Blog Song

Monday, September 28, 2015

Vocational Meeting In Philadelphia

Tomorrow one can watch the vocational meeting with Kiko in Philadelphia at It will be around 4pm Monday, Eastern Time. 

Pass the word.  :-)


  1. Diana, Timmy and the jungle thinks that you're Susanna because Susanna never came out to deny that she is you. You're the only one denying that you're not Susanna.

    AnonymousSeptember 28, 2015 at 12:57 PM

    As a quick aside, I notice that although "Diana" has claimed she isn't Susanna, Susanna hasn't claimed she isn't "Diana"

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:04 pm,

      That is Tim Rohr's problem if he does not believe that I am not Susana. He accused me of being Susanna back in January, and I have denied it. However, there was someone who knows the REAL Susanna and commented on my blog. He/She knows for certain that Susanna is not me. And Susanna is not going to respond according to that person because Susanna does not know anything about the jungle. Obviously, the jungle has not been reading all the comments on my blog. This was the dialogue back in January 2015. I provided the weblink at the bottom:

      AnonymousJanuary 27, 2015 at 10:10 AM

      Diane, Timmy is advising Susanna Jayasuriya to prove that Benavente committed white collar crime.

      DianaJanuary 27, 2015 at 10:14 AM

      Dear Anonymous at 10:10 am,

      Who is Susanna? Is she walking in the Way? Isn't the Archdiocese of Agana the one accusing Monsignor James of those financial mismanagement which is pretty much a white collar crime?

      AnonymousJanuary 27, 2015 at 10:17 AM

      Sorry Diana is not Sue that I can attest. You folks in the Jungle keep shooting darts in the dark.
      Tim just can't help going to this part of the blog and pretend someone send it to him. Sue won't have time for this.

      If this is not white collar crime then what is it????? Enron ended like this. This spells Money embezzlement...

      Rohr what is it then racketeering? Gosh you have no credit to defend this. All your information you got from Richard Untalan which by the way in a verge of being EXCOMMUNICATED allong with you.

      DianaJanuary 27, 2015 at 10:27 AM

      Dear Anonymous at 10:17 am,

      HUH??? I'm lost. Who is Sue??? Is the jungle accusing me of being someone name Sue?

      AnonymousJanuary 27, 2015 at 10:35 AM

      Yes Diana, they think your Sue LOL! A lay woman who has no knowledge of this but concentrating on her missionary work from the Pope. All she cares about announcing the love of Jesus Christ and she is already being malign and ridicule by the Jungle. This is a spin off from the informative Richard Untalan.

      Gosh if he only remember when he made an oath to the Archbishop and turn on his father like a pit-bull. I hope sleeps peacefully at night.

    2. The problem with the jungle is that even when one is telling the truth, they still do not believe the person. And if they do not believe the truth, that is not my problem.

    3. 'Me thinks the lady doth protest too much....'

      Dear Diana at 3:26pm,
      Maybe it's because you deny even knowing this 'Susana' when she is listed as a board member of RMS and you seem to know all things NCW on Guam.... hard to believe even for me.
      You ask if she is walking...really?! You relay too much information from time to time, you cite documents pertaining to RMS, and to then claim ignorance?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 7:00 am,

      Where in my blog did I ever cite an RMS document?

    5. I refer to when you cite documents that identify RMS's purpose on Guam, their bylaws. I only mean to point out that you are very knowledgeable and read pertinent documents. So when you claim to not know who this Susanna person is, it is quite unbelievable.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 10:09 am,

      Could you point out those documents on my blog? There is a search button on my blog. The only document that I ever cited was the one that I took from Tim's blog. He was the one who cited the purpose of the RM seminary. I only showed that he was reading it incorrectly.

    7. Okay, perhaps that was what I remember. In any case, you provided correction to his interpretation of the document. So, my point is--you are knowledgeable (so much so that you correct him). And you know NCW business on Guam. And yet, you claim to not know that Susanna person?

    8. Dear Anonymous at 10:32 am,

      I provided corrections to his interpretations because I do not have a reading disability nor an agenda to remove the Archbishop. I know the NCW on Guam because I am a Co-responsible and have been walking for over 8 years in the Way. That does not make me Susanna. From what the Anonymous person said about Susanna, she is part of a mission family and not from Guam. My family is not on mission, and I am a Chamorro, born and raised on Guam.

      If you read all my comments in the past, every time I speak of my island, I always say "ON" Guam. Only a native of Guam uses the preposition "on". Foreigners use the preposition "in" because they are used to saying "in" Spain or "in" Poland or "in" Guam. Only the local people of Guam say "on" Guam. They never "in" Guam.


  3. So sorry, I missed programming. Will it be on YouTube? Thanks, Diana. : (

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:15 am,

      I am sure it will be on YouTube, hopefully with English subtitles. Kiko was speaking Spanish when I saw it live.

  4. Great. N what will be the title to search?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:54 am,

      Below is an entry post I wrote last year in December. All you had to do was put Guam in the search engine on this blog, and it will take you to the post that has the name " Guam" in it.

  5. the homily the archbishop that he wanted to call himself with the seminarians of Redentoris mater. He said that he accompanied the Pope these days and the Pope spoke of the Neocatechumenal wonderful tool of the Holy Spirit for the evangelization in the Church and in the mono de-Christianized.
    In his speech he stressed that "there is a group in the Church today that reflects the life of the Acts of the Apostles best that the Neocatechumenal Way." "When bishops and lay faithful of the world see you, they learn what it means to be the Church," the bishop said. Chaput.
    The archbishop also revealed that the Pope Francis blessed a stone taken near the tomb of St. Peter in Rome as a 'cornerstone' of the new Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Philadelphia.

    1. Diana, are any of these wonderful things what you promised as a big surprise for October? Also, the video of yesterday seems down.

    2. Diana, when will you tell the October surprise you mentioned? We need good news.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:12 pm,

      It will be announced at the Beginning of the year convivience.

    4. Oh, I thought you said October. Sorry. I was just looking forward.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 2:12 pm,

      The Beginning of the year concvivience is in October.

  6. Diana, why are you allowing these disrespectful comments??

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:14 pm,

      I apologized. I saw those comments and could have sworn that I deleted them. I must have pressed the wrong button by mistake.

  7. How come the Philidelphia video was taken down. How can I watch the whole thing?
