Blog Song

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Write To Rome

To those who have used four-letter vulgar words, your comments were not published and will never be published.  Four-letter vulgar words starting with the "F" or "S" words are unacceptable.  Calling me the "B" word is also unacceptable.  I understand that some of you are extremely frustrated that Rome has remained silent and done absolutely nothing to help your cause.  However, that is no reason for you to come here and vent your rage and frustrations on me.  Why?  Because I am not Rome nor the Pope.  If you wish to vent your rage and frustrations, write ANOTHER letter to Rome.  You can express your frustrations to Rome all you want. If that does not work, then try yoga.  It may even make you feel better, but do not think that I will publish your comments with those vulgar words.  Please use G-rated language.    

To those who continue to accuse the NCW of celebrating an illicit Mass, please write your letter of complaint to the Vatican.  You may even contact the Nuncio.  We already told you that we have the permission from the Pope to celebrate the Eucharist the way we do.  Since you do not believe the NCW or the Archbishop, you may write to Rome and bring it up to them.  A dialogue that goes around in circles serves no beneficial purpose.  Also, you have no authority to demand that the NCW should celebrate Mass this way or that way. 


  1. thank you diana

    very insulting those f and s words, their extent of knowledge

    can we talk about kiko, carmen
    i don't mean what i can find on the web

    what are they like, what do they do, what is favorite color, food?

    thank you

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:57 pm,

      I do not think you would find very personal information like their favorite food and color. Kiko and Carment are the founders of the Neocatechumenal Way. You can find information about them in the following weblink:

    2. my dear diana, the title of your blog: Neocatechumenal Way - An Insider's View

      my interest is in YOUR insider's view

      thus far, all i see are anti-neo comments, from those that dislike the neo-church
      then we have rants and raves from those who support the neo-church

      all can be read from other websites as well,what i don't see from those to claim an insider's view, is their view of the neo-church, i guess like them, you too are to busy defending....

      so, my dear diana, you claim to live on-island, i live on-island as well, what is your view, i truly would like to read

      thank you

    3. Dear brandi,

      I agree 100% with your observation. The title of this blog is "Neocatechumenal Way - An Insider's View" but what we're really getting is a lot of anti-neo comments and rants and raves from neo supporters. I came to this blog after reading the Junglewatch one to see what it was about.

      The Junglewatch one seems to "watch" what's going on in the "jungle" so I expected to learn more about the neos coming here. But as you said, it looks like there's more time spent on reacting to what goes on in the "jungle" than really giving us an insider's view.

      I hope we get more of the insider's view soon.

    4. Dear brandi,

      These are a list of things why I like being in the Way. Others may have their own list.

      1. The active participation. All members participate in the preparation and setting up of each celebration of the Word and Eucharist. For the celebration of the Word, it is the laity who chooses the readings and sets it up. Although one group may have prepared and set it up, everyone actively participates. Because we take the time and effort in setting up and preparing, the celebration of the word and Eucharist becomes more meaningful for us.

      2. The priest knows me personally. The priest knows me by name because the community is small. I am not just another face he sees in Mass. I am not someone he knows as a parishioner only because he sees me in his parish every Mass. He knows my name. The name of a person is always important to them.

      3. Our struggles help the community grow. Because of the sharings, we have gotten to know each other and the struggles we go through. It brings the brothers and sisters closer because the struggles are things that everyone goes through. Their sharings help me and my family grow in faith because we can relate everything they say to what we go through in our life. It also helps us to recognize who we are. Their testimonies and the changes that takes place in their life also helped the community grow in faith and closer to Christ.

      4. The youth in the Way impressed me a lot. We get about 100 youths every month reading and studying scripture for four hours. They participate in a two hour mass and in six hour vigils with joy. I never hear them complain about the lengthy hours. They also participate in the World Youth Day pilgrimage to see the Pope.

      5. I also like the morning prayers where faith is transmitted from the father to the kids. It has become the norm to prepare the best and favorite food. The table is nicely decorated with flowers with a crucifix in the middle. During morning prayer, the father always blesses the children, and our kids always look forward to the blessings.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 12:40 pm,

      The Insider's View is also to set the record straight and dispel any false rumors regarding the Way. It is true that anti-neos come into this blog. Anti-Neos like Tim Rohr and Chuck White have never been to a catechesis and never walked in the NCW. I have been walking in the Way for 9 years now; therefore, when the anti-neos come here, I and those commenters walking in the Way let them know the truth from our side. There are also those who are not anti-neo but have questions about the Way. This blog is also to answer those questions.

    6. my dear diana, to your July 5, 2015 at 12:54 PM reply

      thank you for your honest response, regarding items 1 thru 5, and for me yes yes to your item 1, is what i miss the most, hours of active participation, this participation is not only reading of the word, but most of all to actively bring these words into my life, to live within these words, and for your words I thank you again…

      in my other life, i walked the streets of milan, florence and rome, as well in barcelona and madrid, way way before the www

      my dear diana, i see that you are 9 years young in the way, may your christian health and education in faith, serve you well in your mission of service to all... thank you again


    7. my inside view...

