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Thursday, October 8, 2015

Those Without Sin, Cast The First Stone

In yesterday's (October 7th) Pacific Daily News, Thomas "Tommy" Tanaka made the following accusation against Archbishop Apuron:

The Neocatechumenal Way crossed the line when Archbishop Anthony Apuron stole the most valuable asset of the Church and gifted it to The Way in perpetuity.

By valuable asset, he was referring to the RM seminary (which he wants shut down).  In order to give away property, one must have a Deed of Gift or a Deed of Sale. There were none.  There was only a restriction deed.  A restriction deed is NOT a "giving away" or even "gifted away."  The title of the RM seminary is still under the Archdiocese of Agana.  Yet, Mr. Tanaka accused the Archbishop of stealing despite that he showed no evidence of it.  Stealing is a very strong word.  So, where is the Deed of Gift, showing that the Archbishop has gifted it to the NCW? 

How easy it is for Mr. Tanaka to heap up criminal accusations against the Archbishop.  Fortunately, we live in a democratic society where a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  So, now let us look at Mr. Tanaka's past, which is on the Internet for the entire world to see.  

According to Wikipedia: 
In 2003, Tanaka pled guilty to misprision of a felony as part of a political corruption probe by the Guam U.S. Attorney's Office in which Tanaka was accused of endorsing previously-rival Democratic candidate Gutierrez in 1997 in exchange for his construction firm receiving a large government contract to build school bus shelters a few months later. Judge William Alsup sentenced Tanaka to two years of supervised release, including six months of house arrest. In the trial, Air America Radio financier Evan Montvel Cohen testified against Tanaka.

Tanaka agreed to a plea agreement with the United States Attorneys Office in Guam; there was no trial for him.
Tanaka was later implicated in allegations that he tried to influence the investigation that had been pursued against him by the U.S. Attorney's Office. In June, 2006, the USDOJ's Office of the Inspector General released their final report on their investigation into allegations made by previous interim U.S. Attorney for Guam Frederick Black that Tanaka's nephew Leonardo Rapadas replaced Black in his position as U.S. Attorney after Black called for an investigation into Washington-based lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Rapadas assumed the position after receiving President Bush's 2002 appointment. According to the investigation, "Black stated that he thought Tanaka had used his political influence to get Rapadas the nomination so that Tanaka's criminal matter would disappear." Rapadas was later recused from participation of any ongoing investigations of Tanaka. Black also claimed that Rapadas' nomination was intended to end his ongoing investigations into corruption by public officials in Guam. The OIG determined that Black's allegations were unsupported and that Rapadas' background investigation was sufficient and his appointment appropriate.

An anonymous commenter also found the following information.  This information is also found on the Internet for the entire world to see (the bold is mine): 

Tim Rohr's people - Thomas "Tommy" Tanaka:

This report describes the Office of the Inspector General's (OIG) investigation regarding allegations raised by Frederick Black, the former interim U.S. Attorney for Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Black alleged that he was replaced as the interim U.S. Attorney because he called for an investigation of Washington, D.C., lobbyist Jack Abramoff and also because he supported applying federal immigration law to the CNMI, a position Abramoff opposed. (page 1)

The FBI's August 28 memorandum summarized the "derogatory" information revealed by the investigation up to that point. The memorandum noted that, as Black had said, Rapadas's uncle Tommy Tanaka was one of the subjects of a broad public corruption investigation by the Guam USAO’s office. The memorandum also stated that the FBI intended to conduct further interviews in connection with an allegation relating to Rapadas's personal conduct, the alleged conflict of interest involving Tanaka, and an allegation that Rapadas knew of alleged "cover-ups" at the Guam Attorney General's office related to Tanaka and Gutierrez. (page 24)

Wilson said that after the Rapadas appointment, the Guam investigative team continued to be focused on the case against certain Gutierrez Administration officials and others connected to Gutierrez, including Tanaka. The Gutierrez Administration investigation ultimately led to the Shinohara's conviction for conspiracy, bank fraud, and money laundering, and Tanaka's conviction for misprision of a felony. (page 31)

We found that after Rapadas was appointed, the USAO continued to pursue the investigation into the Gutierrez Administration under the direction of Public Integrity Section Chief Hillman, who acted as U.S. Attorney for Guam due to Rapadas's recusal from the case. As previously mentioned, those investigations resulted in the conviction of both Shinohara and Tanaka in 2003. (page 33)

So, Mr. Tanaka accuses the Archbishop of a sin despite that he also has committed a sin.  In this case, the investigation led to Mr. Tanaka's conviction, and Mr. Tanaka has pleaded GUILTY and agreed to a plea agreement in order to avoid a trial.  What did Jesus say to the crowd who tried to stone a woman for committing adultery?  "He who is without sin may cast the first stone."  Only Jesus is without sin and therefore has every right to judge.  And His judgment toward the woman was mercy. 

