Blog Song

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

CCOG Protesting Gala Dinner?

I can understand protesting against abortion or some bill proposed by the Guam Legislature, but this is the first time I have ever heard of anyone protesting against someone's birthday.  This only makes CCOG look insane.  Are they saying that the Archbishop has no right to celebrate his birthday???  The Gala dinner is being held in honor of the Archbishop's 70th birthday.  Why would anyone in their right mind protest against the Archbishop's or even anyone's birthday for that matter.  Abortion....I can understand, but a birthday???  And these are supposed to be people who are pro-life.....protesting against the birth of a person??????   

The Gala dinner is also a fundraiser to help support the RM seminary, the John Paul II seminary and the Archdiocese of Agana.  If CCOG do not want to help support the Church and the seminaries, they do not have to.  No one is even forcing them to attend the Gala dinner.  Their protest is only going to make them look foolish.  

Not only are they trying to destroy the Church, but they obviously are also trying to destroy their island.  Tumon is the heart of the tourist industry, which is Guam's number one economy.  Do they really want to bring some negative impact on Guam's economy?  A protest in front of the Hyatt Hotel would only give the Hyatt and other nearby hotels the wrong impression on the Japanese, Korean, and Russian tourists whose second language is English.  They may get the wrong impression and assume  that they are protesting against the hotel.  Protests in Agana is one thing because the seat of government is located there, but to protest in a village that is the heart of Guam's economy would only leave a negative impact on the tourist industry.  

Why would CCOG want to protest a birthday?   Why are they against the people who want to help the Church and the seminaries?  It is NOT their money.          


  1. It will be a protest of envy and greed. They are envious of others who celebrate inside and they are greedy because they hear talk about money and donations. They will suffer because they chose to suffer while everybody is merry and happy.

    LOL! They could as well pour a bucket of sewage water on their head and go berserk.

    1. Who passes the black bag and asks for people's personal assets and valuables? There's the greed.
      Camilla Cruz

    2. Dear Anonymous at 3:56 am,

      The Catechists never ask to give their assets to them. They said to sell their assets and give to the poor.....just like Christ said. People the ones who decide what assets they should sell, and how much to give to the poor.

    3. Is it cash only in the black bag? I was under the impression that valuable items were also put in the black bag such as expensive jewelry.
      Camilla Cruz

    4. Dear Camilla,

      We are not collecting money in a trash bag for the Gala dinner.

    5. Greedy and envious people are gathering to disrupt the peaceful celebration of valor and dignity. What a ridiculously unnecessary act?!

      These misguided protesters are not people of good will! They could have chosen Jesus, but they made a different choice. Therefore, they will be given up to their wicked desires of greed, envy and malevolence. The suffering they will have is a due prize brought upon to them by the evil one who leads them.

    6. I know that. Does the black bag accept valuable jewelry when it is passed around at the times that it is passed around. My aunt put in her diamond ring. What happened to it???
      Camilla Cruz

    7. Dear Camilla,

      Your aunt's diamond ring was most likely sold and the money was given to the poor.

    8. Is there any record kept of the poor who benefit? For example, the amount of money contributed to The Salvation Army if they get contributions from the black bag collections. Or a record of the number of homeless helped on island or elsewhere. Because as you say, you are all sinners and the temptation to embezzle must be great if there is no accountability for the black bag collections. I know my late uncle paid almost $3,000 for my aunt's ring.
      Camilla Cruz

    9. Dear Camilla,

      It appears that you desperately want that ring. Carmilla, your aunt did not want you to have that ring. The ring is not yours, and it never was yours.

    10. You did not answer my question. I can only assume that no record is kept of how black bag collections are spent on "the poor."
      By the by, I inherited my late mother's exquisite diamond ring.
      Camilla Cruz

    11. Dear Camilla,

      We do keep record of it. The money is always counted by more than one person, and there are witnesses. I only answered about the ring because obviously that is your most concern. Congratulations on getting your diamond ring. So, why are you so angry?

