announcement.


    1. What is the issue of the Air ticket. No big deal. Its normal to check travel plans. Diana when you travel im sure you release flights to the family. All the same. No legal problem here. Called several laeyers all said no problem.

    2. I hope I never need defending from any of your lawyers. Flight manifest are private. By law. Try getting Angelina Jolie's travel plans. You can't!! It is illegal!!


  14. Agree i see no moral or ethical problem with this release of flight manifesto.
    The information was not first made public by Jungle watch. How did JW know about the visit? They knew bdcause weeks
    There are over two thousand employed at Guam airport chasing two thousand people to find a ghost wast of time diana. Pius Apuron ate the ones who revealed data. They talk so much they dont know what they say.
    Its a small issue diana not worth time. Besides i want to know travel plans so i welcome then talking or i go and take a look myself.

    1. No ethical or moral problem. Just LEGAL.

  15. Listen to how sweetly they say that looking for the culprit is a waste of time. How kindly they say that there is no real problem. Are these lambs the same hyenas we saw at the airport? Yes of course they are except that now it's scary to be called out for breaking the law. scary ain't it when your liberty and livelihoods are threatened. Let us not be deceived by these wolves in sheeps' clothing


  16. Who is the priest causing media problem? A new writer on JW a louis Gamboa.
    Where are these new Jungle Folk coming from. A priest they say causing encouraging protestors. Shame on him whoever he is.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:29 pm,

      It appears that there is a priest providing Tim Rohr with documents. The invitation letter that the Archbishop gave to all the priests came into the hands of Tim; therefore, a priest is inciting the laity to oppose the Archbishop.

    2. "a priest is inciting the laity to oppose the Archbishop"

      Them's fighting words alrighty.

      Or, simply, a priest is providing information to the people he pastors. That's a less contentious way of putting it.

      Some might even argue that its perfectly reasonable for the members of the Church to know what is being done officially by their Church. Its not really surprisiing that Gnostics might find that a radical idea.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:35 am,

      Providing information for the purpose of inciting the laity. Providing the information is one thing. How that information is used is the intention of the priest. We may not know who this priest is right now, but God knows him. It is unfortunate that this priest has no fear of God.


  17. Diana. Canon 1373 references serious offences against the authority of a bishop. A priest who incites hatred towards a bishop must be punished by law. A Priest who encourages violence against a bishop is guilty of a canonical offense. Canon 1370
    A priest who is disobedient to his bishop canon 1371.
    Priests be reminded you will be punished by full extent of law should you participate inciting hatred towards Archbishop Tony.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:07 am,

      It is a matter of catching them. A priest gave Tim Rohr that invitation letter. We may not know who he is right now, but God knows who he is. Apparently, this priest has no fear of God.


  18. Protestors preparing violence next.