Matthew 7:1-2  “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.  For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 


  1. Dear Mr. Tanaka, there seems to be a bigger log in your eye.

  2. Diana, if you were my "responsible" I sure wouldn't tell any of my faults in front of you. Also, why doesn't Archbishop fault you for defending him in such a nasty way. Restriction in Perpetuity is as good as gone to a simple person

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:59 am,

      As I stated in my entry post, to give away property one must have either a Deed of Gift or a Deed of Sale. Since you are accusing the Archbishop of giving away property, then show the Deed of Gift. Where is it. A Deed Restriction has nothing to do with handing property over. Rather, it is about placing a certain restriction on the use of a property.

    2. INPERPETUIY??? Read over...I did not accuse Arch in my comment. Did I.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:31 am,

      You accused him when you stated, "Restriction in Perpetuity is as good as gone to a simple person."

    4. Anon 9:59,

      Why wouldn't you tell Diana your faults if she was your responsible?

  3. Dear Diana, what do you say in response to the suggestion that the NCW exaggerated the number that attended the vocational meeting in Philadelphia? We have been told that 40,000 attended but that the venue only holds 20,000?

    1. Anon 2:59,

      And what if it was actually 20,000? That is still a miracle :)

    2. Dear Anonymous at 2:59 pm,

      You can read my response on the following website. You have your own entry post.

  4. It would be foolish for a person to think that the Yona property is being "given away" to anyone. First of all, without the RM seminary it would have never become a possession of the Archdiocese. The idea of buying it simply didn't cross anybody's mind before possibilities were being considered to house the RM seminary. Second, to restrict the property for the purpose of forming diocesan priests for the Archdiocese is the contrary of giving away; it is using it one of the best possible ways, not only for the present time but also for the future, an investment that will be remembered in history as a very wise decision.
    So that is foolish. But what Tanaka said is more than that: he used the word stealing. That is calumny. And he didn't say it because he is unaware of what I stated above. Then he parades himself as Katoliku on the same page... This dude will have some explaining to do at the pearly gates.

    1. Ok. Change the name and do away with NCW formation. Archdiocesan Seminary. period. Ok 8:38 am

  5. I second to that. Why not change the name to Archdiocesan Seminary of Guam.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:54 am and 10:24 am,

      Sorry to disappoint you both, but you have no authority to change the name of the RM seminary. The name stays.

  6. Dear Sisters and Brothers, as Diana called it into attention, Mr. Tommy Tanaka, an elderly politician who was once convicted and sentenced by criminal charges, has written a provocative letter in the PDN where he makes unfounded charges and slanderous accusations.

    Mr. Tanaka has the audacity to call his slanderous statements and threats "defense of faith". He, the convicted and failed politician utters criminal charges against others. We should not be silent. I would like to initiate a communities wide effort to respond to these charges and accusations. I will submit to Diana my point of view in a few days. Meantime I ask you, please, you also send her your comments so that it appears here under this topic. A letter summarizing our stance would be submitted then to the PDN for publication.

    I am asking you that you include your name and village, so that our adversaries know that we have courage to fight back against their incursion into our faith life. Please, spread the word among our sisters and brothers. It is the time to show our strength. It is the time to show that we are many. Take courage!

    1. That's a great idea. Perhaps this time we can directly answer the questions that the critics of the Way put forward, rather than side-step them.

    2. Dear Zoltan,

      Mr. Tanaka's criminal past is well known. However, his charge against the Archbishop of stealing is slanderous and unfounded. Why hasn't Mr. Tanaka gone to the police and file any charges against the Archbishop when "stealing" is a crime. The RM Seminary came into the possession of the Archdiocese legally.

      The jungle and CCOG think that the Archbishop gave the seminary to the NCW, and the evidence they are using is a declaration deed of restriction. A restriction deed does not show ownership, but declares what the property would be used for. The NCW and the RMS does not have the title of ownership of that property. The Archdiocese of Agana is the one who has the title, and that is the document they will use if it does get to court.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:24 am,

      You are only going to hear the same answers to the same questions you have been asking.