    12. Not angry, curious. I am curious about the organizations/groups that are helped by the black bag collections. But you won't name the groups/organizations that receive black bag contributions. Why is that?
      Yes, my mom's ring is very dear to me, thank you.
      Camilla Cruz

    13. I don't get it...! Why does it matter what is put in the black bag? If I or anyone else chooses to put money or house or country or even the moon in the bag, why is it any of your business if its mine? Did YOU earn MY money? Did you do my job and I got paid for it? Its my money and I will do as I please with it...I will decide what I want to spend it on regardless if you or any of the other protestants think. The bottom line is when the bag is passed around, we have the freedom to put in or not...and if I choose to put in my money, who are you to say anything about it? Let me try and dumb it down for you and the rest of the New Age Protestants (Coconut Crazies Of Guam). Before the bag is passed around, we are informed of what it will pay for...and it is up to us to be generous or not since it is our personal hard earned cash. So if we chose to put money in the bag for whatever they need to pay for then that's OUR BUSINESS...PERIOD! I, like most of those who put in to the "black bag" do our fair share of donating to charity or feeding the poor and the homeless when we donate food to kamalen karidat,, Guma San Jose, Red Cross, Etc. So excuse me if I decide to use my hard earned money to treat myself to a nice $200 dinner. After all...I did earn that money not you! Go fight and protest the abortion doctors who continue to murder the unborn, or protest the legislature for the legislations they pass that is contrary to the teachings of the Lord or the fact that they hold $100 fundraisers to fund their campaign to get elected instead of using all their fundraising money to "feed the hungry and the poor" and stop wasting time listening to the lies of the devil and protesting birthday parties and what people choose to spend their money on. BTW...tomorrow, I am going to probably spend $1200 on new rims for my car...where is the next protest at so I can see the new sign against me for the excited. lol

  2. Good idea to protest. So funny how you come up with these lame consequences.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:37 pm,

      What sign will you be holding up.........."Stop the Birthday Party?" :-)

    2. How about "$200 can help the homeless on Guam"?
      Camilla Cruz

    3. Dear Camilla,

      If you want to help the poor, organize your own fundraiser. The NCW has been and still is contributing to the poor when they sold their goods and gave the money to the poor.

    4. I contribute monthly to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital and UNESCO's Children's Fund. At Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas I give a minimum of $100 to John 3:16 Mission in Tulsa, OK, to help provide holiday meals for the homeless. Locally, I donate food items for Thanksgiving and Christmas to the Salvation Army at a minimum of $100.
      Yes, I help the poor.
      At John 3:16 Mission, $200 would pay for a meal for 100 homeless people.
      Camilla Cruz

    5. Dear Carmella,

      I commend you for helping the homeless, but we still have the freedom to do what we wish to do with our money. The Church does not force nor tell us how we should spend our money, and neither should you. What you do with your own money is up to you. Do not tell us what we should with our money.

    6. Where in my post did I tell you what to do with your money? You told me to have my own fundraiser to help the poor. I told you how I do help the poor.
      Why are you so defensive?
      Camilla Cruz

    7. Dear Camilla,

      Telling you not to tell us what to do with our money is not being defensive. In your previous comments, you said that $200 could help the homeless people. In other words, you are trying to tell us not to spend the $200 for the Gala dinner, but spend it for the homeless. That is telling us how to spend our $200. The OP is not about the homeless people. It is about the Gala dinner which cost $200 to attend.

  3. Profifs raised from this birthday go directly to the pocket of Archbishop.
    The Arcbishop has considerable wealth given by our people to him.
    already mentioned he has a net worth over ten million USD Cash.
    Het he wants more of our money.
    This is what the protest is about.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:35 pm,

      If you did not purchase a ticket to the Gala dinner, then it is not your money. Those who purchase the tickets gave their money, and they know that it is not going to the Archbishop. It is going to the seminaries and the Church. It says so in the ticket.

  4. WHY..........TIM ROHR>>>TIM ROHR>>> Nothing but hate



  6. The Gospels say that if you want to have a party, go invite the poor, the lame, the blind, the outsiders....
    But $200 per person to come to a party? What is wrong with the picture, Susana. LOL

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:16 am,

      We are the poor, blind, and the sinners. We never said that we were perfect and without sin like you. God provides heals and provides for the poor, the blind, the lame, and He dined with the sinners. That would be us who have always said we are sinners. And I am not Susana.

    2. Yes, a gathering of admitted sinners dining together at the gala birthday bash.

  7. Of course not, Fr. Pius , we know you're not Susana.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:56 am,

      I am also not Father Pius.

  8. The Jungle cry babies crying about a Birthday Party, crying about money they're not putting in, calling you Susana. LOL Childish, Childish, Childish. say in the jungle crib, mommy Tim will bed home soon. protesting a Birthday Party what a Joke!!! and I don't mean jokers wild, just a Joke

  9. The Gospels says that the Pharisees like to throw lavish parties at the expense of the people....NCW money making industry in the guise of Evangelization. LOL

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:27 pm,

      Where does it say in the Gospels that the Pharisees throw lavish parties?