      1. I have come to appreciate how the community really moves as ONE. There is no division. There isnt an elite group of people who form cliques. You dont see this in the NCW. Everyone comes as equals. There are no formalities. You wont find a special group of people who are priviledged to join Father for after mass affairs. The community will host Father and all are
      2. The celebrations of the Word and Eucharist have been very instrumental in my formation as a christian. The consistent gatherings add a regular dose of enlightenment for me. My bible doesnt gather dust anymore.
      3. The opportunity to convene with the entire community once a month helps me to look at what has been helping me thereby encouraging me to continue. Not on my will but by the grace of God.
      4. The spirit of the NCW is very different from past experiences. It is not charismatic. It is not overly penitential. The Spirit is hard to explain but whatever it is, it creates an atmosphere that continues to draw me closer to God.

      -Jokers Wild

  2. RIGHT ON DIANA RIGHT ON..........................:-)))))))


  3. No one should be using foul language. Our focus is the Holy Mass and protecting the Holy Mass. We do not accept the NCW Practices but as long as we keep our own Mass chapel, Sacraments with authentic catholic priests we can receive the Eucharist bread of life into our soul. We don't need Apuron or NCW to live our catholic faith. Catholic kerygma is activating on Guam and welcomes everyone including NCW.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:30 am,

      Good luck on your Catholic kerygma. And thanks to the NCW that it finally got you moving into doing something in learning about the Catholic faith or at least bringing back some of the Catholics who have strayed away. Before the NCW, no one did a thing while our Catholic brothers either stopped going to Church or left the Church to join other Christian churches.

  4. "Before the NCW, no one did a thing"

    Wow, I thought you supported the Archbishop. I guess you think he was a failure too.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:11 am,

      I was referring to you. The Archbishop spoke out against abortion, gambling, and same-sex marriage. He taught about the Catholic faith, but the laity needs to participate in that teaching. What made the NCW successful was that it was the laity who came together as a community. As a community, they read the Bible and Catechism together as a celebration, took part in the Eucharistic celebration as active participants, and gave concrete testimonies on how God worked in their life: testimonies which helped the brothers in their community to grow. It was the laity who was doing the Kerygma under the guidance of a priest, and it was the laity who practiced their baptismal promise by participating in the Great Mission.

    2. Tim tried holding bible or catechism classes at one time, but that was a failure. One reason why I think it turned out to be a failure was because Tim did most of the talking. In Tim's bible or catechism class, everyone was learning only from Tim, but in the Way, we all learned from each other. Everything in Tim's class was based on knowledge of Catholic teaching. There was no spirit in it.

      They would talk about evangelization. They spoke about how the Jehovah witnesses evangelized door to door, and how we Catholics should be doing that cuz we're the true church. And all the time they spoke about evangelization, they never organized a time to evangelize door to door. So, everything was based on knowing about the faith of Catholicism, but putting the faith into practice was not there.

    3. Anonymous @ 11:29 AM, Tim Rohr has held (and continues to hold) catechism classes for many years, from the time his family ran the Basilica Cafe to the present. A couple of my friends told me they attend but I forgot to ask them where they meet.

      I don't think Tim Rohr's plan of action is to get people to evangelize going door to door but how to respond to questions about or attacks on the faith. You mock Tim Rohr's classes because "they never organized a time to evangelize door to door" and your judge the effectiveness of his classes by claiming "everything was based on knowing about the faith of Catholicism, but putting the faith into practice was not there." Actually my friends told me that one of those attending Tim Rohr's classes converted to Catholicism as a result of sitting in the sessions and asking questions while they met at the Basilica Cafe.

      Tim Rohr does not have to do what you do. Remember what St. Paul said: "There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit. To one is given through the Spirit the expression of wisdom; to another the expression of knowledge according to the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit; to another mighty deeds; to another prophecy; to another discernment of spirits; to another varieties of tongues; to another interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing them individually to each person as he wishes." (1 Cor 9:4-11)

      BTW: The "spirit" in Tim Rohr's classes may not be "on fire" like yours and his group might not be going door to door but the (HOLY) SPIRIT does act in Tim Rohr's classes.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 12:29 pm,

      I agree that the Holy Spirit have acted in Tim Rohr in holding those classes, but don't you think the Holy Spirit would want more? Don't you think the Holy Spirit would also want Tim Rohr's classes to be "on fire" as well? The most converts comes from those who practice what they preach rather than those who are all preaching and no practice. The Holy Bible says, faith comes with action. So, if a person is going to be critical about the Catholic Church not evangelizing the way the Jehovah Witnesses do, don't you think that that person should do something about it rather than making critical statements?

