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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

St. John's Seminary in California

St. John's seminary is a graduate-level institution that prepares men for the priesthood for the dioceses in the southwestern United States. What I find interesting is its similarities to the RM Seminary here on Guam.  St. John's seminary has a board of directors with five officers and is a corporation sole.  Tim Rohr stated in his blog: 

"Not having a board of directors is one of the features of a corporation sole and the Archdiocese of Agana does not have one..............
The fact that RMS is formed by a Corporate Sole DOES NOT make RMS a corporate sole"

Yet, according to the weblink below regarding St. John's seminary: 

Like most Catholic diocesan seminaries St. John's is a "corporation sole," and the archbishop of Los Angeles is the "corporate sole," the single legal owner, who passes authority to his successor in office. At St. John's, the archbishop also serves as chair of the board of directors, which is legally an advisory group, not a board of trustees with final authority. Patrick Nichelson is president of the board. 

St. John's seminary in California operates the same way as the RM Seminary on Guam with the Archbishop as the corporation sole.  The RM seminary also has a board of directors.  The board of the directors at the RM seminary also acts as an advisory group who assists Archbishop Apuron, who is the corporate sole of the RM seminary.  St. John's seminary in California is only one of the many Catholic seminaries in the United States that is a corporation sole like the RM Seminary on Guam. 

How is CCOG going to react to this kind of information?  Are they still going to trust the jungle who stated that not having a board of directors is one of the features of a corporation sole?  How do they explain St. John's seminary, which is a corporation sole with a board of directors?   

Archbishop Apuron, Father Pius, and Father Adrian have been saying all along that the RM Seminary is owned and under the control of the Archdiocese of Agana and that the Archbishop is the corporation sole of the RM Seminary on Guam.  To those who have been following CCOG and swallowing everything the jungle feeds you, I highly recommend that you at least once listen to what the Archdiocese has been telling you since the beginning with an open mind and an open heart.  You have already been told that the title and control of the RM Seminary is under the Archdiocese of Agana.  You have been told about three times that the Archbishop is the "corporation sole" of the RM Seminary.  He is not going to answer the same questions over and over again. You have been told.  If you do not believe him, that is not the Archbishop's problem.  Therefore, I would think long and hard about putting any money into CCOG.       

The website I provided on St. John's seminary also gave the following information: 

Governance at a Catholic seminary 
As a Catholic diocesan seminary, your governance model is somewhat unusual. For example, Cardinal Mahony acts as board chair, right? 
Yes. Under our bylaws, the ordinary of the diocese, Cardinal Roger M. Mahony, is the "corporate sole." So, it is his seminary and he is chair of the board. [Editor's note: In Catholic usage, an "ordinary" is a bishop who has jurisdiction over a diocese, as opposed to an auxiliary bishop or retired bishop, who does not have jurisdiction.]
He makes the ultimate decision on matters of policy?
That's right, but he works very collaboratively with the board. I think that's the norm these days — most modern bishops work collaboratively with their boards.
How often does the board meet?
Four times a year. Formally, the board meets only once a year with the cardinal.
Cardinal Mahony is retiring soon. What challenge does that present?
We're not sure of the impact yet, but it will happen in 2011. His successor, Jose Gomez, former archbishop of San Antonio, has been chosen and is now coadjutor archbishop of Los Angeles, which means he'll succeed Cardinal Mahony as soon as the cardinal retires. 


  1. I wonder if CCOG is still going to pursue their lawsuit once they know that many seminaries in the US are operating the same way as RMS. St. John's seminary has no association of the NCW and it's a corporation sole with the Archbishop of Los Angeles as being the sole corporate of St. John's seminary.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:45 am,

      Would they even apologize to the Archbishop? I do not think so because they were never after the truth in the first place. Father Pius came out in the media and stated that the RM Seminary is owned and control by the Archdiocese of Agana with the Archbishop as the sole authority because he is the corporate sole of the RM seminary. Tim Rohr only came out and said that Father Pius is a liar. Father Adrian came out and said the same thing. Tim Rohr said that he is a liar.

      All along, the Archdiocese have been saying that the Archbishop is the corporation sole of RM Seminary. CCOG was not interested in learning the truth and neither is the jungle. The jungle claimed that a corporation sole does not have a board of directors, and CCOG President Greg Perez as well as the other officers swallowed everything Rohr told them. And here is CCOG demanding for answers from the Archbishop......answers they already received. The fact that CCOG cannot accept that answer was never the Archbishop's problem. That was their problem to deal with.

    2. I can already imagine Tim coming out and saying that Patrick Nichelson,( the person interviewed in the article on St. John's seminary) is a liar too.