    4. Why must property be RESTRICTED? If it belongs to Archdiocese as the Archdiocesan Seminary as it was intended by the donor then this restriction seems very uneccesary....explain why the deed of restriction,Diana, and many will be understanding. The property not willy hilly offered. It was given for a special purpose. That purpose never was specifically for the NCW.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 10:52 am,

      The restriction states that the property should be used as a seminary. So, why do you have a problem with this restriction? Is this not a good restrict its use for a seminary?

      Let us say that I own a house, and I put a restriction on my house. The restriction I put on my house is that it will not be used for rental purposes. I and my children can live in the house but due to its restriction, my children cannot put up the house for rent without my permission. Who does the house belong to? It is still my house because I did not sell it nor give a deed of gift to anyone. There was no transfer, only a restriction.

    6. Your analogy is flawed. Rather let us say that you were the custodian of a house that was held for the benefit of a number of people. You placed a restriction on who could live there so that only one of those beneficiaries had use of it, forever. Not only did you do this, but you didn't consult with the other beneficiaries. T

      The effect would be to deprive those other beneficiaries of the benefit which was their due. It is for all intents and purposed the same as if you had given it away.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 3:37 pm,

      The analogy is not flawed. The owner of the house is me. As the owner, I decide what is in the best interest of my house and the person who will be the next of kin. As owner of the house, I can also remove the restriction. The point is........who is the owner? Having a restriction does not change who the owner is. The house still belongs to me.

      In the same way, a deed restriction does not change the ownership. The jungle and CCOG claim that the RM seminary is NOT owned by the Archdiocese of Agana, but it is owned by the NCW. Do they have the title of ownership showing the name of the Neocatechumenal Way as the owner? No. All they have is a DECLARATION showing the deed restriction. The Archbishop, on the other hand has the TITLE OF OWNERSHIP as well as three reports showing that he has the title of ownership.

  7. Redemptoris Mater is name of NCW seminaries worldwide. Seminary was not given to them and should not be named or restricted in this manner. You explanation is not applicable.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:22 am

      The Redemptoris Mater Seminary is recognized by the Pope. In fact, Pope Francis ordained men from these seminaries. Are you now saying that the Pope was WRONG in ordaining men from the RM seminary?

    2. Not speaking of the Holy Father at all. He's the Bishop of Rome, not Agana. What I'm saying is the Yona property was not given to NCW. It is for the primary use of an archdiocesan Seminary. NCW seminarians have their own house of formation and attend the Philidelphia Seminary St. Charles.

  8. Mr.Tanaka is a saintly old man. He prays every day goes to Mass.
    Very unkind to say that another may have a criminal past.
    Even if someone accused of a criminal act it does not mean the act happened.
    To say that a saintly old man is a criminal is serious sin.
    Regarding stealing .
    If a person has taken money I have a theory. If the money in your hand is unclean tale the notes place them in a laundry bag with socks and wash in machine. Dry them in the sun and then iron the notes. The money is then cleaned and ready for reuse. The money is clean. I was taught this by a holy priest.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:39 am,

      The Catholic Church has never declared Mr. Tanaka a holy saint. In fact, the Church has not even beatified him as they did with Mother Teresa. So, let us be honest here, and not try to mislead anyone. Tom tanaka was convicted of a crime. That is a fact, and the fact can be found on the internet, in news repost, and in the archives of the criminal justice system.

      By the way, may I ask how old are you? The reason why I would like to know your age is because of your philosophy regarding stealing. And who is this holy priest who taught you this?

    2. Oh, so calling someone "saintly" is wrong because the Church hasn't declared them a saint, but its a crime to not think that Kiko is a saint? Because someone told someone else that someone thought that the pope told someone that kiko is a saint. Which of course, using your own logic, would be a stupid thing to believe actually happened. In any case, Kiko puts this dubious claim on his official website - no doubt as a sign of his saintly humility.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 1:53 pm,

      It was Pope Francis who called Kiko a saint, but he never called him a holy saint. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the members of the Church are called "saints", but they are not called holy saints. The holy saints are those who are in Heaven.

    4. I asked Mr Tanaka on the PDN if he is truly a convicted felon. But he has never responded. I don't know why. He may be in shames and cannot admit what he really did. He is the spokes person for CCOG in the PDN. People at the CCOG and Mr. Rohr probably did not know anything about Mr. Tanaka, otherwise I cannot assume they knew it. Because that would so shallow.

