Blog Song

Monday, June 29, 2015

To Anonymous Who Accused The NCW Of Bad Words In The Jungle

What makes you so certain that it was a member of the NCW who said those vile things in the jungle when they use their name as "anonymous" like you did?  Tim Rohr made a lot of enemies.  The priests whom you made fun of in the jungle (such as Father Rudy) also have family and friends and have become enemies of Tim Rohr.  So, what makes you think it was a member of the NCW? As a matter of fact, even some of those in the Guam Legislature do not like Tim Rohr.  So, again, what makes you think it is a member of the NCW when Tim Rohr has made so many enemies that are not even in the NCW?   

All you ever do in the jungle is make rampant speculations as to the identity of the anonymous commenters.  You accuse almost every anonymous commenters in the jungle as Father Adrian or the Archbishop.  This only goes to show the jungle's arrogance.  Father Adrian and the Archbishop have better things to do than make comments in the jungle.  The jungle have also accused me of being Jackie Terlaje, Holly, Susanna, Father Pius, Father Edivaldo, etc.  Now, Tim Rohr actually thinks I am a conglomerate of many different people, and he is still wrong about who I am.  How much more the commenters he accused on his blog?  


  1. Well Diana, I hope you have the courage to look in the mirror. You are guilty of bad mouthing people too. Almost every comment found in your blog mentions Tim that is he the cause of everything going wrong in our archdiocese. So stop complaining if you are guilty as well!!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:27 pm,

      I do not badmouth Tim with vulgar words nor do I make fun of him or his photos. I tell it like it is. He loves the attention he gets, which is why he chose to publish those vulgar words on his blog. Statistics have always shown that the more violent and vulgar the movie, the more popular it is. The same is true with the social media.

    2. I attended an Ash Wednesday Mass at UOG a couple years ago... I greeted one priest who is a friend of Tim Rohr... he told me to ignore Rohr and not go into junglewatch... cause Rohr is seeking attention and numbers... I am sure this priest will recognize himself and know who I am.

  2. jungle arrogance you got that right .everything you read in his blog is nothing but hate for the bishop.he;s like satan like to start up a lot of bad stuff

    1. Hate you say? How about the truth? Can you refute any of the issues pointed out other than to say it's a hate blog? Frankly, that's only what people will say when they can't stand the truth!

    2. Dear Anonymous at 5:26 am,

      Yes hate. There is no truth in it. It has all been twisted around. For example, the jungle claims that the NCW does not believe in Purgatory, and all they did was get a sample of Father Pius' words about a seminarian who passed away. Someone on this blog even pointed out that if you read every single obituary in the PDN, it says that the deceased are either Home with God or in Heaven. Does this mean that the Catholics who placed those obituary do not believe in Purgatory? Every Catholic believe in Purgatory, which is why we always pray or say Mass for our loved ones. Did Tim Rohr or Chuck White ever ask anyone in the NCW if they believe in Purgatory? No, of course not. They simply take a sentence or two and invent their own stories about them.


    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:34 am,

      Thank you for the weblink

  4. Let us only pray for our persecutors.