    2. peace be with you anonymous Oct 29 at 6:27

      be careful

      Exodus 20:16 - You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

  10. Tim posted Adrian's letter on his blog. Chauncery is fighting.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:36 am,

      I doubt it. That letter was made 17 years ago. Why is Tim Rohr bringing up something that was written 17 years ago?

    2. Because Rohr's are losing ground.

    3. Because "the past is prologue"...
      Camilla Cruz

    4. You have verified your ignorance if you haven't a clue as to what that quote means in relation to your post to Anonymous at 10:36 AM.
      Camilla Cruz

  11. Because the Gospel says that what is hidden in the dark will be brought to light, Susana.
    And, yes, i will not be cashing in my $200 LOL for money making excuse in the name of God.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:48 pm,

      No one is forcing you to give $200. You can keep your money. At any rate, the tickets are almost sold out out, and there are still more people coming in to purchase the tickets.

    2. How many tickets have been sold?
      Camilla Cruz

    3. Dear Camilla,

      Why should that concern you?

    4. This year's Gala dinner is the largest we've had. I heard that dining tables and chairs are also being placed in the hallways. It looks like the persecution did all of us a lot of good. It favored the archbishop and the Way.

  12. Why you won't you answer my question?
    Camilla Cruz

    1. Dear Camilla,

      You are apparently new to my blog. That question has been answered many times. We only do collections when there is a need. For example, when our community is on a retreat at a hotel, the bag is passed around to pay for the hotel bill. If your aunt donated a ring in the Second Scrutiny, the ring would be sold and the money will be given to the poor.

    2. My question was "How many tickets have been sold" for the gala birthday bash.
      How many tickets have been sold?
      Camilla Cruz

  13. Money, money, money... $-) why some are so interested what I am doing with my money? Black bag, trash bag, $200 gala dinner whatever. I'm sorry, but It's not your business. Basta ma estotba yu!

  14. Dear Anonymous October 31, 2015 at 5:33 AM at Junglewatch in tim-you-ruined-sister-marian
    I completely understand your frustration when you write this (capitalization by me):

    "This anonymous person who always ends his messages with "bye" is getting to be quite annoying. He leaves the impression of a glib, FLIPPANT AND AIRHEAD PERSONALITY. He cheapens what Tim Rohr is trying to achieve on this blog, and I hope he knows that comments like his AFFECTS THE CREDIBILITY OF THE VENUE. Obviously we cannot control what people say on a blogsphere, but due to the gravity of the current situation, none of us can afford DISRESPECTFUL AND SHALLOW REMARKS even in anonymity. Kindly share comments with substance, and be prudent enough to remain silent when no insights are present. I say this with charity, for WE OWE TRUTHFUL AND SUBSTANTIVE REMARKS to our readers who are deeply affected by the troublesome events in the Archdiocese. Many are in our shoes, meaning the unfortunate plight of welcoming NCW influences, and they are hungry for answers. May God bless this crusade of speaking the truth."

    So the response Tim October 31, 2015 at 6:58 AM

    "Yes. I understand. However, I know who is doing this and there is the method to the madness that I can't share right now. There is someone who is reading those annoying comments and is getting annoyed... really annoyed. Anyway, the birthday bash is tomorrow. Make sure you join the protestors. 5pm Hyatt."

    Well, what can I tell you, dear anonymous? We see a clear evidence that the person called Tm Rohr is falling apart. He is maintaining neither order nor basic decency, dignity at his blog anymore. What anonymous is not realizing is that the person he is complaining about and Tim Rohr are the exactly same person!! He confirms this by his flabby mindedness. His goal is exactly to be flippant, airhead, disrespectful and shallow. This is the whole substance of the business he does.

    We have seen this person publishing under different fantasy pseudonyms or anonymous covers all the time. He does this both both at his blog and at this blog here, as well. Nothing he writes under his own name is sufficient for him. His split personality has to jump on everything and satisfy every pervert need of his owner. This person is raising the stakes higher and higher as he cannot contain himself and brings much shame to his followers.

    Yes, the psychological profile of the owner of Junglewatch is almost complete. He has a split personality on the brink of instant explosion. It is truly scary to look into the lowliness and depravity of his moral character. He is quickly approaching a mental state that is frightening not to his opponents but most of all to his own followers. Exactly because of what you anonymous are saying above: he is bringing down everyone who trusts is him.

    My advice to the jungle folks: do not go anywhere near to this person who is faking himself as a decent family man while playing dirty games with everyone. This person is dangerous. Run and save your skin from the inevitable explosion and ultimate burning. I'll pray for you, dear anonymous.