      Mrs. Diana said Mr. Tanaka was convicted for misprision of a felony, whatever it means. It surely sounds very bad bad. I asked Mr. Tanaka because it is very confusing if true. How could a convicted felon go free? If CCOG is represented by felons, then the whole business looks like a felony.

      I don't think this what Mr. Rohr wanted. It is very confusing. Now it looks like Mr. Rohr is doing business with convicted felons to commit felony. Whose interest is this at CCOG? Is CCOG truly a criminal organization? I am just getting more and more confused and I would like to see clearly. Who can explain this? Please, help!

      Joane Santos

    5. So, according to what you just quoted at 5:29, Mr. Tanaka is a saint because he is a member of the Church! Anonymous at 11:39 did not say "holy saint", so your response was out of line.
      In fact, 11:39 did not even call him a saint....just used the word 'saintly' as a descriptor. Diana, you do go out of your way to put someone down, don't you?

    6. Dear Joane, misprision of felony is a federal criminal offense. Corrupt people in position can commit. It has a grave impact on a whole region, because it raises the corruption index. Once the corruption index goes high, it is very hard to lower it, and it will have a negative impact for decades. Mr. Tanaka did a lot of damage to Guam in this regard.

    7. 11.39Am. Who are you? What is your work?

    8. Dear Mr. Zoltan, I am not a neo, okay? I did not say Mr. Rohr and the CCOG are criminals. So please, do not twist my words. It is very confusing what you say. I only read that Mr. Tanaka who is representing CCOG in the PDN is a federal misprision of felony, if I understand correctly. Why? Did he do any wrong?

      I found in Wikipedia that the CIA listed Mr. Tanaka by name in the world fact book. This whole CIA investigation into his affairs is very embarrassing. I tried to read the link, but it is too long. Is Mr. Tanaka a convicted felon? If he is, why does he represent Mr. Rohr in the PDN? Is he financing the lawsuit Mr. Rohr is threatening with against the Archbishop? Why does CCOG need a sponsor of criminal past? Are they so much dependent on money? I am very confused.

      I don't like the way you twist my words, Mr. Zoltan. I did not say Mr. Rohr is a misprision or felony or whatnot. His association with Mr. Tanaka is through pure business at CCOG. How can you say if CCOG operates on the money received from Mr. Tanaka who is a wealthy business man in good standing on Guam? He even has hos own Wikipedia entry!

      Mr. Tanaka Jr., on the other hand, is opening a farmer's co-op market place very soon. He must be of good family. Where is the corruption, Mr. Zoltan? I cannot see any. Where is the corruption index? I cannot see it either. So what's up with that?! What are you talking about?

      Joane Santos

    9. Tommy Tanaka says this in his PDN article (I emphasize into points):

      "Let me be perfectly clear: our strong objection is having
      1. your presbyters covertly taking over our parishes, with
      2. the goal to eventually destroy them, because
      3. your sect has brainwashed the followers that the only way to salvation is through communities such as yours."

      Sorry, but this absolutely does not make any sense at all! What presbyters are taking over parishes? How? Each parish has one or several appointed priests. What is wrong with that, Tommy? Are you in your right mind? What goal is to "destroy parishes"? This is pure nonsense, Tommy! You are delusional. Are you on drugs? Who wants to destroy your parish? Salvation is coming solely through Jesus Christ. It is in the Bible. Sorry, Thomas, but it is you who had been thoroughly brainwashed.

      But Tommy does not stop here. Here is what he demands:

      "We are willing to live in peace with you, but only when
      1. you get out of our parishes and
      2. close the NCW seminary, return the Yona property that was stolen from us, and
      3. restore Monsignor Benavente and Father Gofigan.
      We have the obligation to do whatever is necessary to get NCW out of our parishes."

      What, Tommy, are you completely nuts?! How do you get NCW out of your parish? Are you going to take our crosses? Are you destroying our icons? Are going to shut the doors in the social hall that we cannot enter? How do you want to do this, Tommy? It is not going to happen peacefully. Are promoting violence, Tommy? Really? It is not nice from someone who had been convicted by federal law. It is not nice when a criminal cries out for violence in our parishes, Tommy! Oh, the audacity of misprision. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Tommy, hear me?

