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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Archbishop Blesses The Great Mission

Archbishop Anthony S.
Apuron blesses Joseph
Naputi a member of the
Neo-Catechumenal Way
during the “Great Mission
Send off,” on Thursday April
16, at the Ypao Amphitheatre
in Tumon. Mr. Naputi will join
thousands of members of
the Neo-Catechumenal Way
around the world who, in their
particular dioceses, will go
to the public squares during
the Sundays of Easter and
announce the Good News of
the Risen Jesus Christ. PHOTO BY
Gospel being proclaimed in public squares of Guam, Saipan
For the U Matuna Si Yu’oS
Hundreds of members of the Neocatechumenal Way gathered in front of the Ypao
Beach Amphitheatre in Tumon Thursday evening, April 16, 2015 for a Sending Forth Celebration for “The Great Mission.”
It was a festive occasion and everyone braved the rain with joy. The Great Mission started Sunday, April 12, 2015 worldwide, including Guam and Saipan and will continue for the next few Sundays of Easter in public squares with midafternoon prayers, personal testimonies, dialogue and catechesis.
During the Sending Forth in Tumon, Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, OFM, Cap. D.D. was the main presider for the celebration and blessed the teams of islandwide
catechists leading The Great Mission in various public locations, whether it be in parks or
shopping centers on Guam.
After the gospel proclamation, Archbishop Anthony, in his homily said, “What matters
is the sending out by Jesus Christ of those who choose to be his followers to help in the
mission. The mission is that of evangelizing, preaching, teaching and witnessing. Jesus
challenges us today to continue in this mission.”
Archbishop Anthony acknowledged that many present at the celebration have participated
in The Great Mission the past few years and that this year, we are called today
to go out to the streets to invite those who are either marginalized, left the Church, have
problems with the Church, whatever it may be, and to invite them to discover the beauty
of Christianity.
“The saving message comes to and settles with Jesus Christ,” said Archbishop Anthony.
“There is nothing that the world can offer us that will satisfy the deep longing of our
hearts. We are troubled by many things in our lives.”
“Jesus asks us to go and preach the Gospel, to go and teach all nations, to go and be
willing to die for Him,” continued the archbishop. “The way to Christ and to salvation
is the way of the cross. We cannot deny the cross. We must accept it. We must embrace it. We must carry it in our lives even in a visible and physical way, even if we are persecuted, contradicted, or chastised, we must be able to touch the hearts with the saving message of God.”
Noting to the assembly that this task will not be easy, he explained, “It will be difficult
because the way to the cross is not an easy way, but it is not an impossible way either because Christ gives us the strength. He gives us the courage. He gives us the animation by which we can go and speak in his name.” “All the troubles we experience in our
lives, in our homes, in our Church, in the world, is worth it when we realize our lives
are meant to be as pilgrim people and not live here eternally,” said Archbishop Anthony.
The Great Mission started two years ago during “The Year of Faith” and took place in
more than 10,000 squares around the world. Even this year, Pope Francis during his Sunday meeting in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican encouraged members of the Neo-Catechumenal Way, “Go into the public places and proclaim Jesus Christ, our Savior.”
At the end of the Sending Forth Celebration, Archbishop Anthony said, “I invite you
my dear brothers and sisters as we prepare for this Great Mission to not be afraid but to carry with us the cross and the strength of Jesus who will always be with us and at our side!”
The brothers and sisters of the Neocatechumenal communities will evangelize in the public squares of Guam and Saipan announcing the Kerygma (good news). Everyone is invited.
Agana: Paseo De Susana (Pavilion No. 2 by the softball field), 4 p.m. and Agana Shopping Center, 5 p.m.
Agat: Agat Mayor’s Office (front), 4 p.m.
Dededo: Dededo Sports Complex in Harmon, 5 p.m.
Merizo: Merizo Pier Park, 5 p.m.
Talofofo: Ipan Beach Park – 4pm
Tumon: Ypao Beach Park, 4:30 p.m.
Saipan: Micro-Beach, Garapan, 1 p.m.


  1. The grace of God in action in mortal man.

    John 13:34-35 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”


  2. Keep up the good work..... God will reward you.

  3. The adjenda for the Chatholics of Guam during their caravan and subsequent prayer was to show their selfish dissatisfaction with Arch Bishop Apuron leadership.

    the adjenda for this Great Mission blessing by the Arch Bishop was Jesus Christ.

    The Arch Bishop follows...obeys. What is secondary to Jesus Christ?