  2. They can't love the brother. They choose to hate. They choose to hate with those who choose to hate. Hate is in their heart. They have a Bishop you prays for them, and this is what Christ said to do. Pray for those who hate you.

    I feel like the Archbishop will reap the benefits of striving to remain a Christian in this situation. God loves His Church, and that includes Archbishop Anthony Apuron, despite his faults.

    That's what we Catholics have been preaching all along. Let's practice it!

  3. Mr. Tanaka, remove the hate in your heart. Please!

  4. Tim Rohr, remove the hate in your heart brother. Please!

  5. Yep. Looks like Tim is trying to distract his readers from the REAL issue that Diana pointed out. Rather than discussing the statement he made about corporation soles, Tim decides to avoid the issue by putting down St. John's seminary.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:12 am,

      I agree. This is what the article stated (capitalization is mine):

      "LIKE MOST CATHOLIC DIOCESAN SEMINARIES St. John's is a "corporation sole," and the archbishop of Los Angeles is the "corporate sole," the single legal owner, who passes authority to his successor in office. At St. John's, the archbishop also serves as chair of the board of directors, which is legally an advisory group, not a board of trustees with final authority. Patrick Nichelson is president of the board."

      In other words, St. John's Seminary is NOT the only diocesan seminary that is a corporation sole.....something that Tim Rohr deliberately left out.

  6. To CCOG........I advise that you take serious note of your leader, Tim Rohr. Yes, I call him your leader because he has always been your only source of information. Your leader Tim Rohr made the following statement in his blog:

    "Not having a board of directors is one of the features of a corporation sole and the Archdiocese of Agana does not have one..............
    The fact that RMS is formed by a Corporate Sole DOES NOT make RMS a corporate sole"

    If you are going to hold the Archbishop accountable to everything he says, I highly suggest that you FIRST hold your leader Tim Rohr accountable for what he says. You can start by asking him to explain the above statement he made regarding corporation soles. Ask him to explain how is it that MANY diocesan seminaries in the United States that are not associated with the NCW are a corporation sole with a Bishop as the sole legal owner. Ask him how is it that these seminaries are corporation soles with a board of directors.

    1. Diana,

      Maybe Vangie Lujan can explain her protest sign that had RECONCILIATION crossed out. I dont think she listens to the Word of God that often. So when Vangie is greeted at the gates to the kingdom, should she expect the same sign pointed at her? Hypocrites I tell you. CCOG is not Catholic. CCOG is not Christian either.

      I also saw Mr. John Taitano in those same pictures holding a sign with a list of Priests that he assumes are no where to be found. I want to remind Mr. Taitano that he has many more fingers pointing right back at him.

      Theres also another individual who I hear was very abusive as a leader in a certain ministry. She had the kids kneeling down on rice and holding bibles with outstretched arms.

      Oh and Tanaka it rhymes with Kaka too.

      Im warning Tim and his cohort, try me? And as I said before, Dont tempt me. Im fine holding all the info I have, I'll take it to the grave just to avoid a bigger mess and the wounds to be reopened. Are they willing to accept all the possibilities? All the future mess?

      Reconcile! Forgive, forget and move on.

      -Jokers Wild

    2. Go for it Jokers wild. Play your hand.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:03 am,

      I would be hesitant to play that hand. I am the only administrator of this blog. Jokers Wild does not make any decision on what comments gets deleted or published. I make that call.

    4. Jokers wild, not a good manner to begin Jubilee. My goodness you are a fright.

  7. Do you see the difference? St. John's is NOT a corporate entity, RMS IS a corporate entity.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:15 pm,

      Do not change the subject. You do not even know for certain if St. John's seminary and the rest of the other seminaries is a corporate entity.. So, do not change the subject. The Archdiocese has been saying all along that the Archbiship is the corporate sole of RM seminary. That is a FACT. Are you denying this fact? Yes or no?

      It was the jungle who claimed that the Archbishop was a liar on the basis that a corporation sole does NOT have a board of directors. That is a fact.. The jungle has just been proven wrong. How they defined "corporation sole" and their basis was an error.

    2. TIm has already refuted this post thusly:

      The Corporate Sole relates to an office not a school.

      The RSM is a school not an office.

      The RMS is incorporated as a not for profit entity.

      St John's Seminary is not separately incorporated like the RMS is, and therefore remains a function of its Archdiocese under the office of the Archbishop, whose office is a corporate sole.

      The board of Directors at St John's is merely advisory in capacity. The board of Guarantors at RMS has veto power.

      All seems fairly logical and straight forward.

      Your understanding appears to be wrong. Its like saying - "this apple is a fruit just like this orange. See, its exactly like this orange"...... Or is it?