    1. Dear Anonymous on Oct. 31st at 2:52 pm,

      I apologize for publishing your comment late. I found your comment when I checked my Spam inbox today.

    2. Tim Rohr is threatening Rome now. He seems not to have any shred of decency remained in him. He writes in his latest post titled "So Now We Know":

      "Are you watching Rome? Good. Because you are going to see what happens when you think you can just send your own thugs here to slap people down and think you did your job."

      What, does he call the apostolic delegates "thugs"?! The same people who were here on Guam to investigate the state of the Church? Is he going completely nuts? He claims the high ranking clergy who visited Guam "slapped people down". Really?! Just because he does not like that Guam was found clean by Rome, he must accuse the visitors with every kind of bad things.

      This person has no respect for anyone, not even for the Pope! What a shame!


  15. An airhead JW who sends in Rude comments always ends bye.
    Commemts composed in such word usage to make it look like Archbishop really says these things.
    It is nothing more than mocking the representative of Christ in this community.
    Whoever this person is needs to go to confession receive the words of absolution.
    They need to apologize to our community to Archbishop for posting nonsense.
    Sincerely Anjelica Santos walking since 2005. Happy Birthday Archbishop love you prayers. Anjelica. .

  16. I want to know how many tickets sold

    Let's say 500 tickets sold at $200 that makes $100,000 minus meal around $20 bucks leaves around $90k. So conservative estimate this dinner makes say $85,000.
    On top of this is personal gifts in envelopes which will come to about $50,000 so this dinner actually creates around $140,000 USD.

  17. Whoever is mocking Archbishop bye words repent believe in Jesus.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:02 am,

      For all we know, it could even be Tim Rohr himself as "anonymous."


  18. I also read these anonymous Bye words.
    Mocking Archbishop is mocking Jesus and Apostles.
    Archbishop is an apostle of Christ.
    My priest read them bye words and said Archbishop annoyed knows who person is.
    Prays for him.


  19. Who is Father Jo Malone is he in community! I not met him.
    Welcome Fr. Jo Malone to our Island Home of Guam.
    We welcome you to our community Agana.
    Hope to meet you tonight at the Gala.


  20. Who ever is writing these " bye " comments.
    I appeal to your good Nature to kindly stop.
    It is presently causing anguish unknown to you in our community.
    sincerely? Fr. Fran.

    1. Who is Fr. Fran?

    2. If someone is upset, he shouldn't read them. Easy.

    3. Very easy. Weren't we instructed not to go to that blog? "Forget it, Jake. It 's China Town."
      Nothing we can do about it so let it go.


  21. Great birthday party.
    To those who mocked Archbishop .
    What a joke you became.

    1. Everyone on Guam knows Archbishop Apuron has a big heart and is generous to a fault. How many times has he gone out to minister to the many homeless on Guam? How many times has he used funds from his own pocket to purchase meals and bottled water for the homeless? How many times has he discussed with other chancery officials his plans for new programs to help the homeless? Archbishop Apuron lives the example of Christ by his actions and speech. He is an archbishop par excellence and his shoes will be hard to fill once he reaches retirement age. It will be a sad day on Guam when he is no longer an active presence in our diocese. We will no longer hear his wonderful voice lifted in songs of praise. No longer hear his inspired homilies. No longer read his astute gospel reflections in the Umatuna si Yu'os.
      How will I bear the sorrow once he is retired? I shudder to think of this and hope the next five years will pass slowly to eke out every last bit of spiritual joy that we as members of his flock enjoy. His concern is always for the little people, the marginalized, the oppressed. I hope he is made a cardinal. If this happens, he may become the first Chamorro canonized a saint. Sound impossible? Isn't it a miracle that he's been our archbishop for over 30 years? Isn't it a miracle that despite all the hatred directed at him by those who want to bring down his inspired leadership that he is still our archbishop? Biba Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, a spiritual leader unsurpassed. Si Yu'os ma'ase' for all you do for our island, our Church, and all the people of Guam.
      Bobbie Santos

    2. RIGHT ON!!!! BOBBIE SANTOS After quadruple bypass surgery ''GOD'' still wants him here. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! ARCHBISHOP ANTHONY SABLAN APURON A TRUE CHAMORRO.

  22. I didn't know the Archbishop did so much for homeless. He's very modest not to make himself out to be a hero by keeping all these good works "under the radar."
    Thank you, Archbishop for your generosity and modesty.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:32 pm,

      When we help the poor and the homeless, we do not announce it with a trumpet.