      Close the seminary? Why? Is this another delusion of yours? Or is it coming from your handlers, Tommy? They are even dumber then than you are, for sure. What a bunch of crooks, sweet heaven. That seminary will educate priests for eternity, Tommy. Or presbyters, as you like to call them. Do you have any objection to that? Then file it with the authorities for a good laugh... Tommy, you are really a joke man.

      Why should clergy be restored to previous assignments when they are just happy with their new? Have you asked them, Tommy, if this is what they really want? But don't be surprised if they just ignore you when you ask. They just might not want to be associated with a convicted criminal. You did not think of that, Tommy, did you?

      So just go ahead, Tommy Tanaka, and do "whatever is necessary". We have seen that over 20 years ago, don't you remember? Should we call it back to you mind how was it when you wanted to do "whatever was necessary" last time? It was disaster, Tommy! Because you were in the same delusion you are in now, in the delusion of being invincibility. But you were so wrong! Look, Tommy, what did you achieve: misprision of felony! This is you, this is your success story. So why don't you just go ahead and do "whatever is necessary" again this time against the Catholic faithful at the parishes? Just go Tommy, go! But I tell you, we will warn people that Tommy is at it again. Tommy is coming. It is better to prepare for the worst. Or maybe just for a big laugh? Tommy, which one is you now?

    10. Dear Anonymous at October 14, 2015 at 2:57 PM, I cannot comment on the "restoration" of Msgr. James and Fr. Paul, because it is under the authority of church leadership. But regarding the demands that the Neocatechumenal Way leave the parishes and the Yona seminary be closed, I agree with your evaluation. These excessively arrogant demands are nonsensical and based on pure ignorance.

      If they want to close the seminary, there will be hundreds and hundreds of faithful Catholics forming a giant human chain around it. and protecting it from intrusion. If they want to expel us from our churches, we will gather in the parking lot and on the streets. We will not give in.

      Insanity is taking over the minds of those who want to torture and persecute other Catholic groups. Their delusion is fueled by a self-appointed demagogue and a rouge priest operating from off-island. Each time they are losing ground, they turn the volume of their nonsensical utterances higher. But they are unable to break out of the cage of their deep seated delusions.

      Why? The answer is as simple as factual: the Neocatechumenal Way is going to stay here in the long run.


  9. Seminary must be under full control of the Catholic Archbishop of Guam.
    Should the next Archbishop of Guam wish to to use it as a diocesan seminary religious convent retreat center then he needs total legal freedom to do so.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:46 am,

      The RM seminary is a diocesan seminary. That is all I have to say about that. I already pointed out the fact that Pope Francis recognized the RM seminary as Catholic and ordained some men from that seminary is evidence enough of that. If you come back saying that it is not a diocesan seminary, your comment will not be published. This blog is not a forum for the radicals.

    2. Diana, I want the seminary to be a retreat monastic house where we can go for prayer and Spirotual renewal. I would like to see an order of monks like the Cistercians come into Guam and open a monastery. Seminary ideal monastery. As the hotel is many rooms it. An be used for several purposes. One flor can be for monastery of monks, next flor monastery of nuns, next flor retreat cente. We could organize events of spiritual enlightmemt, yoga Pilates by the ocean with deep breathing meditation exercises. We can invite speakers in to talk. So Many opportunies for hotel. It should be a multi purpose facility for all of us. I would like to see it as a school for cooking classes, or other things. One week courses on dancing painting. It would also make money.

    3. Building intended to be a Diocesan Seminary.
      Not a Buddhist temple of "enlightenment "
      Are you delusional 12.23am?

  10. Reading comments concerning Mr. Tanaka or Kiko being called Holy saints of God.
    When still living these souls may well be truly holy and inspired by God as 11.54am states.
    Church is generally slow to acknowledge formal holiness of life. Am sure Mr.Tanaka is a God fearing spiritual man who does pray as commented states. Difficult to measure holiness of life until after death. From the 11.54am comment Mr. Tanaka demonstrates saintly virtue in his life. What this means is the life of Mr. Tanaka is worthy of you and I to study and follow his example so we may become,e holy. We need holy people in our day to follow. On island we have few examples of living saints so to have a man who is holy inspires all of us. For example Archbishop inspires people. Religious women inspire us. We all our God's holy people.. But I would not say we are saints. We are called to holiness. Mr. Tanaka is more a saint in progress. A holy man of God destined by God with a mission to save us.

    1. @12:00 AM,

      Mr. Tanaka is NOT a holy man. You're delusional.
