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Friday, February 19, 2016

Rules Of Dialogue

Dear readers who comment on my blog.  These are the following rules of dialogue.  Please follow these rules: 

  1. No name calling such as "idiot", "stupid", or "a bunch of animals."  Discuss the topic especially the OP.  Do not attack the commenters. 
  2. Absolutely no profanity.  Please keep all comments clean.  This blog is not a place for you to bash someone publicly. 
  3. Stop asking the same questions over and over.  Either accept the answer you have been given or write your letter of complaint to the Vatican.  It is not necessary to beat a dead horse.  
  4. No backtracking.  Backtracking is dishonest.  Honest and true discussions can benefit both sides as we can learn from each other. 
These rules are not meant to offend anyone.  If you feel offended, then I ask for your forgiveness.     


  1. Dear Diana,

    I wholeheartedly agree with your first points which deal with respect for one another who wishes to dialogue. Vulgarity does not deserve a place on your site.

    However, re: "Stop asking the same questions over and over. Either accept the answer you have been given or write your letter of complaint to the Vatican. It is not necessary to beat a dead horse."
    Here, I disagree, because Pope Francis said that we can "correct" the NCW with Statutes in hand. So, everytime you give accolades for the Way the Mass is celebrated, it is a duty for others to "correct" the NCW - seeing that the additions and deletions are not in the approved Statutes. I don't see this as a "dead horse" but, rather, Someone who is very important.

    As for your "No backtracking. Backtracking is dishonest. Honest and true discussions can benefit both sides as we can learn from each other."

    I'm not sure I know what you mean by backtracking. But, if you are referring to how the NCW Mass was "initially celebrated" - without the Altar, without anything that referenced "Sacrifice" including many of the prayers of the Roman Rite Mass, without the belief in transubstantiation, etc.....
    mentioning these things will hopefully show the members of the NCW that the NCW Mass was man-designed and had to be corrected. The prayers, after a lengthy period, were re-inserted, transubstantiation is now believed - hopefully in all groups, but....there remains many "deletions and additions" that still require correction. They are simply not in the Statutes of 2008. This is "honest and true." This Must be re-iterated over and over again, simply because the the Mass is important, Jesus is important.

    Re: "Honest and true discussions can benefit both sides as we can learn from each other."
    This I wholeheartedly agree with too. So please do not put up a roadblock re the Mass. It's just too important.


    1. Dear Peace,

      Since you often go by the name "peace" I will call you by that name and hopefully you will use the same signature.

      Asking the same questions over and over only goes around in circles. One can always agree to disagree, but going around in circles does not benefit anyone. This is NOT correction. To ask the same question over and over is a matter of not caring to listen. Below is an example:

      Person 1: Why did you eat the cookie? The sign says not to touch or eat the cookies.
      Person 2: I asked permission from my father, and he told me that I can have one cookie in the jar.
      Person 1: You were not supposed to touch or eat the cookies. The sign below it says so.
      Person 2: But I asked permission from my father and he said it is ok to have one cookie.
      Person 1: You violated the sign at the bottom. It clearly says do not touch the cookies.
      Person 2: But I asked permission even though the sign says not to touch the cookies. My father said that I can take one cookie.

      Do you see the problem above??? This is not a correction. It is a matter of not caring to listen. Because Person 1 does not care to listen, his only recourse of action is to leave Person 2 alone and go to the father and get the answer from him. To ask and accuse Person 2 of the same thing over and over is childish and borders on harassment.

      Backtracking means to insist that Sunday (being the first day of the week) is defined as "sunset." When shown the Catholic Encyclopedia that defines Sunday observation of the Early Church as "from Saturday evening to Sunday evening", the person then pretends that he is in agreement with what the Catholic Encyclopedia stated all along rather than admit that he was in error about defining Sunday as "sunrise."


    2. AnonymousFebruary 20, 2016 at 10:20 AM

      you brought two issues to bear that are contradictions of reality.

      Yes the Pope did say to correct with the statues in hand; but you also stated that we have to learn form each other.

      simple can you correct the NCW if you do not know the NCW? It is like talking about the taste of chocolate with never tasting chocolate first hand...experiencing. Don't you think that it is hypocritical to speak about a subject that we have little or no experience with?

      the beautiful thing about the NCW is just when you think you know Jesus will hear a WORD that will humble your pride...make you realize that you know nothing at all.

      The first Mass; the EUCHARIST; the LAST SUPPER...were you there? How can you correct me if you were not?