    5. I want to attend a tim rohr class.

      please send me the information


    6. Diana @ 1:45 PM, I'm so glad you "agree that the Holy Spirit have acted in Tim Rohr in holding those classes" but then you ask "Don't you think the Holy Spirit would also want Tim Rohr's classes to be "on fire" as well?"

      Are you saying that St. Paul was wrong when he wrote "To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit"? Each person can be "on fire" in his/her individual way. Not everyone has to be "on fire" according to YOUR "standards."

    7. Dear Anonymous at 10:04 am,

      Having those classes allows people to be knowledgeable in our Catholic faith, but what purpose does that knowledge serve if they do not put it to some good use. In other words, after taking one or two years of Tim's classes, then what? What do these members do with this knowledge?

  5. No Anonymous July 5, 2015 at 10:11 AM; we do not think Arch Bishop Apuron was a failure.

    Your comment is affirmation of the lack of knowledge you have as a Catholic and I seriously doubt if you are a Christian. You certainly do not have the love of your fellow man.

    I can say many other things that will not make you happy but it is useless.

    To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible
    ST. Thomas



  6. The goal of Tim Rohr is to teach the truth of catholic faith and morals. This he one's very well.

    NCW teaches kikology . Not everyone wants to learn kikology but the theology of the catholic church so they consult the jungle for sound catholic teaching.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:27 pm,

      What you call "kikology" has been approved by the Vatican. Chuck White criticizes and demeans the first volume of the Catechetical Directory, which was approved by Rome. Furthermore, I just wrote an entry post about "white martyrdom" .........something that the jungle has never heard about, but is definitely Catholic teaching.

    2. The goal of rohr is to teach Rohr's faith and morals. This is the only thing man can do by himself. His faith and morals are expressively noted in his jw site, in the newspapers, in his books, in his inner circle.

      This is not Catholic faith and morals as one guided by the Holy Spirit.


      The faith of Jesus Christ does not question his authority in heaven or earth.


    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:27 pm,

      I agree with JSB. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

      CCC 1269 Having become a member of the Church, the person baptized belongs no longer to himself, but to him who died and rose for us. From now on, he is called to be subject to others, to serve them in the communion of the Church, and to "obey and submit" to the Church's leaders, holding them in respect and affection. Just as Baptism is the source of responsibilities and duties, the baptized person also enjoys rights within the Church: to receive the sacraments, to be nourished with the Word of God and to be sustained by the other spiritual helps of the Church.

      This catechism is aligned with Sacred Scripture that also tells us the same thing:

      Hebrews 13:17 Obey your leaders and submit to them; for they are keeping watch over your souls, as men who will have to give account. Let them do this joyfully, and not sadly, for that would be of no advantage to you.

      How does one teach the truth of the Catholic Church......truth that instructs the baptized to obey their Bishops and lead a life going against the Bishop?

    4. Dear JSB.

      Tim Rohr now has international readership of very substantial numbers. He is highly respected not only as a catholic apologist but also as journalist with integrity bringing us news on the internal crisis facing archbishop Sablan. Highly respected writer.


    5. Kikology not in communion with cathoic sacramental theology.
      One may attend the Neo Mass . However, best not to receive Holy Communion a there now are serious mental reservation concerning the intention of the presbyter to consecrate bread and wine according to the intention of the Church.
      Neo Mass while ok as a prayer service it can never be considered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 3:23 am,

      Two popes have received Holy Communion in the NCW. That alone says enough about your prejudice comment.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 3:23 am,

      Two popes have received Holy Communion in the NCW. That alone says enough about your prejudice comment.

    8. Which two popes? Please provide your evidence. And in any case, the "popes" are not formed by the NCW and therefore we can trust their intentions when they celebrate Mass.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 10:47 am,

      The two were Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI.

  7. Fantastic

    A ‘prophecy’ in a radio conversation on Christmas Day 1969, expressed by a young 42 year old theologian Joseph Ratzinger in Regensburg, Germany

    "From the current crisis will emerge a Church that has lost a lot. It will become small and has to start again, more or less from the beginning. It will no longer be able to live in the buildings built in the time of prosperity. With the decrease of its faithful, it will also lose many of its social privileges. It will start again with small groups, movements and a minority that will put Faith at the center of their experience. It will be a more spiritual Church, that will not misappropriate a political mandate, now flirting with the left now with the right. It will be poor and will become the Church of the underprivileged. Then, and only then, they will see this little flock of believers as something totally new: they will discover it as a hope for themselves, the answer they had always looked for in secret. "

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:01 pm,

      Thank you for this information. I found it on the Internet and will make it my next entry post.

    2. "It will no longer be able to live in the buildings built in the time of prosperity."

      We always knew this was the goal of the destroy the church's parish model and replace it with their small communities.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 4:15 am,

      The Pope never said that the parish will be destroyed. He prophesized that the future Catholic Church will no longer need to live in the buildings of prosperity. So, you still have your buildings.

  8. haha that was good one about yoga :)
